MX Simulator
TrackRidge Riders
Format 5 laps
Date2/1/2013, 2:53:29 AM (4360 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1NZIrwin 362 | Team NZ crf450(2013)5 9:32.3905 1:39.2188265
222Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain crf250(2013)5 9:45.2032 1:39.3511466
3677Jose #677 crf250(2009)5 9:59.1952 1:53.5396557
4867Shaun Storey | 125sx5 11:50.1093 1:53.5003940
5Blake Bishop crf250(2013)4 10:25.2964 2:21.6328884
6128Ryan Gould 250sx(2012)4 10:26.9212 2:16.6094187
7 kx450f(2013)4 10:28.5853 2:12.9608426
8426andrewl426 yz250f(2013)4 10:36.4842 2:10.4608500
9407kozakcon yz250(2012)4 10:40.1484 2:21.4688532
10259chase lorenz rs50kx4 11:50.1873 2:39.1959699
11205Mason Bell #205 kx250f(2009)4 14:04.1403 2:30.3046796
12119Bob Motocross kx250f(2013)3 6:51.3753 2:09.8047271
131brayden taylor crf250(2009)3 8:26.5002 2:24.5627751
1417Nahrstedt | privateer kx450f(2011)3 10:12.6483 2:50.1793530
158Matt #8 yz450f(2011)3 10:18.1400 0:00.0003937
1691JaredMorton91 crf250(2009)2 5:05.1012 2:13.6567289
17justin/privateer rmz250(2009)1 3:08.2730 0:00.0009715
18555Brandon Cummings#555 kx250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008432
19324Collin324(TeamEpic) rs50rm0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006446
2025Kelliher 450sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008377
21143landry yz250f(2013)0 0:03.9840 0:00.0008379

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P2 677 22 22 NZ 22
P3 119 677 677 677 677
P4 22 119 119 867 867
P5 91 91 867
P6 407 407
P7 867 128 128
P8 867 128 426 426
P9 426 407
P10 128 407 259
P11 259 1 1 205
P12 426 259
P13 1 259 205
P14 8 17
P15 205 205 8
P16 17 17
P17 8

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:39.218 5 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
1:39.351 2 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
1:49.171 2 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
1:52.820 3 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
1:53.148 3 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
1:53.500 3 867 Shaun Storey |
1:53.539 2 677 Jose #677
1:53.875 3 677 Jose #677
1:54.851 4 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
1:56.484 5 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
1:56.765 4 677 Jose #677
1:57.875 5 677 Jose #677
1:59.960 4 867 Shaun Storey |
2:03.289 4 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
2:09.804 3 119 Bob Motocross
2:10.460 2 426 andrewl426
2:12.960 3
2:13.656 2 91 JaredMorton91
2:16.609 2 128 Ryan Gould
2:20.648 3 426 andrewl426
2:21.382 2 119 Bob Motocross
2:21.468 4 407 kozakcon
2:21.632 4 Blake Bishop
2:22.234 2
2:24.562 2 1 brayden taylor
2:24.859 3 1 brayden taylor
2:29.554 2 867 Shaun Storey |
2:30.304 3 205 Mason Bell #205
2:30.640 4 426 andrewl426
2:32.640 3 128 Ryan Gould
2:34.000 2 407 kozakcon
2:39.195 3 259 chase lorenz
2:41.234 4 259 chase lorenz
2:47.351 2 Blake Bishop
2:50.179 3 17 Nahrstedt | privateer
2:52.796 3 407 kozakcon
3:04.664 2 205 Mason Bell #205
3:05.070 2 259 chase lorenz

Individual Worst Laps

1:56.484 5 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
1:57.875 5 677 Jose #677
2:03.289 4 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
2:13.656 2 91 JaredMorton91
2:21.382 2 119 Bob Motocross
2:22.234 2
2:24.859 3 1 brayden taylor
2:29.554 2 867 Shaun Storey |
2:30.640 4 426 andrewl426
2:32.640 3 128 Ryan Gould
2:47.351 2 Blake Bishop
2:52.796 3 407 kozakcon
3:05.070 2 259 chase lorenz
3:37.351 3 8 Matt #8
3:40.375 2 17 Nahrstedt | privateer
4:44.679 4 205 Mason Bell #205


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.148 1 brayden taylor
1.853 677 Jose #677
5.789 119 Bob Motocross
6.552 128 Ryan Gould
6.780 22 Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain
8.238 426 andrewl426
8.626 NZ Irwin 362 | Team NZ
11.747 259 chase lorenz
12.875 407 kozakcon
14.937 867 Shaun Storey |
20.248 Blake Bishop
25.098 17 Nahrstedt | privateer
26.102 8 Matt #8
56.999 205 Mason Bell #205
- 555 Brandon Cummings#555
- 324 Collin324(TeamEpic)
- 143 landry
- justin/privateer
- 25 Kelliher
- 91 JaredMorton91

Play by Play

Irwin 362 | Team NZ takes the holeshot followed by kozakcon, Jose #677, Bob Motocross, , chase lorenz, landry, brayden taylor , Mason Bell #205, JaredMorton91, Ryan Gould, Nahrstedt | privateer, Kelliher, andrewl426, Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain, Blake Bishop, Shaun Storey |, Brandon Cummings#555, Matt #8 and justin/privateer

0:11.367 - 0:15.812: kozakcon passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for the lead
0:12.960 - 0:17.218: Jose #677 passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for 2nd
0:13.093 - 0:17.906: Bob Motocross passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for 3rd
0:14.578 - 0:18.578: passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for 4th
0:16.148 - 0:19.718: brayden taylor passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ, landry and chase lorenz for 5th
0:16.921 - 0:20.757: Mason Bell #205 passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ, landry and chase lorenz for 6th
0:15.632 - 0:21.273: chase lorenz passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for 7th
0:17.031 - 0:21.625: JaredMorton91 passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ and landry for 8th
0:17.343 - 0:22.156: Ryan Gould passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ and landry for 9th
0:20.296 - 0:24.125: Kelliher passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ, landry and Nahrstedt | privateer for 10th
0:19.664 - 0:24.468: Nahrstedt | privateer passed landry for 12th
0:21.546 - 0:25.250: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed andrewl426 and landry for 13th
0:20.507 - 0:25.937: andrewl426 passed landry for 14th
0:21.625 - 0:26.656: JaredMorton91 passed brayden taylor , Bob Motocross, , chase lorenz and Mason Bell #205 for 3rd
0:22.843 - 0:27.992: Blake Bishop passed landry for 15th
0:21.273 - 0:30.007: chase lorenz passed brayden taylor , Bob Motocross, and Mason Bell #205 for 4th
0:25.250 - 0:31.218: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Ryan Gould, brayden taylor , Irwin 362 | Team NZ, Bob Motocross, , Nahrstedt | privateer and Mason Bell #205 for 5th
0:24.359 - 0:31.570: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Ryan Gould, brayden taylor , Bob Motocross, and Mason Bell #205 for 6th
0:20.757 - 0:33.523: Mason Bell #205 passed brayden taylor and for 8th
0:19.718 - 0:35.132: brayden taylor passed for 9th
0:24.859 - 0:35.656: Jose #677 passed kozakcon for the lead
0:30.679 - 0:38.265: Brandon Cummings#555 passed Blake Bishop, andrewl426, Shaun Storey | and Nahrstedt | privateer for 12th
0:34.296 - 0:39.898: justin/privateer passed Blake Bishop, andrewl426, Shaun Storey |, Nahrstedt | privateer and Matt #8 for 13th
0:31.218 - 0:40.179: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed chase lorenz, JaredMorton91 and kozakcon for 2nd
0:31.570 - 0:41.500: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed chase lorenz, JaredMorton91 and kozakcon for 3rd
0:32.523 - 0:43.304: Bob Motocross passed chase lorenz, JaredMorton91 and kozakcon for 4th
0:29.539 - 0:45.359: Shaun Storey | passed Blake Bishop, andrewl426 and Nahrstedt | privateer for 14th
0:27.992 - 0:46.218: Blake Bishop passed andrewl426 and Nahrstedt | privateer for 15th
0:25.937 - 0:51.492: andrewl426 passed Nahrstedt | privateer for 16th
0:32.796 - 0:53.382: Matt #8 passed Nahrstedt | privateer for 17th
0:37.765 - 1:00.992: Ryan Gould passed brayden taylor , , chase lorenz and Mason Bell #205 for 7th
0:39.898 - 1:02.093: justin/privateer went off the track
0:51.492 - 1:03.500: andrewl426 passed brayden taylor , Blake Bishop, , Shaun Storey |, chase lorenz and Mason Bell #205 for 8th
0:35.132 - 1:10.593: brayden taylor passed Mason Bell #205 for 10th
0:45.359 - 1:10.640: Shaun Storey | passed and Mason Bell #205 for 11th
1:10.640 - 1:14.015: Shaun Storey | passed brayden taylor and chase lorenz for 10th
0:53.382 - 1:14.179: Matt #8 passed Blake Bishop, and Mason Bell #205 for 12th
0:46.218 - 1:16.460: Blake Bishop passed and Mason Bell #205 for 13th
1:14.179 - 1:18.234: Matt #8 passed brayden taylor and chase lorenz for 11th
1:10.593 - 1:18.257: brayden taylor passed chase lorenz for 12th
1:14.554 - 1:20.054: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for 2nd
1:13.765 - 1:20.445: justin/privateer passed JaredMorton91 for 6th
1:17.921 - 1:22.132: passed Mason Bell #205 for 15th
1:19.492 - 1:23.390: Nahrstedt | privateer passed Mason Bell #205 for 16th
1:18.257 - 1:25.742: brayden taylor passed Matt #8 for 11th
1:20.812 - 1:29.195: Blake Bishop passed chase lorenz for 13th
1:23.390 - 1:32.273: Nahrstedt | privateer passed for 15th
1:29.195 - 1:32.484: Blake Bishop passed brayden taylor for 11th
1:24.648 - 1:32.898: Mason Bell #205 passed for 16th
1:29.843 - 1:33.250: chase lorenz passed brayden taylor for 12th
1:26.195 - 1:35.031: Matt #8 went off the track
1:32.273 - 1:35.726: Nahrstedt | privateer passed brayden taylor for 13th
1:32.898 - 1:36.289: Mason Bell #205 passed brayden taylor for 14th
1:29.710 - 1:37.328: andrewl426 passed Ryan Gould for 8th
1:30.554 - 1:37.593: Shaun Storey | passed Ryan Gould for 9th
1:34.945 - 1:38.117: passed brayden taylor for 15th
1:29.398 - 1:40.382: JaredMorton91 passed justin/privateer and kozakcon for 5th
1:36.343 - 1:43.796: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Jose #677 for the lead
1:37.593 - 1:46.117: Shaun Storey | passed andrewl426 and justin/privateer for 7th
1:42.390 - 1:49.210: Mason Bell #205 passed Nahrstedt | privateer for 14th
1:46.703 - 1:55.468: Blake Bishop passed Ryan Gould and Matt #8 for 10th
1:49.210 - 1:57.296: Mason Bell #205 passed Ryan Gould, chase lorenz and Matt #8 for 11th
1:45.968 - 1:58.320: JaredMorton91 went off the track
1:55.304 - 2:03.062: brayden taylor passed , Nahrstedt | privateer, chase lorenz and Matt #8 for 13th
1:43.484 - 2:03.578: Bob Motocross passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for 3rd
1:58.757 - 2:05.968: Ryan Gould passed Mason Bell #205 for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:07.562: Irwin 362 | Team NZ finished lap 1 ( 2:07.562)
2:01.968 - 2:09.976: Blake Bishop passed andrewl426 for 8th
2:05.968 - 2:15.992: Ryan Gould passed andrewl426 for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:17.140: Jose #677 finished lap 1 ( 2:17.140)
0:00.000 - 2:20.187: Bob Motocross finished lap 1 ( 2:20.187)
0:00.000 - 2:21.695: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain finished lap 1 ( 2:21.695)
2:09.695 - 2:24.539: Matt #8 passed brayden taylor for 13th
2:09.734 - 2:25.281: chase lorenz passed brayden taylor for 14th
2:21.695 - 2:25.375: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Bob Motocross for 3rd
2:20.390 - 2:27.242: passed brayden taylor and Nahrstedt | privateer for 15th
2:21.492 - 2:28.953: Shaun Storey | passed kozakcon for 6th
2:25.281 - 2:34.507: chase lorenz passed Matt #8 for 12th
2:22.765 - 2:37.164: andrewl426 passed Ryan Gould for 10th
2:28.992 - 2:38.101: Nahrstedt | privateer passed brayden taylor , and Matt #8 for 13th
2:38.101 - 2:44.492: Nahrstedt | privateer passed chase lorenz for 13th
0:00.000 - 2:45.609: JaredMorton91 finished lap 1 ( 2:45.609)
2:27.242 - 2:47.054: passed Matt #8 for 14th
2:28.757 - 2:47.125: brayden taylor passed Matt #8 for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:51.882: kozakcon finished lap 1 ( 2:51.882)
2:33.828 - 2:51.882: kozakcon passed Shaun Storey | for 6th
2:47.125 - 2:52.031: brayden taylor passed for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:53.375: justin/privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:53.375)
2:43.828 - 2:53.375: justin/privateer passed Shaun Storey | for 7th
2:37.945 - 2:56.132: Ryan Gould passed andrewl426 for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:57.500: Shaun Storey | finished lap 1 ( 2:57.500)
2:56.351 - 3:01.031: justin/privateer passed kozakcon for 6th
2:56.570 - 3:01.601: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Jose #677 for 2nd
2:53.015 - 3:03.414: chase lorenz passed Nahrstedt | privateer and Mason Bell #205 for 12th
2:51.296 - 3:06.531: Nahrstedt | privateer passed Mason Bell #205 for 13th
3:00.359 - 3:08.507: Matt #8 passed brayden taylor , and Mason Bell #205 for 14th
2:59.226 - 3:09.984: passed brayden taylor and Mason Bell #205 for 15th
0:00.000 - 3:10.781: Blake Bishop finished lap 1 ( 3:10.781)
3:03.414 - 3:12.679: chase lorenz passed andrewl426 for 11th
0:00.000 - 3:13.695: Ryan Gould finished lap 1 ( 3:13.695)
3:16.992 - 3:21.906: Ryan Gould passed Blake Bishop for 9th
0:00.000 - 3:24.687: chase lorenz finished lap 1 ( 3:24.687)
3:16.109 - 3:25.414: Shaun Storey | passed justin/privateer for 7th
3:08.507 - 3:27.210: Matt #8 passed Nahrstedt | privateer for 13th
3:21.359 - 3:28.484: brayden taylor passed , Nahrstedt | privateer and Mason Bell #205 for 14th
3:09.984 - 3:29.367: passed Nahrstedt | privateer for 15th
0:00.000 - 3:34.734: andrewl426 finished lap 1 ( 3:34.734)
0:00.000 - 3:37.078: brayden taylor finished lap 1 ( 3:37.078)
3:28.484 - 3:37.078: brayden taylor passed Matt #8 for 13th
3:27.351 - 3:37.953: Ryan Gould passed justin/privateer for 8th
0:00.000 - 3:39.484: finished lap 1 ( 3:39.484)
3:29.367 - 3:39.484: passed Matt #8 for 14th
0:00.000 - 3:40.281: Mason Bell #205 finished lap 1 ( 3:40.281)
3:31.703 - 3:40.281: Mason Bell #205 passed Nahrstedt | privateer and Matt #8 for 15th
0:00.000 - 3:42.093: Nahrstedt | privateer finished lap 1 ( 3:42.093)
3:30.796 - 3:42.093: Nahrstedt | privateer passed Matt #8 for 16th
3:37.640 - 3:48.828: Blake Bishop passed justin/privateer for 9th
0:00.000 - 3:52.882: Matt #8 finished lap 1 ( 3:52.882)
2:07.562 - 3:56.734: Irwin 362 | Team NZ finished lap 2 ( 1:49.171)
2:21.695 - 4:01.046: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain finished lap 2 ( 1:39.351)
4:00.789 - 4:05.742: Matt #8 passed Nahrstedt | privateer and Mason Bell #205 for 15th
4:00.351 - 4:05.750: Nahrstedt | privateer passed Mason Bell #205 for 16th
4:05.820 - 4:10.265: justin/privateer went off the track
4:02.484 - 4:10.531: Shaun Storey | passed kozakcon for 6th
2:17.140 - 4:10.679: Jose #677 finished lap 2 ( 1:53.539)
4:02.468 - 4:11.453: andrewl426 passed chase lorenz for 11th
4:14.359 - 4:25.726: brayden taylor passed chase lorenz for 11th
4:05.750 - 4:26.992: Nahrstedt | privateer went off the track
4:19.023 - 4:27.914: kozakcon passed Shaun Storey | for 6th
4:26.796 - 4:33.992: passed chase lorenz for 13th
4:27.937 - 4:35.898: andrewl426 passed Blake Bishop for 9th
2:20.187 - 4:41.570: Bob Motocross finished lap 2 ( 2:21.382)
4:31.101 - 4:48.679: Matt #8 went off the track
4:47.367 - 4:56.218: Ryan Gould passed Shaun Storey | and kozakcon for 6th
4:43.171 - 4:56.476: Shaun Storey | passed kozakcon for 7th
4:48.093 - 4:57.781: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for the lead
2:45.609 - 4:59.265: JaredMorton91 finished lap 2 ( 2:13.656)
4:56.476 - 5:03.625: Shaun Storey | passed Ryan Gould for 6th
4:48.515 - 5:03.710: Mason Bell #205 passed chase lorenz for 13th
5:04.031 - 5:13.664: passed brayden taylor for 11th
2:51.882 - 5:25.882: kozakcon finished lap 2 ( 2:34.000)
5:14.398 - 5:25.882: kozakcon passed Ryan Gould and Shaun Storey | for 6th
2:57.500 - 5:27.054: Shaun Storey | finished lap 2 ( 2:29.554)
5:27.054 - 5:29.617: Shaun Storey | passed kozakcon for 6th
3:13.695 - 5:30.304: Ryan Gould finished lap 2 ( 2:16.609)
5:25.976 - 5:33.140: chase lorenz passed Mason Bell #205 for 13th
5:30.304 - 5:33.742: Ryan Gould passed kozakcon for 7th
5:26.562 - 5:34.429: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for the lead
3:34.734 - 5:45.195: andrewl426 finished lap 2 ( 2:10.460)
3:56.734 - 5:49.882: Irwin 362 | Team NZ finished lap 3 ( 1:53.148)
4:01.046 - 5:53.867: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain finished lap 3 ( 1:52.820)
3:10.781 - 5:58.132: Blake Bishop finished lap 2 ( 2:47.351)
3:37.078 - 6:01.640: brayden taylor finished lap 2 ( 2:24.562)
5:52.554 - 6:01.640: brayden taylor passed for 11th
3:39.484 - 6:01.718: finished lap 2 ( 2:22.234)
4:10.679 - 6:04.554: Jose #677 finished lap 3 ( 1:53.875)
5:40.656 - 6:05.070: Nahrstedt | privateer went off the track
5:47.218 - 6:08.820: Matt #8 passed Mason Bell #205 for 14th
5:59.148 - 6:11.101: andrewl426 passed kozakcon for 7th
6:12.187 - 6:15.875: kozakcon passed andrewl426 for 7th
6:08.820 - 6:16.617: Matt #8 passed chase lorenz for 13th
6:11.773 - 6:26.179: Blake Bishop went off the track
3:24.687 - 6:29.757: chase lorenz finished lap 2 ( 3:05.070)
6:17.312 - 6:29.757: chase lorenz passed Matt #8 for 13th
6:26.179 - 6:37.609: Blake Bishop went off the track
3:52.882 - 6:38.031: Matt #8 finished lap 2 ( 2:45.148)
3:40.281 - 6:44.945: Mason Bell #205 finished lap 2 ( 3:04.664)
4:41.570 - 6:51.375: Bob Motocross finished lap 3 ( 2:09.804)
6:52.953 - 6:58.343: Mason Bell #205 passed Matt #8 for 14th
6:52.851 - 6:59.531: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for the lead
6:52.804 - 7:02.054: brayden taylor passed Blake Bishop for 9th
6:54.890 - 7:06.851: kozakcon passed Ryan Gould for 6th
6:55.695 - 7:07.335: andrewl426 passed Ryan Gould for 7th
7:02.054 - 7:08.046: brayden taylor passed Ryan Gould for 8th
7:05.531 - 7:11.820: Blake Bishop passed Ryan Gould for 9th
6:59.812 - 7:20.070: Matt #8 went off the track
7:11.820 - 7:20.234: Blake Bishop passed brayden taylor , andrewl426 and kozakcon for 6th
5:27.054 - 7:20.554: Shaun Storey | finished lap 3 ( 1:53.500)
3:42.093 - 7:22.468: Nahrstedt | privateer finished lap 2 ( 3:40.375)
7:16.031 - 7:25.351: Ryan Gould passed brayden taylor for 9th
7:19.195 - 7:30.593: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for the lead
7:27.117 - 7:36.210: passed brayden taylor for 10th
7:35.031 - 7:42.500: andrewl426 passed kozakcon for 7th
7:27.460 - 7:43.757: Matt #8 went off the track
7:36.265 - 7:44.335: Ryan Gould passed kozakcon for 8th
5:53.867 - 7:48.718: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain finished lap 4 ( 1:54.851)
7:39.484 - 7:48.718: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Irwin 362 | Team NZ for the lead
5:49.882 - 7:53.171: Irwin 362 | Team NZ finished lap 4 ( 2:03.289)
7:44.335 - 7:53.640: Ryan Gould passed andrewl426 for 7th
5:58.132 - 7:55.898: Blake Bishop finished lap 3 ( 1:57.765)
7:49.671 - 7:56.921: kozakcon passed andrewl426 for 8th
6:04.554 - 8:01.320: Jose #677 finished lap 4 ( 1:56.765)
5:30.304 - 8:02.945: Ryan Gould finished lap 3 ( 2:32.640)
5:45.195 - 8:05.843: andrewl426 finished lap 3 ( 2:20.648)
7:56.929 - 8:05.843: andrewl426 passed kozakcon for 8th
6:01.718 - 8:14.679: finished lap 3 ( 2:12.960)
8:04.335 - 8:14.679: passed kozakcon for 9th
5:25.882 - 8:18.679: kozakcon finished lap 3 ( 2:52.796)
6:01.640 - 8:26.500: brayden taylor finished lap 3 ( 2:24.859)
8:33.054 - 8:41.437: Shaun Storey | passed Bob Motocross for 4th
8:38.210 - 8:47.039: Irwin 362 | Team NZ passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for the lead
8:24.203 - 8:49.593: Matt #8 went off the track
8:16.804 - 8:50.796: Ryan Gould went off the track
8:42.843 - 8:54.093: went off the track
9:01.937 - 9:04.414: brayden taylor passed kozakcon for 10th
6:29.757 - 9:08.953: chase lorenz finished lap 3 ( 2:39.195)
9:04.593 - 9:10.500: kozakcon passed brayden taylor for 10th
6:44.945 - 9:15.250: Mason Bell #205 finished lap 3 ( 2:30.304)
9:11.789 - 9:16.234: Jose #677 passed Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain for 2nd
9:10.781 - 9:17.984: brayden taylor passed kozakcon for 10th
7:20.554 - 9:20.515: Shaun Storey | finished lap 4 ( 1:59.960)
9:22.898 - 9:30.125: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain passed Jose #677 for 2nd
7:53.171 - 9:32.390: Irwin 362 | Team NZ finished lap 5 ( 1:39.218)
7:48.718 - 9:45.203: Dani Ruiz #22 | MxSimSpain finished lap 5 ( 1:56.484)
9:30.867 - 9:46.210: Mason Bell #205 went off the track
9:39.054 - 9:48.101: Nahrstedt | privateer passed Matt #8 for 14th
8:01.320 - 9:59.195: Jose #677 finished lap 5 ( 1:57.875)
9:59.039 - 10:07.406: Ryan Gould passed andrewl426 for 8th
7:22.468 - 10:12.648: Nahrstedt | privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:50.179)
6:38.031 - 10:15.382: Matt #8 finished lap 3 ( 3:37.351)
7:55.898 - 10:17.531: Blake Bishop finished lap 4 ( 2:21.632)
8:14.679 - 10:25.789: finished lap 4 ( 2:11.109)
8:02.945 - 10:26.921: Ryan Gould finished lap 4 ( 2:23.976)
10:22.609 - 10:33.476: chase lorenz passed Mason Bell #205 for 12th
8:05.843 - 10:36.484: andrewl426 finished lap 4 ( 2:30.640)
8:18.679 - 10:40.148: kozakcon finished lap 4 ( 2:21.468)
10:52.054 - 11:00.257: Mason Bell #205 passed chase lorenz for 11th
11:18.351 - 11:28.812: chase lorenz passed Mason Bell #205 for 11th
11:25.867 - 11:42.484: Shaun Storey | went off the track
9:20.515 - 11:42.484: Shaun Storey | finished lap 5 ( 2:21.968)
9:08.953 - 11:50.187: chase lorenz finished lap 4 ( 2:41.234)
9:15.250 - 13:59.929: Mason Bell #205 finished lap 4 ( 4:44.679)