MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date3/8/2013, 9:00:24 AM (4319 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
128Zachary Corbett #28 crf250(2008)5 11:39.7965 2:18.3753262
2JP3JP3 rm1255 11:47.2423 2:11.9921409
3254theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 kx1255 13:15.8593 2:20.3437860
4203Anthony Thiry cr1255 14:37.9453 2:34.1407059
5121cory crf450(2013)4 10:10.8594 2:19.1321813
617Nick kx250f(2013)4 12:38.6874 3:03.5399372
769#99 Hussein rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0006991
818davide kx1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0009317

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 28 28 28 JP3 28
P2 JP3 JP3 JP3 28 JP3
P3 121 121 121 121 254
P4 254 254 254 254 203
P5 17 203 203 203
P6 203 17 17 17

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:11.992 3 JP3 JP3
2:15.468 4 JP3 JP3
2:18.375 5 28 Zachary Corbett #28
2:19.132 4 121 cory
2:20.343 3 254 theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254
2:21.085 2 28 Zachary Corbett #28
2:28.953 2 121 cory
2:33.976 4 254 theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254
2:34.140 3 203 Anthony Thiry
2:36.734 4 203 Anthony Thiry
2:37.062 5 JP3 JP3
2:46.335 2 254 theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254
3:00.507 3 121 cory
3:03.539 4 17 Nick
3:09.210 3 17 Nick
3:19.062 2 17 Nick

Individual Worst Laps

2:24.218 4 28 Zachary Corbett #28
2:37.062 5 JP3 JP3
2:46.335 2 254 theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254
3:00.507 3 121 cory
3:15.687 5 203 Anthony Thiry
3:19.062 2 17 Nick


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.433 28 Zachary Corbett #28
6.414 17 Nick
9.242 254 theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254
9.629 JP3 JP3
16.495 203 Anthony Thiry
17.651 121 cory
- 69 #99 Hussein
- 18 davide

Play by Play

cory takes the holeshot followed by Zachary Corbett #28, Anthony Thiry, JP3, davide , Nick and theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254

0:14.750 - 0:23.984: JP3 passed Anthony Thiry for 3rd
0:24.820 - 0:36.265: Nick passed davide and Anthony Thiry for 4th
0:33.210 - 0:38.421: Zachary Corbett #28 passed cory for the lead
0:31.343 - 0:41.757: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 passed davide for 6th
0:45.171 - 0:50.843: Anthony Thiry passed Nick for 4th
0:50.914 - 0:57.109: Nick passed Anthony Thiry for 4th
1:35.484 - 1:41.445: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 passed Anthony Thiry for 5th
1:35.664 - 1:42.367: JP3 passed cory for 2nd
2:00.273 - 2:09.945: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 passed Nick for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:15.218: Zachary Corbett #28 finished lap 1 ( 2:15.218)
0:00.000 - 2:19.609: JP3 finished lap 1 ( 2:19.609)
0:00.000 - 2:22.265: cory finished lap 1 ( 2:22.265)
2:34.289 - 2:53.093: JP3 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:57.593: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 finished lap 1 ( 2:57.593)
0:00.000 - 3:06.875: Nick finished lap 1 ( 3:06.875)
0:00.000 - 3:23.843: Anthony Thiry finished lap 1 ( 3:23.843)
4:20.890 - 4:23.984: Anthony Thiry passed Nick for 5th
4:22.281 - 4:27.992: JP3 passed cory for 2nd
2:15.218 - 4:36.304: Zachary Corbett #28 finished lap 2 ( 2:21.085)
2:19.609 - 4:42.718: JP3 finished lap 2 ( 2:23.109)
2:22.265 - 4:51.218: cory finished lap 2 ( 2:28.953)
4:51.984 - 5:06.492: Zachary Corbett #28 went off the track
5:28.226 - 5:40.664: Anthony Thiry went off the track
2:57.593 - 5:43.929: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 finished lap 2 ( 2:46.335)
3:23.843 - 6:10.117: Anthony Thiry finished lap 2 ( 2:46.273)
3:06.875 - 6:25.937: Nick finished lap 2 ( 3:19.062)
4:36.304 - 6:51.203: Zachary Corbett #28 finished lap 3 ( 2:14.898)
4:42.718 - 6:54.710: JP3 finished lap 3 ( 2:11.992)
7:06.234 - 7:20.617: Zachary Corbett #28 went off the track
4:51.218 - 7:51.726: cory finished lap 3 ( 3:00.507)
5:43.929 - 8:04.273: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 finished lap 3 ( 2:20.343)
8:08.492 - 8:13.812: JP3 passed Zachary Corbett #28 for the lead
6:10.117 - 8:44.257: Anthony Thiry finished lap 3 ( 2:34.140)
6:54.710 - 9:10.179: JP3 finished lap 4 ( 2:15.468)
6:51.203 - 9:15.421: Zachary Corbett #28 finished lap 4 ( 2:24.218)
6:25.937 - 9:35.148: Nick finished lap 3 ( 3:09.210)
7:51.726 - 10:10.859: cory finished lap 4 ( 2:19.132)
10:19.351 - 10:25.585: Zachary Corbett #28 passed JP3 for the lead
8:04.273 - 10:38.250: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 finished lap 4 ( 2:33.976)
8:44.257 - 11:20.992: Anthony Thiry finished lap 4 ( 2:36.734)
9:15.421 - 11:33.796: Zachary Corbett #28 finished lap 5 ( 2:18.375)
9:10.179 - 11:47.242: JP3 finished lap 5 ( 2:37.062)
12:18.812 - 12:37.007: Anthony Thiry went off the track
9:35.148 - 12:38.687: Nick finished lap 4 ( 3:03.539)
12:51.375 - 13:06.578: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 went off the track
10:38.250 - 13:13.992: theBEARass| 9gag factory racing| #254 finished lap 5 ( 2:35.742)
11:20.992 - 14:36.679: Anthony Thiry finished lap 5 ( 3:15.687)