MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date4/11/2013, 2:10:49 PM (4284 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
162Rigaudiere Anthony 350sxf(2011)5 6:59.2034 1:17.95310172
21Joe//Team RockStar crf450(2011)5 7:25.5852 1:21.5468540
3177Kuba rmz450(2013)5 7:34.6644 1:22.1959757
4147Thuno crf450(2013)4 7:24.9450 0:00.0008693
5920afour kx250f(2013)4 7:28.1484 1:30.38210324
6322tommy389 crf450(2011)4 7:30.0154 1:32.5851234
77MX SEVEN rmz450(2013)2 8:23.4452 1:56.07010365
8Felon#141 yz1251 1:32.6710 0:00.0003907

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 1 1 1 1 62
P2 62 62 62 62 1
P3 177 177 177 177 177
P4 147 147 147
P5 920 322 322 322
P6 322 920 920 920
P7 147 7
P8 7

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:17.953 4 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
1:21.468 2 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
1:21.546 2 1 Joe//Team RockStar
1:21.820 3 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
1:22.195 4 177 Kuba
1:23.500 4 1 Joe//Team RockStar
1:25.257 5 177 Kuba
1:27.078 5 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
1:30.382 4 920 afour
1:32.585 4 322 tommy389
1:36.609 2 177 Kuba
1:36.726 3 920 afour
1:38.437 3 177 Kuba
1:43.210 3 322 tommy389
1:45.015 5 1 Joe//Team RockStar
1:56.070 2 7 MX SEVEN
2:17.968 2 920 afour

Individual Worst Laps

1:27.078 5 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
1:38.437 3 177 Kuba
1:45.015 5 1 Joe//Team RockStar
1:51.507 2 147 Thuno
1:56.070 2 7 MX SEVEN
2:03.515 2 322 tommy389
2:17.968 2 920 afour


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.258 62 Rigaudiere Anthony
5.469 147 Thuno
7.013 177 Kuba
9.297 1 Joe//Team RockStar
12.831 322 tommy389
21.097 920 afour
- Felon#141

Play by Play

Felon#141 takes the holeshot followed by Joe//Team RockStar, tommy389, Rigaudiere Anthony, afour, Thuno, Kuba and MX SEVEN

0:10.773 - 0:15.562: Joe//Team RockStar passed Felon#141 for the lead
0:15.664 - 0:20.062: Felon#141 passed Joe//Team RockStar for the lead
0:18.671 - 0:23.640: Kuba passed Thuno, Rigaudiere Anthony and afour for 4th
0:20.101 - 0:24.937: MX SEVEN passed Thuno, Rigaudiere Anthony and afour for 5th
0:20.203 - 0:25.210: Joe//Team RockStar passed Felon#141 for the lead
0:23.640 - 0:27.875: Kuba passed tommy389 for 3rd
0:24.937 - 0:29.585: MX SEVEN passed tommy389 for 4th
0:26.710 - 0:30.257: Rigaudiere Anthony passed tommy389 for 5th
0:32.273 - 0:36.492: afour passed tommy389 for 6th
0:35.039 - 0:37.015: Rigaudiere Anthony passed MX SEVEN for 4th
0:32.937 - 0:37.414: Thuno passed tommy389 for 7th
0:37.703 - 0:42.375: tommy389 passed Thuno and afour for 6th
0:37.414 - 0:42.773: Thuno passed afour for 7th
0:42.773 - 0:44.929: Thuno passed tommy389 for 6th
0:44.929 - 0:56.062: Thuno passed MX SEVEN for 5th
0:59.429 - 1:02.093: afour passed Thuno and MX SEVEN for 5th
0:45.273 - 1:04.648: tommy389 went off the track
1:00.390 - 1:05.390: Kuba passed Felon#141 for 2nd
1:03.375 - 1:08.539: Rigaudiere Anthony passed Felon#141 for 3rd
1:04.648 - 1:14.835: tommy389 passed afour for 5th
1:08.539 - 1:17.656: Rigaudiere Anthony passed Kuba for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:19.617: Joe//Team RockStar finished lap 1 ( 1:19.617)
1:17.882 - 1:22.625: Thuno passed afour and tommy389 for 5th
1:15.570 - 1:29.296: afour passed tommy389 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:30.882: Rigaudiere Anthony finished lap 1 ( 1:30.882)
0:00.000 - 1:32.164: Kuba finished lap 1 ( 1:32.164)
0:00.000 - 1:32.671: Felon#141 finished lap 1 ( 1:32.671)
1:29.820 - 1:35.414: tommy389 passed afour for 6th
1:35.414 - 1:44.679: tommy389 passed Thuno for 5th
1:35.671 - 1:48.671: afour passed Thuno for 6th
1:44.296 - 1:50.007: Kuba passed Rigaudiere Anthony for 2nd
1:54.328 - 2:00.312: afour passed tommy389 for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:03.070: afour finished lap 1 ( 2:03.070)
0:00.000 - 2:04.828: tommy389 finished lap 1 ( 2:04.828)
0:00.000 - 2:09.304: Thuno finished lap 1 ( 2:09.304)
2:09.414 - 2:11.156: Rigaudiere Anthony passed Kuba for 2nd
2:09.304 - 2:25.507: Thuno went off the track
2:23.000 - 2:40.554: tommy389 went off the track
1:19.617 - 2:41.164: Joe//Team RockStar finished lap 2 ( 1:21.546)
2:41.164 - 2:46.625: Joe//Team RockStar went off the track
1:30.882 - 2:52.351: Rigaudiere Anthony finished lap 2 ( 1:21.468)
2:40.554 - 3:03.539: tommy389 went off the track
1:32.164 - 3:08.773: Kuba finished lap 2 ( 1:36.609)
3:09.234 - 3:19.656: Thuno passed afour for 5th
3:13.851 - 3:40.328: tommy389 went off the track
3:40.328 - 3:58.257: tommy389 went off the track
2:09.304 - 4:00.812: Thuno finished lap 2 ( 1:51.507)
2:41.164 - 4:08.226: Joe//Team RockStar finished lap 3 ( 1:27.062)
2:04.828 - 4:08.343: tommy389 finished lap 2 ( 2:03.515)
4:08.343 - 4:11.859: tommy389 passed Thuno for 3rd
2:52.351 - 4:14.171: Rigaudiere Anthony finished lap 3 ( 1:21.820)
2:03.070 - 4:21.039: afour finished lap 2 ( 2:17.968)
3:08.773 - 4:47.210: Kuba finished lap 3 ( 1:38.437)
4:50.031 - 5:06.945: Thuno went off the track
5:06.945 - 5:12.132: Thuno passed tommy389 for 4th
4:08.226 - 5:31.726: Joe//Team RockStar finished lap 4 ( 1:23.500)
4:14.171 - 5:32.125: Rigaudiere Anthony finished lap 4 ( 1:17.953)
5:32.125 - 5:35.601: Rigaudiere Anthony passed Joe//Team RockStar for the lead
4:00.812 - 5:39.203: Thuno finished lap 3 ( 1:38.390)
5:38.546 - 5:43.445: Joe//Team RockStar passed Rigaudiere Anthony for the lead
5:39.203 - 5:44.828: Thuno went off the track
5:43.992 - 5:48.984: Rigaudiere Anthony passed Joe//Team RockStar for the lead
4:08.343 - 5:51.554: tommy389 finished lap 3 ( 1:43.210)
4:21.039 - 5:57.765: afour finished lap 3 ( 1:36.726)
4:47.210 - 6:09.406: Kuba finished lap 4 ( 1:22.195)
0:00.000 - 6:27.375: MX SEVEN finished lap 1 ( 6:27.375)
5:32.125 - 6:59.203: Rigaudiere Anthony finished lap 5 ( 1:27.078)
5:31.726 - 7:16.742: Joe//Team RockStar finished lap 5 ( 1:45.015)
5:39.203 - 7:21.796: Thuno finished lap 4 ( 1:42.593)
5:51.554 - 7:24.140: tommy389 finished lap 4 ( 1:32.585)
5:57.765 - 7:28.148: afour finished lap 4 ( 1:30.382)
6:09.406 - 7:34.664: Kuba finished lap 5 ( 1:25.257)
6:27.375 - 8:23.445: MX SEVEN finished lap 2 ( 1:56.070)