MX Simulator
TrackEkswanbee Park
Format 5 laps
Date5/8/2013, 8:23:41 PM (4264 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1273B.Tolman/Privateer#273 crf450(2011)5 5:49.8435 1:06.0705507
2734Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports yz1255 6:06.1953 1:06.4293563
338GreenGoblin kx1255 6:11.7505 1:07.9603574
417Nick kx450f(2013)5 6:16.5855 1:08.2189372
5119Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports yz1255 6:22.1175 1:06.4211959
6744Clay Corey yz1255 6:25.3902 1:10.67110371
7198KNULL#198 crf250(2013)5 6:44.8672 1:11.9688731
814hans yz1255 6:45.7575 1:10.9927587
964Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors 125sx5 6:51.2422 1:07.7266
10254theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 yz1255 7:01.0233 1:15.1877860
1188ehjort1891 #88 450sxf(2013)5 7:13.0702 1:08.77310467
12457astanavits crf450(2013)4 6:03.1173 1:08.5543404
13142alex dausques 250sx(2012)4 6:20.5622 1:30.8759784
149Elio Caturra 450sxf(2013)4 6:54.5312 1:18.35910618
15593Gage Costa/privateer crf450(2013)4 7:02.2654 1:34.89810625
16864Kraemer yz250(2012)3 6:23.9453 2:08.3438237
1721rom1 rm1253 6:41.8673 2:20.46010619
1865Pierre[FR] rmz450(2013)1 1:11.5310 0:00.000981
1952Judge kx250f(2013)1 6:07.7650 0:00.000753
2054Takumi cr1250 0:00.0000 0:00.000882
2186FiNN kawi rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0004117
22313Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 kx450f(2013)0 0:17.9680 0:00.0007852

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 38 38 38 273 273
P2 734 744 744 744 734
P3 744 273 273 734 38
P4 65 64 64 38 17
P5 273 198 734 17 119
P6 64 734 198 119 744
P7 198 88 17 198 198
P8 142 17 119 64 14
P9 17 142 88 14 64
P10 88 254 254 254 254
P11 14 119 14 88 88
P12 119 14 457 457
P13 254 9 142 142
P14 593 457 9 9
P15 9 593 593 593
P16 21 864 864
P17 457 21 21
P18 864
P19 52

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:06.070 5 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
1:06.421 5 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
1:06.429 3 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
1:06.484 3 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
1:06.851 5 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
1:07.726 2 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
1:07.835 4 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
1:07.960 5 38 GreenGoblin
1:08.218 5 17 Nick
1:08.421 4 17 Nick
1:08.445 3 38 GreenGoblin
1:08.554 3 457 astanavits
1:08.664 3 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
1:08.773 2 88 ehjort1891 #88
1:08.898 3 17 Nick
1:09.812 2 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
1:10.671 2 744 Clay Corey
1:10.992 5 14 hans
1:11.070 3 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
1:11.304 2 38 GreenGoblin
1:11.843 4 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
1:11.968 2 198 KNULL#198
1:12.914 3 744 Clay Corey
1:14.757 4 14 hans
1:15.187 3 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
1:15.617 3 14 hans
1:17.335 2 457 astanavits
1:17.500 2 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
1:18.078 4 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
1:18.359 2 9 Elio Caturra
1:18.640 4 744 Clay Corey
1:19.554 2 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
1:20.187 5 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
1:20.968 4 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
1:21.898 3 198 KNULL#198
1:22.554 2 17 Nick
1:23.757 5 198 KNULL#198
1:26.531 4 198 KNULL#198
1:28.734 2 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
1:29.546 5 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
1:29.898 2 14 hans
1:30.875 2 142 alex dausques
1:31.101 5 88 ehjort1891 #88
1:31.281 4 142 alex dausques
1:31.539 3 88 ehjort1891 #88
1:32.476 4 88 ehjort1891 #88
1:34.898 4 593 Gage Costa/privateer
1:35.820 5 744 Clay Corey
1:36.992 4 457 astanavits
1:37.984 4 38 GreenGoblin
1:42.453 3 9 Elio Caturra
1:44.804 4 9 Elio Caturra
1:46.531 2 593 Gage Costa/privateer
1:46.664 4 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
1:51.585 3 142 alex dausques
2:08.343 3 864 Kraemer
2:20.460 3 21 rom1
2:23.671 2 21 rom1

Individual Worst Laps

1:11.843 4 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
1:19.554 2 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
1:20.968 4 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
1:22.554 2 17 Nick
1:26.531 4 198 KNULL#198
1:28.734 2 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
1:29.898 2 14 hans
1:32.476 4 88 ehjort1891 #88
1:35.820 5 744 Clay Corey
1:36.992 4 457 astanavits
1:37.984 4 38 GreenGoblin
1:44.804 4 9 Elio Caturra
1:46.664 4 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
1:51.585 3 142 alex dausques
1:52.234 3 593 Gage Costa/privateer
2:08.343 3 864 Kraemer
2:23.671 2 21 rom1


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.605 21 rom1
2.023 864 Kraemer
2.086 273 B.Tolman/Privateer#273
2.286 254 theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254
5.490 198 KNULL#198
5.503 119 Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports
6.085 17 Nick
7.189 14 hans
7.214 593 Gage Costa/privateer
9.192 734 Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports
9.669 142 alex dausques
9.854 744 Clay Corey
9.942 88 ehjort1891 #88
11.889 457 astanavits
11.951 9 Elio Caturra
12.513 38 GreenGoblin
15.622 64 Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors
- 54 Takumi
- 52 Judge
- 65 Pierre[FR]
- 313 Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313
- 86 FiNN kawi

Play by Play

Pierre[FR] takes the holeshot followed by GreenGoblin, Clay Corey, Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors, Nick, Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports, KNULL#198, ehjort1891 #88, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports, Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, alex dausques, FiNN kawi, hans, Takumi, Elio Caturra, Gage Costa/privateer, rom1, astanavits, Kraemer and Judge

0:11.335 - 0:13.296: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Nick for 5th
0:12.195 - 0:14.609: KNULL#198 passed Nick for 6th
0:13.625 - 0:16.523: ehjort1891 #88 passed Nick for 7th
0:12.000 - 0:16.710: GreenGoblin passed Pierre[FR] for the lead
0:12.562 - 0:17.000: Clay Corey passed Pierre[FR] for 2nd
0:12.632 - 0:17.562: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed Pierre[FR] for 3rd
0:15.406 - 0:17.562: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed Nick for 8th
0:13.296 - 0:18.070: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Pierre[FR] for 4th
0:15.718 - 0:18.093: Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 passed Nick for 9th
0:16.585 - 0:18.890: FiNN kawi passed Nick and alex dausques for 11th
0:14.609 - 0:18.992: KNULL#198 passed Pierre[FR] for 5th
0:18.812 - 0:22.218: hans passed Nick and alex dausques for 13th
0:20.265 - 0:23.320: Takumi passed Nick and alex dausques for 14th
0:18.070 - 0:23.984: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 3rd
0:23.101 - 0:25.515: rom1 passed Gage Costa/privateer and Elio Caturra for 17th
0:19.523 - 0:26.312: Pierre[FR] passed KNULL#198 for 5th
0:23.609 - 0:28.453: Nick passed Takumi for 14th
0:23.000 - 0:29.359: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 and Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 8th
0:23.984 - 0:30.039: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Clay Corey for 2nd
0:23.859 - 0:30.390: FiNN kawi passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 and Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 9th
0:26.351 - 0:30.429: astanavits passed Gage Costa/privateer and Elio Caturra for 18th
0:26.664 - 0:33.960: hans passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 10th
0:31.343 - 0:33.992: Kraemer passed Gage Costa/privateer and Elio Caturra for 19th
0:28.453 - 0:35.242: Nick passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 11th
0:30.429 - 0:35.554: astanavits passed rom1 for 17th
0:28.789 - 0:35.648: Takumi passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 12th
0:26.312 - 0:36.070: Pierre[FR] passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 4th
0:29.039 - 0:36.265: alex dausques passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 13th
0:29.359 - 0:37.390: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed ehjort1891 #88, Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors and KNULL#198 for 5th
0:28.187 - 0:40.671: ehjort1891 #88 passed KNULL#198 for 7th
0:35.554 - 0:42.046: astanavits passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 14th
0:36.265 - 0:43.179: alex dausques passed Takumi, hans, Nick and FiNN kawi for 9th
0:26.062 - 0:43.406: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 and Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 15th
0:36.671 - 0:44.460: rom1 passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 and Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 16th
0:33.960 - 0:46.203: hans passed FiNN kawi for 10th
0:39.148 - 0:46.343: Elio Caturra passed Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313, Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports and Kraemer for 17th
0:41.625 - 0:47.179: KNULL#198 passed ehjort1891 #88 for 7th
0:22.375 - 0:48.445: Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 passed Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 18th
0:43.179 - 0:49.000: alex dausques passed ehjort1891 #88 for 8th
0:35.648 - 0:49.601: Takumi passed Nick for 12th
0:42.046 - 0:49.890: astanavits passed Nick for 13th
0:40.460 - 0:52.726: Gage Costa/privateer passed Kraemer for 20th
0:46.343 - 0:53.531: Elio Caturra passed rom1 and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 15th
0:48.445 - 0:55.242: Mats wagenvoort \\ W & S Racing \\ #313 passed rom1 and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 16th
0:50.437 - 0:55.742: Nick passed astanavits and Takumi for 12th
0:49.171 - 0:55.867: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed rom1 and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 17th
0:49.890 - 0:56.250: astanavits passed Takumi for 13th
0:51.390 - 0:56.851: hans passed ehjort1891 #88 and alex dausques for 8th
0:44.460 - 0:57.460: rom1 passed theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 18th
0:52.726 - 0:59.507: Gage Costa/privateer passed theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 19th
0:55.742 - 1:01.375: Nick passed ehjort1891 #88 and FiNN kawi for 10th
0:59.539 - 1:05.554: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed Gage Costa/privateer for 17th
0:00.000 - 1:06.054: GreenGoblin finished lap 1 ( 1:06.054)
0:00.000 - 1:06.101: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 1 ( 1:06.101)
0:00.000 - 1:07.343: Clay Corey finished lap 1 ( 1:07.343)
0:57.335 - 1:08.742: Takumi passed astanavits for 13th
1:07.343 - 1:10.070: Clay Corey passed Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 2nd
1:03.804 - 1:10.281: rom1 passed astanavits and Elio Caturra for 14th
1:05.554 - 1:10.460: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed astanavits and Elio Caturra for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:11.531: Pierre[FR] finished lap 1 ( 1:11.531)
0:00.000 - 1:13.453: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 finished lap 1 ( 1:13.453)
1:05.875 - 1:13.671: alex dausques passed hans for 8th
1:11.531 - 1:13.710: Pierre[FR] passed Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 3rd
0:55.867 - 1:14.718: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports went off the track
1:08.273 - 1:15.585: Nick passed hans for 9th
1:13.453 - 1:15.734: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:16.234: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors finished lap 1 ( 1:16.234)
1:10.078 - 1:16.921: ehjort1891 #88 passed hans for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:20.710: KNULL#198 finished lap 1 ( 1:20.710)
1:14.320 - 1:21.906: Elio Caturra passed astanavits and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 15th
1:14.718 - 1:22.375: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed astanavits and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 16th
1:18.070 - 1:25.312: Gage Costa/privateer passed astanavits for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:26.820: alex dausques finished lap 1 ( 1:26.820)
0:00.000 - 1:28.492: Nick finished lap 1 ( 1:28.492)
0:00.000 - 1:29.179: ehjort1891 #88 finished lap 1 ( 1:29.179)
1:23.492 - 1:29.203: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 4th
1:22.375 - 1:29.781: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed Takumi, rom1 and Elio Caturra for 12th
1:23.500 - 1:30.507: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed Takumi, rom1 and Elio Caturra for 13th
1:29.179 - 1:31.781: ehjort1891 #88 passed Nick and alex dausques for 8th
1:21.906 - 1:33.539: Elio Caturra passed Takumi and rom1 for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:34.492: hans finished lap 1 ( 1:34.492)
1:20.546 - 1:34.656: rom1 passed Takumi for 15th
1:28.703 - 1:35.000: KNULL#198 passed Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 5th
1:25.312 - 1:35.656: Gage Costa/privateer passed Takumi for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:41.820: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 1 ( 1:41.820)
0:00.000 - 1:42.703: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 finished lap 1 ( 1:42.703)
1:39.789 - 1:45.906: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed B.Tolman/Privateer#273 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:48.601: Gage Costa/privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:48.601)
1:45.148 - 1:48.601: Gage Costa/privateer passed rom1 and Elio Caturra for 14th
1:42.703 - 1:49.429: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports for 12th
1:51.148 - 1:57.015: Nick passed alex dausques for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:57.156: Elio Caturra finished lap 1 ( 1:57.156)
0:00.000 - 1:57.734: rom1 finished lap 1 ( 1:57.734)
0:00.000 - 2:00.234: astanavits finished lap 1 ( 2:00.234)
2:00.234 - 2:02.515: astanavits passed rom1 for 16th
1:55.203 - 2:03.343: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed hans for 10th
1:58.593 - 2:04.906: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed hans for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:11.304: Kraemer finished lap 1 ( 2:11.304)
2:11.304 - 2:13.507: Kraemer passed rom1 for 17th
1:06.054 - 2:17.359: GreenGoblin finished lap 2 ( 1:11.304)
1:07.343 - 2:18.015: Clay Corey finished lap 2 ( 1:10.671)
2:11.132 - 2:20.039: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 3rd
2:13.773 - 2:21.226: rom1 passed Kraemer for 16th
1:13.453 - 2:23.265: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 finished lap 2 ( 1:09.812)
1:16.234 - 2:23.960: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors finished lap 2 ( 1:07.726)
1:20.710 - 2:32.679: KNULL#198 finished lap 2 ( 1:11.968)
1:06.101 - 2:34.835: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 2 ( 1:28.734)
1:29.179 - 2:37.953: ehjort1891 #88 finished lap 2 ( 1:08.773)
2:33.367 - 2:39.531: Elio Caturra passed Gage Costa/privateer for 13th
2:41.789 - 2:47.468: astanavits passed Gage Costa/privateer for 14th
1:28.492 - 2:51.046: Nick finished lap 2 ( 1:22.554)
1:26.820 - 2:57.695: alex dausques finished lap 2 ( 1:30.875)
2:53.171 - 2:59.054: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed KNULL#198 for 5th
1:42.703 - 3:00.203: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 finished lap 2 ( 1:17.500)
1:41.820 - 3:01.375: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 2 ( 1:19.554)
3:01.375 - 3:03.703: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed alex dausques and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 9th
1:34.492 - 3:04.390: hans finished lap 2 ( 1:29.898)
3:04.390 - 3:06.468: hans passed alex dausques and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 10th
3:00.203 - 3:07.445: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed alex dausques for 11th
3:01.117 - 3:07.945: ehjort1891 #88 passed KNULL#198 for 6th
1:57.156 - 3:15.515: Elio Caturra finished lap 2 ( 1:18.359)
3:09.445 - 3:15.609: KNULL#198 passed ehjort1891 #88 for 6th
2:00.234 - 3:17.570: astanavits finished lap 2 ( 1:17.335)
3:16.593 - 3:23.046: Nick passed ehjort1891 #88 for 7th
3:19.140 - 3:25.492: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed hans for 10th
2:17.359 - 3:25.804: GreenGoblin finished lap 3 ( 1:08.445)
2:18.015 - 3:30.929: Clay Corey finished lap 3 ( 1:12.914)
2:23.265 - 3:31.929: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 finished lap 3 ( 1:08.664)
3:25.500 - 3:32.140: astanavits passed alex dausques and Elio Caturra for 12th
3:30.929 - 3:33.210: Clay Corey passed GreenGoblin for the lead
3:31.929 - 3:34.625: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed GreenGoblin for 2nd
2:23.960 - 3:35.031: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors finished lap 3 ( 1:11.070)
1:48.601 - 3:35.132: Gage Costa/privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:46.531)
3:24.289 - 3:36.359: Elio Caturra passed alex dausques for 13th
2:34.835 - 3:41.265: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 3 ( 1:06.429)
3:35.031 - 3:41.679: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed GreenGoblin for 3rd
3:41.265 - 3:43.421: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed GreenGoblin for 4th
3:24.757 - 3:46.359: Kraemer went off the track
3:35.132 - 3:47.453: Gage Costa/privateer went off the track
3:43.421 - 3:48.937: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 3rd
2:32.679 - 3:54.578: KNULL#198 finished lap 3 ( 1:21.898)
3:48.984 - 3:56.125: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed ehjort1891 #88 for 8th
3:51.531 - 3:59.570: GreenGoblin passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors and Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports for 3rd
2:51.046 - 3:59.945: Nick finished lap 3 ( 1:08.898)
3:53.804 - 4:00.984: alex dausques passed Elio Caturra for 13th
3:53.976 - 4:01.281: Kraemer passed rom1 for 16th
3:59.726 - 4:04.906: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed GreenGoblin for 3rd
4:00.804 - 4:05.781: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed GreenGoblin for 4th
3:01.375 - 4:07.859: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 3 ( 1:06.484)
2:37.953 - 4:09.492: ehjort1891 #88 finished lap 3 ( 1:31.539)
4:08.812 - 4:13.882: KNULL#198 passed GreenGoblin for 5th
3:00.203 - 4:15.390: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 finished lap 3 ( 1:15.187)
2:11.304 - 4:15.601: Kraemer finished lap 2 ( 2:04.296)
3:04.390 - 4:20.007: hans finished lap 3 ( 1:15.617)
4:14.468 - 4:20.265: GreenGoblin passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors and KNULL#198 for 4th
1:57.734 - 4:21.406: rom1 finished lap 2 ( 2:23.671)
4:17.632 - 4:23.210: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed ehjort1891 #88 for 9th
4:21.406 - 4:24.320: rom1 passed Kraemer for 15th
4:19.289 - 4:25.507: Nick passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors and KNULL#198 for 5th
3:17.570 - 4:26.125: astanavits finished lap 3 ( 1:08.554)
4:23.882 - 4:31.601: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 passed Clay Corey for the lead
4:26.304 - 4:32.609: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors and KNULL#198 for 6th
4:13.882 - 4:32.937: KNULL#198 passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 7th
4:29.562 - 4:35.281: Kraemer passed rom1 for 16th
3:31.929 - 4:43.773: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 finished lap 4 ( 1:11.843)
2:57.695 - 4:49.281: alex dausques finished lap 3 ( 1:51.585)
3:30.929 - 4:49.570: Clay Corey finished lap 4 ( 1:18.640)
4:45.000 - 4:51.140: hans passed ehjort1891 #88 for 10th
4:52.554 - 4:57.968: ehjort1891 #88 passed hans and theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 9th
3:15.515 - 4:57.968: Elio Caturra finished lap 3 ( 1:42.453)
4:51.140 - 4:58.710: hans passed theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 for 10th
3:41.265 - 4:59.343: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 4 ( 1:18.078)
3:25.804 - 5:03.789: GreenGoblin finished lap 4 ( 1:37.984)
3:59.945 - 5:08.367: Nick finished lap 4 ( 1:08.421)
4:07.859 - 5:15.695: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 4 ( 1:07.835)
3:54.578 - 5:21.109: KNULL#198 finished lap 4 ( 1:26.531)
3:35.031 - 5:21.695: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors finished lap 4 ( 1:46.664)
3:35.132 - 5:27.367: Gage Costa/privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:52.234)
4:20.007 - 5:34.765: hans finished lap 4 ( 1:14.757)
5:31.585 - 5:34.765: hans passed ehjort1891 #88 for 9th
4:15.390 - 5:36.359: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 finished lap 4 ( 1:20.968)
5:32.929 - 5:36.359: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 passed ehjort1891 #88 for 10th
5:34.796 - 5:39.554: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports passed Clay Corey for 2nd
5:29.359 - 5:40.812: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors passed KNULL#198 for 7th
4:09.492 - 5:41.968: ehjort1891 #88 finished lap 4 ( 1:32.476)
4:43.773 - 5:49.843: B.Tolman/Privateer#273 finished lap 5 ( 1:06.070)
5:52.492 - 5:59.554: GreenGoblin passed Clay Corey for 3rd
4:26.125 - 6:03.117: astanavits finished lap 4 ( 1:36.992)
4:59.343 - 6:06.195: Flo Lucasson | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 5 ( 1:06.851)
0:00.000 - 6:07.765: Judge finished lap 1 ( 6:07.765)
5:03.789 - 6:11.750: GreenGoblin finished lap 5 ( 1:07.960)
6:03.953 - 6:12.718: Nick passed Clay Corey for 4th
6:10.296 - 6:15.531: KNULL#198 passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 7th
5:08.367 - 6:16.585: Nick finished lap 5 ( 1:08.218)
4:49.281 - 6:20.562: alex dausques finished lap 4 ( 1:31.281)
5:15.695 - 6:22.117: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports finished lap 5 ( 1:06.421)
6:18.906 - 6:22.117: Ryan Ravel | FCrew/BTOSports passed Clay Corey for 5th
4:15.601 - 6:23.945: Kraemer finished lap 3 ( 2:08.343)
4:49.570 - 6:25.390: Clay Corey finished lap 5 ( 1:35.820)
4:21.406 - 6:41.867: rom1 finished lap 3 ( 2:20.460)
6:32.382 - 6:42.453: hans passed Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors for 8th
4:57.968 - 6:42.773: Elio Caturra finished lap 4 ( 1:44.804)
5:21.109 - 6:44.867: KNULL#198 finished lap 5 ( 1:23.757)
5:34.765 - 6:45.757: hans finished lap 5 ( 1:10.992)
5:21.695 - 6:51.242: Ice1 | Vellu Nyfors finished lap 5 ( 1:29.546)
5:36.359 - 6:56.546: theBEARass| rape van factory racing| #254 finished lap 5 ( 1:20.187)
5:27.367 - 7:02.265: Gage Costa/privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:34.898)
5:41.968 - 7:13.070: ehjort1891 #88 finished lap 5 ( 1:31.101)