MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date2/26/2011, 10:06:48 PM (5059 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1995Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 yz250f(2009)5 5:54.8515 1:01.8041224
2341JKL_mxs4crf rmz250(2009)5 5:57.7103 1:03.9841915
3170Chimere kx250f(2009)5 6:31.3124 1:08.9291959
4131Mx chick char#131 cr1255 6:36.4214 1:08.875300
5144Dudu #144 rmz250(2009)5 6:37.1012 1:06.2032048
6465SOAB_465 yz1254 5:58.0624 1:15.3282650
7214diouk rmz250(2009)4 6:07.0004 1:15.0002438
8619Chip Forrest crf250(2009)4 7:10.6562 1:47.2732823
964romain rmz250(2009)3 6:10.1402 1:48.1322885
1037Suz'addict #37 rm1251 1:41.7570 0:00.0001999
11521MiChOu #521 yz250f(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002675
12657Jeff Parker yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002597
1317MX PRODIGY 17 rmz250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0001602
14535JKL_killian kx250f(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002013
156Siebert#6 - 2 stroke racing cr1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0001038

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 131 341 341 341 995
P2 341 144 995 995 341
P3 144 131 131 131 131
P4 995 995 144 170 170
P5 37 170 170 144 144
P6 170 465 465 465
P7 214 214 214 214
P8 465 619 619 619
P9 619 64 64
P10 64

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:01.804 5 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
1:02.593 3 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
1:02.617 4 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
1:03.984 3 341 JKL_mxs4crf
1:04.468 2 341 JKL_mxs4crf
1:06.203 2 144 Dudu #144
1:07.984 5 144 Dudu #144
1:08.875 4 131 Mx chick char#131
1:08.929 4 170 Chimere
1:09.140 5 170 Chimere
1:09.523 3 170 Chimere
1:11.132 4 341 JKL_mxs4crf
1:13.554 2 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
1:15.000 4 214 diouk
1:15.328 4 465 SOAB_465
1:16.726 5 341 JKL_mxs4crf
1:19.765 2 465 SOAB_465
1:20.632 2 170 Chimere
1:23.695 3 144 Dudu #144
1:25.054 4 144 Dudu #144
1:25.125 3 214 diouk
1:25.593 2 131 Mx chick char#131
1:27.484 5 131 Mx chick char#131
1:35.984 3 465 SOAB_465
1:40.960 2 214 diouk
1:47.273 2 619 Chip Forrest
1:48.132 2 64 romain
1:59.148 3 619 Chip Forrest

Individual Worst Laps

1:13.554 2 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
1:16.726 5 341 JKL_mxs4crf
1:20.632 2 170 Chimere
1:25.054 4 144 Dudu #144
1:27.484 5 131 Mx chick char#131
1:35.984 3 465 SOAB_465
1:40.960 2 214 diouk
1:59.148 3 619 Chip Forrest
2:15.625 3 64 romain


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.868 995 Mx-Tivi[FR]#995
4.956 170 Chimere
5.242 341 JKL_mxs4crf
7.970 131 Mx chick char#131
8.677 144 Dudu #144
8.878 465 SOAB_465
10.684 214 diouk
12.604 619 Chip Forrest
13.746 64 romain
- 37 Suz'addict #37
- 521 MiChOu #521
- 657 Jeff Parker
- 17 MX PRODIGY 17
- 535 JKL_killian
- 6 Siebert#6 - 2 stroke racing

Play by Play

Mx chick char#131 takes the holeshot followed by Dudu #144, diouk, romain, JKL_mxs4crf, Chip Forrest, Siebert#6 - 2 stroke racing, Mx-Tivi[FR]#995, SOAB_465, Chimere and Suz'addict #37

0:16.539 - 0:19.148: JKL_mxs4crf passed romain for 4th
0:20.796 - 0:23.984: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed Chip Forrest for 6th
0:22.210 - 0:24.945: Chimere passed SOAB_465 and Chip Forrest for 7th
0:20.187 - 0:25.156: diouk passed Dudu #144 for 2nd
0:21.742 - 0:25.664: SOAB_465 passed Chip Forrest for 8th
0:23.046 - 0:26.187: Suz'addict #37 passed Chip Forrest for 9th
0:23.984 - 0:29.390: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed romain for 5th
0:24.945 - 0:30.515: Chimere passed romain for 6th
0:25.664 - 0:31.640: SOAB_465 passed romain for 7th
0:26.187 - 0:32.765: Suz'addict #37 passed romain for 8th
0:29.257 - 0:33.203: Dudu #144 passed diouk for the lead
0:25.195 - 0:33.687: Mx chick char#131 went off the track
0:30.007 - 0:36.359: Chip Forrest passed romain for 9th
0:36.351 - 0:41.007: JKL_mxs4crf passed diouk for 3rd
0:45.265 - 0:49.125: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed diouk for 4th
0:31.640 - 0:51.000: SOAB_465 went off the track
0:47.515 - 0:51.765: Chimere passed diouk for 5th
0:51.343 - 0:55.593: JKL_mxs4crf passed Dudu #144 for 2nd
0:50.656 - 0:55.796: Suz'addict #37 passed diouk for 6th
1:02.687 - 1:07.460: diouk passed Suz'addict #37 for 6th
1:11.632 - 1:16.132: SOAB_465 passed romain for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:16.390: Mx chick char#131 finished lap 1 ( 1:16.390)
0:00.000 - 1:21.398: JKL_mxs4crf finished lap 1 ( 1:21.398)
1:17.390 - 1:32.820: romain went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:34.164: Dudu #144 finished lap 1 ( 1:34.164)
0:00.000 - 1:34.281: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 finished lap 1 ( 1:34.281)
1:28.929 - 1:37.531: Suz'addict #37 passed Chimere and diouk for 5th
1:34.281 - 1:37.546: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed Dudu #144 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:41.757: Suz'addict #37 finished lap 1 ( 1:41.757)
1:34.117 - 1:42.570: SOAB_465 passed Chip Forrest for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:43.085: Chimere finished lap 1 ( 1:43.085)
0:00.000 - 1:45.914: diouk finished lap 1 ( 1:45.914)
0:00.000 - 1:46.984: SOAB_465 finished lap 1 ( 1:46.984)
1:47.679 - 1:51.023: Dudu #144 passed Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:55.703: Chip Forrest finished lap 1 ( 1:55.703)
1:50.531 - 1:59.671: SOAB_465 passed Suz'addict #37, Chimere and diouk for 5th
1:49.500 - 2:02.953: diouk passed Chimere for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:06.382: romain finished lap 1 ( 2:06.382)
2:03.187 - 2:07.968: Chimere passed diouk for 6th
2:06.523 - 2:11.960: Chip Forrest passed diouk for 7th
2:12.460 - 2:15.898: JKL_mxs4crf passed Mx chick char#131 for the lead
2:15.273 - 2:20.406: Chimere passed SOAB_465 for 5th
1:21.398 - 2:25.867: JKL_mxs4crf finished lap 2 ( 1:04.468)
2:29.054 - 2:36.390: Dudu #144 passed Mx chick char#131 for 2nd
1:34.164 - 2:40.367: Dudu #144 finished lap 2 ( 1:06.203)
1:16.390 - 2:41.984: Mx chick char#131 finished lap 2 ( 1:25.593)
1:34.281 - 2:47.835: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 finished lap 2 ( 1:13.554)
2:50.851 - 2:58.296: Mx chick char#131 went off the track
1:43.085 - 3:03.718: Chimere finished lap 2 ( 1:20.632)
1:46.984 - 3:06.750: SOAB_465 finished lap 2 ( 1:19.765)
3:12.859 - 3:22.531: diouk passed Chip Forrest for 7th
3:22.281 - 3:26.156: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed Mx chick char#131 and Dudu #144 for 2nd
3:17.562 - 3:26.648: Mx chick char#131 passed Dudu #144 for 3rd
1:45.914 - 3:26.875: diouk finished lap 2 ( 1:40.960)
2:25.867 - 3:29.851: JKL_mxs4crf finished lap 3 ( 1:03.984)
1:55.703 - 3:42.976: Chip Forrest finished lap 2 ( 1:47.273)
3:39.382 - 3:43.007: Dudu #144 passed Mx chick char#131 for 3rd
2:47.835 - 3:50.429: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 finished lap 3 ( 1:02.593)
3:43.039 - 3:50.640: Mx chick char#131 passed Dudu #144 for 3rd
2:06.382 - 3:54.515: romain finished lap 2 ( 1:48.132)
2:41.984 - 3:54.953: Mx chick char#131 finished lap 3 ( 1:12.968)
2:40.367 - 4:04.062: Dudu #144 finished lap 3 ( 1:23.695)
3:03.718 - 4:13.242: Chimere finished lap 3 ( 1:09.523)
4:33.867 - 4:38.875: Chimere passed Dudu #144 for 4th
3:29.851 - 4:40.984: JKL_mxs4crf finished lap 4 ( 1:11.132)
3:06.750 - 4:42.734: SOAB_465 finished lap 3 ( 1:35.984)
3:26.875 - 4:52.000: diouk finished lap 3 ( 1:25.125)
3:50.429 - 4:53.046: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 finished lap 4 ( 1:02.617)
3:54.953 - 5:03.828: Mx chick char#131 finished lap 4 ( 1:08.875)
4:13.242 - 5:22.171: Chimere finished lap 4 ( 1:08.929)
5:05.687 - 5:24.781: romain went off the track
4:04.062 - 5:29.117: Dudu #144 finished lap 4 ( 1:25.054)
3:42.976 - 5:42.125: Chip Forrest finished lap 3 ( 1:59.148)
4:53.046 - 5:54.851: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 finished lap 5 ( 1:01.804)
5:50.851 - 5:54.851: Mx-Tivi[FR]#995 passed JKL_mxs4crf for the lead
4:40.984 - 5:57.710: JKL_mxs4crf finished lap 5 ( 1:16.726)
4:42.734 - 5:58.062: SOAB_465 finished lap 4 ( 1:15.328)
4:52.000 - 6:07.000: diouk finished lap 4 ( 1:15.000)
3:54.515 - 6:10.140: romain finished lap 3 ( 2:15.625)
5:03.828 - 6:31.312: Mx chick char#131 finished lap 5 ( 1:27.484)
5:22.171 - 6:31.312: Chimere finished lap 5 ( 1:09.140)
6:27.093 - 6:31.312: Chimere passed Mx chick char#131 for 3rd
5:29.117 - 6:37.101: Dudu #144 finished lap 5 ( 1:07.984)
6:43.625 - 7:05.640: Chip Forrest went off the track
5:42.125 - 7:10.656: Chip Forrest finished lap 4 ( 1:28.531)