MX Simulator
TrackBudds Creek
Format 5 laps
Date7/20/2013, 2:58:38 AM (4191 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1989Viper yz1255 10:49.6792 1:58.1643946
2491Matt rmz450(2013)5 10:55.9604 1:52.4292217
3177Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer rmz450(2013)5 11:32.4452 2:03.14010683
486chefi#86 kx1255 12:26.1015 2:00.39010054
5248Adam||248 kx250f(2013)4 9:15.3282 2:01.42910700
6MOMOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 kx250f(2008)4 11:17.3754 2:32.45311012
732SPUDZ kx450f(2013)4 13:52.7260 0:00.00011432
813garrett villpot\ 350sxf(2013)1 3:14.7810 0:00.0009691
9410Marcelo Marcos crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004876

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 989 989 989 989 989
P2 248 248 491 491 491
P3 177 177 248 248 177
P4 MO 491 177 177 86
P5 491 MO 86 86
P6 13 86 MO MO
P7 86 32 32 32
P8 32

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:52.429 4 491 Matt
1:58.164 2 989 Viper
2:00.390 5 86 chefi#86
2:01.304 5 989 Viper
2:01.429 2 248 Adam||248
2:02.492 3 86 chefi#86
2:03.140 2 177 Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer
2:03.257 3 989 Viper
2:03.406 4 86 chefi#86
2:10.187 4 177 Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer
2:12.570 4 248 Adam||248
2:19.234 3 248 Adam||248
2:19.671 3 177 Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer
2:21.789 2 86 chefi#86
2:32.453 4 MO MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834
3:28.140 3 MO MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834

Individual Worst Laps

2:03.257 3 989 Viper
2:03.851 2 491 Matt
2:19.234 3 248 Adam||248
2:19.671 3 177 Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer
2:21.789 2 86 chefi#86
3:27.898 4 32 SPUDZ
3:28.140 3 MO MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.085 989 Viper
5.788 491 Matt
5.869 177 Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer
7.345 248 Adam||248
8.597 86 chefi#86
11.017 32 SPUDZ
31.261 MO MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834
- 410 Marcelo Marcos
- 13 garrett villpot\

Play by Play

garrett villpot\ takes the holeshot followed by Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer, Viper, Marcelo Marcos, SPUDZ, chefi#86 , MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834, Adam||248 and Matt

0:15.640 - 0:19.796: Viper passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for the lead
0:20.242 - 0:24.062: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer passed Viper for the lead
0:24.664 - 0:29.593: chefi#86 passed Viper, Marcelo Marcos and SPUDZ for 2nd
0:29.593 - 0:32.718: chefi#86 passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for the lead
0:28.179 - 0:33.335: Adam||248 passed Viper, Marcelo Marcos, MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 and SPUDZ for 3rd
0:21.851 - 0:34.437: SPUDZ passed Viper and Marcelo Marcos for 4th
0:13.671 - 0:35.296: garrett villpot\ went off the track
0:20.906 - 0:35.453: Marcelo Marcos passed Viper for 6th
0:31.796 - 0:35.484: Matt passed MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 8th
0:35.484 - 0:38.539: Matt passed Viper and Marcelo Marcos for 6th
0:38.539 - 0:41.304: Matt passed garrett villpot\ for 4th
0:41.765 - 0:48.734: garrett villpot\ passed Matt for 4th
0:43.375 - 0:50.960: Viper passed Marcelo Marcos and Matt for 5th
0:46.070 - 0:51.812: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer passed chefi#86 for the lead
0:45.609 - 0:51.859: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed Marcelo Marcos and Matt for 6th
0:47.750 - 0:53.531: Adam||248 passed chefi#86 for 2nd
0:48.734 - 0:57.781: garrett villpot\ went off the track
0:53.890 - 0:59.054: Marcelo Marcos passed Matt and MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 6th
0:59.054 - 1:02.546: Marcelo Marcos passed Viper for 5th
0:37.710 - 1:06.500: SPUDZ went off the track
1:02.546 - 1:10.757: Marcelo Marcos passed chefi#86 and garrett villpot\ for 3rd
1:03.093 - 1:11.359: Viper passed chefi#86 and garrett villpot\ for 4th
1:02.171 - 1:12.195: garrett villpot\ passed chefi#86 for 5th
1:11.359 - 1:16.976: Viper passed Marcelo Marcos and Adam||248 for 2nd
1:10.210 - 1:18.257: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed chefi#86 for 6th
1:12.195 - 1:18.351: garrett villpot\ passed Marcelo Marcos and Adam||248 for 3rd
1:10.757 - 1:18.601: Marcelo Marcos passed Adam||248 for 4th
1:13.062 - 1:19.132: Matt passed chefi#86 for 7th
1:19.601 - 1:25.429: chefi#86 passed Matt for 7th
1:36.218 - 1:40.648: Adam||248 passed Marcelo Marcos and garrett villpot\ for 3rd
1:38.625 - 1:44.968: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed Marcelo Marcos and garrett villpot\ for 4th
1:40.460 - 1:45.218: chefi#86 passed Marcelo Marcos and garrett villpot\ for 5th
1:35.335 - 1:47.437: Marcelo Marcos passed garrett villpot\ for 6th
1:42.484 - 1:47.585: Matt passed garrett villpot\ for 7th
1:51.375 - 1:59.039: garrett villpot\ passed Marcelo Marcos and Matt for 6th
1:47.585 - 2:00.015: Matt passed Marcelo Marcos for 7th
1:44.406 - 2:05.718: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer went off the track
1:57.117 - 2:09.718: Viper went off the track
2:03.976 - 2:13.968: chefi#86 passed MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 2nd
2:10.429 - 2:21.085: garrett villpot\ passed MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 3rd
2:12.984 - 2:24.687: Matt went off the track
2:26.578 - 2:32.617: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed Matt and garrett villpot\ for 5th
2:24.937 - 2:32.992: garrett villpot\ passed Matt for 6th
2:32.992 - 2:37.031: garrett villpot\ passed MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 5th
2:32.609 - 2:37.039: Viper passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for the lead
2:33.273 - 2:38.382: Adam||248 passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:40.367: Viper finished lap 1 ( 2:40.367)
2:37.148 - 2:41.062: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed garrett villpot\ for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:42.093: Adam||248 finished lap 1 ( 2:42.093)
0:00.000 - 2:44.453: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:44.453)
2:41.062 - 2:49.703: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 passed chefi#86 for 4th
2:42.804 - 2:51.679: garrett villpot\ passed chefi#86 for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:58.882: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 finished lap 1 ( 2:58.882)
2:55.460 - 2:59.593: Matt passed chefi#86 and garrett villpot\ for 5th
2:53.984 - 3:02.843: chefi#86 passed garrett villpot\ for 6th
0:00.000 - 3:03.281: Matt finished lap 1 ( 3:03.281)
0:00.000 - 3:11.031: garrett villpot\ finished lap 1 ( 3:11.031)
3:05.726 - 3:11.031: garrett villpot\ passed chefi#86 for 6th
3:06.445 - 3:20.468: Matt went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:58.023: chefi#86 finished lap 1 ( 3:58.023)
0:00.000 - 4:08.265: SPUDZ finished lap 1 ( 4:08.265)
2:40.367 - 4:38.531: Viper finished lap 2 ( 1:58.164)
4:27.109 - 4:38.710: Matt went off the track
2:42.093 - 4:43.523: Adam||248 finished lap 2 ( 2:01.429)
2:44.453 - 4:47.593: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:03.140)
4:46.695 - 4:53.484: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 went off the track
3:03.281 - 5:07.132: Matt finished lap 2 ( 2:03.851)
2:58.882 - 5:13.664: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 finished lap 2 ( 2:14.781)
5:27.234 - 5:33.867: Matt passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for 3rd
3:58.023 - 6:19.812: chefi#86 finished lap 2 ( 2:21.789)
6:13.234 - 6:25.484: Matt went off the track
6:30.710 - 6:35.226: Matt passed Adam||248 for 2nd
4:38.531 - 6:41.789: Viper finished lap 3 ( 2:03.257)
6:28.101 - 6:51.117: SPUDZ went off the track
5:07.132 - 6:55.117: Matt finished lap 3 ( 1:47.984)
4:43.523 - 7:02.757: Adam||248 finished lap 3 ( 2:19.234)
6:59.921 - 7:06.562: chefi#86 passed MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 for 5th
4:47.593 - 7:07.265: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:19.671)
4:08.265 - 7:09.179: SPUDZ finished lap 2 ( 3:00.914)
7:07.265 - 7:11.250: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer passed Adam||248 for 3rd
7:23.218 - 7:37.335: SPUDZ went off the track
7:55.484 - 8:08.523: Viper went off the track
8:09.328 - 8:16.843: Adam||248 passed Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer for 3rd
6:19.812 - 8:22.304: chefi#86 finished lap 3 ( 2:02.492)
6:41.789 - 8:40.335: Viper finished lap 4 ( 1:58.546)
5:13.664 - 8:41.804: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 finished lap 3 ( 3:28.140)
6:55.117 - 8:47.546: Matt finished lap 4 ( 1:52.429)
7:02.757 - 9:15.328: Adam||248 finished lap 4 ( 2:12.570)
7:07.265 - 9:17.453: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:10.187)
9:36.640 - 9:49.703: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer went off the track
9:36.117 - 9:50.398: SPUDZ went off the track
9:33.562 - 9:53.859: Matt went off the track
7:09.179 - 10:23.421: SPUDZ finished lap 3 ( 3:14.242)
8:22.304 - 10:25.710: chefi#86 finished lap 4 ( 2:03.406)
10:23.421 - 10:41.187: SPUDZ went off the track
8:40.335 - 10:41.640: Viper finished lap 5 ( 2:01.304)
8:47.546 - 10:42.453: Matt finished lap 5 ( 1:54.906)
8:41.804 - 11:14.257: MOliver|Cernics-LeoVince-Kawi|834 finished lap 4 ( 2:32.453)
9:17.453 - 11:28.875: Kenny Gregory / #177 / Privateer finished lap 5 ( 2:11.421)
10:48.875 - 11:32.570: SPUDZ went off the track
10:25.710 - 12:26.101: chefi#86 finished lap 5 ( 2:00.390)
12:44.914 - 12:58.890: SPUDZ went off the track
10:23.421 - 13:51.320: SPUDZ finished lap 4 ( 3:27.898)