MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - UID #12155

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Name:Morrick #312
Total Races:23
Rating:40.00% (defeated 70 out of 175 opponents)


First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
2:34.226cr250(2007)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 10: Kegums
2:24.765rmz450(2013)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 11: Bellpuig
2:23.523rmz450(2013)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 12: Bastogne
3:09.437fc450(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd01: WW Ranch
2:50.062rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd05: Lakewood
3:10.125rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd06: Spring Creek MX
3:13.960rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd07: Washougal
3:25.476rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd08: Unadilla
3:15.335fc450(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd11: Fox Raceway
250 Lap Records
2:34.226cr250(2007)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 10: Kegums
450f Lap Records
2:48.546rmz450(2011)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 10: Kegums
2:24.765rmz450(2013)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 11: Bellpuig
2:23.523rmz450(2013)2013 Motosport World GP Rd 12: Bastogne
3:09.437fc450(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd01: WW Ranch
2:50.062rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd05: Lakewood
3:10.125rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd06: Spring Creek MX
3:13.960rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd07: Washougal
3:25.476rmz450(2013)2020 rF Gaming National Rd08: Unadilla
3:15.335fc450(2018)2020 rF Gaming National Rd11: Fox Raceway