elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801 - UID #1843
These stats are for elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | bTt |
Number: | 151 |
Total Races: | 37 |
Wins: | 6 |
DNF's: | 13 |
Holeshots: | 8 |
Rating: | 34.88% (defeated 30 out of 86 opponents) |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:58.984 | cr125 | AMA National: Millville 2008 |
2:15.031 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Budds Creek |
2:54.757 | cr125 | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
2:47.507 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: MX 338 |
3:05.914 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Steel City |
3:32.171 | crf250(2009) | Black Mesa MX |
1:58.945 | crf250(2009) | Budds Creek |
2:29.554 | crf250(2009) | Green Valley MX |
125 Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:58.984 | cr125 | AMA National: Millville 2008 |
2:54.757 | cr125 | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
250f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
3:02.617 | crf250(2009) | AMA National: Millville 2008 |
2:15.031 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Budds Creek |
3:19.679 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
2:47.507 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: MX 338 |
3:05.914 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Steel City |
3:32.171 | crf250(2009) | Black Mesa MX |
1:58.945 | crf250(2009) | Budds Creek |
2:29.554 | crf250(2009) | Green Valley MX |