elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801 - UID #23451
These stats are for elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | Theo Pruvost | XTCFactory |
Number: | 427 |
Total Races: | 144 |
Wins: | 3 |
DNF's: | 44 |
Holeshots: | 6 |
Rating: | 46.81% (defeated 719 out of 1536 opponents) |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
125 Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:25.015 | rm125 | 2013 Motosport World GP Rd 03: Sevlievo |
2:38.867 | rm125 | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd01: Hangtown |
2:29.164 | rm125 | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd11: Miller Motorsports Park |
250f Lap Records
450f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:43.421 | 450sxf(2016) | 2013 Motosport World GP Rd 03: Sevlievo |
2:41.804 | 350sxf(2013) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd01: Hangtown |
2:34.585 | kx450f(2013) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd02: Glen Helen |
2:37.398 | yz450f(2016) | 2015 MotoSport rF National Rd08: Millville |
3:06.015 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd09: Washougal |
2:29.101 | fc450(2018) | 2018 MXSEMF National Rd01: Hangtown |
2:19.617 | fc450(2018) | 2018 MXSEMF National Rd07: Red Bud |
2:38.242 | fc450(2018) | 2018 MXSEMF National Rd08: Millville |
2:24.656 | fc450(2018) | 2021 rF Gaming National Rd01: Fox Raceway |
2:46.640 | fc450(2018) | 2021 rF Gaming National Rd12: Hangtown |