elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801 - UID #23854
These stats are for elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | Benjamin Morel| CLEVER SCHOOL |
Number: | 520 |
Total Races: | 26 |
Wins: | 0 |
DNF's: | 7 |
Holeshots: | 1 |
Rating: | 41.19% (defeated 131 out of 318 opponents) |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:42.375 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd01: Hangtown |
3:36.453 | rmz450(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd02: Glen Helen |
2:31.132 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd05: Highpoint |
2:40.328 | kx450f(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd07: Red Bud |
2:34.601 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 MotoSport rF National Rd08: Millville |
2:18.109 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd10: Unadilla |
2:26.968 | crf450(2011) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd11: Miller Motorsports Park |
2:50.531 | crf450(2011) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd12: Indiana |
450f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:42.375 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd01: Hangtown |
3:36.453 | rmz450(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd02: Glen Helen |
2:31.132 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd05: Highpoint |
2:40.328 | kx450f(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd07: Red Bud |
2:34.601 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 MotoSport rF National Rd08: Millville |
2:18.109 | 450sxf(2016) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd10: Unadilla |
2:26.968 | crf450(2011) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd11: Miller Motorsports Park |
2:50.531 | crf450(2011) | 2015 Motosport rF National Rd12: Indiana |