elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801 - UID #4395
These stats are for elsinore.mxsimulator.com:19801. For stats from all servers go here
Name: | juNky ~ Rockstar MX2 Suzuki |
Number: | 5 |
Total Races: | 138 |
Wins: | 38 |
DNF's: | 15 |
Holeshots: | 45 |
Rating: | 59.88% (defeated 409 out of 683 opponents) |
Checked Out - Awarded for maintaining a 20 second lead for the last half of a race. | |
First Win - Awarded for winning a race. | |
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot. | |
Participant - Awarded for just showing up. |
* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.
Overall Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
3:38.507 | 350sxf(2011) | (JS7 Compound):MX |
3:17.226 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Millville 2008 |
2:45.601 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Pala Raceway 2010 |
2:13.484 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Red Bud 2010 |
2:18.164 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: Freestone |
2:45.078 | rmz250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
2:56.726 | yz450f(2011) | AMA Pro National: High Point Raceway |
3:42.093 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: Steel City |
3:21.835 | yz450f(2011) | AMA Pro National UNADILLA |
3:14.945 | yz450f(2011) | Black Mesa MX |
1:43.218 | yz450f(2011) | Fort Winton Sand MX |
2:22.289 | crf250(2009) | Green Valley MX |
1:44.664 | rmz250(2009) | Hurricane Hills |
3:31.007 | 350sxf(2011) | Mission Valley DOS |
250f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
2:45.851 | rmz250(2009) | AMA National: Pala Raceway 2010 |
2:45.742 | crf250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Freestone |
2:45.078 | rmz250(2009) | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
1:58.398 | crf250(2009) | Fort Winton Sand MX |
2:22.289 | crf250(2009) | Green Valley MX |
1:44.664 | rmz250(2009) | Hurricane Hills |
250 Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
3:17.226 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Millville 2008 |
2:45.601 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Pala Raceway 2010 |
2:13.484 | kx250(2006) | AMA National: Red Bud 2010 |
2:18.164 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: Freestone |
2:51.750 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: Hangtown 2010 |
3:18.062 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: High Point Raceway |
3:42.093 | kx250(2006) | AMA Pro National: Steel City |
450f Lap Records
Time | Bike | Track |
3:38.507 | 350sxf(2011) | (JS7 Compound):MX |
3:04.757 | yz450f(2011) | AMA National: Pala Raceway 2010 |
2:30.648 | yz450f(2011) | AMA Pro National: Freestone |
2:56.726 | yz450f(2011) | AMA Pro National: High Point Raceway |
3:21.835 | yz450f(2011) | AMA Pro National UNADILLA |
3:14.945 | yz450f(2011) | Black Mesa MX |
1:43.218 | yz450f(2011) | Fort Winton Sand MX |
2:35.593 | yz450f(2011) | Green Valley MX |
2:01.742 | 350sxf(2011) | Hurricane Hills |
3:31.007 | 350sxf(2011) | Mission Valley DOS |