MX Simulator
Track2013 Motosport World GP Rd 02: Fermo
Format 4 laps
Date2/11/2016, 9:33:02 PM (3245 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1311MacNeill | Team Volcom 350sxf(2013)4 9:09.9214 2:03.5157576
260Jack Lang | 6T Decals crf250(2009)4 9:11.9602 1:59.8286103
3644tylerstepek rm1254 9:37.8122 2:02.97612431
4525Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing yz250f(2009)4 10:32.3354 2:24.15617701
5511hugo/ mc montorerna rm1253 9:18.7812 3:07.95311186
618rami lamborgini rm1252 9:15.7812 5:44.6323121
7178Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK kx450f(2013)2 11:16.3042 2:24.7101978
8180Nick Wheat yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017975

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 311 644 60 311
P2 644 311 311 60
P3 60 60 644 644
P4 525 525 525 525
P5 511 511 511
P6 18 18
P7 178 178

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:59.828 2 60 Jack Lang | 6T Decals
2:02.976 2 644 tylerstepek
2:03.515 4 311 MacNeill | Team Volcom
2:06.390 4 60 Jack Lang | 6T Decals
2:12.937 2 311 MacNeill | Team Volcom
2:15.859 4 644 tylerstepek
2:24.156 4 525 Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing
2:24.710 2 178 Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK
2:26.585 2 525 Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing
2:42.164 3 525 Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing
3:07.953 2 511 hugo/ mc montorerna
5:44.632 2 18 rami lamborgini

Individual Worst Laps

2:14.726 3 60 Jack Lang | 6T Decals
2:22.031 3 311 MacNeill | Team Volcom
2:24.710 2 178 Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK
2:39.929 3 644 tylerstepek
2:42.164 3 525 Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing
3:07.953 2 511 hugo/ mc montorerna
5:44.632 2 18 rami lamborgini


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.097 60 Jack Lang | 6T Decals
7.559 311 MacNeill | Team Volcom
7.978 525 Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing
13.328 511 hugo/ mc montorerna
15.315 644 tylerstepek
- 18 rami lamborgini
- 178 Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK
- 180 Nick Wheat

Play by Play

Jack Lang | 6T Decals takes the holeshot followed by Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing, Nick Wheat, rami lamborgini, tylerstepek, hugo/ mc montorerna, MacNeill | Team Volcom and Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK

0:10.585 - 0:12.312: rami lamborgini passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing and Nick Wheat for 2nd
0:10.609 - 0:12.453: tylerstepek passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing and Nick Wheat for 3rd
0:10.804 - 0:12.585: hugo/ mc montorerna passed Nick Wheat for 5th
0:12.312 - 0:15.304: rami lamborgini passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for the lead
0:12.585 - 0:15.632: hugo/ mc montorerna passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing and tylerstepek for 3rd
0:17.421 - 0:19.007: Jack Lang | 6T Decals passed rami lamborgini for the lead
0:19.171 - 0:21.468: rami lamborgini passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for the lead
0:19.453 - 0:22.000: tylerstepek passed hugo/ mc montorerna for 3rd
0:21.039 - 0:23.843: MacNeill | Team Volcom passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing and Nick Wheat for 5th
0:23.843 - 0:27.960: MacNeill | Team Volcom passed hugo/ mc montorerna, rami lamborgini, Jack Lang | 6T Decals and tylerstepek for the lead
0:19.710 - 0:31.117: Nick Wheat passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing for 6th
0:22.070 - 0:32.039: hugo/ mc montorerna passed rami lamborgini, Jack Lang | 6T Decals and tylerstepek for 2nd
0:22.000 - 0:32.835: tylerstepek passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for 4th
0:33.453 - 0:37.023: Jack Lang | 6T Decals passed hugo/ mc montorerna, rami lamborgini and tylerstepek for 2nd
0:34.210 - 0:38.390: Nick Wheat passed hugo/ mc montorerna, rami lamborgini and tylerstepek for 3rd
0:32.835 - 0:38.789: tylerstepek passed hugo/ mc montorerna and rami lamborgini for 4th
0:36.390 - 0:39.937: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing passed rami lamborgini for 6th
0:39.937 - 0:41.695: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing passed hugo/ mc montorerna for 5th
0:40.585 - 0:42.335: rami lamborgini passed hugo/ mc montorerna for 6th
0:46.265 - 0:48.234: rami lamborgini passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing for 5th
0:52.187 - 0:54.257: tylerstepek passed Nick Wheat for 3rd
0:53.578 - 0:55.765: rami lamborgini passed Nick Wheat for 4th
0:54.093 - 0:56.679: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing passed Nick Wheat for 5th
0:55.070 - 0:57.187: hugo/ mc montorerna passed Nick Wheat for 6th
0:59.390 - 1:03.914: hugo/ mc montorerna passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing for 5th
1:05.781 - 1:09.445: Nick Wheat passed Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing for 6th
1:18.257 - 1:20.882: Jack Lang | 6T Decals passed MacNeill | Team Volcom for the lead
1:18.625 - 1:25.664: rami lamborgini went off the track
1:20.898 - 1:34.265: hugo/ mc montorerna went off the track
1:41.085 - 1:43.429: MacNeill | Team Volcom passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for the lead
1:45.023 - 1:50.648: tylerstepek passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for 2nd
1:59.734 - 2:05.281: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing passed hugo/ mc montorerna for 5th
2:07.562 - 2:22.484: rami lamborgini went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:31.437: MacNeill | Team Volcom finished lap 1 ( 2:31.437)
0:00.000 - 2:39.046: tylerstepek finished lap 1 ( 2:39.046)
2:27.835 - 2:45.976: rami lamborgini went off the track
2:46.062 - 2:48.414: hugo/ mc montorerna passed rami lamborgini for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:51.015: Jack Lang | 6T Decals finished lap 1 ( 2:51.015)
0:00.000 - 2:59.429: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing finished lap 1 ( 2:59.429)
3:22.093 - 3:24.359: tylerstepek passed MacNeill | Team Volcom for the lead
0:00.000 - 3:28.304: hugo/ mc montorerna finished lap 1 ( 3:28.304)
0:00.000 - 3:28.460: rami lamborgini finished lap 1 ( 3:28.460)
3:28.460 - 3:30.070: rami lamborgini passed hugo/ mc montorerna for 5th
2:39.046 - 4:42.023: tylerstepek finished lap 2 ( 2:02.976)
2:31.437 - 4:44.375: MacNeill | Team Volcom finished lap 2 ( 2:12.937)
2:51.015 - 4:50.843: Jack Lang | 6T Decals finished lap 2 ( 1:59.828)
4:58.140 - 4:59.953: MacNeill | Team Volcom passed tylerstepek for the lead
2:59.429 - 5:26.015: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing finished lap 2 ( 2:26.585)
5:13.968 - 5:29.984: MacNeill | Team Volcom went off the track
5:39.226 - 5:52.773: MacNeill | Team Volcom went off the track
6:12.976 - 6:19.273: Jack Lang | 6T Decals passed tylerstepek for the lead
3:28.304 - 6:36.257: hugo/ mc montorerna finished lap 2 ( 3:07.953)
6:05.882 - 6:36.257: hugo/ mc montorerna passed rami lamborgini for 5th
6:25.953 - 6:42.671: Jack Lang | 6T Decals went off the track
4:50.843 - 7:05.570: Jack Lang | 6T Decals finished lap 3 ( 2:14.726)
4:44.375 - 7:06.406: MacNeill | Team Volcom finished lap 3 ( 2:22.031)
6:56.695 - 7:19.562: tylerstepek went off the track
4:42.023 - 7:21.953: tylerstepek finished lap 3 ( 2:39.929)
7:05.375 - 7:24.945: hugo/ mc montorerna went off the track
7:22.734 - 7:25.328: MacNeill | Team Volcom passed Jack Lang | 6T Decals for the lead
5:26.015 - 8:08.179: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing finished lap 3 ( 2:42.164)
8:43.023 - 8:48.265: hugo/ mc montorerna went off the track
0:00.000 - 8:51.593: Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK finished lap 1 ( 8:51.593)
7:06.406 - 9:09.921: MacNeill | Team Volcom finished lap 4 ( 2:03.515)
7:05.570 - 9:11.960: Jack Lang | 6T Decals finished lap 4 ( 2:06.390)
3:28.460 - 9:13.093: rami lamborgini finished lap 2 ( 5:44.632)
6:36.257 - 9:17.554: hugo/ mc montorerna finished lap 3 ( 2:41.296)
7:21.953 - 9:37.812: tylerstepek finished lap 4 ( 2:15.859)
8:08.179 - 10:32.335: Antony Ferreira|Ck'R BobbyRacing finished lap 4 ( 2:24.156)
8:51.593 - 11:16.304: Ben O'Brien | motoXtreme UK finished lap 2 ( 2:24.710)