MX Simulator
Track2015 Motosport rF National Rd06: Buddscreek
Format 4 laps
Date8/31/2016, 8:04:32 PM (3052 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1122Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki 250sxf(2016)4 6:52.5544 2:02.82817548
2277Alec Cattenburg 250sxf(2016)4 6:58.1643 2:04.687656
3895Alban Dubois |MxRF 450sxf(2016)4 7:12.7424 2:25.98423729
4Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse 450sxf(2016)4 7:27.8752 2:03.3125576
5174Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing 450sxf(2016)4 7:52.9063 2:24.05418722
6122Rihards Ginters rmz450(2011)3 5:28.3902 2:43.14019933
78Carl Olsson | Worst rider here rmz450(2013)3 5:44.8203 2:36.37518229
8886Michael Butterworth rm1252 3:00.4062 2:32.2654376
9269Kobee Knight 250sxf(2016)1 0:42.1090 0:00.0006882
10521#521 Girardot Mickael[FR] 250sxf(2013)1 0:47.6400 0:00.00015477
11329ty sharp | pinnedmotosports crf250(2009)1 0:48.9370 0:00.00018914
12513Jean-Baptiste LERAT rmz450(2016)1 0:55.5850 0:00.0002210
13SUHSUH DUDE yz450f(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004006
14234Michael Anthony #234 yz450f(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006089

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 122
P2 122 895 895 277
P3 277 122 122 895
P4 895 277 277
P5 886 886 122 174
P6 122 174 174
P7 8 8 8
P8 174 122
P9 269
P10 329
P11 521
P12 513

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:02.828 4 122 Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki
2:03.312 2 Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse
2:04.687 3 277 Alec Cattenburg
2:06.031 3 122 Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki
2:08.531 4 277 Alec Cattenburg
2:11.312 3 Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse
2:16.656 2 122 Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki
2:17.460 2 277 Alec Cattenburg
2:24.054 3 174 Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing
2:24.242 4 174 Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing
2:25.984 4 895 Alban Dubois |MxRF
2:32.265 2 886 Michael Butterworth
2:36.375 3 8 Carl Olsson | Worst rider here
2:43.140 2 122 Rihards Ginters

Individual Worst Laps

2:16.656 2 122 Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki
2:17.460 2 277 Alec Cattenburg
2:25.531 2 174 Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing
2:25.984 4 895 Alban Dubois |MxRF
2:32.265 2 886 Michael Butterworth
2:36.375 3 8 Carl Olsson | Worst rider here
2:43.140 2 122 Rihards Ginters
2:47.429 4 Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.656 174 Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing
0.789 8 Carl Olsson | Worst rider here
5.351 277 Alec Cattenburg
5.910 122 Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki
8.916 895 Alban Dubois |MxRF
13.945 122 Rihards Ginters
19.191 Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse
- 513 Jean-Baptiste LERAT
- 521 #521 Girardot Mickael[FR]
- 886 Michael Butterworth
- 269 Kobee Knight
- 234 Michael Anthony #234
- 329 ty sharp | pinnedmotosports

Play by Play

Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki takes the holeshot followed by Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse, Alec Cattenburg, Michael Butterworth, Alban Dubois |MxRF , Rihards Ginters, Carl Olsson | Worst rider here, ty sharp | pinnedmotosports, Kobee Knight, Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing, Jean-Baptiste LERAT and #521 Girardot Mickael[FR]

0:15.718 - 0:22.007: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki went off the track
0:23.968 - 0:25.156: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Michael Butterworth for 4th
0:23.312 - 0:25.757: Kobee Knight passed ty sharp | pinnedmotosports for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:25.820: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse finished lap 1 ( 0:25.820)
0:00.000 - 0:26.437: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki finished lap 1 ( 0:26.437)
0:00.000 - 0:27.484: Alec Cattenburg finished lap 1 ( 0:27.484)
0:00.000 - 0:27.828: Alban Dubois |MxRF finished lap 1 ( 0:27.828)
0:00.000 - 0:28.140: Michael Butterworth finished lap 1 ( 0:28.140)
0:00.000 - 0:28.898: Rihards Ginters finished lap 1 ( 0:28.898)
0:28.828 - 0:30.343: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing passed ty sharp | pinnedmotosports for 9th
0:29.593 - 0:31.382: Jean-Baptiste LERAT passed ty sharp | pinnedmotosports for 10th
0:30.343 - 0:32.054: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing passed Kobee Knight for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:33.648: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here finished lap 1 ( 0:33.648)
0:33.250 - 0:35.179: #521 Girardot Mickael[FR] passed ty sharp | pinnedmotosports for 11th
0:35.343 - 0:37.421: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Alec Cattenburg for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:38.703: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:38.703)
0:40.570 - 0:42.078: #521 Girardot Mickael[FR] passed Jean-Baptiste LERAT for 10th
0:00.000 - 0:42.109: Kobee Knight finished lap 1 ( 0:42.109)
0:42.492 - 0:43.515: Rihards Ginters passed Michael Butterworth for 5th
0:39.148 - 0:43.593: ty sharp | pinnedmotosports went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:46.945: ty sharp | pinnedmotosports finished lap 1 ( 0:46.945)
0:43.593 - 0:46.945: ty sharp | pinnedmotosports passed #521 Girardot Mickael[FR] for 10th
0:00.000 - 0:47.640: #521 Girardot Mickael[FR] finished lap 1 ( 0:47.640)
0:42.820 - 0:47.648: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing went off the track
0:48.054 - 0:51.796: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki for 2nd
0:48.960 - 0:52.500: Alec Cattenburg passed Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:53.234: Jean-Baptiste LERAT finished lap 1 ( 0:53.234)
0:53.328 - 0:56.609: Rihards Ginters passed Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki for 4th
0:55.250 - 0:58.296: ty sharp | pinnedmotosports passed Kobee Knight for 9th
0:56.632 - 1:02.742: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki passed Rihards Ginters for 4th
1:01.039 - 1:04.312: Alec Cattenburg passed Alban Dubois |MxRF for 2nd
1:02.585 - 1:05.281: Michael Butterworth passed Rihards Ginters for 5th
1:04.367 - 1:18.242: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here went off the track
1:08.273 - 1:18.320: Kobee Knight went off the track
1:11.765 - 1:19.054: Jean-Baptiste LERAT went off the track
1:16.007 - 1:21.953: Alban Dubois |MxRF went off the track
1:17.257 - 1:22.671: Rihards Ginters passed Michael Butterworth for 5th
1:38.796 - 1:40.476: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Alec Cattenburg for 2nd
1:40.828 - 1:44.445: Jean-Baptiste LERAT passed Kobee Knight for 9th
1:40.890 - 1:47.250: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing passed Michael Butterworth for 6th
2:01.703 - 2:05.117: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki passed Alec Cattenburg for 3rd
2:15.570 - 2:19.406: Michael Butterworth passed Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing for 6th
0:25.820 - 2:29.132: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse finished lap 2 ( 2:03.312)
0:27.828 - 2:32.835: Alban Dubois |MxRF finished lap 2 ( 2:05.007)
0:26.437 - 2:43.093: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki finished lap 2 ( 2:16.656)
0:27.484 - 2:44.945: Alec Cattenburg finished lap 2 ( 2:17.460)
0:28.140 - 3:00.406: Michael Butterworth finished lap 2 ( 2:32.265)
2:57.304 - 3:00.406: Michael Butterworth passed Rihards Ginters for 5th
0:38.703 - 3:04.234: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:25.531)
3:01.492 - 3:04.234: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing passed Rihards Ginters for 6th
0:33.648 - 3:08.445: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here finished lap 2 ( 2:34.796)
3:05.531 - 3:08.445: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here passed Rihards Ginters for 7th
0:28.898 - 3:12.039: Rihards Ginters finished lap 2 ( 2:43.140)
3:13.046 - 3:15.179: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here passed Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing for 6th
3:15.953 - 3:17.867: Rihards Ginters passed Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing for 7th
3:32.437 - 3:38.882: Rihards Ginters passed Carl Olsson | Worst rider here for 6th
3:45.851 - 3:47.390: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse for the lead
4:13.773 - 4:18.546: Alban Dubois |MxRF went off the track
4:19.890 - 4:22.585: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing passed Carl Olsson | Worst rider here for 7th
4:23.109 - 4:27.679: Rihards Ginters went off the track
4:36.156 - 4:37.718: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse passed Alban Dubois |MxRF for the lead
2:29.132 - 4:40.445: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse finished lap 3 ( 2:11.312)
2:32.835 - 4:43.070: Alban Dubois |MxRF finished lap 3 ( 2:10.234)
2:43.093 - 4:49.125: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki finished lap 3 ( 2:06.031)
2:44.945 - 4:49.632: Alec Cattenburg finished lap 3 ( 2:04.687)
4:50.562 - 4:53.148: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki passed Alban Dubois |MxRF for 2nd
4:51.101 - 4:53.601: Alec Cattenburg passed Alban Dubois |MxRF for 3rd
3:12.039 - 5:27.289: Rihards Ginters finished lap 3 ( 2:15.250)
3:04.234 - 5:28.289: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:24.054)
5:21.625 - 5:39.140: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse went off the track
3:08.445 - 5:44.820: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here finished lap 3 ( 2:36.375)
5:44.820 - 5:55.492: Carl Olsson | Worst rider here went off the track
5:52.164 - 5:56.718: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse for 3rd
6:08.296 - 6:10.242: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse passed Alban Dubois |MxRF for 3rd
6:30.609 - 6:33.812: Alban Dubois |MxRF passed Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse for 3rd
4:49.125 - 6:51.953: Aaron Bonneau | 305 Edits Kawasaki finished lap 4 ( 2:02.828)
4:49.632 - 6:58.164: Alec Cattenburg finished lap 4 ( 2:08.531)
4:43.070 - 7:09.054: Alban Dubois |MxRF finished lap 4 ( 2:25.984)
7:11.101 - 7:23.828: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse went off the track
4:40.445 - 7:27.875: Aaron Boulger | House | Roadhouse finished lap 4 ( 2:47.429)
5:28.289 - 7:52.531: Eric O'Connor | OCM Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:24.242)