MX Simulator
Track2016 rF Gaming National Rd07: Southwick
Format 4 laps
Date1/6/2017, 8:36:01 AM (2925 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
116Shoeburt rmz450(2013)4 11:10.1793 2:25.61717522
266JC 250sxf(2016)4 11:41.9922 2:53.38216873
327Josh Thiele 450sxf(2016)4 13:03.0702 2:55.25721409
4322Seth tinnel 450sxf(2017)4 13:13.5394 2:46.46821586
528Tom Fisher yz250f(2013)2 7:23.4532 3:44.35110936
615Johnston 250sxf(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00024898
769Ivan Mirzoev | ZZ Racing 250sxf(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012154

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 66 66 16 16
P2 16 16 66 66
P3 27 27 27 27
P4 322 322 322 322
P5 28 28

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:25.617 3 16 Shoeburt
2:46.468 4 322 Seth tinnel
2:53.382 2 66 JC
2:54.695 4 66 JC
2:55.257 2 27 Josh Thiele
3:01.437 4 16 Shoeburt
3:12.187 3 66 JC
3:24.140 3 27 Josh Thiele
3:44.351 2 28 Tom Fisher

Individual Worst Laps

3:01.437 4 16 Shoeburt
3:12.187 3 66 JC
3:24.140 3 27 Josh Thiele
3:25.789 3 322 Seth tinnel
3:44.351 2 28 Tom Fisher


Std. Dev.NumberName
8.572 66 JC
12.435 27 Josh Thiele
15.387 16 Shoeburt
18.073 322 Seth tinnel
- 15 Johnston
- 69 Ivan Mirzoev | ZZ Racing
- 28 Tom Fisher

Play by Play

Josh Thiele takes the holeshot followed by Shoeburt, Seth tinnel, Tom Fisher, JC, Ivan Mirzoev | ZZ Racing and Johnston

0:10.859 - 0:13.296: Shoeburt passed Josh Thiele for the lead
0:11.453 - 0:13.773: Seth tinnel passed Josh Thiele for 2nd
0:15.726 - 0:18.125: JC passed Tom Fisher, Seth tinnel and Josh Thiele for 2nd
0:18.117 - 0:20.156: Ivan Mirzoev | ZZ Racing passed Tom Fisher, Seth tinnel and Josh Thiele for 3rd
0:18.125 - 0:23.187: JC passed Shoeburt for the lead
0:20.156 - 0:23.921: Ivan Mirzoev | ZZ Racing passed Shoeburt for 2nd
0:25.859 - 0:29.945: Seth tinnel passed Shoeburt for 3rd
0:26.320 - 0:30.750: Josh Thiele passed Shoeburt for 4th
0:28.882 - 0:34.164: Tom Fisher passed Shoeburt for 5th
0:33.492 - 0:38.562: Josh Thiele passed Seth tinnel for 2nd
0:37.125 - 0:41.796: Tom Fisher passed Seth tinnel for 3rd
0:43.992 - 0:48.367: Tom Fisher passed Josh Thiele for 2nd
0:46.179 - 0:50.875: Seth tinnel passed Josh Thiele for 3rd
0:47.796 - 0:51.554: Shoeburt passed Josh Thiele for 4th
0:51.554 - 0:53.750: Shoeburt passed Seth tinnel for 3rd
0:53.445 - 0:56.562: Josh Thiele passed Seth tinnel for 4th
0:56.023 - 1:00.000: Shoeburt passed Tom Fisher for 2nd
0:59.664 - 1:02.281: Seth tinnel passed Josh Thiele for 4th
1:04.437 - 1:08.117: Tom Fisher passed Shoeburt for 2nd
1:18.171 - 1:21.085: Shoeburt passed Tom Fisher for 2nd
1:24.062 - 1:28.296: Josh Thiele passed Seth tinnel for 4th
2:01.210 - 2:05.179: Seth tinnel passed Tom Fisher and Josh Thiele for 3rd
1:58.000 - 2:19.835: Josh Thiele passed Tom Fisher for 4th
2:30.289 - 2:35.140: Tom Fisher passed Josh Thiele for 4th
2:36.765 - 2:39.468: Josh Thiele passed Tom Fisher for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:41.726: JC finished lap 1 ( 2:41.726)
0:00.000 - 2:49.445: Shoeburt finished lap 1 ( 2:49.445)
3:07.945 - 3:12.070: Josh Thiele passed Seth tinnel for 3rd
0:00.000 - 3:22.132: Josh Thiele finished lap 1 ( 3:22.132)
0:00.000 - 3:27.078: Seth tinnel finished lap 1 ( 3:27.078)
0:00.000 - 3:39.101: Tom Fisher finished lap 1 ( 3:39.101)
3:36.296 - 3:39.414: Shoeburt passed JC for the lead
3:46.468 - 3:50.273: JC passed Shoeburt for the lead
3:47.210 - 3:59.062: Johnston went off the track
3:57.742 - 4:06.750: Seth tinnel went off the track
4:01.273 - 4:10.273: Shoeburt went off the track
4:41.046 - 4:56.617: Shoeburt went off the track
2:41.726 - 5:35.109: JC finished lap 2 ( 2:53.382)
2:49.445 - 5:43.125: Shoeburt finished lap 2 ( 2:53.679)
6:01.570 - 6:03.554: Shoeburt passed JC for the lead
3:22.132 - 6:17.390: Josh Thiele finished lap 2 ( 2:55.257)
6:20.828 - 6:36.945: Seth tinnel went off the track
3:27.078 - 6:50.820: Seth tinnel finished lap 2 ( 3:23.742)
3:39.101 - 7:23.453: Tom Fisher finished lap 2 ( 3:44.351)
7:20.406 - 7:37.007: Seth tinnel went off the track
5:43.125 - 8:08.742: Shoeburt finished lap 3 ( 2:25.617)
5:35.109 - 8:47.296: JC finished lap 3 ( 3:12.187)
9:13.710 - 9:24.617: Seth tinnel went off the track
6:17.390 - 9:41.531: Josh Thiele finished lap 3 ( 3:24.140)
9:53.835 - 10:05.218: Seth tinnel went off the track
9:58.367 - 10:11.656: Josh Thiele went off the track
6:50.820 - 10:16.609: Seth tinnel finished lap 3 ( 3:25.789)
10:33.125 - 10:39.421: Josh Thiele went off the track
9:45.679 - 11:08.710: Tom Fisher went off the track
8:08.742 - 11:10.179: Shoeburt finished lap 4 ( 3:01.437)
8:47.296 - 11:41.992: JC finished lap 4 ( 2:54.695)
12:49.367 - 12:56.359: Josh Thiele went off the track
9:41.531 - 12:59.609: Josh Thiele finished lap 4 ( 3:18.078)
10:16.609 - 13:03.078: Seth tinnel finished lap 4 ( 2:46.468)