MX Simulator
Track2016 rF Gaming National Rd08: Millville
Format 4 laps
Date4/29/2017, 5:06:41 PM (2811 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1573Lane Burkes | fc250(2017)4 10:40.1174 2:31.61711747
250Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics crf450(2017)4 10:40.7182 2:35.7653118
3100Frederick | Adept fc450(2017)4 11:03.4924 2:32.0855499
477jean michel bocquet |PRA fc250(2017)4 11:07.8672 2:42.21022931
5bobjeremy gadal fc450(2017)4 11:30.1254 2:28.89811116
6592Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele 250sxf(2017)4 11:30.3354 2:36.89013918
7969Matt Miles | RevLimiter fc250(2017)4 11:31.6093 2:33.75011673
8228Kirk Batten | Privateer fc450(2017)3 8:18.1872 3:06.9536433
9OCBboul84 fc250(2017)3 11:31.8820 0:00.00022946
10420Teo Vital | 250sxf(2017)2 6:18.1950 0:00.0003841
1121Florian Monteaud | kx250f(2016)2 6:24.6710 0:00.0005651
12821Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing 250sxf(2017)2 8:14.5000 0:00.00021047
1362teebs 450sxf(2017)1 2:42.1320 0:00.00027553
14343Kirill Plotnikov | 101Designs fc450(2017)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013107
1597Gustavo Diniz fc250(2017)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003399
16138#138 Trevor Williams | Revlimiter 250sxf(2017)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00020615

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 77 50 50 573
P2 50 77 77 50
P3 62 573 573 100
P4 592 592 228 77
P5 228 100 100 969
P6 969 228 969 592
P7 573 969 592 bob
P8 100 420 bob
P9 420 21 OCB
P10 21 bob
P11 bob 821
P12 821 OCB

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

2:28.898 4 bob jeremy gadal
2:31.617 4 573 Lane Burkes |
2:32.085 4 100 Frederick | Adept
2:33.750 3 969 Matt Miles | RevLimiter
2:34.453 3 bob jeremy gadal
2:35.765 2 50 Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics
2:36.890 4 592 Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele
2:38.117 4 50 Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics
2:42.210 2 77 jean michel bocquet |PRA
2:42.367 3 100 Frederick | Adept
2:42.726 3 573 Lane Burkes |
2:55.851 2 100 Frederick | Adept
3:00.851 2 bob jeremy gadal
3:06.953 2 228 Kirk Batten | Privateer

Individual Worst Laps

2:42.726 3 573 Lane Burkes |
2:45.882 3 50 Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics
2:55.851 2 100 Frederick | Adept
3:00.851 2 bob jeremy gadal
3:04.039 4 77 jean michel bocquet |PRA
3:04.687 2 592 Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele
3:06.953 2 228 Kirk Batten | Privateer
3:07.242 2 969 Matt Miles | RevLimiter
3:15.476 2 420 Teo Vital |
3:17.945 2 21 Florian Monteaud |
4:45.382 2 OCB boul84
4:45.492 2 821 Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.323 50 Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics
5.375 573 Lane Burkes |
9.732 100 Frederick | Adept
10.213 77 jean michel bocquet |PRA
12.174 592 Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele
13.740 969 Matt Miles | RevLimiter
13.939 bob jeremy gadal
22.156 228 Kirk Batten | Privateer
46.832 OCB boul84
- 62 teebs
- 343 Kirill Plotnikov | 101Designs
- 21 Florian Monteaud |
- 97 Gustavo Diniz
- 420 Teo Vital |
- 821 Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing
- 138 #138 Trevor Williams | Revlimiter

Play by Play

Frederick | Adept takes the holeshot followed by Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics, Kirk Batten | Privateer, jeremy gadal, Florian Monteaud |, jean michel bocquet |PRA, Teo Vital |, Lane Burkes |, Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele, Matt Miles | RevLimiter, boul84, Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing, teebs and Kirill Plotnikov | 101Designs

0:08.484 - 0:11.203: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 2nd
0:08.812 - 0:11.351: jeremy gadal passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 3rd
0:09.171 - 0:11.804: Florian Monteaud | passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 4th
0:09.273 - 0:12.046: Teo Vital | passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 6th
0:09.835 - 0:12.671: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 9th
0:10.031 - 0:12.765: boul84 passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 10th
0:12.210 - 0:16.250: Lane Burkes | passed Florian Monteaud |, jean michel bocquet |PRA, jeremy gadal, Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics and Teo Vital | for 3rd
0:12.007 - 0:16.273: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Florian Monteaud | and jeremy gadal for 4th
0:12.109 - 0:16.757: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Florian Monteaud |, jeremy gadal and Teo Vital | for 5th
0:12.812 - 0:16.773: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter, Florian Monteaud |, boul84, jeremy gadal and Teo Vital | for 6th
0:13.593 - 0:18.164: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter, Florian Monteaud |, boul84, jeremy gadal and Teo Vital | for 7th
0:14.031 - 0:18.476: teebs passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter, Florian Monteaud |, boul84, jeremy gadal and Teo Vital | for 8th
0:16.273 - 0:18.718: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Lane Burkes | for 3rd
0:19.835 - 0:22.226: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Frederick | Adept for the lead
0:18.476 - 0:22.453: teebs passed jean michel bocquet |PRA, Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing and Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 5th
0:12.046 - 0:24.132: Teo Vital | passed Florian Monteaud | for 10th
0:21.398 - 0:24.335: Lane Burkes | passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 3rd
0:12.765 - 0:25.367: boul84 passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter and Florian Monteaud | for 11th
0:12.671 - 0:26.171: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Florian Monteaud | for 12th
0:23.625 - 0:26.648: jeremy gadal passed jean michel bocquet |PRA, Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing and Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 6th
0:24.460 - 0:28.171: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Lane Burkes | for 3rd
0:26.265 - 0:29.406: Florian Monteaud | passed boul84, Teo Vital | and Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 9th
0:29.585 - 0:33.015: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed Florian Monteaud | for 9th
0:25.367 - 0:33.132: boul84 passed Teo Vital | for 11th
0:26.171 - 0:34.460: Matt Miles | RevLimiter went off the track
0:33.132 - 0:36.328: boul84 passed Florian Monteaud | for 11th
0:32.679 - 0:36.562: teebs passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics and Lane Burkes | for 3rd
0:36.421 - 0:39.656: Teo Vital | passed Florian Monteaud | for 12th
0:36.562 - 0:39.953: teebs passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Frederick | Adept for the lead
0:36.234 - 0:39.953: jeremy gadal passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics and Lane Burkes | for 4th
0:33.015 - 0:40.601: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing went off the track
0:30.046 - 0:41.429: Frederick | Adept passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 2nd
0:39.953 - 0:42.687: jeremy gadal passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 3rd
0:40.765 - 0:44.125: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 4th
0:41.750 - 0:44.289: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Lane Burkes | for 5th
0:41.281 - 0:45.664: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 9th
0:42.531 - 0:45.773: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Lane Burkes | for 6th
0:41.562 - 0:46.820: Lane Burkes | passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 7th
0:43.382 - 0:47.078: boul84 passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 10th
0:47.078 - 0:50.242: boul84 passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 8th
0:47.679 - 0:51.664: Florian Monteaud | passed Teo Vital | and Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 11th
0:50.484 - 0:53.265: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed jeremy gadal for 3rd
0:46.023 - 0:53.929: Teo Vital | passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 12th
0:51.843 - 0:54.281: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed jeremy gadal for 4th
0:53.031 - 0:55.890: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed jeremy gadal for 5th
0:54.109 - 0:57.156: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed boul84 for 8th
0:57.578 - 0:59.351: boul84 passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Lane Burkes | for 7th
0:57.156 - 0:59.468: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Lane Burkes | for 8th
1:01.234 - 1:03.718: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed boul84 for 7th
1:04.937 - 1:07.984: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
1:08.039 - 1:09.750: Frederick | Adept passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 2nd
1:07.562 - 1:11.242: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed jeremy gadal for 6th
1:09.125 - 1:12.929: Lane Burkes | passed boul84 and jeremy gadal for 7th
1:10.015 - 1:14.234: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed boul84 and jeremy gadal for 8th
1:12.320 - 1:15.546: Florian Monteaud | passed boul84 and jeremy gadal for 9th
1:14.492 - 1:17.687: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
1:14.703 - 1:18.578: Teo Vital | passed boul84 and jeremy gadal for 10th
1:21.117 - 1:24.921: jeremy gadal passed Teo Vital | for 10th
1:23.367 - 1:25.414: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 4th
1:22.117 - 1:26.070: boul84 passed Teo Vital | for 11th
1:22.640 - 1:26.906: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed teebs for the lead
1:27.710 - 1:30.945: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Lane Burkes | for 7th
1:32.140 - 1:33.976: Florian Monteaud | passed Lane Burkes | for 8th
1:33.976 - 1:36.703: Florian Monteaud | passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 7th
1:34.257 - 1:37.632: Frederick | Adept passed teebs for 2nd
1:35.335 - 1:39.468: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed teebs for 3rd
1:35.906 - 1:40.085: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed teebs for 4th
1:37.632 - 1:41.296: Frederick | Adept passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for the lead
1:40.085 - 1:44.710: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 3rd
1:45.375 - 1:46.890: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Frederick | Adept for the lead
1:44.750 - 1:47.148: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 3rd
1:43.968 - 1:48.109: Florian Monteaud | passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 6th
1:47.148 - 1:48.664: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
1:47.257 - 1:49.539: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Frederick | Adept for 3rd
1:50.320 - 1:51.984: teebs passed Frederick | Adept for 4th
1:49.406 - 1:52.398: boul84 passed jeremy gadal for 10th
1:52.320 - 1:54.960: Teo Vital | passed jeremy gadal for 11th
1:58.679 - 2:02.265: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics and Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for the lead
1:58.992 - 2:03.765: Teo Vital | passed boul84 for 10th
2:00.609 - 2:03.875: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed jeremy gadal for 12th
1:57.687 - 2:04.203: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 2nd
2:00.851 - 2:04.812: teebs passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 3rd
2:04.164 - 2:06.250: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Florian Monteaud | and Frederick | Adept for 5th
2:06.039 - 2:08.343: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Florian Monteaud | and Frederick | Adept for 6th
2:07.968 - 2:09.906: Lane Burkes | passed Florian Monteaud | and Frederick | Adept for 7th
2:13.710 - 2:17.125: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed boul84 for 11th
2:17.976 - 2:24.078: Florian Monteaud | went off the track
2:19.789 - 2:24.937: Lane Burkes | went off the track
2:22.453 - 2:29.312: jeremy gadal went off the track
2:31.882 - 2:34.460: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed teebs for 3rd
2:35.781 - 2:38.257: Florian Monteaud | passed Frederick | Adept for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:39.078: jean michel bocquet |PRA finished lap 1 ( 2:39.078)
2:38.773 - 2:39.703: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 2nd
2:36.250 - 2:40.570: jeremy gadal passed boul84 for 12th
2:39.421 - 2:40.609: teebs passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:40.953: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics finished lap 1 ( 2:40.953)
0:00.000 - 2:42.132: teebs finished lap 1 ( 2:42.132)
2:41.937 - 2:43.429: Frederick | Adept passed Florian Monteaud | for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:44.062: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele finished lap 1 ( 2:44.062)
0:00.000 - 2:45.242: Kirk Batten | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:45.242)
2:45.648 - 2:48.054: boul84 passed jeremy gadal for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:50.570: Matt Miles | RevLimiter finished lap 1 ( 2:50.570)
2:44.070 - 2:51.046: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:52.812: Lane Burkes | finished lap 1 ( 2:52.812)
0:00.000 - 2:53.187: Frederick | Adept finished lap 1 ( 2:53.187)
2:52.820 - 2:58.046: Lane Burkes | went off the track
2:55.687 - 2:58.187: Teo Vital | passed Florian Monteaud | for 9th
0:00.000 - 3:02.718: Teo Vital | finished lap 1 ( 3:02.718)
0:00.000 - 3:02.742: Florian Monteaud | finished lap 1 ( 3:02.742)
2:58.187 - 3:04.382: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele went off the track
3:02.750 - 3:06.304: Florian Monteaud | passed Teo Vital | for 7th
3:04.281 - 3:08.171: Frederick | Adept passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 5th
3:04.992 - 3:08.960: Lane Burkes | passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 6th
3:08.093 - 3:11.093: jeremy gadal passed boul84 for 12th
3:13.453 - 3:16.382: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for the lead
3:18.828 - 3:21.953: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed teebs for 3rd
0:00.000 - 3:25.921: jeremy gadal finished lap 1 ( 3:25.921)
3:24.601 - 3:25.921: jeremy gadal passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 11th
0:00.000 - 3:26.023: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing finished lap 1 ( 3:26.023)
3:25.453 - 3:27.125: teebs passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 3rd
3:26.593 - 3:29.164: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for the lead
3:26.031 - 3:29.734: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed jeremy gadal for 9th
0:00.000 - 3:32.789: boul84 finished lap 1 ( 3:32.789)
3:32.562 - 3:35.070: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and teebs for 3rd
3:35.070 - 3:37.492: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 2nd
3:36.507 - 3:38.085: boul84 passed jeremy gadal for 12th
3:38.171 - 3:40.859: Frederick | Adept passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and teebs for 4th
3:39.218 - 3:42.335: Lane Burkes | passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 6th
3:42.335 - 3:45.085: Lane Burkes | passed teebs for 5th
3:45.679 - 3:48.507: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 7th
3:33.250 - 3:48.921: Florian Monteaud | went off the track
3:45.546 - 3:48.984: jeremy gadal passed boul84 for 11th
3:50.382 - 3:52.648: teebs passed Lane Burkes | for 5th
3:51.101 - 3:54.789: Frederick | Adept passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 3rd
3:49.039 - 3:56.085: boul84 passed jeremy gadal for 12th
3:52.648 - 3:56.359: teebs passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for 4th
3:45.617 - 3:56.789: Teo Vital | went off the track
4:03.296 - 4:05.101: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 7th
4:12.226 - 4:16.359: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed teebs and Frederick | Adept for 3rd
4:11.781 - 4:17.140: teebs passed Frederick | Adept for 4th
4:13.257 - 4:17.804: Lane Burkes | passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
4:20.953 - 4:22.898: Florian Monteaud | passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 8th
4:17.828 - 4:24.562: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Frederick | Adept for 6th
4:20.640 - 4:24.710: Lane Burkes | passed teebs for 4th
4:22.195 - 4:26.023: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 2nd
4:24.710 - 4:29.953: Lane Burkes | passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 3rd
4:27.312 - 4:31.445: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed teebs for 5th
4:26.695 - 4:31.695: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Florian Monteaud | for 8th
4:28.101 - 4:32.218: Frederick | Adept passed teebs for 6th
4:29.757 - 4:32.382: jeremy gadal passed boul84 for 12th
4:34.328 - 4:39.671: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele went off the track
4:43.664 - 4:45.500: Frederick | Adept passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 5th
4:50.523 - 4:53.320: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
4:50.156 - 4:54.257: jeremy gadal passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 11th
4:53.375 - 4:55.148: Frederick | Adept passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 5th
4:56.851 - 5:00.039: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing passed jeremy gadal for 11th
4:53.210 - 5:00.601: Matt Miles | RevLimiter went off the track
4:57.335 - 5:03.164: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for the lead
5:12.875 - 5:14.437: Teo Vital | passed Florian Monteaud | for 9th
2:40.953 - 5:16.718: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics finished lap 2 ( 2:35.765)
5:11.601 - 5:20.664: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing went off the track
5:19.335 - 5:21.125: Florian Monteaud | passed Teo Vital | for 9th
2:39.078 - 5:21.289: jean michel bocquet |PRA finished lap 2 ( 2:42.210)
2:52.812 - 5:23.867: Lane Burkes | finished lap 2 ( 2:31.054)
5:23.828 - 5:26.421: Frederick | Adept passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 4th
5:27.718 - 5:29.421: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 5th
5:21.125 - 5:37.039: Florian Monteaud | went off the track
5:44.023 - 5:46.562: jeremy gadal passed Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing for 9th
2:44.062 - 5:48.750: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele finished lap 2 ( 3:04.687)
5:47.304 - 5:48.750: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Kirk Batten | Privateer and Frederick | Adept for 4th
2:53.187 - 5:49.039: Frederick | Adept finished lap 2 ( 2:55.851)
2:45.242 - 5:52.195: Kirk Batten | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 3:06.953)
5:49.046 - 5:52.898: Frederick | Adept passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 4th
5:52.203 - 5:56.265: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 5th
5:49.945 - 5:57.812: Matt Miles | RevLimiter went off the track
2:50.570 - 5:57.812: Matt Miles | RevLimiter finished lap 2 ( 3:07.242)
5:58.039 - 6:02.054: Lane Burkes | passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 2nd
6:00.070 - 6:08.492: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics went off the track
4:40.914 - 6:15.382: boul84 went off the track
3:02.718 - 6:18.195: Teo Vital | finished lap 2 ( 3:15.476)
3:02.742 - 6:20.687: Florian Monteaud | finished lap 2 ( 3:17.945)
6:22.203 - 6:24.648: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 6th
6:23.796 - 6:26.218: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed Frederick | Adept for 4th
3:25.921 - 6:26.773: jeremy gadal finished lap 2 ( 3:00.851)
6:25.765 - 6:29.421: Florian Monteaud | went off the track
6:38.820 - 6:42.273: Matt Miles | RevLimiter passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
6:43.007 - 6:45.992: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele passed Frederick | Adept for 6th
6:44.773 - 6:48.234: jeremy gadal passed Florian Monteaud | for 9th
6:43.867 - 7:05.546: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics went off the track
7:01.609 - 7:07.406: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele went off the track
7:15.687 - 7:18.375: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics passed Lane Burkes | for the lead
7:15.015 - 7:23.632: Kirk Batten | Privateer went off the track
7:15.492 - 7:26.812: jean michel bocquet |PRA went off the track
7:21.726 - 7:26.851: Frederick | Adept passed Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele for 6th
7:33.320 - 7:35.687: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Lane Burkes | for 2nd
5:16.718 - 8:02.601: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics finished lap 3 ( 2:45.882)
5:21.289 - 8:03.828: jean michel bocquet |PRA finished lap 3 ( 2:42.539)
5:23.867 - 8:06.593: Lane Burkes | finished lap 3 ( 2:42.726)
3:26.023 - 8:11.515: Timmy sarvari | Moto1 Racing finished lap 2 ( 4:45.492)
5:52.195 - 8:14.835: Kirk Batten | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:22.640)
3:32.789 - 8:18.171: boul84 finished lap 2 ( 4:45.382)
5:49.039 - 8:31.406: Frederick | Adept finished lap 3 ( 2:42.367)
8:30.140 - 8:31.406: Frederick | Adept passed Matt Miles | RevLimiter for 5th
5:57.812 - 8:31.562: Matt Miles | RevLimiter finished lap 3 ( 2:33.750)
8:21.804 - 8:34.765: jean michel bocquet |PRA went off the track
8:42.109 - 8:47.445: boul84 went off the track
8:31.570 - 8:47.929: Matt Miles | RevLimiter went off the track
5:48.750 - 8:48.890: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele finished lap 3 ( 3:00.140)
8:52.531 - 8:55.804: Kirk Batten | Privateer passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 3rd
6:26.773 - 9:01.226: jeremy gadal finished lap 3 ( 2:34.453)
9:08.578 - 9:12.765: jean michel bocquet |PRA passed Kirk Batten | Privateer for 3rd
10:12.015 - 10:19.796: jean michel bocquet |PRA went off the track
10:23.156 - 10:26.242: Lane Burkes | passed Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics for the lead
8:06.593 - 10:38.210: Lane Burkes | finished lap 4 ( 2:31.617)
10:37.914 - 10:40.367: Frederick | Adept passed jean michel bocquet |PRA for 3rd
8:02.601 - 10:40.718: Peter Leik | Prime Design Graphics finished lap 4 ( 2:38.117)
8:31.406 - 11:03.492: Frederick | Adept finished lap 4 ( 2:32.085)
8:03.828 - 11:07.867: jean michel bocquet |PRA finished lap 4 ( 3:04.039)
8:31.562 - 11:24.921: Matt Miles | RevLimiter finished lap 4 ( 2:53.359)
8:48.890 - 11:25.781: Alemao Formentao | GZ Grafx #BundaLele finished lap 4 ( 2:36.890)
8:18.171 - 11:29.890: boul84 finished lap 3 ( 3:11.718)
9:01.226 - 11:30.125: jeremy gadal finished lap 4 ( 2:28.898)