MX Simulator
Track2019 rF Gaming National Rd08: Spring Creek MX
Format 4 laps
Date2/23/2020, 8:36:32 AM (1772 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1135Jack Curtis | 250sxf(2018)4 11:01.7734 2:31.11724386
2296Sam Blundell | Transmoto 250sxf(2018)4 11:48.2892 2:55.21828647
3284Thomas McBain | Transmoto 250sxf(2018)4 11:48.8753 2:50.24230633
4334Kody Tomich| looking for a team 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00032379

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 296 296 135 135
P2 135 135 296 296
P3 284 284 284 284

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:31.117 4 135 Jack Curtis |
2:50.242 3 284 Thomas McBain | Transmoto
2:55.218 2 296 Sam Blundell | Transmoto

Individual Worst Laps

2:54.289 3 135 Jack Curtis |
3:06.617 2 284 Thomas McBain | Transmoto
3:10.664 3 296 Sam Blundell | Transmoto


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.319 296 Sam Blundell | Transmoto
7.027 284 Thomas McBain | Transmoto
9.982 135 Jack Curtis |
- 334 Kody Tomich| looking for a team

Play by Play

Thomas McBain | Transmoto takes the holeshot followed by Sam Blundell | Transmoto and Jack Curtis |

0:06.554 - 0:07.500: Jack Curtis | passed Sam Blundell | Transmoto and Thomas McBain | Transmoto for the lead
0:06.531 - 0:07.640: Sam Blundell | Transmoto passed Thomas McBain | Transmoto for 2nd
0:12.132 - 0:13.757: Sam Blundell | Transmoto passed Jack Curtis | for the lead
1:24.210 - 1:33.015: Sam Blundell | Transmoto went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:33.382: Sam Blundell | Transmoto finished lap 1 ( 2:33.382)
0:00.000 - 2:46.906: Jack Curtis | finished lap 1 ( 2:46.906)
0:00.000 - 2:48.992: Thomas McBain | Transmoto finished lap 1 ( 2:48.992)
2:58.531 - 3:10.179: Jack Curtis | went off the track
4:00.242 - 4:05.148: Thomas McBain | Transmoto passed Sam Blundell | Transmoto for the lead
5:10.070 - 5:27.015: Thomas McBain | Transmoto went off the track
2:33.382 - 5:28.601: Sam Blundell | Transmoto finished lap 2 ( 2:55.218)
2:46.906 - 5:36.367: Jack Curtis | finished lap 2 ( 2:49.460)
5:44.984 - 5:49.578: Jack Curtis | passed Sam Blundell | Transmoto for the lead
5:50.835 - 5:52.507: Sam Blundell | Transmoto passed Jack Curtis | for the lead
2:48.992 - 5:55.609: Thomas McBain | Transmoto finished lap 2 ( 3:06.617)
5:55.351 - 5:57.304: Jack Curtis | passed Sam Blundell | Transmoto for the lead
6:22.132 - 6:30.335: Jack Curtis | went off the track
6:44.015 - 7:02.656: Sam Blundell | Transmoto went off the track
7:02.656 - 7:03.789: Sam Blundell | Transmoto passed Thomas McBain | Transmoto for 2nd
7:29.929 - 7:35.890: Thomas McBain | Transmoto passed Sam Blundell | Transmoto for 2nd
8:01.945 - 8:04.523: Sam Blundell | Transmoto passed Thomas McBain | Transmoto for 2nd
5:36.367 - 8:30.656: Jack Curtis | finished lap 3 ( 2:54.289)
5:28.601 - 8:39.265: Sam Blundell | Transmoto finished lap 3 ( 3:10.664)
5:55.609 - 8:45.851: Thomas McBain | Transmoto finished lap 3 ( 2:50.242)
9:02.890 - 9:08.156: Sam Blundell | Transmoto went off the track
10:12.289 - 10:36.257: Thomas McBain | Transmoto went off the track
8:30.656 - 11:01.773: Jack Curtis | finished lap 4 ( 2:31.117)
8:39.265 - 11:43.085: Sam Blundell | Transmoto finished lap 4 ( 3:03.820)
8:45.851 - 11:48.875: Thomas McBain | Transmoto finished lap 4 ( 3:03.023)