MX Simulator
Track2019 rF Gaming National Rd08: Spring Creek MX
Format 5 laps
Date6/15/2020, 8:45:03 PM (1659 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1937Garrett West crf450(2018)5 13:35.2735 2:31.61726040
2133Ryan Stewart | MPC 250sxf(2018)5 13:36.7104 2:29.62535288
3325Kevin Towells crf250(2018)5 16:16.3434 2:44.8432085
4620Alexis Harbonnier 250sxf(2018)3 9:17.6872 3:09.4379035
5117GeorgeG|looking for a team yz450f(2018)3 9:43.7570 0:00.00032464
6694Jacob Blackburn | Flo | 250sxf(2018)3 11:24.0313 2:45.77334701

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 937 133 937 133 937
P2 133 937 133 937 133
P3 620 620 620 325 325
P4 325 325 117
P5 117 117 325
P6 694 694 694

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:29.625 4 133 Ryan Stewart | MPC
2:31.617 5 937 Garrett West
2:32.054 3 937 Garrett West
2:41.828 2 133 Ryan Stewart | MPC
2:44.843 4 325 Kevin Towells
2:45.773 3 694 Jacob Blackburn | Flo |
2:50.500 3 133 Ryan Stewart | MPC
2:57.945 4 937 Garrett West
3:03.710 2 325 Kevin Towells
3:07.015 5 325 Kevin Towells
3:09.437 2 620 Alexis Harbonnier
4:14.265 3 325 Kevin Towells

Individual Worst Laps

2:49.750 2 694 Jacob Blackburn | Flo |
2:50.500 3 133 Ryan Stewart | MPC
2:57.945 4 937 Garrett West
3:12.226 3 620 Alexis Harbonnier
3:14.312 2 117 GeorgeG|looking for a team
4:14.265 3 325 Kevin Towells


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.395 620 Alexis Harbonnier
1.988 694 Jacob Blackburn | Flo |
5.043 117 GeorgeG|looking for a team
7.993 133 Ryan Stewart | MPC
11.624 937 Garrett West
33.870 325 Kevin Towells

Play by Play

Garrett West takes the holeshot followed by GeorgeG|looking for a team, Alexis Harbonnier, Kevin Towells, Ryan Stewart | MPC and Jacob Blackburn | Flo |

0:19.898 - 0:22.687: Alexis Harbonnier passed GeorgeG|looking for a team for 2nd
0:47.796 - 0:50.429: GeorgeG|looking for a team passed Alexis Harbonnier for 2nd
0:57.023 - 1:00.414: Ryan Stewart | MPC passed Alexis Harbonnier and Kevin Towells for 3rd
0:59.156 - 1:03.046: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
1:21.437 - 1:24.039: Kevin Towells passed Alexis Harbonnier for 4th
1:25.843 - 1:51.429: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
2:01.804 - 2:06.820: Alexis Harbonnier passed Kevin Towells for 3rd
1:51.429 - 2:31.343: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:38.750: Garrett West finished lap 1 ( 2:38.750)
0:00.000 - 2:45.859: Ryan Stewart | MPC finished lap 1 ( 2:45.859)
0:00.000 - 2:56.023: Alexis Harbonnier finished lap 1 ( 2:56.023)
0:00.000 - 3:06.507: Kevin Towells finished lap 1 ( 3:06.507)
0:00.000 - 3:23.492: GeorgeG|looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 3:23.492)
4:01.765 - 4:03.062: Kevin Towells passed Alexis Harbonnier for 3rd
4:07.312 - 4:09.421: Ryan Stewart | MPC passed Garrett West for the lead
4:10.179 - 4:14.335: Alexis Harbonnier passed Kevin Towells for 3rd
4:02.117 - 4:17.070: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
4:24.125 - 4:27.015: Garrett West passed Ryan Stewart | MPC for the lead
4:28.718 - 4:35.460: Garrett West went off the track
4:38.945 - 4:53.078: Garrett West went off the track
4:55.664 - 5:00.492: Garrett West went off the track
2:45.859 - 5:27.687: Ryan Stewart | MPC finished lap 2 ( 2:41.828)
2:38.750 - 5:29.992: Garrett West finished lap 2 ( 2:51.242)
0:00.000 - 5:46.835: Jacob Blackburn | Flo | finished lap 1 ( 5:46.835)
5:51.281 - 5:53.781: Kevin Towells passed Alexis Harbonnier for 3rd
6:01.007 - 6:03.312: Alexis Harbonnier passed Kevin Towells for 3rd
2:56.023 - 6:05.460: Alexis Harbonnier finished lap 2 ( 3:09.437)
3:06.507 - 6:10.218: Kevin Towells finished lap 2 ( 3:03.710)
6:20.632 - 6:24.046: Garrett West passed Ryan Stewart | MPC for the lead
3:23.492 - 6:37.804: GeorgeG|looking for a team finished lap 2 ( 3:14.312)
6:41.679 - 6:43.851: Kevin Towells passed Alexis Harbonnier for 3rd
6:58.765 - 7:06.414: Alexis Harbonnier went off the track
7:38.953 - 7:41.375: GeorgeG|looking for a team passed Kevin Towells for 4th
7:52.054 - 7:57.078: Jacob Blackburn | Flo | went off the track
5:29.992 - 8:02.046: Garrett West finished lap 3 ( 2:32.054)
5:27.687 - 8:18.187: Ryan Stewart | MPC finished lap 3 ( 2:50.500)
8:07.937 - 8:23.914: Alexis Harbonnier went off the track
5:46.835 - 8:36.585: Jacob Blackburn | Flo | finished lap 2 ( 2:49.750)
8:26.031 - 8:42.507: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
6:05.460 - 9:17.687: Alexis Harbonnier finished lap 3 ( 3:12.226)
9:25.812 - 9:27.898: Ryan Stewart | MPC passed Garrett West for the lead
9:23.671 - 9:30.687: GeorgeG|looking for a team went off the track
6:37.804 - 9:42.031: GeorgeG|looking for a team finished lap 3 ( 3:04.226)
9:55.007 - 9:56.601: Garrett West passed Ryan Stewart | MPC for the lead
9:56.867 - 10:00.828: Ryan Stewart | MPC passed Garrett West for the lead
6:10.218 - 10:24.484: Kevin Towells finished lap 3 ( 4:14.265)
8:18.187 - 10:47.812: Ryan Stewart | MPC finished lap 4 ( 2:29.625)
8:02.046 - 10:59.992: Garrett West finished lap 4 ( 2:57.945)
11:09.820 - 11:15.125: Ryan Stewart | MPC went off the track
8:36.585 - 11:22.359: Jacob Blackburn | Flo | finished lap 3 ( 2:45.773)
11:52.265 - 11:55.421: Garrett West passed Ryan Stewart | MPC for the lead
10:24.484 - 13:09.328: Kevin Towells finished lap 4 ( 2:44.843)
10:59.992 - 13:31.609: Garrett West finished lap 5 ( 2:31.617)
10:47.812 - 13:35.351: Ryan Stewart | MPC finished lap 5 ( 2:47.539)
13:09.328 - 16:16.343: Kevin Towells finished lap 5 ( 3:07.015)