MX Simulator
Track2020 rF Gaming National Rd04: Redbud
Format 5 laps
Date4/10/2021, 7:42:18 AM (1359 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
132Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. crf450(2018)5 11:47.6252 2:12.50732932
277Shaun Hambrook | MMD | crf450(2018)5 12:25.7655 2:15.45334901
3289Cobie link 250sxf(2018)5 12:54.7573 2:23.07037901
4142Lochlan Berg | DDH crf450(2018)5 13:31.5072 2:26.68728971
5426Landon Bartol | Privateer fc450(2018)5 14:42.0702 2:27.21034215
6166logan hiscox crf450(2018)4 12:07.1400 0:00.00035046
7841NathanGoman | 250sxf(2018)4 12:10.4143 3:10.95338509
8115Kaden Koepke | Privateer 250sxf(2018)2 5:10.9682 2:35.21837339
9555Cody Carpenter 250sxf(2018)1 2:29.3350 0:00.00030722
10746larry loopout|746 250sxf(2018)1 2:52.8900 0:00.00034606
11691Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide 250sxf(2018)1 3:05.9530 0:00.00012154
12121Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co 250sxf(2018)1 3:14.1090 0:00.00036973
13431J.R. WHITTEN 250sxf(2018)1 3:52.3900 0:00.00042594
1439Alex Griffiths | The Bakery Film co. 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00036676

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 555 32 32 32 32
P2 32 77 77 77 77
P3 77 115 289 289 289
P4 115 142 426 426 142
P5 289 426 142 142 426
P6 746 289 841 166
P7 142 841 166 841
P8 426 166
P9 841
P10 691
P11 166
P12 121
P13 431

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:12.507 2 32 Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
2:15.453 5 77 Shaun Hambrook | MMD |
2:17.390 5 32 Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
2:18.320 3 32 Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
2:21.054 4 77 Shaun Hambrook | MMD |
2:23.070 3 289 Cobie link
2:26.687 2 142 Lochlan Berg | DDH
2:27.210 2 426 Landon Bartol | Privateer
2:31.546 4 289 Cobie link
2:35.218 2 115 Kaden Koepke | Privateer
2:48.398 3 142 Lochlan Berg | DDH
3:10.953 3 841 NathanGoman |

Individual Worst Laps

2:24.234 4 32 Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
2:35.218 2 115 Kaden Koepke | Privateer
2:35.625 3 77 Shaun Hambrook | MMD |
2:43.023 2 289 Cobie link
2:48.398 3 142 Lochlan Berg | DDH
3:10.437 3 166 logan hiscox
3:18.914 4 841 NathanGoman |
3:46.390 5 426 Landon Bartol | Privateer


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.167 32 Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
7.082 289 Cobie link
7.512 77 Shaun Hambrook | MMD |
8.403 142 Lochlan Berg | DDH
8.986 166 logan hiscox
12.831 841 NathanGoman |
30.995 426 Landon Bartol | Privateer
- 691 Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide
- 39 Alex Griffiths | The Bakery Film co.
- 555 Cody Carpenter
- 431 J.R. WHITTEN
- 746 larry loopout|746
- 121 Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co
- 115 Kaden Koepke | Privateer

Play by Play

Shaun Hambrook | MMD | takes the holeshot followed by logan hiscox, NathanGoman | , Landon Bartol | Privateer, larry loopout|746, J.R. WHITTEN, Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co., Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co, Kaden Koepke | Privateer, Cobie link, Cody Carpenter, Lochlan Berg | DDH and Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide

0:06.617 - 0:09.898: logan hiscox passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for the lead
0:07.156 - 0:10.007: J.R. WHITTEN passed larry loopout|746, NathanGoman | , Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 2nd
0:06.765 - 0:10.273: NathanGoman | passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 3rd
0:07.148 - 0:10.679: larry loopout|746 passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 4th
0:07.375 - 0:11.023: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 5th
0:07.570 - 0:11.093: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co, Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 6th
0:07.390 - 0:11.414: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 8th
0:08.453 - 0:11.945: Cody Carpenter passed Cobie link and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 9th
0:09.492 - 0:12.632: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Cobie link and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 10th
0:10.273 - 0:13.187: NathanGoman | passed J.R. WHITTEN for 2nd
0:11.023 - 0:13.609: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed larry loopout|746 for 4th
0:11.117 - 0:14.234: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 6th
0:11.414 - 0:14.320: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 7th
0:15.445 - 0:16.812: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 7th
0:16.625 - 0:22.148: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed J.R. WHITTEN for 3rd
0:16.812 - 0:22.820: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed J.R. WHITTEN, larry loopout|746 and Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 4th
0:18.312 - 0:23.367: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Cody Carpenter, J.R. WHITTEN, larry loopout|746, Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co and Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 5th
0:16.640 - 0:23.890: larry loopout|746 passed J.R. WHITTEN for 6th
0:16.804 - 0:24.210: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed J.R. WHITTEN for 7th
0:16.992 - 0:25.007: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed J.R. WHITTEN for 8th
0:24.601 - 0:25.523: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed Cobie link for 12th
0:26.390 - 0:28.343: Cody Carpenter passed J.R. WHITTEN for 9th
0:28.750 - 0:31.164: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 7th
0:29.351 - 0:31.492: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 4th
0:31.046 - 0:33.070: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed J.R. WHITTEN for 10th
0:31.468 - 0:33.257: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed J.R. WHITTEN for 11th
0:30.445 - 0:33.875: Cody Carpenter passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 8th
0:33.257 - 0:35.828: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 9th
0:33.554 - 0:35.890: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 3rd
0:38.296 - 0:40.875: Cody Carpenter passed larry loopout|746, Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 5th
0:35.101 - 0:41.507: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed larry loopout|746 and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 6th
0:39.828 - 0:41.789: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed larry loopout|746 and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 7th
0:34.382 - 0:45.054: larry loopout|746 passed Lochlan Berg | DDH for 8th
0:45.054 - 0:48.125: larry loopout|746 passed Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide and Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 6th
0:45.445 - 0:49.132: Cody Carpenter passed Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. for 4th
0:43.843 - 0:51.132: Landon Bartol | Privateer went off the track
0:48.820 - 0:51.164: J.R. WHITTEN passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 9th
0:49.250 - 0:51.312: Cobie link passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 10th
0:48.851 - 0:53.585: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed NathanGoman | for 2nd
0:51.312 - 0:54.460: Cobie link passed Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide and J.R. WHITTEN for 9th
0:51.164 - 0:54.640: J.R. WHITTEN passed Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide for 10th
0:53.351 - 0:56.671: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Lochlan Berg | DDH for 12th
0:53.273 - 0:58.171: larry loopout|746 went off the track
0:57.023 - 0:59.804: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed J.R. WHITTEN for 10th
0:59.343 - 1:02.054: Cody Carpenter passed NathanGoman | for 3rd
1:00.914 - 1:03.406: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed J.R. WHITTEN for 9th
0:59.804 - 1:04.890: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide went off the track
1:02.109 - 1:04.890: larry loopout|746 passed Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. and NathanGoman | for 4th
1:02.585 - 1:05.414: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed logan hiscox for the lead
1:01.820 - 1:07.476: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed NathanGoman | for 5th
1:04.304 - 1:08.445: Cobie link passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 8th
1:05.890 - 1:08.804: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed J.R. WHITTEN for 10th
1:04.890 - 1:09.109: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 9th
1:08.218 - 1:11.531: Cody Carpenter passed logan hiscox for 2nd
1:09.398 - 1:12.453: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 10th
1:11.218 - 1:14.992: larry loopout|746 passed logan hiscox for 3rd
1:13.585 - 1:16.890: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed logan hiscox for 4th
1:18.976 - 1:21.375: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Cobie link, NathanGoman | and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 6th
1:17.367 - 1:23.398: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed NathanGoman | for 7th
1:17.601 - 1:24.078: Cobie link passed NathanGoman | for 8th
1:30.164 - 1:32.343: Cobie link passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 7th
1:18.492 - 1:32.929: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide went off the track
1:31.101 - 1:33.039: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed logan hiscox for 5th
1:34.406 - 1:36.203: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed larry loopout|746 for 3rd
1:33.914 - 1:36.523: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide for 11th
1:34.429 - 1:37.164: Cobie link passed logan hiscox for 6th
1:36.015 - 1:38.164: NathanGoman | passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 8th
1:36.835 - 1:38.664: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 9th
1:38.164 - 1:40.460: NathanGoman | passed logan hiscox for 7th
1:39.085 - 1:41.257: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 10th
1:42.164 - 1:45.398: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed larry loopout|746 and Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. for 3rd
1:46.531 - 1:50.257: Cobie link passed larry loopout|746 for 5th
1:49.320 - 1:51.656: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co and logan hiscox for 8th
1:51.562 - 1:53.578: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co and logan hiscox for 9th
2:12.906 - 2:14.335: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co passed logan hiscox for 10th
2:14.054 - 2:22.687: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
2:17.625 - 2:23.070: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide went off the track
2:22.976 - 2:26.929: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 3rd
2:25.750 - 2:27.476: Cody Carpenter passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for the lead
2:26.085 - 2:28.703: logan hiscox passed Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:29.335: Cody Carpenter finished lap 1 ( 2:29.335)
2:25.671 - 2:32.914: larry loopout|746 went off the track
2:31.117 - 2:33.101: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:35.171: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. finished lap 1 ( 2:35.171)
2:31.851 - 2:35.421: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:35.421: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | finished lap 1 ( 2:35.421)
0:00.000 - 2:35.750: Kaden Koepke | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:35.750)
2:35.414 - 2:38.421: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:42.007: Cobie link finished lap 1 ( 2:42.007)
2:30.625 - 2:42.320: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co went off the track
2:41.781 - 2:43.617: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed NathanGoman | for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:46.765: larry loopout|746 finished lap 1 ( 2:46.765)
0:00.000 - 2:48.281: Lochlan Berg | DDH finished lap 1 ( 2:48.281)
0:00.000 - 2:49.585: Landon Bartol | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:49.585)
2:47.898 - 2:50.218: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 2nd
2:45.992 - 2:50.968: NathanGoman | went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:50.968: NathanGoman | finished lap 1 ( 2:50.968)
2:58.351 - 2:59.726: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide passed logan hiscox for 8th
0:00.000 - 3:01.585: Ivan Mirzoev | MotoSide finished lap 1 ( 3:01.585)
0:00.000 - 3:01.718: logan hiscox finished lap 1 ( 3:01.718)
2:56.109 - 3:03.257: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
3:04.710 - 3:08.968: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:13.750: Marko Moorits | Cofton.Co finished lap 1 ( 3:13.750)
3:11.687 - 3:16.609: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
3:15.390 - 3:17.476: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed larry loopout|746 for 6th
3:17.046 - 3:18.937: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed larry loopout|746 for 7th
3:22.484 - 3:24.343: NathanGoman | passed larry loopout|746 for 8th
3:13.875 - 3:29.375: Cody Carpenter went off the track
3:37.359 - 3:40.843: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 2nd
3:28.359 - 3:41.976: Cobie link went off the track
3:41.750 - 3:44.890: Cody Carpenter passed Shaun Hambrook | MMD | for 3rd
3:43.929 - 3:49.867: J.R. WHITTEN went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:51.953: J.R. WHITTEN finished lap 1 ( 3:51.953)
3:48.640 - 3:56.664: larry loopout|746 went off the track
4:02.210 - 4:04.195: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Cody Carpenter for 3rd
4:06.843 - 4:08.687: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Cody Carpenter for 4th
4:00.617 - 4:10.250: larry loopout|746 went off the track
4:21.546 - 4:24.890: Cobie link passed Cody Carpenter and Landon Bartol | Privateer for 5th
4:21.078 - 4:28.039: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed Cody Carpenter for 6th
4:32.484 - 4:36.679: NathanGoman | went off the track
2:35.171 - 4:47.679: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. finished lap 2 ( 2:12.507)
4:48.796 - 4:52.078: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed Cobie link for 5th
4:52.937 - 4:56.046: Cody Carpenter passed Cobie link for 6th
2:35.421 - 5:02.906: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | finished lap 2 ( 2:27.484)
5:01.062 - 5:02.906: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 2nd
2:35.750 - 5:10.968: Kaden Koepke | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:35.218)
2:48.281 - 5:14.968: Lochlan Berg | DDH finished lap 2 ( 2:26.687)
2:49.585 - 5:16.796: Landon Bartol | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:27.210)
2:42.007 - 5:25.031: Cobie link finished lap 2 ( 2:43.023)
2:50.968 - 5:39.570: NathanGoman | finished lap 2 ( 2:48.601)
5:38.789 - 5:42.679: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
5:40.203 - 5:48.570: Landon Bartol | Privateer went off the track
5:54.445 - 5:58.476: logan hiscox went off the track
3:01.718 - 5:58.476: logan hiscox finished lap 2 ( 2:56.757)
6:05.882 - 6:07.328: Cobie link passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 5th
6:43.804 - 6:47.210: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 3rd
4:47.679 - 7:06.000: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. finished lap 3 ( 2:18.320)
6:59.921 - 7:08.031: logan hiscox went off the track
7:19.406 - 7:23.335: Kaden Koepke | Privateer passed Lochlan Berg | DDH for 3rd
7:34.750 - 7:38.531: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | went off the track
5:02.906 - 7:38.531: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | finished lap 3 ( 2:35.625)
7:35.625 - 7:40.210: Cobie link passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer and Lochlan Berg | DDH for 3rd
7:30.085 - 7:42.023: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Kaden Koepke | Privateer for 4th
5:25.031 - 7:48.101: Cobie link finished lap 3 ( 2:23.070)
5:16.796 - 7:51.007: Landon Bartol | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:34.210)
7:49.289 - 7:51.007: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed Lochlan Berg | DDH for 4th
5:14.968 - 8:03.367: Lochlan Berg | DDH finished lap 3 ( 2:48.398)
7:56.765 - 8:05.539: Landon Bartol | Privateer went off the track
5:39.570 - 8:50.523: NathanGoman | finished lap 3 ( 3:10.953)
8:51.132 - 8:59.773: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. went off the track
8:50.531 - 9:05.562: NathanGoman | went off the track
9:05.289 - 9:08.914: logan hiscox went off the track
5:58.476 - 9:08.914: logan hiscox finished lap 3 ( 3:10.437)
7:06.000 - 9:30.234: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. finished lap 4 ( 2:24.234)
9:32.515 - 9:34.312: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 4th
9:38.484 - 9:40.492: Landon Bartol | Privateer passed Lochlan Berg | DDH for 4th
9:42.210 - 9:44.109: logan hiscox passed NathanGoman | for 6th
7:38.531 - 9:59.585: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | finished lap 4 ( 2:21.054)
7:48.101 - 10:19.648: Cobie link finished lap 4 ( 2:31.546)
10:28.742 - 10:36.851: Lochlan Berg | DDH went off the track
7:51.007 - 10:47.117: Landon Bartol | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:56.109)
8:03.367 - 10:49.093: Lochlan Berg | DDH finished lap 4 ( 2:45.726)
10:49.101 - 10:52.718: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 4th
11:04.625 - 11:11.703: NathanGoman | went off the track
11:28.500 - 11:43.117: Lochlan Berg | DDH went off the track
9:30.234 - 11:47.625: Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. finished lap 5 ( 2:17.390)
11:54.085 - 11:57.578: logan hiscox went off the track
9:08.914 - 11:57.578: logan hiscox finished lap 4 ( 2:48.664)
8:50.523 - 12:09.437: NathanGoman | finished lap 4 ( 3:18.914)
9:59.585 - 12:15.039: Shaun Hambrook | MMD | finished lap 5 ( 2:15.453)
12:21.023 - 12:25.445: Landon Bartol | Privateer went off the track
12:48.101 - 12:51.968: Cobie link went off the track
10:19.648 - 12:51.968: Cobie link finished lap 5 ( 2:32.320)
12:55.453 - 13:01.273: Landon Bartol | Privateer went off the track
13:21.523 - 13:23.617: Lochlan Berg | DDH passed Landon Bartol | Privateer for 4th
10:49.093 - 13:31.046: Lochlan Berg | DDH finished lap 5 ( 2:41.953)
10:47.117 - 14:33.507: Landon Bartol | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 3:46.390)