MX Simulator
Track2020 rF Gaming National Rd06: Spring Creek MX
Format 5 laps
Date4/20/2021, 8:35:43 PM (1352 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1167Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own fc450(2018)5 11:50.8753 2:37.46817921
2382Dalton Gunterman | UGRC 250sxf(2018)5 13:26.6172 2:19.78935196
351Justin Baker | 250sxf(2018)5 13:29.2895 2:38.9846529
4999Nick Tomasunas 250sxf(2018)4 12:36.9760 0:00.0008501
5325Kevin Towells yz250f(2018)3 10:48.0230 0:00.0002085
6659Tyelar Douglas | BR Concepts fc450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00042459
7103Trevor Kibler | Privateer 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00038660
873John Hileman fc450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00031403

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 167 167 167 167 167
P2 51 382 382 51 51
P3 382 51 51 382 382
P4 325 325 999 999
P5 999 999 325

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:19.789 2 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC
2:22.890 3 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC
2:26.734 5 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC
2:37.468 3 167 Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own
2:38.984 5 51 Justin Baker |
3:35.906 4 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC

Individual Worst Laps

2:37.468 3 167 Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own
2:45.742 2 51 Justin Baker |
2:50.742 4 999 Nick Tomasunas
3:35.906 4 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC
4:26.437 3 325 Kevin Towells


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.836 51 Justin Baker |
8.402 167 Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own
14.755 999 Nick Tomasunas
31.605 382 Dalton Gunterman | UGRC
57.188 325 Kevin Towells
- 659 Tyelar Douglas | BR Concepts
- 103 Trevor Kibler | Privateer
- 73 John Hileman

Play by Play

Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own takes the holeshot followed by John Hileman, Justin Baker |, Dalton Gunterman | UGRC, Kevin Towells and Nick Tomasunas

0:07.367 - 0:09.765: John Hileman passed Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own for the lead
0:11.757 - 0:13.320: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own passed John Hileman for the lead
0:13.796 - 0:15.671: Justin Baker | passed John Hileman for 2nd
0:22.039 - 0:26.968: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own went off the track
0:48.421 - 0:58.406: Justin Baker | went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:08.617: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own finished lap 1 ( 2:08.617)
0:00.000 - 2:32.437: Justin Baker | finished lap 1 ( 2:32.437)
0:00.000 - 2:41.296: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC finished lap 1 ( 2:41.296)
3:16.398 - 3:18.773: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC passed Justin Baker | for 2nd
3:10.507 - 3:23.046: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own went off the track
3:34.062 - 3:38.484: Justin Baker | went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:44.414: Kevin Towells finished lap 1 ( 3:44.414)
3:55.742 - 3:59.671: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
2:08.617 - 4:25.710: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own finished lap 2 ( 2:17.093)
0:00.000 - 4:40.812: Nick Tomasunas finished lap 1 ( 4:40.812)
2:41.296 - 5:01.085: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC finished lap 2 ( 2:19.789)
5:02.726 - 5:07.890: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
2:32.437 - 5:18.179: Justin Baker | finished lap 2 ( 2:45.742)
5:30.421 - 5:31.992: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
5:42.234 - 5:46.289: Kevin Towells went off the track
3:44.414 - 6:16.476: Kevin Towells finished lap 2 ( 2:32.062)
6:25.765 - 6:28.968: Justin Baker | went off the track
6:42.445 - 6:46.390: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
4:25.710 - 7:03.179: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own finished lap 3 ( 2:37.468)
4:40.812 - 7:21.335: Nick Tomasunas finished lap 2 ( 2:40.523)
5:01.085 - 7:23.976: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC finished lap 3 ( 2:22.890)
7:24.937 - 7:29.898: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own went off the track
7:43.304 - 7:48.515: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
5:18.179 - 8:03.445: Justin Baker | finished lap 3 ( 2:45.265)
9:03.609 - 9:07.703: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
7:03.179 - 9:20.187: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own finished lap 4 ( 2:17.007)
7:21.335 - 9:36.945: Nick Tomasunas finished lap 3 ( 2:15.609)
9:42.164 - 9:47.093: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own went off the track
9:53.562 - 10:00.390: Kevin Towells went off the track
10:08.695 - 10:10.703: Justin Baker | passed Dalton Gunterman | UGRC for 2nd
10:14.921 - 10:21.085: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
6:16.476 - 10:42.914: Kevin Towells finished lap 3 ( 4:26.437)
10:35.554 - 10:44.546: Justin Baker | went off the track
8:03.445 - 10:44.546: Justin Baker | finished lap 4 ( 2:41.101)
7:23.976 - 10:59.882: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC finished lap 4 ( 3:35.906)
11:00.343 - 11:13.117: Kevin Towells went off the track
9:20.187 - 11:46.476: Blake O'Brien | October's Very Own finished lap 5 ( 2:26.289)
11:36.648 - 11:46.937: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
12:13.164 - 12:15.593: Kevin Towells went off the track
12:22.156 - 12:27.687: Nick Tomasunas went off the track
9:36.945 - 12:27.687: Nick Tomasunas finished lap 4 ( 2:50.742)
10:44.546 - 13:23.531: Justin Baker | finished lap 5 ( 2:38.984)
10:59.882 - 13:26.617: Dalton Gunterman | UGRC finished lap 5 ( 2:26.734)