MX Simulator
Track2021 rF Gaming National Rd03: Highpoint
Format 5 laps
Date4/26/2022, 6:52:01 PM (989 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1167Blake O'Brien | Propel fc450(2017)5 12:23.8354 2:39.54617921
2132Coby Gilsdorf | VSR 250sxf(2018)5 12:32.1252 2:21.57843144
3432Zach Moore 250sxf(2018)5 12:47.4294 2:26.88232798
4138Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics crf450(2018)5 13:46.5933 2:33.15633141
577Brandon Wyatt Kay 250sxf(2018)5 13:53.7572 3:00.20331435
6129Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 250sxf(2018)3 8:14.4602 2:23.73446492
7622Karl Kiil | Privateer crf450(2018)2 5:17.4920 0:00.00045913
827Layne Wofford | Boots House 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00032983
9317Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00031857
1051Justin Baker | crf450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006529

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 167 167 167 167 167
P2 132 132 132 132 132
P3 432 432 432 432 432
P4 622 129 138 77 77
P5 138 622 77 138 138
P6 77 138 129
P7 129 77

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:21.578 2 132 Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
2:23.734 2 129 Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90
2:26.882 4 432 Zach Moore
2:32.703 2 432 Zach Moore
2:33.156 3 138 Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics
2:33.578 3 432 Zach Moore
2:39.546 4 167 Blake O'Brien | Propel
2:45.859 4 132 Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
2:47.750 5 432 Zach Moore
2:48.562 2 138 Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics
2:56.843 4 138 Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics
3:00.203 2 77 Brandon Wyatt Kay

Individual Worst Laps

2:39.546 4 167 Blake O'Brien | Propel
2:45.859 4 132 Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
2:46.445 2 622 Karl Kiil | Privateer
2:47.750 5 432 Zach Moore
3:00.726 5 138 Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics
3:03.093 5 77 Brandon Wyatt Kay
3:09.507 3 129 Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90


Std. Dev.NumberName
7.674 432 Zach Moore
7.894 167 Blake O'Brien | Propel
10.578 138 Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics
11.567 132 Coby Gilsdorf | VSR
14.142 77 Brandon Wyatt Kay
22.887 129 Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90
- 622 Karl Kiil | Privateer
- 27 Layne Wofford | Boots House
- 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
- 51 Justin Baker |

Play by Play

Justin Baker | takes the holeshot followed by Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics, Blake O'Brien | Propel, Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90, Coby Gilsdorf | VSR, Brandon Wyatt Kay, Zach Moore and Karl Kiil | Privateer

0:07.148 - 0:10.835: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 4th
0:07.671 - 0:11.093: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 5th
0:07.828 - 0:11.093: Zach Moore passed Brandon Wyatt Kay and Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 5th
0:11.531 - 0:14.632: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 7th
0:13.265 - 0:17.023: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Justin Baker | for the lead
0:14.570 - 0:18.078: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Blake O'Brien | Propel, Zach Moore, Coby Gilsdorf | VSR and Justin Baker | for 2nd
0:13.992 - 0:18.203: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Blake O'Brien | Propel and Justin Baker | for 3rd
0:14.367 - 0:19.273: Zach Moore passed Blake O'Brien | Propel and Justin Baker | for 4th
0:14.976 - 0:19.460: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Karl Kiil | Privateer, Blake O'Brien | Propel and Justin Baker | for 5th
0:14.632 - 0:19.546: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Blake O'Brien | Propel and Justin Baker | for 6th
0:13.453 - 0:20.406: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Justin Baker | for 7th
0:18.203 - 0:21.203: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 2nd
0:19.273 - 0:22.132: Zach Moore passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 3rd
0:19.546 - 0:22.671: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Brandon Wyatt Kay and Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 4th
0:20.406 - 0:24.406: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Brandon Wyatt Kay and Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 5th
0:19.460 - 0:26.992: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 6th
0:25.906 - 0:29.195: Justin Baker | passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 7th
0:32.015 - 0:34.257: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Zach Moore for 3rd
0:33.273 - 0:35.000: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Justin Baker | for 7th
0:34.445 - 0:36.656: Zach Moore passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 3rd
0:43.437 - 0:44.820: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for the lead
0:45.164 - 0:46.429: Zach Moore passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 2nd
0:45.945 - 0:47.156: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 4th
0:55.218 - 0:56.921: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Zach Moore and Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 2nd
0:56.718 - 1:00.234: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR went off the track
1:00.882 - 1:03.234: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for the lead
1:03.742 - 1:06.648: Zach Moore passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for 2nd
1:16.398 - 1:19.070: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for 3rd
1:28.398 - 1:30.117: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 6th
1:28.109 - 1:30.882: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 3rd
1:52.484 - 1:55.359: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
1:56.156 - 1:58.554: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 5th
2:03.812 - 2:05.921: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Zach Moore for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:10.828: Blake O'Brien | Propel finished lap 1 ( 2:10.828)
2:10.023 - 2:12.429: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Zach Moore for 3rd
2:11.593 - 2:13.562: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:20.539: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR finished lap 1 ( 2:20.539)
0:00.000 - 2:26.515: Zach Moore finished lap 1 ( 2:26.515)
2:19.531 - 2:26.617: Karl Kiil | Privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:26.617: Karl Kiil | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:26.617)
0:00.000 - 2:27.304: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics finished lap 1 ( 2:27.304)
0:00.000 - 2:35.468: Brandon Wyatt Kay finished lap 1 ( 2:35.468)
0:00.000 - 2:38.218: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 finished lap 1 ( 2:38.218)
2:56.000 - 2:59.835: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 5th
3:02.601 - 3:03.882: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 4th
3:02.851 - 3:04.234: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 5th
3:05.796 - 3:07.507: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 4th
3:07.304 - 3:08.945: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 6th
3:11.046 - 3:13.867: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 5th
3:10.679 - 3:15.460: Blake O'Brien | Propel went off the track
3:15.460 - 3:18.710: Blake O'Brien | Propel went off the track
3:14.492 - 3:27.625: Karl Kiil | Privateer went off the track
3:25.429 - 3:29.968: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Zach Moore for 3rd
4:00.234 - 4:07.398: Karl Kiil | Privateer went off the track
4:13.226 - 4:14.914: Zach Moore passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 3rd
4:16.656 - 4:18.617: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
2:10.828 - 4:28.335: Blake O'Brien | Propel finished lap 2 ( 2:17.507)
2:20.539 - 4:42.117: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR finished lap 2 ( 2:21.578)
4:40.218 - 4:42.585: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 5th
2:26.515 - 4:59.218: Zach Moore finished lap 2 ( 2:32.703)
2:38.218 - 5:01.953: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 finished lap 2 ( 2:23.734)
5:01.953 - 5:04.312: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Zach Moore for 3rd
5:03.437 - 5:07.429: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Blake O'Brien | Propel for the lead
2:26.617 - 5:13.062: Karl Kiil | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:46.445)
2:27.304 - 5:15.867: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics finished lap 2 ( 2:48.562)
5:15.500 - 5:17.812: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for the lead
5:22.617 - 5:24.679: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Blake O'Brien | Propel for the lead
5:27.179 - 5:31.453: Zach Moore passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 3rd
2:35.468 - 5:35.671: Brandon Wyatt Kay finished lap 2 ( 3:00.203)
5:41.984 - 5:43.703: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for the lead
5:50.257 - 5:55.070: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR went off the track
5:54.281 - 5:57.429: Blake O'Brien | Propel went off the track
5:56.742 - 5:59.109: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Zach Moore for 3rd
6:00.750 - 6:03.664: Zach Moore passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 3rd
6:13.625 - 6:15.414: Karl Kiil | Privateer passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 4th
6:19.054 - 6:23.062: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Blake O'Brien | Propel for the lead
6:25.187 - 6:26.015: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Karl Kiil | Privateer for 3rd
6:34.148 - 6:35.593: Blake O'Brien | Propel passed Coby Gilsdorf | VSR for the lead
6:36.492 - 6:39.023: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Karl Kiil | Privateer and Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 4th
6:51.929 - 6:54.226: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
6:49.039 - 6:56.984: Brandon Wyatt Kay went off the track
4:28.335 - 6:59.468: Blake O'Brien | Propel finished lap 3 ( 2:31.132)
4:42.117 - 7:01.710: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR finished lap 3 ( 2:19.593)
7:05.578 - 7:07.484: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 4th
7:18.156 - 7:23.101: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 went off the track
4:59.218 - 7:32.796: Zach Moore finished lap 3 ( 2:33.578)
7:39.132 - 7:40.671: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 for 5th
5:15.867 - 7:49.023: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics finished lap 3 ( 2:33.156)
5:35.671 - 8:08.218: Brandon Wyatt Kay finished lap 3 ( 2:32.546)
5:01.953 - 8:11.460: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 finished lap 3 ( 3:09.507)
8:11.460 - 8:14.445: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 went off the track
8:14.445 - 8:30.148: Gauge Brown \ TAPT/ pray for jude#90 went off the track
9:32.601 - 9:37.171: Brandon Wyatt Kay went off the track
6:59.468 - 9:39.015: Blake O'Brien | Propel finished lap 4 ( 2:39.546)
7:01.710 - 9:47.570: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR finished lap 4 ( 2:45.859)
7:32.796 - 9:59.679: Zach Moore finished lap 4 ( 2:26.882)
8:08.218 - 10:42.609: Brandon Wyatt Kay finished lap 4 ( 2:34.390)
10:39.757 - 10:42.609: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
7:49.023 - 10:45.867: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics finished lap 4 ( 2:56.843)
10:53.734 - 10:57.570: Blake O'Brien | Propel went off the track
11:19.414 - 11:20.757: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR passed Blake O'Brien | Propel for the lead
11:24.164 - 11:43.984: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR went off the track
11:51.375 - 11:58.281: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR went off the track
9:39.015 - 12:09.984: Blake O'Brien | Propel finished lap 5 ( 2:30.968)
12:06.960 - 12:11.585: Brandon Wyatt Kay went off the track
9:47.570 - 12:28.546: Coby Gilsdorf | VSR finished lap 5 ( 2:40.976)
12:21.578 - 12:34.750: Brandon Wyatt Kay went off the track
12:32.562 - 12:38.757: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics went off the track
9:59.679 - 12:47.429: Zach Moore finished lap 5 ( 2:47.750)
12:58.109 - 13:00.609: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 4th
13:11.492 - 13:15.250: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
13:21.406 - 13:23.828: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics passed Brandon Wyatt Kay for 4th
10:42.609 - 13:45.703: Brandon Wyatt Kay finished lap 5 ( 3:03.093)
13:38.445 - 13:45.703: Brandon Wyatt Kay passed Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics for 4th
10:45.867 - 13:46.593: Lasse Juettner | FastAppleGraphics finished lap 5 ( 3:00.726)