MX Simulator
Track2021 rF Gaming National Rd12: Hangtown
Format 5 laps
Date5/28/2022, 5:26:08 PM (956 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1502Ethan Holland 250sxf(2018)5 12:58.6952 2:37.13216925
2262Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods 250sxf(2018)5 13:08.9455 2:30.78120904
3105Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs 450sxf(2018)5 13:14.9373 2:33.16438790
4824Will Knau 250sxf(2018)5 13:28.0152 2:50.59312970
5918Gdubs crf450(2018)5 14:26.4602 2:36.03116084
6292@jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 250sxf(2018)5 14:37.5235 2:37.67934741
7116Brock Williams 250sxf(2018)4 12:42.5462 3:15.16447304
8823Ashton| Cyber Dezigns 250sxf(2018)4 13:26.9214 2:51.45337147
917davis daniels | full throttle 250sxf(2018)4 13:38.3430 0:00.00049974
10550Shane Roth yz250f(2018)4 14:33.8674 3:39.85947755
1123Hunter Ash | Looking For Team fc450(2018)3 8:21.8823 2:32.86731678
12477DeMarcus Cousins III 250sxf(2018)2 5:39.7732 2:36.15627845
13609masse teddy crf450(2018)2 7:03.9062 3:38.96840836
149SkyZr crf450(2018)2 8:02.3750 0:00.00041076
1534Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda 250sxf(2018)1 2:54.1950 0:00.00033572
1657MIDGET BOY fc450(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00034786
17327Steve Bonnal | impact 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00031280
18 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00033261
19222Ethan Ninja 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00048034
2061Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's fc450(2018)0 0:03.9450 0:00.0005189

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 502 262 502 502 502
P2 262 502 262 262 262
P3 23 105 105 105 105
P4 34 477 824 824 824
P5 824 824 23 918 918
P6 105 918 918 292 292
P7 292 23 292 116
P8 477 292 116 17
P9 918 116 17 823
P10 17 609 823 550
P11 609 17 550
P12 116 823
P13 823 550
P14 550 9
P15 9

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

2:30.781 5 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
2:32.867 3 23 Hunter Ash | Looking For Team
2:32.882 2 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
2:33.164 3 105 Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs
2:33.765 5 105 Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs
2:34.375 4 105 Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs
2:36.031 2 918 Gdubs
2:36.156 2 477 DeMarcus Cousins III
2:37.132 2 502 Ethan Holland
2:37.468 3 502 Ethan Holland
2:37.679 5 292 @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
2:40.406 3 918 Gdubs
2:43.742 5 502 Ethan Holland
2:45.101 4 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
2:46.195 3 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
2:50.593 2 824 Will Knau
2:51.453 4 823 Ashton| Cyber Dezigns
2:58.578 4 918 Gdubs
3:00.398 4 292 @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
3:15.164 2 116 Brock Williams
3:18.984 3 823 Ashton| Cyber Dezigns
3:38.968 2 609 masse teddy
3:39.859 4 550 Shane Roth

Individual Worst Laps

2:34.398 2 105 Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs
2:36.156 2 477 DeMarcus Cousins III
2:43.742 5 502 Ethan Holland
2:46.195 3 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
2:50.593 2 824 Will Knau
2:59.796 2 23 Hunter Ash | Looking For Team
3:00.398 4 292 @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
3:02.726 5 918 Gdubs
3:15.164 2 116 Brock Williams
3:37.125 2 823 Ashton| Cyber Dezigns
3:38.015 2 9 SkyZr
3:38.968 2 609 masse teddy
3:39.859 4 550 Shane Roth
3:53.054 2 17 davis daniels | full throttle


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.508 105 Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs
3.085 550 Shane Roth
5.054 502 Ethan Holland
6.959 262 Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods
8.134 824 Will Knau
9.347 116 Brock Williams
9.351 292 @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
11.418 918 Gdubs
13.465 23 Hunter Ash | Looking For Team
18.776 823 Ashton| Cyber Dezigns
23.938 17 davis daniels | full throttle
- 477 DeMarcus Cousins III
- 34 Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda
- 327 Steve Bonnal | impact
- 61 Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's
- 609 masse teddy
- 9 SkyZr
- 222 Ethan Ninja

Play by Play

Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's takes the holeshot followed by Gdubs, Hunter Ash | Looking For Team, MIDGET BOY, Ethan Holland, @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0, Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, , Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods, Brock Williams, masse teddy, Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda, Shane Roth, Will Knau, SkyZr, DeMarcus Cousins III, davis daniels | full throttle and Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs

0:06.367 - 0:09.101: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's and Gdubs for the lead
0:06.289 - 0:09.445: Gdubs passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 2nd
0:06.695 - 0:09.460: Ethan Holland passed MIDGET BOY and Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 3rd
0:06.554 - 0:09.953: MIDGET BOY passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 4th
0:06.968 - 0:09.992: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 5th
0:07.203 - 0:10.328: passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 6th
0:06.804 - 0:10.507: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 7th
0:07.515 - 0:10.523: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 8th
0:09.460 - 0:11.109: Ethan Holland passed Gdubs for 2nd
0:08.390 - 0:11.375: masse teddy passed Brock Williams and Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 9th
0:09.992 - 0:11.679: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed MIDGET BOY for 4th
0:08.156 - 0:11.851: Brock Williams passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 10th
0:10.328 - 0:11.882: passed MIDGET BOY for 5th
0:10.523 - 0:12.242: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 7th
0:10.453 - 0:13.304: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 11th
0:11.929 - 0:14.203: MIDGET BOY passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 3rd
0:11.250 - 0:14.531: Shane Roth passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 12th
0:12.242 - 0:14.617: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 4th
0:12.632 - 0:14.898: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 5th
0:13.062 - 0:15.757: masse teddy passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 6th
0:13.875 - 0:16.039: Brock Williams passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 7th
0:15.101 - 0:17.195: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 8th
0:16.453 - 0:18.820: Shane Roth passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns, Gdubs and for 9th
0:19.781 - 0:21.601: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns and for 11th
0:20.851 - 0:23.031: davis daniels | full throttle passed DeMarcus Cousins III, Will Knau, SkyZr, Ashton| Cyber Dezigns and for 12th
0:21.328 - 0:23.781: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed DeMarcus Cousins III, Will Knau, SkyZr and for 14th
0:20.382 - 0:23.835: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Will Knau, SkyZr and for 15th
0:15.726 - 0:25.906: MIDGET BOY went off the track
0:23.781 - 0:25.914: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns and davis daniels | full throttle for 12th
0:28.453 - 0:30.507: passed DeMarcus Cousins III, Ashton| Cyber Dezigns and davis daniels | full throttle for 13th
0:29.531 - 0:31.093: Will Knau passed DeMarcus Cousins III, Ashton| Cyber Dezigns and davis daniels | full throttle for 14th
0:25.328 - 0:31.390: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team went off the track
0:31.273 - 0:33.125: SkyZr passed DeMarcus Cousins III and Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 16th
0:32.695 - 0:34.640: Gdubs passed Shane Roth for 9th
0:23.835 - 0:34.820: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 17th
0:30.257 - 0:36.054: masse teddy went off the track
0:33.867 - 0:36.625: MIDGET BOY passed Brock Williams and Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda for 6th
0:33.562 - 0:36.890: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed Brock Williams for 7th
0:33.125 - 0:37.515: SkyZr passed davis daniels | full throttle for 14th
0:36.890 - 0:40.757: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed MIDGET BOY and masse teddy for 5th
0:36.625 - 0:41.085: MIDGET BOY passed masse teddy for 6th
0:37.078 - 0:41.640: Brock Williams passed masse teddy for 7th
0:39.812 - 0:41.640: davis daniels | full throttle passed Will Knau and SkyZr for 14th
0:39.234 - 0:43.484: Gdubs passed masse teddy for 8th
0:41.664 - 0:44.039: DeMarcus Cousins III passed SkyZr for 16th
0:41.375 - 0:47.023: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's went off the track
0:46.015 - 0:47.210: Brock Williams passed MIDGET BOY for 5th
0:34.765 - 0:48.031: Shane Roth went off the track
0:44.820 - 0:48.281: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda went off the track
0:47.968 - 0:49.093: Gdubs passed MIDGET BOY for 6th
0:43.625 - 0:49.210: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns went off the track
0:48.585 - 0:49.757: masse teddy passed MIDGET BOY for 7th
0:49.296 - 0:50.398: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed MIDGET BOY for 8th
0:50.914 - 0:54.421: Will Knau passed Shane Roth and davis daniels | full throttle for 11th
0:51.656 - 0:54.992: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda went off the track
0:54.039 - 0:55.296: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed MIDGET BOY for 9th
0:56.593 - 0:58.390: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed Brock Williams, masse teddy and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 5th
0:56.429 - 1:00.601: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed SkyZr for 15th
0:59.187 - 1:02.085: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 5th
1:00.828 - 1:03.414: Brock Williams passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 6th
1:01.656 - 1:03.718: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed masse teddy for 8th
1:03.117 - 1:05.343: MIDGET BOY passed masse teddy for 9th
1:03.718 - 1:05.828: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 7th
1:05.343 - 1:07.687: MIDGET BOY passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 8th
1:06.226 - 1:08.679: masse teddy passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 9th
0:54.429 - 1:09.203: Gdubs went off the track
0:57.359 - 1:09.312: Shane Roth went off the track
1:05.765 - 1:09.460: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Hunter Ash | Looking For Team for 2nd
1:07.304 - 1:09.609: Will Knau passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 11th
1:09.609 - 1:11.375: Will Knau passed Gdubs for 10th
1:06.625 - 1:11.703: Brock Williams went off the track
1:10.507 - 1:12.656: SkyZr passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 15th
1:11.304 - 1:13.195: davis daniels | full throttle passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 12th
1:10.476 - 1:14.351: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed Hunter Ash | Looking For Team for 3rd
1:16.640 - 1:20.812: Brock Williams passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 5th
1:18.671 - 1:22.078: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 6th
1:17.593 - 1:22.257: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's went off the track
1:20.539 - 1:24.460: MIDGET BOY passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 7th
1:21.859 - 1:25.484: Will Knau passed masse teddy and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 8th
1:23.710 - 1:26.976: Gdubs passed masse teddy and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 9th
1:24.234 - 1:28.054: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed masse teddy and @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 10th
1:27.523 - 1:29.718: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed SkyZr for 15th
1:27.460 - 1:29.984: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Brock Williams for 5th
1:28.429 - 1:32.367: DeMarcus Cousins III passed masse teddy and davis daniels | full throttle for 12th
1:42.976 - 1:45.375: MIDGET BOY passed Brock Williams for 6th
1:43.507 - 1:45.570: Will Knau passed Brock Williams for 7th
1:45.570 - 1:47.257: Will Knau passed MIDGET BOY for 6th
1:45.500 - 1:47.734: Gdubs passed Brock Williams for 8th
1:45.875 - 1:48.125: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed Brock Williams for 9th
1:47.257 - 1:48.890: Will Knau passed Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs for 5th
1:47.476 - 1:48.929: MIDGET BOY passed Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs for 6th
1:50.101 - 1:51.109: MIDGET BOY passed Will Knau for 5th
1:49.210 - 1:51.796: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Brock Williams for 10th
1:49.539 - 1:53.976: SkyZr passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 16th
1:51.796 - 1:54.070: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 9th
1:50.968 - 1:54.804: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda for 3rd
1:54.070 - 1:55.476: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Gdubs for 8th
1:53.578 - 1:55.546: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Brock Williams and Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 10th
1:52.703 - 1:56.164: Brock Williams passed Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's for 11th
1:57.000 - 1:58.445: Kasey B. Oehlert | Underground @ Phil's passed Brock Williams for 11th
1:57.468 - 1:58.921: masse teddy passed Brock Williams for 12th
1:57.867 - 2:00.492: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 passed Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs for 7th
2:00.625 - 2:02.929: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 7th
2:03.804 - 2:06.710: Will Knau passed MIDGET BOY for 5th
2:04.656 - 2:08.484: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda passed Hunter Ash | Looking For Team for 3rd
2:13.546 - 2:17.765: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Gdubs for 9th
2:15.750 - 2:18.093: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed SkyZr for 16th
2:16.367 - 2:19.625: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
2:15.234 - 2:20.046: Shane Roth went off the track
2:13.835 - 2:21.164: masse teddy passed Gdubs for 10th
2:21.640 - 2:27.796: SkyZr went off the track
2:27.375 - 2:29.875: Gdubs passed masse teddy for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:30.343: Ethan Holland finished lap 1 ( 2:30.343)
2:29.281 - 2:33.031: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:33.984: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods finished lap 1 ( 2:33.984)
2:25.562 - 2:43.390: Brock Williams went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:46.031: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team finished lap 1 ( 2:46.031)
2:42.953 - 2:48.851: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:49.843: Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda finished lap 1 ( 2:49.843)
0:00.000 - 2:50.289: Will Knau finished lap 1 ( 2:50.289)
0:00.000 - 2:58.328: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:58.328)
2:56.164 - 2:58.859: Will Knau passed Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:59.617: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 finished lap 1 ( 2:59.617)
0:00.000 - 3:03.617: DeMarcus Cousins III finished lap 1 ( 3:03.617)
3:02.593 - 3:05.085: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed Shane Roth for 13th
3:00.039 - 3:05.734: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:07.039: Gdubs finished lap 1 ( 3:07.039)
2:59.023 - 3:10.093: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team went off the track
3:05.601 - 3:10.109: Brock Williams passed masse teddy for 11th
2:59.617 - 3:10.320: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 went off the track
3:08.914 - 3:16.765: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs went off the track
3:15.000 - 3:17.406: masse teddy passed Brock Williams for 11th
0:00.000 - 3:17.859: davis daniels | full throttle finished lap 1 ( 3:17.859)
0:00.000 - 3:24.656: masse teddy finished lap 1 ( 3:24.656)
3:21.710 - 3:25.562: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed Will Knau for 3rd
3:28.234 - 3:30.945: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Corbin Tinsley | @Slowie Films | Honda for 5th
0:00.000 - 3:32.234: Brock Williams finished lap 1 ( 3:32.234)
0:00.000 - 3:37.015: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns finished lap 1 ( 3:37.015)
3:33.156 - 3:37.265: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
3:35.625 - 3:39.687: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team went off the track
3:37.015 - 3:42.414: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns went off the track
3:38.429 - 3:42.789: Gdubs passed @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 for 8th
0:00.000 - 3:43.179: Shane Roth finished lap 1 ( 3:43.179)
3:40.070 - 3:43.953: masse teddy passed davis daniels | full throttle for 9th
3:46.109 - 3:50.382: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
4:00.429 - 4:04.750: davis daniels | full throttle passed masse teddy for 10th
4:02.773 - 4:09.195: SkyZr went off the track
4:08.718 - 4:12.421: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
4:15.429 - 4:16.703: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Will Knau for 3rd
4:18.492 - 4:19.828: Brock Williams passed masse teddy for 10th
0:00.000 - 4:21.085: SkyZr finished lap 1 ( 4:21.085)
4:20.210 - 4:21.460: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Will Knau for 4th
4:03.648 - 4:23.101: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team went off the track
4:18.773 - 4:25.531: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns went off the track
4:29.648 - 4:31.015: masse teddy passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 11th
4:33.296 - 4:35.492: Will Knau passed Hunter Ash | Looking For Team for 5th
4:34.843 - 4:37.046: Gdubs passed Hunter Ash | Looking For Team for 6th
5:02.007 - 5:04.703: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Ethan Holland for the lead
2:33.984 - 5:06.867: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods finished lap 2 ( 2:32.882)
2:30.343 - 5:07.476: Ethan Holland finished lap 2 ( 2:37.132)
5:09.898 - 5:12.867: Ethan Holland passed Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods for the lead
5:13.031 - 5:15.796: Will Knau passed DeMarcus Cousins III for 4th
5:13.187 - 5:16.062: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed masse teddy for 10th
5:14.054 - 5:19.851: Shane Roth went off the track
5:30.578 - 5:32.445: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Ethan Holland for the lead
2:58.328 - 5:32.726: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs finished lap 2 ( 2:34.398)
5:37.515 - 5:38.539: DeMarcus Cousins III passed Will Knau for 4th
3:03.617 - 5:39.773: DeMarcus Cousins III finished lap 2 ( 2:36.156)
2:50.289 - 5:40.882: Will Knau finished lap 2 ( 2:50.593)
5:41.710 - 5:42.429: Ethan Holland passed Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods for the lead
3:07.039 - 5:43.070: Gdubs finished lap 2 ( 2:36.031)
4:52.726 - 5:44.867: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
2:46.031 - 5:45.828: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team finished lap 2 ( 2:59.796)
2:59.617 - 5:57.492: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 finished lap 2 ( 2:57.875)
6:03.156 - 6:05.843: Gdubs passed DeMarcus Cousins III for 4th
6:04.406 - 6:08.171: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed DeMarcus Cousins III for 5th
5:59.804 - 6:09.710: Will Knau went off the track
6:11.937 - 6:18.109: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 went off the track
6:16.812 - 6:20.046: Shane Roth passed masse teddy for 11th
6:24.734 - 6:27.437: masse teddy passed Shane Roth for 11th
6:25.085 - 6:29.921: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 went off the track
6:31.304 - 6:36.070: Will Knau went off the track
3:32.234 - 6:47.398: Brock Williams finished lap 2 ( 3:15.164)
6:43.304 - 7:00.273: Shane Roth went off the track
7:01.007 - 7:02.265: masse teddy passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 10th
3:24.656 - 7:03.625: masse teddy finished lap 2 ( 3:38.968)
7:08.710 - 7:09.718: davis daniels | full throttle passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 11th
3:17.859 - 7:10.914: davis daniels | full throttle finished lap 2 ( 3:53.054)
3:37.015 - 7:14.140: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns finished lap 2 ( 3:37.125)
7:12.664 - 7:14.328: Will Knau passed Gdubs for 4th
3:43.179 - 7:15.492: Shane Roth finished lap 2 ( 3:32.312)
7:18.257 - 7:21.734: Shane Roth passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 12th
7:17.593 - 7:24.929: SkyZr went off the track
7:24.953 - 7:32.179: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 went off the track
7:31.578 - 7:33.468: davis daniels | full throttle passed masse teddy for 9th
7:34.078 - 7:37.273: Brock Williams went off the track
7:41.210 - 7:44.242: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team passed Gdubs for 5th
5:07.476 - 7:44.945: Ethan Holland finished lap 3 ( 2:37.468)
5:06.867 - 7:53.062: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods finished lap 3 ( 2:46.195)
7:45.734 - 7:54.625: Shane Roth went off the track
7:54.648 - 7:58.679: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed Shane Roth and masse teddy for 11th
4:21.085 - 7:59.101: SkyZr finished lap 2 ( 3:38.015)
7:54.625 - 7:59.171: Shane Roth passed masse teddy for 12th
8:01.273 - 8:04.179: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
5:32.726 - 8:05.890: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:33.164)
5:40.882 - 8:14.539: Will Knau finished lap 3 ( 2:33.656)
5:45.828 - 8:18.695: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team finished lap 3 ( 2:32.867)
5:43.070 - 8:23.476: Gdubs finished lap 3 ( 2:40.406)
8:18.695 - 8:24.937: Hunter Ash | Looking For Team went off the track
8:24.015 - 8:25.273: masse teddy passed Shane Roth for 12th
8:23.171 - 8:25.851: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed davis daniels | full throttle for 10th
8:28.359 - 8:31.804: davis daniels | full throttle passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 10th
8:32.265 - 8:34.171: masse teddy passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 11th
8:35.007 - 8:42.742: SkyZr went off the track
8:39.945 - 8:44.484: Will Knau went off the track
5:57.492 - 8:56.750: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 finished lap 3 ( 2:59.257)
9:00.242 - 9:02.695: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs passed Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods for 2nd
9:00.070 - 9:04.085: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed masse teddy for 10th
9:12.742 - 9:15.023: masse teddy passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 10th
9:22.117 - 9:25.523: Shane Roth passed Ashton| Cyber Dezigns for 11th
9:34.562 - 9:38.398: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns passed Shane Roth for 10th
6:47.398 - 9:40.718: Brock Williams finished lap 3 ( 2:53.320)
9:43.554 - 9:51.898: Ethan Holland went off the track
7:10.914 - 10:07.101: davis daniels | full throttle finished lap 3 ( 2:56.187)
10:09.250 - 10:12.984: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods passed Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs for the lead
7:44.945 - 10:14.429: Ethan Holland finished lap 4 ( 2:29.484)
10:20.085 - 10:24.890: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
7:14.140 - 10:33.125: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns finished lap 3 ( 3:18.984)
7:53.062 - 10:38.164: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods finished lap 4 ( 2:45.101)
8:05.890 - 10:40.265: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:34.375)
8:14.539 - 10:43.179: Will Knau finished lap 4 ( 2:28.640)
7:15.492 - 10:51.265: Shane Roth finished lap 3 ( 3:35.773)
10:48.093 - 10:55.429: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
10:58.882 - 11:02.093: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
10:56.820 - 11:02.632: Will Knau went off the track
8:23.476 - 11:22.054: Gdubs finished lap 4 ( 2:58.578)
11:21.867 - 11:34.187: Will Knau went off the track
11:26.906 - 11:34.765: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
8:56.750 - 11:57.148: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 finished lap 4 ( 3:00.398)
11:54.289 - 12:08.953: Brock Williams went off the track
9:40.718 - 12:39.023: Brock Williams finished lap 4 ( 2:58.304)
12:48.375 - 12:52.648: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
10:14.429 - 12:58.171: Ethan Holland finished lap 5 ( 2:43.742)
12:55.656 - 13:01.039: davis daniels | full throttle went off the track
10:38.164 - 13:08.945: Tyson Parliament | Tokyo Mods finished lap 5 ( 2:30.781)
10:40.265 - 13:14.031: Ethan Lenox | Ca Designs finished lap 5 ( 2:33.765)
10:07.101 - 13:19.343: davis daniels | full throttle finished lap 4 ( 3:12.242)
13:17.437 - 13:20.906: Will Knau went off the track
10:43.179 - 13:20.906: Will Knau finished lap 5 ( 2:37.726)
10:33.125 - 13:24.578: Ashton| Cyber Dezigns finished lap 4 ( 2:51.453)
13:53.679 - 14:00.867: Gdubs went off the track
11:22.054 - 14:24.781: Gdubs finished lap 5 ( 3:02.726)
10:51.265 - 14:31.125: Shane Roth finished lap 4 ( 3:39.859)
11:57.148 - 14:34.828: @jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0 finished lap 5 ( 2:37.679)