MX Simulator
Track2022 rF Gaming National Rd06: Southwick
Format 5 laps
Date3/24/2023, 8:03:52 PM (649 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1278Alfie Richards | Substance 250sxf(2018)5 13:18.1095 2:15.59358282
2156Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys 250sxf(2018)5 15:19.6482 2:53.82824545
313seth carr | ugrc 250sxf(2018)5 15:38.5153 2:22.42933662
459seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew 250sxf(2018)2 4:51.3510 0:00.00020073
5981Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash 250sxf(2018)2 5:22.1560 0:00.000683
6481Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash 250sxf(2018)2 5:39.3200 0:00.00015121

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 59 278 278 278 278
P2 278 59 13 156 156
P3 481 13 156 13 13
P4 981 981
P5 13 481
P6 156 156

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:15.593 5 278 Alfie Richards | Substance
2:16.281 2 278 Alfie Richards | Substance
2:16.460 3 278 Alfie Richards | Substance
2:22.429 3 13 seth carr | ugrc
2:31.914 2 13 seth carr | ugrc
2:53.828 2 156 Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys
3:04.648 3 156 Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys
4:01.875 4 278 Alfie Richards | Substance

Individual Worst Laps

2:28.617 2 59 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
2:35.601 2 981 Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
2:54.671 2 481 Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
3:20.273 4 156 Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys
4:01.875 4 278 Alfie Richards | Substance
5:25.640 4 13 seth carr | ugrc


Std. Dev.NumberName
9.804 156 Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys
45.798 278 Alfie Richards | Substance
77.114 13 seth carr | ugrc
- 481 Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
- 981 Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
- 59 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew

Play by Play

Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash takes the holeshot followed by Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys, Alfie Richards | Substance, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew, Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and seth carr | ugrc

0:10.382 - 0:13.539: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys and Alfie Richards | Substance for 2nd
0:10.609 - 0:14.234: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys and Alfie Richards | Substance for 3rd
0:10.375 - 0:17.671: Alfie Richards | Substance passed Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys for 4th
0:26.906 - 0:29.578: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for the lead
0:29.648 - 0:31.960: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for the lead
0:32.093 - 0:36.570: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for the lead
0:33.531 - 0:37.382: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 2nd
0:43.265 - 0:46.460: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys passed Alfie Richards | Substance for 4th
0:58.625 - 1:01.390: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 2nd
1:06.898 - 1:10.734: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
1:10.015 - 1:17.195: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
1:15.328 - 1:17.984: Alfie Richards | Substance passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
1:15.335 - 1:29.843: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys went off the track
1:29.843 - 1:34.562: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
1:41.906 - 1:44.984: seth carr | ugrc passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 5th
1:48.562 - 1:50.101: Alfie Richards | Substance passed Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 2nd
1:51.843 - 1:54.695: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed seth carr | ugrc for 5th
1:55.445 - 1:57.664: seth carr | ugrc passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 5th
1:57.664 - 2:00.460: seth carr | ugrc passed Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys for 4th
1:58.445 - 2:01.843: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys for 5th
2:01.843 - 2:03.546: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed seth carr | ugrc for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:22.734: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 1 ( 2:22.734)
0:00.000 - 2:27.898: Alfie Richards | Substance finished lap 1 ( 2:27.898)
0:00.000 - 2:38.554: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 1 ( 2:38.554)
0:00.000 - 2:46.554: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 1 ( 2:46.554)
0:00.000 - 2:47.156: seth carr | ugrc finished lap 1 ( 2:47.156)
2:54.343 - 2:55.640: seth carr | ugrc passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:58.976: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys finished lap 1 ( 2:58.976)
2:53.554 - 3:04.203: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
3:44.429 - 3:47.328: seth carr | ugrc passed Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
3:53.773 - 3:59.898: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
4:02.984 - 4:07.398: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
2:27.898 - 4:44.179: Alfie Richards | Substance finished lap 2 ( 2:16.281)
2:22.734 - 4:51.351: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 2 ( 2:28.617)
4:45.500 - 4:56.539: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
5:07.101 - 5:09.062: seth carr | ugrc passed Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 3rd
2:47.156 - 5:19.070: seth carr | ugrc finished lap 2 ( 2:31.914)
2:46.554 - 5:22.156: Brent Heintzelman | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 2 ( 2:35.601)
2:38.554 - 5:33.226: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 2 ( 2:54.671)
2:58.976 - 5:52.804: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys finished lap 2 ( 2:53.828)
4:44.179 - 7:00.640: Alfie Richards | Substance finished lap 3 ( 2:16.460)
7:07.226 - 7:12.015: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
7:15.468 - 7:20.648: Jared Gumeson | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
5:19.070 - 7:41.500: seth carr | ugrc finished lap 3 ( 2:22.429)
5:52.804 - 8:57.453: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys finished lap 3 ( 3:04.648)
7:49.023 - 10:37.882: seth carr | ugrc went off the track
7:00.640 - 11:02.515: Alfie Richards | Substance finished lap 4 ( 4:01.875)
11:01.257 - 11:06.375: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys went off the track
11:06.375 - 11:10.648: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys went off the track
11:31.234 - 11:46.609: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys went off the track
12:02.757 - 12:06.976: seth carr | ugrc went off the track
8:57.453 - 12:17.726: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys finished lap 4 ( 3:20.273)
7:41.500 - 13:07.140: seth carr | ugrc finished lap 4 ( 5:25.640)
11:02.515 - 13:18.109: Alfie Richards | Substance finished lap 5 ( 2:15.593)
13:33.875 - 13:42.617: seth carr | ugrc went off the track
14:49.453 - 14:54.500: seth carr | ugrc went off the track
14:54.500 - 14:58.578: seth carr | ugrc went off the track
14:46.523 - 15:01.929: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys went off the track
12:17.726 - 15:17.554: Carl Novak | vurbmoto x Bung boys finished lap 5 ( 2:59.828)
13:07.140 - 15:35.984: seth carr | ugrc finished lap 5 ( 2:28.843)