MX Simulator
Track2023 rF Gaming National Rd07: Spring Creek MX
Format 5 laps
Date4/6/2024, 7:05:14 AM (271 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
147connor zary #geenfn 250sxf(2018)5 11:08.2184 2:10.82043345
2@!@zawg 250sxf(2018)5 11:46.1954 2:11.03149207
3389tromozone 250sxf(2018)5 13:26.7183 2:24.18737929
429taerman #geenfn 250sxf(2018)4 9:19.8824 2:13.59337150
599Izaac Burke kx250f(2018)4 10:46.6250 0:00.00040377
647parks fc450(2018)4 11:48.8674 2:49.73449390
7124Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports crf450(2018)1 2:41.0070 0:00.00020384

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 47 47 47 47 47
P2 29 29 29 29 @!@
P3 @!@ @!@ @!@ @!@ 389
P4 389 99 99 99
P5 124 389 389 389
P6 47 47 47 47
P7 99

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:10.820 4 47 connor zary #geenfn
2:11.031 4 @!@ zawg
2:11.406 2 47 connor zary #geenfn
2:13.593 4 29 taerman #geenfn
2:14.343 5 @!@ zawg
2:14.750 3 29 taerman #geenfn
2:21.773 3 @!@ zawg
2:24.187 3 389 tromozone
2:30.796 4 389 tromozone
2:33.804 5 389 tromozone
2:34.398 2 @!@ zawg
2:49.734 4 47 parks

Individual Worst Laps

2:22.468 5 47 connor zary #geenfn
2:30.843 2 29 taerman #geenfn
2:34.398 2 @!@ zawg
2:44.289 3 99 Izaac Burke
3:06.609 2 47 parks
3:20.484 2 389 tromozone


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.669 47 connor zary #geenfn
6.969 47 parks
7.773 99 Izaac Burke
7.873 29 taerman #geenfn
8.976 @!@ zawg
22.308 389 tromozone
- 124 Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports

Play by Play

Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports takes the holeshot followed by connor zary #geenfn, parks, tromozone, zawg, Izaac Burke and taerman #geenfn

0:06.835 - 0:09.765: zawg went off the track
0:07.710 - 0:09.820: connor zary #geenfn passed Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 2nd
0:07.875 - 0:10.304: tromozone passed parks for 4th
0:09.820 - 0:11.265: connor zary #geenfn passed zawg for the lead
0:13.531 - 0:15.164: taerman #geenfn passed parks, zawg, tromozone, Izaac Burke and Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 2nd
0:10.734 - 0:16.039: parks passed tromozone and Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 4th
0:11.781 - 0:21.421: Izaac Burke passed tromozone for 6th
0:26.992 - 0:28.453: tromozone passed Izaac Burke for 6th
0:25.335 - 0:29.867: zawg passed taerman #geenfn for 2nd
0:28.007 - 0:30.750: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports passed parks for 4th
0:32.023 - 0:32.851: taerman #geenfn passed zawg for 2nd
0:30.195 - 0:32.984: Izaac Burke passed parks and tromozone for 5th
0:29.851 - 0:33.265: tromozone passed parks for 6th
0:32.851 - 0:38.914: taerman #geenfn went off the track
0:32.984 - 0:39.070: Izaac Burke went off the track
0:45.625 - 0:46.625: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports passed zawg for 3rd
0:46.273 - 0:48.773: tromozone passed Izaac Burke for 5th
0:47.695 - 0:49.273: zawg passed Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 3rd
0:52.937 - 0:55.031: Izaac Burke passed tromozone for 5th
0:53.421 - 0:56.171: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports passed zawg for 3rd
0:56.257 - 0:57.625: zawg passed Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 3rd
1:13.562 - 1:18.320: Izaac Burke passed Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 4th
1:13.835 - 1:18.585: tromozone passed Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports for 5th
1:34.937 - 1:38.414: tromozone passed Izaac Burke for 4th
2:02.187 - 2:05.117: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports passed Izaac Burke for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:09.820: connor zary #geenfn finished lap 1 ( 2:09.820)
0:00.000 - 2:18.453: taerman #geenfn finished lap 1 ( 2:18.453)
0:00.000 - 2:22.710: zawg finished lap 1 ( 2:22.710)
2:18.757 - 2:25.882: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports went off the track
2:32.468 - 2:35.429: parks passed Izaac Burke for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:36.648: tromozone finished lap 1 ( 2:36.648)
0:00.000 - 2:39.570: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports finished lap 1 ( 2:39.570)
2:48.921 - 2:52.632: tromozone went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:52.789: parks finished lap 1 ( 2:52.789)
0:00.000 - 2:53.921: Izaac Burke finished lap 1 ( 2:53.921)
2:52.421 - 2:56.250: Ryan Anderson | Lansford Motosports went off the track
2:57.335 - 2:58.546: Izaac Burke passed parks for 6th
3:22.640 - 3:23.734: Izaac Burke passed tromozone for 4th
3:40.335 - 3:42.156: parks went off the track
3:49.632 - 3:57.273: zawg passed taerman #geenfn for 2nd
4:10.359 - 4:14.390: parks went off the track
4:06.757 - 4:14.789: taerman #geenfn passed zawg for 2nd
2:09.820 - 4:21.226: connor zary #geenfn finished lap 2 ( 2:11.406)
4:40.109 - 4:49.257: connor zary #geenfn went off the track
4:44.523 - 4:49.296: taerman #geenfn went off the track
2:18.453 - 4:49.296: taerman #geenfn finished lap 2 ( 2:30.843)
2:22.710 - 4:57.109: zawg finished lap 2 ( 2:34.398)
5:25.031 - 5:32.250: Izaac Burke went off the track
2:53.921 - 5:32.250: Izaac Burke finished lap 2 ( 2:38.328)
5:45.945 - 5:50.281: Izaac Burke went off the track
5:49.726 - 5:53.335: tromozone passed parks for 5th
2:36.648 - 5:57.132: tromozone finished lap 2 ( 3:20.484)
2:52.789 - 5:59.398: parks finished lap 2 ( 3:06.609)
5:57.062 - 6:02.757: Izaac Burke went off the track
4:21.226 - 6:34.929: connor zary #geenfn finished lap 3 ( 2:13.703)
6:22.875 - 6:36.625: Izaac Burke went off the track
6:31.750 - 6:37.195: parks went off the track
4:49.296 - 7:04.046: taerman #geenfn finished lap 3 ( 2:14.750)
6:59.007 - 7:07.734: Izaac Burke went off the track
4:57.109 - 7:18.882: zawg finished lap 3 ( 2:21.773)
5:32.250 - 8:16.539: Izaac Burke finished lap 3 ( 2:44.289)
5:57.132 - 8:21.320: tromozone finished lap 3 ( 2:24.187)
6:34.929 - 8:45.750: connor zary #geenfn finished lap 4 ( 2:10.820)
8:40.265 - 8:46.085: Izaac Burke went off the track
8:42.023 - 8:55.343: parks went off the track
5:59.398 - 8:55.343: parks finished lap 3 ( 2:55.945)
7:04.046 - 9:17.640: taerman #geenfn finished lap 4 ( 2:13.593)
7:18.882 - 9:29.914: zawg finished lap 4 ( 2:11.031)
10:22.718 - 10:28.625: taerman #geenfn went off the track
10:14.500 - 10:30.203: connor zary #geenfn went off the track
8:16.539 - 10:42.187: Izaac Burke finished lap 4 ( 2:25.648)
8:21.320 - 10:52.117: tromozone finished lap 4 ( 2:30.796)
8:45.750 - 11:08.218: connor zary #geenfn finished lap 5 ( 2:22.468)
11:11.304 - 11:12.718: tromozone passed Izaac Burke for 4th
9:29.914 - 11:44.257: zawg finished lap 5 ( 2:14.343)
8:55.343 - 11:45.078: parks finished lap 4 ( 2:49.734)
12:20.867 - 12:26.656: Izaac Burke went off the track
10:52.117 - 13:25.921: tromozone finished lap 5 ( 2:33.804)