MX Simulator
Track2012 MotoSport rF National Rd09: Southwick
Format 4 laps
Date11/5/2012, 1:00:20 AM (4448 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1111Hudson#111 kx250f(2009)4 9:27.1172 2:19.9845661
237Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team 350sxf(2011)4 10:04.8754 2:26.4686315
3828Xtrem | crf450(2011)4 10:22.9764 2:19.5854648
4638Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx yz450f(2011)4 13:31.1402 2:41.4844084
531[JOR]#31 rmz250(2009)3 8:34.4533 2:40.5074829
6415LOWRIE rm1253 9:28.4533 2:32.0937439
7Mx83/SPM Racing crf250(2009)3 13:15.2963 5:34.9846868
8162MotoKid162 crf450(2011)2 5:35.3042 2:33.4213623
9101Colton Bangs #101 Privateer rm250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004524
1097Sheepy ! #97 rmz250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003169
1120Trent Powelson | Privateer 350sxf(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007328
12139Cody Clark-139 | Goon Squad rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0005579
1332Peter Leik | EVS Sports yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003118
14433John Truesdail(lookin for team) 350sxf(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006306

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 111 111 111 111
P2 37 37 37 37
P3 31 828 828 828
P4 162 162 31 638
P5 828 31 638
P6 638 638 415
P7 415 415

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:19.585 4 828 Xtrem |
2:19.984 2 111 Hudson#111
2:20.000 4 111 Hudson#111
2:23.867 3 111 Hudson#111
2:26.468 4 37 Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team
2:26.781 2 37 Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team
2:28.867 3 828 Xtrem |
2:31.093 2 828 Xtrem |
2:32.093 3 415 LOWRIE
2:33.421 2 162 MotoKid162
2:35.289 3 37 Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team
2:40.507 3 31 [JOR]#31
2:41.484 2 638 Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx
3:07.437 2 415 LOWRIE
5:34.984 3 Mx83/SPM Racing

Individual Worst Laps

2:23.867 3 111 Hudson#111
2:31.093 2 828 Xtrem |
2:33.421 2 162 MotoKid162
2:35.289 3 37 Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team
2:50.164 2 31 [JOR]#31
3:07.437 2 415 LOWRIE
4:05.507 4 638 Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx
5:34.984 3 Mx83/SPM Racing


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.827 111 Hudson#111
4.086 37 Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team
4.828 31 [JOR]#31
4.984 828 Xtrem |
17.672 415 LOWRIE
35.924 638 Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx
55.000 Mx83/SPM Racing
- 101 Colton Bangs #101 Privateer
- 97 Sheepy ! #97
- 20 Trent Powelson | Privateer
- 139 Cody Clark-139 | Goon Squad
- 32 Peter Leik | EVS Sports
- 162 MotoKid162
- 433 John Truesdail(lookin for team)

Play by Play

[JOR]#31 takes the holeshot followed by Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team, Hudson#111, Xtrem |, Mx83/SPM Racing, Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx, Sheepy ! #97, LOWRIE and MotoKid162

0:09.804 - 0:12.007: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team passed [JOR]#31 for the lead
0:14.554 - 0:16.804: Sheepy ! #97 passed Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 6th
0:17.562 - 0:19.515: MotoKid162 passed LOWRIE for 8th
0:16.195 - 0:19.867: Hudson#111 passed [JOR]#31 for 2nd
0:19.367 - 0:23.328: Mx83/SPM Racing passed Xtrem | and [JOR]#31 for 3rd
0:17.671 - 0:23.929: Xtrem | passed [JOR]#31 for 4th
0:20.078 - 0:24.531: Sheepy ! #97 passed [JOR]#31 for 5th
0:20.828 - 0:24.718: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed [JOR]#31 for 6th
0:23.132 - 0:26.601: MotoKid162 passed [JOR]#31 for 7th
0:22.851 - 0:27.523: Hudson#111 passed Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team for the lead
0:23.664 - 0:28.015: LOWRIE passed [JOR]#31 for 8th
0:24.718 - 0:28.046: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed Sheepy ! #97 for 5th
0:26.984 - 0:31.101: Xtrem | passed Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team and Mx83/SPM Racing for 2nd
0:26.343 - 0:31.109: Mx83/SPM Racing passed Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team for 3rd
0:29.289 - 0:34.726: MotoKid162 passed Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team and Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 4th
0:30.992 - 0:35.945: LOWRIE passed Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team and Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 5th
0:34.726 - 0:39.296: MotoKid162 passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 3rd
0:36.093 - 0:42.617: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team passed LOWRIE and Mx83/SPM Racing for 4th
0:31.585 - 0:46.117: [JOR]#31 went off the track
0:42.414 - 0:47.609: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed LOWRIE and Mx83/SPM Racing for 6th
0:35.945 - 0:49.773: LOWRIE passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 7th
0:45.203 - 0:50.101: Xtrem | passed Hudson#111 for the lead
0:52.484 - 0:57.507: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team passed MotoKid162 for 3rd
0:54.812 - 0:57.843: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed [JOR]#31 for 5th
1:00.804 - 1:05.328: Hudson#111 passed Xtrem | for the lead
1:02.781 - 1:05.812: Mx83/SPM Racing passed LOWRIE for 7th
0:58.085 - 1:12.789: [JOR]#31 passed Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 5th
1:12.460 - 1:16.734: MotoKid162 passed Xtrem | for 2nd
1:05.812 - 1:17.515: Mx83/SPM Racing passed Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 6th
1:03.960 - 1:19.632: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team went off the track
1:24.367 - 1:27.281: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 6th
1:25.890 - 1:28.992: LOWRIE passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 7th
1:37.460 - 1:43.109: Mx83/SPM Racing passed LOWRIE for 7th
1:40.773 - 1:46.796: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team passed Xtrem | and MotoKid162 for 2nd
1:43.109 - 1:47.296: Mx83/SPM Racing passed Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 6th
1:47.398 - 1:53.742: [JOR]#31 passed Xtrem | and MotoKid162 for 3rd
2:05.601 - 2:09.929: Xtrem | passed MotoKid162 for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:23.265: Hudson#111 finished lap 1 ( 2:23.265)
2:19.656 - 2:25.132: MotoKid162 passed Xtrem | for 4th
2:27.796 - 2:33.914: LOWRIE passed Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx for 7th
0:00.000 - 2:36.335: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team finished lap 1 ( 2:36.335)
2:39.375 - 2:43.718: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed LOWRIE for 7th
2:43.718 - 2:47.960: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:56.054: [JOR]#31 finished lap 1 ( 2:56.054)
0:00.000 - 3:01.882: MotoKid162 finished lap 1 ( 3:01.882)
0:00.000 - 3:03.429: Xtrem | finished lap 1 ( 3:03.429)
3:04.914 - 3:11.914: LOWRIE passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 7th
3:12.890 - 3:14.984: MotoKid162 passed [JOR]#31 for 3rd
3:19.828 - 3:24.367: Xtrem | passed [JOR]#31 for 4th
0:00.000 - 3:43.289: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx finished lap 1 ( 3:43.289)
0:00.000 - 3:48.921: LOWRIE finished lap 1 ( 3:48.921)
0:00.000 - 3:55.328: Mx83/SPM Racing finished lap 1 ( 3:55.328)
3:54.726 - 3:57.617: [JOR]#31 went off the track
4:14.859 - 4:25.695: Mx83/SPM Racing went off the track
4:25.695 - 4:30.359: Mx83/SPM Racing passed LOWRIE for 7th
2:23.265 - 4:43.250: Hudson#111 finished lap 2 ( 2:19.984)
2:36.335 - 5:03.117: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team finished lap 2 ( 2:26.781)
5:08.156 - 5:16.765: LOWRIE passed Mx83/SPM Racing for 7th
5:13.812 - 5:19.609: Xtrem | passed MotoKid162 for 3rd
3:03.429 - 5:34.523: Xtrem | finished lap 2 ( 2:31.093)
3:01.882 - 5:35.304: MotoKid162 finished lap 2 ( 2:33.421)
2:56.054 - 5:46.218: [JOR]#31 finished lap 2 ( 2:50.164)
5:48.773 - 5:51.484: [JOR]#31 passed MotoKid162 for 4th
5:59.875 - 6:08.710: MotoKid162 passed [JOR]#31 for 4th
6:09.460 - 6:13.640: [JOR]#31 passed MotoKid162 for 4th
3:43.289 - 6:24.773: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx finished lap 2 ( 2:41.484)
6:24.773 - 6:39.632: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx went off the track
3:48.921 - 6:56.359: LOWRIE finished lap 2 ( 3:07.437)
4:43.250 - 7:07.117: Hudson#111 finished lap 3 ( 2:23.867)
7:10.296 - 7:29.031: Mx83/SPM Racing went off the track
5:03.117 - 7:38.406: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team finished lap 3 ( 2:35.289)
3:55.328 - 7:40.312: Mx83/SPM Racing finished lap 2 ( 3:44.984)
5:34.523 - 8:03.390: Xtrem | finished lap 3 ( 2:28.867)
5:46.218 - 8:26.726: [JOR]#31 finished lap 3 ( 2:40.507)
6:24.773 - 9:25.632: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx finished lap 3 ( 3:00.859)
7:07.117 - 9:27.117: Hudson#111 finished lap 4 ( 2:20.000)
6:56.359 - 9:28.453: LOWRIE finished lap 3 ( 2:32.093)
9:25.632 - 9:46.789: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx went off the track
7:38.406 - 10:04.875: Samuel Bergeron | Looking for a Team finished lap 4 ( 2:26.468)
8:03.390 - 10:22.976: Xtrem | finished lap 4 ( 2:19.585)
7:40.312 - 13:15.296: Mx83/SPM Racing finished lap 3 ( 5:34.984)
9:25.632 - 13:31.140: Tyler Cather #638 | TagMx finished lap 4 ( 4:05.507)