Lap Chart
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
L4 |
P1 |
167 |
996 |
996 |
74 |
P2 |
996 |
74 |
74 |
P3 |
4 |
P4 |
74 |
P5 |
110 |
P6 |
P7 |
P8 |
History Chart
Sorted Lap Times
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
2:43.679 |
4 |
74 |
Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] |
2:45.703 |
2 |
996 |
Rafael Lopes |
2:47.218 |
2 |
74 |
Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] |
Individual Worst Laps
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
2:54.398 |
3 |
996 |
Rafael Lopes |
3:15.406 |
3 |
74 |
Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] |
Std. Dev. | Number | Name |
4.348 |
996 |
Rafael Lopes |
14.196 |
74 |
Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] |
- |
4 |
Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki |
- |
110 |
Doug Oakley |
- |
32 |
Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS |
- |
891 |
JMG Racing | George |
- |
62 |
Byron Downen | System Decal |
- |
167 |
Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki |
Play by Play
Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS takes the holeshot followed by JMG Racing | George, Doug Oakley, Rafael Lopes, Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki, Byron Downen | System Decal, Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki and Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing]
0:06.421 - 0:11.187: Rafael Lopes passed Doug Oakley for 3rd
0:07.781 - 0:13.125: Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki passed Doug Oakley for 4th
0:10.085 - 0:14.406: Byron Downen | System Decal passed Doug Oakley for 5th
0:10.843 - 0:15.171: JMG Racing | George passed Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for the lead
0:11.187 - 0:15.304: Rafael Lopes passed Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 2nd
0:21.195 - 0:24.640: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Doug Oakley for 6th
0:21.664 - 0:25.218: Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki passed Rafael Lopes and Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 2nd
0:23.687 - 0:27.210: Byron Downen | System Decal passed Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 4th
0:25.898 - 0:29.054: Doug Oakley passed Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki and Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 5th
0:26.453 - 0:30.218: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] passed Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki and Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 6th
0:30.218 - 0:36.359: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] passed Doug Oakley for 5th
0:36.726 - 0:42.789: Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS passed Doug Oakley for 6th
0:39.289 - 0:46.375: Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki passed JMG Racing | George for the lead
0:41.210 - 0:48.554: Byron Downen | System Decal passed Rafael Lopes for 3rd
0:46.117 - 0:50.015: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Doug Oakley for 7th
0:53.859 - 1:03.875: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Peter Leik | MotoOption/EVS for 6th
1:12.890 - 1:17.531: Byron Downen | System Decal passed JMG Racing | George for 2nd
1:10.453 - 1:18.507: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] for 5th
1:18.507 - 1:35.750: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:06.656: Jesse Mullins | SplitFire Kawasaki finished lap 1 ( 2:06.656)
0:00.000 - 2:26.554: Rafael Lopes finished lap 1 ( 2:26.554)
2:23.710 - 2:27.554: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:29.968: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki finished lap 1 ( 2:29.968)
0:00.000 - 2:35.703: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] finished lap 1 ( 2:35.703)
2:47.640 - 2:52.609: Blake Bagget | Pro Circuit Kawasaki passed Rafael Lopes for the lead
0:00.000 - 4:25.656: Doug Oakley finished lap 1 ( 4:25.656)
2:26.554 - 5:12.257: Rafael Lopes finished lap 2 ( 2:45.703)
2:35.703 - 5:22.921: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] finished lap 2 ( 2:47.218)
6:15.429 - 6:22.960: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] passed Rafael Lopes for the lead
6:31.031 - 6:46.406: Rafael Lopes passed Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] for the lead
6:52.687 - 7:03.515: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] went off the track
7:03.515 - 7:07.945: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] passed Rafael Lopes for the lead
7:12.085 - 7:17.796: Rafael Lopes passed Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] for the lead
7:22.468 - 7:39.664: Rafael Lopes went off the track
7:26.257 - 7:51.390: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] went off the track
5:12.257 - 8:06.656: Rafael Lopes finished lap 3 ( 2:54.398)
7:58.664 - 8:19.039: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] went off the track
5:22.921 - 8:38.328: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] finished lap 3 ( 3:15.406)
8:38.328 - 11:22.007: Dee-Jayy Jones[On The Edge Racing] finished lap 4 ( 2:43.679)