MX Simulator
Track2012 MotoSport rF National Rd12: Lake Elsinore
Format 4 laps
Date7/5/2013, 12:02:21 AM (4199 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1972Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 rmz450(2011)4 8:27.5394 2:28.5789021
284cedric alcee/ eMc West 250sxf(2013)4 8:29.9844 2:26.2034929
3746ZNT746 rmz250(2013)4 8:42.4683 2:33.4148419
4948Colin Vonderchek kx450f(2013)4 9:04.8203 2:42.8287685
5mark howard /yoshimura suzuki rmz250(2013)3 6:38.7100 0:00.0009827
6Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix yz250f(2013)1 0:16.2100 0:00.0006984
7143Landry | MLK Racing crf450(2013)1 0:31.1710 0:00.0008379
8707JOSH WETZEL crf250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008717

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 84 84 746 972
P2 746 972 84
P3 746 972 84 746
P4 972 948 948
P5 948
P6 143
P7 948

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:26.203 4 84 cedric alcee/ eMc West
2:28.578 4 972 Gregory Marie-Rose | #972
2:33.414 3 746 ZNT746
2:35.757 3 972 Gregory Marie-Rose | #972
2:37.539 2 84 cedric alcee/ eMc West
2:42.828 3 948 Colin Vonderchek
2:43.562 2 948 Colin Vonderchek
2:48.039 4 746 ZNT746
2:53.875 4 948 Colin Vonderchek
3:03.726 2 746 ZNT746
3:10.937 3 84 cedric alcee/ eMc West

Individual Worst Laps

2:53.875 4 948 Colin Vonderchek
2:55.226 2 972 Gregory Marie-Rose | #972
3:03.726 2 746 ZNT746
3:08.898 3 mark howard /yoshimura suzuki
3:10.937 3 84 cedric alcee/ eMc West


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.043 948 Colin Vonderchek
5.531 mark howard /yoshimura suzuki
11.258 972 Gregory Marie-Rose | #972
12.378 746 ZNT746
18.989 84 cedric alcee/ eMc West
- Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix
- 143 Landry | MLK Racing

Play by Play

Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 takes the holeshot followed by Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix, cedric alcee/ eMc West, ZNT746, Landry | MLK Racing, mark howard /yoshimura suzuki and Colin Vonderchek

0:09.304 - 0:11.656: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:15.304: cedric alcee/ eMc West finished lap 1 ( 0:15.304)
0:11.656 - 0:15.304: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 for the lead
0:00.000 - 0:16.210: Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix finished lap 1 ( 0:16.210)
0:11.851 - 0:16.210: Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix passed Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:17.289: ZNT746 finished lap 1 ( 0:17.289)
0:13.523 - 0:17.289: ZNT746 passed Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:26.968: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 finished lap 1 ( 0:26.968)
0:00.000 - 0:27.179: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki finished lap 1 ( 0:27.179)
0:22.601 - 0:27.179: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki passed Landry | MLK Racing for 5th
0:20.046 - 0:30.382: Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for the lead
0:20.984 - 0:30.781: ZNT746 passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:31.171: Landry | MLK Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:31.171)
0:39.226 - 0:42.421: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix and ZNT746 for the lead
0:00.000 - 0:44.554: Colin Vonderchek finished lap 1 ( 0:44.554)
0:43.734 - 0:47.601: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix, Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 and ZNT746 for 2nd
0:40.195 - 0:48.046: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix and ZNT746 for 3rd
0:38.398 - 0:51.765: ZNT746 passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix for 4th
0:48.554 - 0:52.179: Colin Vonderchek passed Landry | MLK Racing for 6th
0:57.445 - 1:01.906: ZNT746 passed Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 for 3rd
1:07.070 - 1:09.773: ZNT746 passed mark howard /yoshimura suzuki for 2nd
1:09.710 - 1:15.093: Colin Vonderchek passed Dylan L. # 291 - YouPiix for 5th
1:15.328 - 1:24.507: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 went off the track
1:25.140 - 1:30.070: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki passed ZNT746 for 2nd
1:27.578 - 1:31.812: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 passed ZNT746 for 3rd
1:40.132 - 1:47.906: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 passed mark howard /yoshimura suzuki for 2nd
1:45.460 - 1:49.195: ZNT746 passed mark howard /yoshimura suzuki for 3rd
2:03.085 - 2:12.726: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki went off the track
2:42.906 - 2:50.914: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki went off the track
0:15.304 - 2:52.843: cedric alcee/ eMc West finished lap 2 ( 2:37.539)
3:02.226 - 3:05.851: ZNT746 passed Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 for 2nd
0:17.289 - 3:21.015: ZNT746 finished lap 2 ( 3:03.726)
0:26.968 - 3:22.195: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 finished lap 2 ( 2:55.226)
0:27.179 - 3:25.015: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki finished lap 2 ( 2:57.835)
0:44.554 - 3:28.117: Colin Vonderchek finished lap 2 ( 2:43.562)
3:24.703 - 3:28.445: ZNT746 passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for the lead
3:25.687 - 3:32.117: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for 2nd
3:29.109 - 3:33.726: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for 3rd
3:32.250 - 3:36.031: Colin Vonderchek passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for 4th
3:56.898 - 4:02.820: Colin Vonderchek passed mark howard /yoshimura suzuki for 3rd
4:05.757 - 4:10.984: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed mark howard /yoshimura suzuki for 4th
5:07.703 - 5:10.757: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed Colin Vonderchek for 3rd
5:19.296 - 5:30.476: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki went off the track
3:21.015 - 5:54.429: ZNT746 finished lap 3 ( 2:33.414)
3:22.195 - 5:57.953: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 finished lap 3 ( 2:35.757)
2:52.843 - 6:03.781: cedric alcee/ eMc West finished lap 3 ( 3:10.937)
3:28.117 - 6:10.945: Colin Vonderchek finished lap 3 ( 2:42.828)
6:20.742 - 6:24.984: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 passed ZNT746 for the lead
3:25.015 - 6:33.914: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki finished lap 3 ( 3:08.898)
6:35.921 - 6:37.984: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed ZNT746 for 2nd
7:07.773 - 7:10.015: ZNT746 passed cedric alcee/ eMc West for 2nd
6:54.468 - 7:11.070: mark howard /yoshimura suzuki went off the track
7:32.187 - 7:34.492: cedric alcee/ eMc West passed ZNT746 for 2nd
5:57.953 - 8:26.531: Gregory Marie-Rose | #972 finished lap 4 ( 2:28.578)
6:03.781 - 8:29.984: cedric alcee/ eMc West finished lap 4 ( 2:26.203)
5:54.429 - 8:42.468: ZNT746 finished lap 4 ( 2:48.039)
6:10.945 - 9:04.820: Colin Vonderchek finished lap 4 ( 2:53.875)