MX Simulator
Track2013 Motosport World GP Rd 08: Maggiora
Format 4 laps
Date5/15/2014, 6:03:50 PM (3892 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
151Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing yz250f(2009)4 8:22.5152 1:54.8205489
298AllanLarsen | Standing Construct rmz450(2013)4 8:22.5312 1:50.9065826
336Nicolas Rampon fr crf250(2013)4 8:48.1402 1:57.9148261
437Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna yz250f(2009)4 8:58.0784 1:57.4849864
5801Scellier Nicolas yz250f(2009)4 9:02.6404 2:01.9148236
693ludovic leblanc fr crf250(2013)4 9:09.7424 1:57.6718262
7885Carlos Castro 885 rmz450(2013)4 9:39.0622 2:11.49210646
8945Homer-Husqvarna rm1254 9:42.1952 2:22.60114969
94Aurelien Durup | privateer 250sxf(2013)4 9:57.8353 2:08.0933542
10418Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct rmz450(2013)4 10:06.2033 2:22.07011076
1114Benbiggz rmz450(2013)4 11:45.8122 1:55.6486135
1299Ryan #99 | FastCo crf450(2013)1 3:05.0850 0:00.0009336
1393ZATERMYR|93|PRIVATEER kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010848
14721Sol Coburn yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013150
15332Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public crf450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012915
16374Riley DeVine kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009576

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 98 98 98 98
P2 885 885 51 51
P3 801 51 36 36
P4 51 36 37 37
P5 36 37 801 801
P6 945 801 885 93
P7 418 14 93 885
P8 37 945 945 945
P9 93 93 4 4
P10 14 418 14 418
P11 99 4 418 14
P12 4

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:50.906 2 98 AllanLarsen | Standing Construct
1:54.820 2 51 Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing
1:55.648 2 14 Benbiggz
1:56.078 4 51 Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing
1:56.664 3 98 AllanLarsen | Standing Construct
1:57.484 4 37 Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna
1:57.671 4 93 ludovic leblanc fr
1:57.914 2 36 Nicolas Rampon fr
1:58.593 3 93 ludovic leblanc fr
1:58.890 4 36 Nicolas Rampon fr
1:59.570 2 37 Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna
2:01.914 4 801 Scellier Nicolas
2:05.671 3 801 Scellier Nicolas
2:07.890 3 36 Nicolas Rampon fr
2:08.093 3 4 Aurelien Durup | privateer
2:10.109 3 37 Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna
2:11.492 2 885 Carlos Castro 885
2:16.640 2 4 Aurelien Durup | privateer
2:18.109 2 93 ludovic leblanc fr
2:21.390 2 801 Scellier Nicolas
2:22.070 3 418 Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct
2:22.601 2 945 Homer-Husqvarna
2:24.609 4 945 Homer-Husqvarna
2:25.546 4 885 Carlos Castro 885
2:33.265 3 885 Carlos Castro 885
2:45.601 2 418 Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct
2:48.085 3 14 Benbiggz
3:58.085 4 14 Benbiggz

Individual Worst Laps

1:56.078 4 51 Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing
2:07.890 3 36 Nicolas Rampon fr
2:10.109 3 37 Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna
2:12.593 4 98 AllanLarsen | Standing Construct
2:16.640 2 4 Aurelien Durup | privateer
2:18.109 2 93 ludovic leblanc fr
2:21.390 2 801 Scellier Nicolas
2:24.609 4 945 Homer-Husqvarna
2:33.265 3 885 Carlos Castro 885
2:45.601 2 418 Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct
3:58.085 4 14 Benbiggz


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.331 51 Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing
4.400 4 Aurelien Durup | privateer
4.491 36 Nicolas Rampon fr
5.526 37 Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna
8.310 945 Homer-Husqvarna
8.436 801 Scellier Nicolas
9.014 885 Carlos Castro 885
9.173 98 AllanLarsen | Standing Construct
9.425 93 ludovic leblanc fr
14.646 418 Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct
50.156 14 Benbiggz
- 721 Sol Coburn
- 99 Ryan #99 | FastCo
- 332 Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public
- 374 Riley DeVine

Play by Play

Benbiggz takes the holeshot followed by Carlos Castro 885, Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public, Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct, Ryan #99 | FastCo, ludovic leblanc fr, Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Homer-Husqvarna, AllanLarsen | Standing Construct, Nicolas Rampon fr, Sol Coburn, Scellier Nicolas, Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing, Aurelien Durup | privateer and ZATERMYR|93|PRIVATEER

0:06.960 - 0:08.117: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Carlos Castro 885, Benbiggz and Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public for the lead
0:06.914 - 0:09.156: Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public passed Carlos Castro 885 for 3rd
0:07.718 - 0:09.578: Sol Coburn passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Carlos Castro 885, Homer-Husqvarna, AllanLarsen | Standing Construct, Ryan #99 | FastCo, ludovic leblanc fr and Nicolas Rampon fr for 4th
0:08.156 - 0:10.179: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Scellier Nicolas, Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Carlos Castro 885, Homer-Husqvarna, AllanLarsen | Standing Construct, Ryan #99 | FastCo, ludovic leblanc fr and Nicolas Rampon fr for 5th
0:07.390 - 0:10.210: Homer-Husqvarna passed Carlos Castro 885, Ryan #99 | FastCo and ludovic leblanc fr for 6th
0:10.210 - 0:12.617: Homer-Husqvarna passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 5th
0:07.656 - 0:13.703: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Carlos Castro 885, AllanLarsen | Standing Construct, Ryan #99 | FastCo and ludovic leblanc fr for 7th
0:07.640 - 0:14.789: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Carlos Castro 885, Ryan #99 | FastCo and ludovic leblanc fr for 8th
0:08.492 - 0:14.937: Aurelien Durup | privateer went off the track
0:07.992 - 0:15.468: Scellier Nicolas passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Carlos Castro 885, Ryan #99 | FastCo and ludovic leblanc fr for 9th
0:14.406 - 0:16.031: Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public passed Benbiggz for 2nd
0:15.250 - 0:16.585: Sol Coburn passed Benbiggz for 3rd
0:07.304 - 0:17.140: ludovic leblanc fr passed Carlos Castro 885 and Ryan #99 | FastCo for 10th
0:15.609 - 0:17.312: Homer-Husqvarna passed Benbiggz for 4th
0:15.718 - 0:17.414: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Benbiggz for 5th
0:07.390 - 0:17.453: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 12th
0:15.468 - 0:18.140: Scellier Nicolas passed AllanLarsen | Standing Construct for 9th
0:17.414 - 0:18.929: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Homer-Husqvarna for 4th
0:17.289 - 0:20.164: Carlos Castro 885 passed ludovic leblanc fr for 11th
0:18.257 - 0:20.437: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna and ludovic leblanc fr for 12th
0:19.914 - 0:21.468: Aurelien Durup | privateer passed Benbiggz for 6th
0:21.859 - 0:22.929: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Scellier Nicolas and Nicolas Rampon fr for 8th
0:21.109 - 0:24.210: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed ludovic leblanc fr for 13th
0:22.773 - 0:25.335: Carlos Castro 885 passed Scellier Nicolas and Nicolas Rampon fr for 9th
0:24.210 - 0:25.960: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Scellier Nicolas, Ryan #99 | FastCo and Nicolas Rampon fr for 10th
0:20.843 - 0:27.078: Scellier Nicolas passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 11th
0:23.101 - 0:28.921: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 12th
0:24.492 - 0:29.398: ludovic leblanc fr passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 13th
0:32.328 - 0:34.742: Homer-Husqvarna passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing, Sol Coburn and Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public for 2nd
0:31.164 - 0:37.351: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Sol Coburn for 4th
0:34.742 - 0:37.664: Homer-Husqvarna passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for the lead
0:37.171 - 0:39.039: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Ryan #99 | FastCo and ludovic leblanc fr for 12th
0:36.468 - 0:39.406: Benbiggz passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 6th
0:39.679 - 0:43.585: Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 2nd
0:41.632 - 0:44.500: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 7th
0:41.421 - 0:44.867: Sol Coburn passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 3rd
0:42.156 - 0:45.375: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 12th
0:42.898 - 0:46.054: Carlos Castro 885 passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 8th
0:42.289 - 0:46.359: Benbiggz passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 4th
0:43.937 - 0:47.234: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 9th
0:44.500 - 0:48.101: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 6th
0:45.835 - 0:48.851: Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public passed Homer-Husqvarna for the lead
0:46.054 - 0:50.062: Carlos Castro 885 passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 7th
0:48.101 - 0:50.710: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Benbiggz for 4th
0:47.234 - 0:51.015: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 8th
0:48.781 - 0:52.648: Scellier Nicolas passed Aurelien Durup | privateer and Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 9th
0:47.429 - 0:54.250: Aurelien Durup | privateer passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 10th
0:52.648 - 0:55.226: Scellier Nicolas passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Benbiggz for 5th
0:50.062 - 0:56.500: Carlos Castro 885 went off the track
0:51.015 - 0:57.023: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Benbiggz for 6th
0:46.757 - 0:57.023: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Benbiggz for 6th
0:54.328 - 0:57.203: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 12th
0:57.953 - 1:03.921: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct, Aurelien Durup | privateer and Benbiggz for 7th
1:05.250 - 1:07.914: ludovic leblanc fr passed Ryan #99 | FastCo and Nicolas Rampon fr for 11th
0:50.273 - 1:08.382: Sol Coburn went off the track
1:05.968 - 1:09.210: Carlos Castro 885 passed AllanLarsen | Standing Construct for 3rd
0:57.070 - 1:11.171: Benbiggz passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 9th
1:09.109 - 1:12.281: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Aurelien Durup | privateer and ludovic leblanc fr for 11th
1:07.914 - 1:13.460: ludovic leblanc fr passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 12th
1:12.281 - 1:14.585: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 9th
1:11.851 - 1:15.968: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Aurelien Durup | privateer for 13th
1:21.750 - 1:27.140: Carlos Castro 885 passed Homer-Husqvarna and Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public for the lead
1:27.890 - 1:30.664: Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public passed Carlos Castro 885 for the lead
1:26.367 - 1:32.273: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Homer-Husqvarna for 3rd
1:31.414 - 1:35.492: Carlos Castro 885 passed Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public for the lead
1:34.726 - 1:38.312: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Lewis Barker#332|PanicRev Public for 2nd
1:28.328 - 1:38.734: Scellier Nicolas passed Homer-Husqvarna for 4th
1:37.937 - 1:40.601: ludovic leblanc fr passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 10th
1:37.929 - 1:43.406: Benbiggz passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct, Homer-Husqvarna and Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 5th
1:28.750 - 1:44.132: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Homer-Husqvarna for 6th
1:38.757 - 1:45.062: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Homer-Husqvarna for 7th
1:44.132 - 1:46.414: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Benbiggz for 5th
1:36.328 - 1:46.625: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Homer-Husqvarna for 8th
1:46.625 - 1:49.960: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Benbiggz and Nicolas Rampon fr for 6th
1:43.984 - 1:52.523: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna, Homer-Husqvarna and ludovic leblanc fr for 9th
1:45.062 - 1:53.531: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Benbiggz for 7th
1:40.601 - 1:54.507: ludovic leblanc fr passed Homer-Husqvarna for 10th
1:40.742 - 1:55.171: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Homer-Husqvarna for 11th
1:52.523 - 1:55.578: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Benbiggz for 8th
1:54.507 - 1:57.851: ludovic leblanc fr passed Benbiggz for 9th
1:55.171 - 1:57.898: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Benbiggz for 10th
1:55.703 - 1:58.671: Homer-Husqvarna passed Benbiggz for 11th
1:57.898 - 2:01.625: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed ludovic leblanc fr for 9th
2:01.625 - 2:03.218: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 8th
2:01.664 - 2:03.320: ludovic leblanc fr passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 9th
2:03.320 - 2:05.039: Homer-Husqvarna passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 10th
2:08.125 - 2:11.398: ludovic leblanc fr passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 7th
2:10.000 - 2:12.765: Homer-Husqvarna passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 8th
2:10.031 - 2:13.898: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 4th
2:11.398 - 2:18.078: ludovic leblanc fr went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:19.367: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct finished lap 1 ( 2:19.367)
2:16.710 - 2:19.367: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Carlos Castro 885 for the lead
2:19.179 - 2:20.445: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:21.500: Carlos Castro 885 finished lap 1 ( 2:21.500)
2:21.648 - 2:22.937: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 5th
2:19.914 - 2:23.742: Homer-Husqvarna passed ludovic leblanc fr for 7th
2:21.945 - 2:25.101: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed ludovic leblanc fr for 8th
2:28.765 - 2:30.125: Benbiggz passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:33.664: Scellier Nicolas finished lap 1 ( 2:33.664)
0:00.000 - 2:38.867: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:38.867)
2:36.148 - 2:40.039: Ryan #99 | FastCo passed Benbiggz for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:43.445: Nicolas Rampon fr finished lap 1 ( 2:43.445)
0:00.000 - 2:47.406: Homer-Husqvarna finished lap 1 ( 2:47.406)
2:44.242 - 2:47.406: Homer-Husqvarna passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:48.148: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct finished lap 1 ( 2:48.148)
2:48.515 - 2:50.484: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Scellier Nicolas for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:50.914: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna finished lap 1 ( 2:50.914)
0:00.000 - 2:53.507: ludovic leblanc fr finished lap 1 ( 2:53.507)
2:51.882 - 2:53.632: Benbiggz passed Ryan #99 | FastCo for 10th
2:51.875 - 2:54.164: Scellier Nicolas passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for 3rd
2:55.195 - 2:58.226: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Homer-Husqvarna for 6th
2:58.601 - 3:00.578: Homer-Husqvarna passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 6th
3:00.578 - 3:02.843: Homer-Husqvarna passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 5th
3:00.710 - 3:02.890: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Nicolas Rampon fr for 6th
0:00.000 - 3:03.992: Benbiggz finished lap 1 ( 3:03.992)
0:00.000 - 3:05.085: Ryan #99 | FastCo finished lap 1 ( 3:05.085)
3:04.226 - 3:06.898: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Scellier Nicolas for 3rd
3:04.609 - 3:08.437: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Homer-Husqvarna for 5th
3:05.460 - 3:09.421: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct and Homer-Husqvarna for 6th
3:12.414 - 3:16.671: ludovic leblanc fr passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 8th
0:00.000 - 3:21.828: Aurelien Durup | privateer finished lap 1 ( 3:21.828)
3:21.671 - 3:24.507: Benbiggz passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 9th
3:23.523 - 3:27.164: ludovic leblanc fr passed Homer-Husqvarna for 7th
3:28.664 - 3:32.500: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Scellier Nicolas for 4th
3:31.187 - 3:33.648: Benbiggz passed Homer-Husqvarna and ludovic leblanc fr for 7th
2:19.367 - 4:10.273: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct finished lap 2 ( 1:50.906)
4:17.351 - 4:20.476: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Scellier Nicolas for 5th
4:20.460 - 4:23.117: Homer-Husqvarna passed ludovic leblanc fr for 8th
2:21.500 - 4:32.992: Carlos Castro 885 finished lap 2 ( 2:11.492)
2:38.867 - 4:33.687: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:54.820)
2:43.445 - 4:41.359: Nicolas Rampon fr finished lap 2 ( 1:57.914)
2:50.914 - 4:50.484: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna finished lap 2 ( 1:59.570)
4:50.734 - 4:51.984: Benbiggz passed Scellier Nicolas for 6th
2:33.664 - 4:55.054: Scellier Nicolas finished lap 2 ( 2:21.390)
4:52.578 - 4:55.054: Scellier Nicolas passed Benbiggz for 6th
3:03.992 - 4:59.640: Benbiggz finished lap 2 ( 1:55.648)
2:47.406 - 5:10.007: Homer-Husqvarna finished lap 2 ( 2:22.601)
2:53.507 - 5:11.617: ludovic leblanc fr finished lap 2 ( 2:18.109)
5:18.625 - 5:22.882: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed Carlos Castro 885 for 2nd
2:48.148 - 5:33.750: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct finished lap 2 ( 2:45.601)
3:21.828 - 5:38.468: Aurelien Durup | privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:16.640)
5:49.929 - 5:55.257: Scellier Nicolas passed Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna for 5th
5:52.617 - 5:56.671: Aurelien Durup | privateer passed Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct for 10th
5:56.656 - 6:01.742: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing went off the track
5:59.445 - 6:03.828: ludovic leblanc fr passed Homer-Husqvarna and Benbiggz for 7th
6:04.484 - 6:06.140: Nicolas Rampon fr passed Carlos Castro 885 for 3rd
4:10.273 - 6:06.937: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct finished lap 3 ( 1:56.664)
5:59.250 - 6:08.367: Homer-Husqvarna passed Benbiggz for 8th
6:13.054 - 6:17.421: Scellier Nicolas passed Carlos Castro 885 for 4th
4:33.687 - 6:24.312: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:50.625)
6:21.656 - 6:25.226: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Carlos Castro 885 for 5th
4:41.359 - 6:49.250: Nicolas Rampon fr finished lap 3 ( 2:07.890)
6:48.750 - 6:54.445: Homer-Husqvarna went off the track
6:56.648 - 6:58.046: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna passed Scellier Nicolas for 4th
4:50.484 - 7:00.593: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna finished lap 3 ( 2:10.109)
4:55.054 - 7:00.726: Scellier Nicolas finished lap 3 ( 2:05.671)
4:32.992 - 7:06.257: Carlos Castro 885 finished lap 3 ( 2:33.265)
7:03.367 - 7:07.117: Aurelien Durup | privateer passed Benbiggz for 9th
5:11.617 - 7:10.210: ludovic leblanc fr finished lap 3 ( 1:58.593)
5:10.007 - 7:16.070: Homer-Husqvarna finished lap 3 ( 2:06.062)
5:38.468 - 7:46.562: Aurelien Durup | privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:08.093)
4:59.640 - 7:47.726: Benbiggz finished lap 3 ( 2:48.085)
7:46.257 - 7:49.859: ludovic leblanc fr passed Carlos Castro 885 for 6th
5:33.750 - 7:55.820: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct finished lap 3 ( 2:22.070)
7:54.398 - 7:57.250: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing passed AllanLarsen | Standing Construct for the lead
7:58.742 - 8:00.023: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct passed Benbiggz for 10th
8:02.085 - 8:07.531: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct went off the track
8:06.070 - 8:10.953: Homer-Husqvarna passed Carlos Castro 885 for 7th
8:07.531 - 8:16.656: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct passed Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing for the lead
6:06.937 - 8:19.531: AllanLarsen | Standing Construct finished lap 4 ( 2:12.593)
6:24.312 - 8:20.390: Geraud VASSELIN | Night Riders Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:56.078)
8:24.804 - 8:33.828: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct went off the track
6:49.250 - 8:48.140: Nicolas Rampon fr finished lap 4 ( 1:58.890)
7:00.593 - 8:58.078: Frankie Zounis | Mototech Husqvarna finished lap 4 ( 1:57.484)
7:00.726 - 9:02.640: Scellier Nicolas finished lap 4 ( 2:01.914)
7:10.210 - 9:07.882: ludovic leblanc fr finished lap 4 ( 1:57.671)
9:10.367 - 9:11.796: Carlos Castro 885 passed Homer-Husqvarna for 7th
9:26.140 - 9:31.757: Aurelien Durup | privateer went off the track
7:06.257 - 9:31.804: Carlos Castro 885 finished lap 4 ( 2:25.546)
7:16.070 - 9:40.679: Homer-Husqvarna finished lap 4 ( 2:24.609)
7:46.562 - 9:53.242: Aurelien Durup | privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:06.679)
7:55.820 - 10:06.203: Rasmus Balzer418 | Standing Construct finished lap 4 ( 2:10.382)
7:47.726 - 11:45.812: Benbiggz finished lap 4 ( 3:58.085)