MX Simulator
Track2013 Motosport World GP Rd 10: Kegums
Format 4 laps
Date9/22/2014, 4:57:45 PM (3756 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1163Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team yz250f(2009)4 7:55.2423 2:02.2426333
2212Redreamer 350sxf(2013)4 7:58.5073 2:04.0541145
393ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team yz250f(2009)4 8:28.1094 2:03.0468262
4529Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design rmz250(2013)4 8:28.2573 2:16.33515153
536Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team yz250f(2009)4 8:31.1014 2:08.9688261
6259Christophe Moreau rmz450(2011)4 8:54.6014 2:12.20312945
769Mark Guy rmz450(2013)4 8:56.6643 2:06.83514379
828Muri 350sxf(2011)3 8:05.7572 3:00.7426786
918Matt Spence rmz250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00015512

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 163 163 163 163
P2 212 212 212 212
P3 529 529 529 529
P4 28 93 36 93
P5 69 36 93 36
P6 36 259 69 259
P7 259 69 259 69
P8 93 28 28

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:02.242 3 163 Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team
2:03.046 4 93 ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team
2:04.054 3 212 Redreamer
2:06.140 4 212 Redreamer
2:06.835 3 69 Mark Guy
2:07.945 2 212 Redreamer
2:08.968 4 36 Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team
2:11.742 2 93 ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team
2:12.203 4 259 Christophe Moreau
2:12.742 2 163 Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team
2:14.039 4 163 Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team
2:14.531 2 36 Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team
2:16.335 3 529 Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design
2:16.625 4 529 Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design
2:16.625 3 36 Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team
2:20.367 3 93 ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team
2:24.960 4 69 Mark Guy
2:31.484 2 259 Christophe Moreau
2:35.367 2 69 Mark Guy
3:00.742 2 28 Muri

Individual Worst Laps

2:07.945 2 212 Redreamer
2:14.039 4 163 Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team
2:16.625 4 529 Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design
2:16.625 3 36 Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team
2:20.367 3 93 ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team
2:31.484 2 259 Christophe Moreau
2:35.367 2 69 Mark Guy
3:15.804 3 28 Muri


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.590 212 Redreamer
2.950 529 Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design
3.231 36 Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team
5.282 163 Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team
7.071 93 ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team
7.531 28 Muri
8.106 259 Christophe Moreau
11.789 69 Mark Guy
- 18 Matt Spence

Play by Play

Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team takes the holeshot followed by Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team, ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team, Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design, Mark Guy, Christophe Moreau, Muri and Redreamer

0:17.492 - 0:19.804: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 3rd
0:19.390 - 0:22.117: Muri passed Christophe Moreau for 6th
0:20.695 - 0:25.726: Mark Guy passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 4th
0:22.570 - 0:27.593: Christophe Moreau passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team and Muri for 5th
0:24.179 - 0:30.625: Redreamer passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team and Muri for 6th
0:27.593 - 0:33.187: Christophe Moreau passed Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design and Mark Guy for 3rd
0:39.757 - 0:42.296: Mark Guy passed Christophe Moreau for 3rd
0:40.648 - 0:43.640: Redreamer passed Christophe Moreau for 4th
0:41.578 - 0:44.382: Muri passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 7th
0:37.828 - 0:53.156: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design went off the track
0:57.445 - 1:01.820: Mark Guy passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 2nd
0:59.617 - 1:04.296: Redreamer passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 3rd
1:01.835 - 1:05.968: Christophe Moreau passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 4th
1:04.507 - 1:08.562: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 5th
1:10.726 - 1:15.929: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design for 5th
1:16.117 - 1:19.453: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 5th
1:22.039 - 1:25.148: Christophe Moreau passed Mark Guy and Redreamer for 2nd
1:21.437 - 1:25.500: Redreamer passed Mark Guy for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:26.218: Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team finished lap 1 ( 1:26.218)
1:25.617 - 1:29.187: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design passed Mark Guy for 4th
1:29.031 - 1:33.976: Muri passed Mark Guy and Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:40.367: Redreamer finished lap 1 ( 1:40.367)
0:00.000 - 1:42.695: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design finished lap 1 ( 1:42.695)
1:25.148 - 1:44.367: Christophe Moreau went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:49.210: Muri finished lap 1 ( 1:49.210)
0:00.000 - 1:49.500: Mark Guy finished lap 1 ( 1:49.500)
0:00.000 - 1:50.976: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team finished lap 1 ( 1:50.976)
0:00.000 - 1:51.070: Christophe Moreau finished lap 1 ( 1:51.070)
0:00.000 - 1:52.953: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team finished lap 1 ( 1:52.953)
1:51.296 - 1:53.796: Christophe Moreau passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 6th
1:53.796 - 1:57.953: Christophe Moreau passed Mark Guy and Muri for 4th
1:57.609 - 2:02.734: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team passed Mark Guy, Muri and Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 5th
2:03.031 - 2:06.820: Muri passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 5th
1:54.078 - 2:07.070: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed Mark Guy for 7th
2:02.468 - 2:08.156: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design went off the track
2:40.429 - 2:42.335: Muri passed Christophe Moreau for 4th
2:57.437 - 3:01.953: Christophe Moreau passed Muri for 4th
3:00.031 - 3:04.796: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team passed Muri for 5th
3:01.375 - 3:06.804: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed Muri for 6th
3:07.664 - 3:10.078: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team passed Christophe Moreau for 4th
3:09.781 - 3:12.320: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed Christophe Moreau for 5th
3:32.671 - 3:36.453: Mark Guy passed Muri for 7th
1:26.218 - 3:38.960: Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team finished lap 2 ( 2:12.742)
1:40.367 - 3:48.312: Redreamer finished lap 2 ( 2:07.945)
1:42.695 - 3:52.921: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design finished lap 2 ( 2:10.226)
1:52.953 - 4:04.695: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team finished lap 2 ( 2:11.742)
1:50.976 - 4:05.507: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team finished lap 2 ( 2:14.531)
4:12.234 - 4:16.578: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 4th
1:51.070 - 4:22.554: Christophe Moreau finished lap 2 ( 2:31.484)
1:49.500 - 4:24.867: Mark Guy finished lap 2 ( 2:35.367)
4:23.132 - 4:28.843: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 4th
4:36.875 - 4:40.937: Mark Guy passed Christophe Moreau for 6th
1:49.210 - 4:49.953: Muri finished lap 2 ( 3:00.742)
3:38.960 - 5:41.203: Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team finished lap 3 ( 2:02.242)
3:48.312 - 5:52.367: Redreamer finished lap 3 ( 2:04.054)
3:52.921 - 6:09.257: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design finished lap 3 ( 2:16.335)
6:07.859 - 6:14.968: Christophe Moreau went off the track
6:06.671 - 6:15.125: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team passed ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team for 4th
4:05.507 - 6:22.132: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team finished lap 3 ( 2:16.625)
4:04.695 - 6:25.062: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team finished lap 3 ( 2:20.367)
4:24.867 - 6:31.703: Mark Guy finished lap 3 ( 2:06.835)
4:22.554 - 6:40.296: Christophe Moreau finished lap 3 ( 2:17.742)
7:06.007 - 7:10.046: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team passed Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team for 4th
6:56.882 - 7:21.140: Muri went off the track
5:41.203 - 7:55.242: Sebastien Petit | HDI Mx Team finished lap 4 ( 2:14.039)
5:52.367 - 7:58.507: Redreamer finished lap 4 ( 2:06.140)
4:49.953 - 8:05.757: Muri finished lap 3 ( 3:15.804)
6:09.257 - 8:25.882: Ben Seaburg | Ghigo Design finished lap 4 ( 2:16.625)
6:25.062 - 8:28.109: ludovic leblanc | HDI Mx team finished lap 4 ( 2:03.046)
6:22.132 - 8:31.101: Nicolas Rampon | HDI Mx team finished lap 4 ( 2:08.968)
6:40.296 - 8:52.500: Christophe Moreau finished lap 4 ( 2:12.203)
8:45.960 - 8:52.500: Christophe Moreau passed Mark Guy for 6th
6:31.703 - 8:56.664: Mark Guy finished lap 4 ( 2:24.960)