MX Simulator
Track2016 Supercross Rd 15 - Boston
Format 6 laps
Date4/19/2016, 4:28:27 AM (3181 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
16Zack Dupuis | SYS 450sxf(2016)6 6:19.5393 0:59.492398
2733James Armstrong | MadCape 450sxf(2016)6 7:00.2894 0:57.3514591
3229Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs 250sxf(2016)5 6:07.1324 1:08.91417299
4284JT George | Privateer #1six 250sxf(2016)5 6:17.0235 1:06.4296647
524Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 250sxf(2016)5 6:44.5703 1:20.90614782
676Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. 250sxf(2016)4 3:56.7103 0:59.16410410

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 76 76 76 76 6 6
P2 6 6 6 6 733 733
P3 229 24 229 733 229
P4 733 229 24 229 284
P5 24 733 733 284 24
P6 284 284 284 24

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:57.351 4 733 James Armstrong | MadCape
0:59.164 3 76 Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co.
0:59.320 4 76 Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co.
0:59.492 3 6 Zack Dupuis | SYS
1:00.546 2 76 Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co.
1:04.718 5 733 James Armstrong | MadCape
1:06.429 5 284 JT George | Privateer #1six
1:08.312 6 733 James Armstrong | MadCape
1:08.625 4 284 JT George | Privateer #1six
1:08.914 4 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
1:13.921 5 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
1:14.851 3 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
1:15.867 5 6 Zack Dupuis | SYS
1:19.117 2 284 JT George | Privateer #1six
1:20.906 3 24 Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24
1:23.414 2 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
1:26.226 2 733 James Armstrong | MadCape
1:36.328 4 24 Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24

Individual Worst Laps

1:00.546 2 76 Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co.
1:15.867 5 6 Zack Dupuis | SYS
1:23.414 2 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
1:26.226 2 733 James Armstrong | MadCape
1:28.328 3 284 JT George | Privateer #1six
1:36.328 4 24 Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.618 76 Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co.
5.213 229 Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs
6.510 6 Zack Dupuis | SYS
8.188 24 Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24
8.762 284 JT George | Privateer #1six
9.908 733 James Armstrong | MadCape

Play by Play

James Armstrong | MadCape takes the holeshot followed by Zack Dupuis | SYS, Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24, Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs, Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. and JT George | Privateer #1six

0:05.429 - 0:07.742: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs for 4th
0:07.179 - 0:09.515: Zack Dupuis | SYS passed James Armstrong | MadCape for the lead
0:08.328 - 0:10.515: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs for 5th
0:09.601 - 0:11.218: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Zack Dupuis | SYS for the lead
0:09.625 - 0:11.718: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 passed Zack Dupuis | SYS for 2nd
0:09.851 - 0:11.968: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. passed Zack Dupuis | SYS for 3rd
0:10.640 - 0:12.664: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 5th
0:14.781 - 0:17.023: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 2nd
0:14.890 - 0:17.625: Zack Dupuis | SYS passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 3rd
0:15.179 - 0:17.875: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 4th
0:15.656 - 0:18.789: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 5th
0:18.789 - 0:20.515: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs for 4th
0:20.515 - 0:23.203: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Zack Dupuis | SYS for 3rd
0:34.429 - 0:36.554: Zack Dupuis | SYS passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 3rd
0:37.695 - 0:39.210: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. passed James Armstrong | MadCape for the lead
0:39.148 - 0:42.359: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 4th
0:41.070 - 0:42.765: Zack Dupuis | SYS passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 2nd
0:45.117 - 0:46.992: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 3rd
0:42.585 - 0:48.125: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:57.679: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. finished lap 1 ( 0:57.679)
0:53.359 - 0:59.562: JT George | Privateer #1six went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:00.921: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 1 ( 1:00.921)
0:00.000 - 1:06.031: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:06.031)
0:00.000 - 1:06.781: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 1 ( 1:06.781)
0:00.000 - 1:10.515: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 finished lap 1 ( 1:10.515)
0:00.000 - 1:14.523: JT George | Privateer #1six finished lap 1 ( 1:14.523)
1:10.515 - 1:15.625: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 went off the track
1:21.718 - 1:23.515: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs for 3rd
1:30.429 - 1:32.007: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs and James Armstrong | MadCape for 3rd
1:34.218 - 1:35.890: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs and James Armstrong | MadCape for 4th
1:37.992 - 1:42.007: James Armstrong | MadCape passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 4th
1:43.851 - 1:45.976: JT George | Privateer #1six passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 4th
1:40.992 - 1:46.046: Zack Dupuis | SYS went off the track
1:46.187 - 1:48.453: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 5th
0:57.679 - 1:58.226: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. finished lap 2 ( 1:00.546)
1:00.921 - 2:00.179: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 2 ( 0:59.257)
1:59.476 - 2:02.609: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs and JT George | Privateer #1six for 4th
1:59.000 - 2:04.882: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 5th
2:04.882 - 2:08.328: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 4th
2:08.898 - 2:11.296: JT George | Privateer #1six passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 5th
1:10.515 - 2:24.906: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 finished lap 2 ( 1:14.390)
1:06.031 - 2:29.445: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:23.414)
2:29.507 - 2:31.140: James Armstrong | MadCape passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 5th
1:06.781 - 2:33.007: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 2 ( 1:26.226)
1:14.523 - 2:33.640: JT George | Privateer #1six finished lap 2 ( 1:19.117)
2:50.523 - 2:52.804: JT George | Privateer #1six passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 5th
1:58.226 - 2:57.390: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. finished lap 3 ( 0:59.164)
2:00.179 - 2:59.671: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 3 ( 0:59.492)
3:00.265 - 3:05.828: James Armstrong | MadCape went off the track
3:00.765 - 3:10.359: JT George | Privateer #1six went off the track
3:13.335 - 3:15.531: James Armstrong | MadCape passed JT George | Privateer #1six for 5th
3:20.601 - 3:22.507: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 3rd
3:25.273 - 3:27.046: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 4th
3:27.343 - 3:32.859: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 passed James Armstrong | MadCape for 4th
3:33.875 - 3:39.218: Zack Dupuis | SYS went off the track
2:29.445 - 3:44.296: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:14.851)
2:24.906 - 3:45.812: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 finished lap 3 ( 1:20.906)
2:33.007 - 3:49.203: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 3 ( 1:16.195)
2:57.390 - 3:56.710: Chase Blakely | Mainline Coffee Co. finished lap 4 ( 0:59.320)
2:59.671 - 3:58.835: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 4 ( 0:59.164)
2:33.640 - 4:01.968: JT George | Privateer #1six finished lap 3 ( 1:28.328)
4:05.445 - 4:07.929: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 4th
4:23.390 - 4:25.273: James Armstrong | MadCape passed Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs for 2nd
4:29.031 - 4:30.742: JT George | Privateer #1six passed Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 for 5th
3:49.203 - 4:46.554: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 4 ( 0:57.351)
3:44.296 - 4:53.210: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:08.914)
4:01.968 - 5:10.593: JT George | Privateer #1six finished lap 4 ( 1:08.625)
3:58.835 - 5:14.703: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 5 ( 1:15.867)
5:14.703 - 5:19.867: Zack Dupuis | SYS went off the track
3:45.812 - 5:22.140: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 finished lap 4 ( 1:36.328)
5:37.039 - 5:49.812: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 went off the track
4:46.554 - 5:51.273: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 5 ( 1:04.718)
4:53.210 - 6:07.132: Kevin Ferzacca | Tagger Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:13.921)
5:14.703 - 6:15.382: Zack Dupuis | SYS finished lap 6 ( 1:00.679)
5:10.593 - 6:17.023: JT George | Privateer #1six finished lap 5 ( 1:06.429)
5:22.140 - 6:41.640: Kyle Carpenter | @kaycarpp24 finished lap 5 ( 1:19.500)
5:51.273 - 6:59.585: James Armstrong | MadCape finished lap 6 ( 1:08.312)