MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 9 - Daytona
Format 6 laps
Date3/6/2011, 3:06:15 AM (5058 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1233Aus #233 rmz250(2009)6 10:16.3515 1:31.9602068
253fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 yz1256 11:55.5155 1:36.8902425
3DMKDmK_Zach #18 kx250f(2009)5 11:23.4060 0:00.0001907
4NLRNlR| Ryan kx250f(2009)5 11:45.8825 1:45.7652309
541Papa Squat #41 yz250f(2009)2 3:54.0002 2:04.6711954
684Sth-Aus84 crf250(2009)0 2:18.9450 0:00.0001834

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 53 41 233 233 233 233
P2 41 233 53 53 53 53
P3 233 53 DMK DMK DMK

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:31.960 5 233 Aus #233
1:36.890 5 53 fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53
1:40.640 3 233 Aus #233
1:45.765 5 NLR NlR| Ryan
1:56.835 6 53 fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53
1:59.445 2 233 Aus #233
1:59.562 4 NLR NlR| Ryan
2:03.492 4 53 fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53
2:04.671 2 41 Papa Squat #41
2:25.640 3 NLR NlR| Ryan

Individual Worst Laps

1:59.445 2 233 Aus #233
2:04.671 2 41 Papa Squat #41
2:24.742 2 53 fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53
2:25.640 3 NLR NlR| Ryan
2:27.429 5 DMK DmK_Zach #18


Std. Dev.NumberName
11.906 233 Aus #233
14.319 NLR NlR| Ryan
14.908 DMK DmK_Zach #18
15.450 53 fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53
- 84 Sth-Aus84
- 41 Papa Squat #41

Play by Play

Aus #233 takes the holeshot followed by fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53, DmK_Zach #18, Papa Squat #41, Sth-Aus84 and NlR| Ryan

0:08.789 - 0:11.101: DmK_Zach #18 passed fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 for 2nd
0:17.015 - 0:23.484: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 passed DmK_Zach #18 for 2nd
0:20.171 - 0:25.593: Papa Squat #41 passed DmK_Zach #18 for 3rd
0:51.000 - 0:58.421: NlR| Ryan passed Sth-Aus84 for 5th
0:55.875 - 1:15.015: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
1:22.875 - 1:28.750: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
1:24.906 - 1:28.812: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 passed Aus #233 for the lead
1:29.398 - 1:31.859: Papa Squat #41 passed Aus #233 for 2nd
1:30.890 - 1:43.179: NlR| Ryan went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:46.070: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 1 ( 1:46.070)
0:00.000 - 1:49.328: Papa Squat #41 finished lap 1 ( 1:49.328)
0:00.000 - 2:02.250: Aus #233 finished lap 1 ( 2:02.250)
1:44.585 - 2:08.117: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
1:51.570 - 2:10.304: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:38.343: DmK_Zach #18 finished lap 1 ( 2:38.343)
2:43.453 - 2:49.929: Sth-Aus84 went off the track
3:17.914 - 3:20.054: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 passed Papa Squat #41 for the lead
0:00.000 - 3:31.500: NlR| Ryan finished lap 1 ( 3:31.500)
3:26.757 - 3:32.734: Papa Squat #41 passed fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 for the lead
3:40.875 - 3:44.539: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
3:41.210 - 3:47.726: Aus #233 passed fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 for 2nd
1:49.328 - 3:54.000: Papa Squat #41 finished lap 2 ( 2:04.671)
2:02.250 - 4:01.695: Aus #233 finished lap 2 ( 1:59.445)
4:03.476 - 4:05.687: Aus #233 passed Papa Squat #41 for the lead
1:46.070 - 4:10.812: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 2 ( 2:24.742)
2:38.343 - 4:31.210: DmK_Zach #18 finished lap 2 ( 1:52.867)
6:53.398 - 4:47.429: Sth-Aus84 went off the track
4:53.171 - 4:59.835: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 went off the track
4:36.046 - 5:15.953: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
5:07.992 - 5:21.687: NlR| Ryan went off the track
3:31.500 - 5:34.914: NlR| Ryan finished lap 2 ( 2:03.414)
4:01.695 - 5:42.335: Aus #233 finished lap 3 ( 1:40.640)
5:56.664 - 5:59.671: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
4:10.812 - 6:17.007: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 3 ( 2:06.195)
6:18.781 - 6:25.937: Aus #233 went off the track
6:11.250 - 6:28.265: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
6:28.265 - 6:44.132: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
4:31.210 - 6:46.914: DmK_Zach #18 finished lap 3 ( 2:15.703)
5:42.335 - 7:12.140: Aus #233 finished lap 4 ( 1:29.804)
5:34.914 - 8:00.554: NlR| Ryan finished lap 3 ( 2:25.640)
8:01.343 - 8:09.625: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
6:17.007 - 8:20.500: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 4 ( 2:03.492)
6:46.914 - 8:39.898: DmK_Zach #18 finished lap 4 ( 1:52.984)
7:12.140 - 8:44.101: Aus #233 finished lap 5 ( 1:31.960)
9:02.898 - 9:19.281: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
9:40.031 - 9:43.710: Aus #233 went off the track
8:20.500 - 9:57.390: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 5 ( 1:36.890)
8:00.554 - 10:00.117: NlR| Ryan finished lap 4 ( 1:59.562)
8:44.101 - 10:10.312: Aus #233 finished lap 6 ( 1:26.210)
10:36.070 - 10:39.007: DmK_Zach #18 went off the track
8:39.898 - 11:07.328: DmK_Zach #18 finished lap 5 ( 2:27.429)
10:00.117 - 11:45.882: NlR| Ryan finished lap 5 ( 1:45.765)
9:57.390 - 11:54.226: fxy_TacticalB4ndit#53 finished lap 6 ( 1:56.835)