MX Simulator
TrackThe US Open of MXS: Night 2
Format 5 laps
Date11/20/2010, 11:35:13 PM (5163 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1721Scottim rmz250(2009)5 4:56.1324 0:51.49243
2543NorthSpeed yz250f(2009)5 5:23.6642 0:55.3281415
386squirrelboy86 crf250(2009)5 5:34.1954 1:00.8671001
4448dxb_checkerz crf250(2009)5 6:10.8514 1:03.5151663
5357PPG_Juan yz250f(2009)4 4:23.7813 0:54.523631
611Xcrashnburn11 kx250f(2009)4 5:43.7963 1:14.6792070
7714Agent 714 rmz250(2009)2 3:02.5392 1:49.515740

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 543 543 543 721 721
P2 721 721 721 543 543
P3 448 357 357 357 86
P4 357 86 86 86 448
P5 714 448 448 448
P6 86 714 11X 11X
P7 11X 11X

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:51.492 4 721 Scottim
0:53.406 3 721 Scottim
0:54.523 3 357 PPG_Juan
0:55.328 2 543 NorthSpeed
1:00.750 5 543 NorthSpeed
1:00.867 4 86 squirrelboy86
1:01.273 2 721 Scottim
1:01.382 5 86 squirrelboy86
1:01.625 2 86 squirrelboy86
1:02.632 2 357 PPG_Juan
1:03.515 4 448 dxb_checkerz
1:07.437 3 448 dxb_checkerz
1:09.578 3 543 NorthSpeed
1:14.679 3 11X crashnburn11
1:15.390 4 357 PPG_Juan
1:23.726 2 448 dxb_checkerz
1:25.640 4 11X crashnburn11
1:30.242 5 448 dxb_checkerz
1:49.515 2 714 Agent 714

Individual Worst Laps

1:04.406 5 721 Scottim
1:11.960 3 86 squirrelboy86
1:15.390 4 357 PPG_Juan
1:29.867 4 543 NorthSpeed
1:30.242 5 448 dxb_checkerz
1:38.062 2 11X crashnburn11
1:49.515 2 714 Agent 714


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.628 86 squirrelboy86
5.355 721 Scottim
8.589 357 PPG_Juan
9.552 11X crashnburn11
11.085 448 dxb_checkerz
13.141 543 NorthSpeed
- 714 Agent 714

Play by Play

NorthSpeed takes the holeshot followed by Scottim, PPG_Juan, Agent 714, squirrelboy86, crashnburn11 and dxb_checkerz

0:03.265 - 0:05.617: Scottim passed NorthSpeed for the lead
0:10.320 - 0:12.375: NorthSpeed passed Scottim for the lead
0:11.515 - 0:13.289: PPG_Juan passed Scottim for 2nd
0:11.843 - 0:14.304: crashnburn11 passed Agent 714 and squirrelboy86 for 4th
0:13.078 - 0:15.367: dxb_checkerz passed Agent 714 and squirrelboy86 for 5th
0:15.367 - 0:19.375: dxb_checkerz passed Scottim and crashnburn11 for 3rd
0:18.546 - 0:19.593: PPG_Juan passed NorthSpeed for the lead
0:19.710 - 0:20.585: NorthSpeed passed PPG_Juan for the lead
0:19.734 - 0:22.039: Agent 714 passed crashnburn11 for 5th
0:20.695 - 0:22.687: squirrelboy86 passed crashnburn11 for 6th
0:24.906 - 0:25.984: Scottim passed dxb_checkerz for 3rd
0:27.132 - 0:29.187: dxb_checkerz passed Scottim and PPG_Juan for 2nd
0:27.046 - 0:30.812: Scottim passed PPG_Juan for 3rd
0:29.265 - 0:32.265: Agent 714 passed PPG_Juan for 4th
0:30.429 - 0:32.335: squirrelboy86 passed PPG_Juan for 5th
0:32.335 - 0:34.359: squirrelboy86 passed Agent 714 for 4th
0:34.070 - 0:35.703: PPG_Juan passed Agent 714 for 5th
0:39.062 - 0:40.429: Scottim passed dxb_checkerz for 2nd
0:36.132 - 0:41.460: crashnburn11 went off the track
0:40.500 - 0:41.929: squirrelboy86 passed dxb_checkerz for 3rd
0:41.671 - 0:43.937: PPG_Juan passed dxb_checkerz for 4th
0:42.578 - 0:44.007: Agent 714 passed dxb_checkerz for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:48.140: NorthSpeed finished lap 1 ( 0:48.140)
0:48.609 - 0:51.750: dxb_checkerz passed Agent 714 for 5th
0:49.187 - 0:52.109: squirrelboy86 passed Scottim for 2nd
0:54.039 - 0:56.265: dxb_checkerz passed PPG_Juan for 4th
0:55.812 - 0:57.921: Agent 714 passed PPG_Juan for 5th
0:56.484 - 0:58.671: crashnburn11 passed PPG_Juan for 6th
0:58.734 - 1:01.320: Scottim passed squirrelboy86 for 2nd
0:59.593 - 1:01.828: dxb_checkerz passed squirrelboy86 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:04.656: Scottim finished lap 1 ( 1:04.656)
1:01.703 - 1:04.812: PPG_Juan passed crashnburn11 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:05.929: dxb_checkerz finished lap 1 ( 1:05.929)
0:00.000 - 1:11.234: PPG_Juan finished lap 1 ( 1:11.234)
1:08.890 - 1:11.234: PPG_Juan passed Agent 714 and squirrelboy86 for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:13.023: Agent 714 finished lap 1 ( 1:13.023)
1:08.242 - 1:13.023: Agent 714 passed squirrelboy86 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:18.359: squirrelboy86 finished lap 1 ( 1:18.359)
1:22.515 - 1:24.531: squirrelboy86 passed Agent 714 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:25.414: crashnburn11 finished lap 1 ( 1:25.414)
1:35.843 - 1:36.773: PPG_Juan passed dxb_checkerz for 3rd
0:48.140 - 1:43.468: NorthSpeed finished lap 2 ( 0:55.328)
1:54.148 - 1:56.187: PPG_Juan passed Scottim for 2nd
1:56.859 - 1:58.523: squirrelboy86 passed dxb_checkerz for 4th
1:04.656 - 2:05.929: Scottim finished lap 2 ( 1:01.273)
2:03.984 - 2:05.929: Scottim passed PPG_Juan for 2nd
1:11.234 - 2:13.867: PPG_Juan finished lap 2 ( 1:02.632)
1:18.359 - 2:19.984: squirrelboy86 finished lap 2 ( 1:01.625)
1:05.929 - 2:29.656: dxb_checkerz finished lap 2 ( 1:23.726)
2:38.140 - 2:48.226: crashnburn11 went off the track
1:43.468 - 2:53.046: NorthSpeed finished lap 3 ( 1:09.578)
2:05.929 - 2:59.335: Scottim finished lap 3 ( 0:53.406)
1:13.023 - 3:02.539: Agent 714 finished lap 2 ( 1:49.515)
2:50.679 - 3:03.476: crashnburn11 went off the track
1:25.414 - 3:03.476: crashnburn11 finished lap 2 ( 1:38.062)
2:13.867 - 3:08.390: PPG_Juan finished lap 3 ( 0:54.523)
2:58.828 - 3:10.867: NorthSpeed went off the track
3:14.921 - 3:23.679: squirrelboy86 went off the track
2:19.984 - 3:31.945: squirrelboy86 finished lap 3 ( 1:11.960)
2:29.656 - 3:37.093: dxb_checkerz finished lap 3 ( 1:07.437)
3:41.609 - 3:43.007: PPG_Juan passed NorthSpeed for 2nd
3:45.953 - 3:47.585: NorthSpeed passed PPG_Juan for 2nd
2:59.335 - 3:50.828: Scottim finished lap 4 ( 0:51.492)
3:50.828 - 3:55.164: Scottim went off the track
3:03.476 - 4:18.156: crashnburn11 finished lap 3 ( 1:14.679)
2:53.046 - 4:22.914: NorthSpeed finished lap 4 ( 1:29.867)
3:08.390 - 4:23.781: PPG_Juan finished lap 4 ( 1:15.390)
3:31.945 - 4:32.812: squirrelboy86 finished lap 4 ( 1:00.867)
3:37.093 - 4:40.609: dxb_checkerz finished lap 4 ( 1:03.515)
3:50.828 - 4:55.234: Scottim finished lap 5 ( 1:04.406)
4:22.914 - 5:23.664: NorthSpeed finished lap 5 ( 1:00.750)
4:32.812 - 5:34.195: squirrelboy86 finished lap 5 ( 1:01.382)
4:18.156 - 5:43.796: crashnburn11 finished lap 4 ( 1:25.640)
4:40.609 - 6:10.851: dxb_checkerz finished lap 5 ( 1:30.242)