MX Simulator
Track2021 rF Gaming GP Rd01: Valkenswaard
Format 5 laps
Date5/31/2022, 5:03:03 PM (944 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1357Lynds 250sxf(2018)5 9:13.8285 1:48.19517192
2222Rhys Cooper 250sxf(2018)5 9:28.8673 1:48.39023371
3700Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH 250sxf(2018)5 10:07.1014 1:51.02337781
4117SeniorBlyat | BRH 250sxf(2018)5 10:15.1563 2:00.17142737
5156Thomas Lavillauroy crf450(2018)5 10:29.4373 1:57.78129064
6989kylian PREVOST 250sxf(2018)5 10:31.4212 1:54.21047954

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 117 357 357 357 357
P2 357 989 222 222 222
P3 989 117 989 700 700
P4 222 222 117 989 117
P5 156 156 156 117 156
P6 700 700 700 156 989

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:48.195 5 357 Lynds
1:48.390 3 222 Rhys Cooper
1:49.148 4 222 Rhys Cooper
1:51.023 4 700 Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH
1:51.539 4 357 Lynds
1:53.554 3 357 Lynds
1:54.210 2 989 kylian PREVOST
1:54.945 2 357 Lynds
1:57.781 3 156 Thomas Lavillauroy
1:58.523 5 222 Rhys Cooper
1:59.085 2 156 Thomas Lavillauroy
1:59.906 2 222 Rhys Cooper
2:00.171 3 117 SeniorBlyat | BRH
2:01.679 3 989 kylian PREVOST
2:02.226 5 700 Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH
2:03.187 3 700 Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH
2:34.195 4 117 SeniorBlyat | BRH

Individual Worst Laps

1:54.945 2 357 Lynds
1:59.906 2 222 Rhys Cooper
2:03.187 3 700 Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH
2:17.835 4 156 Thomas Lavillauroy
2:34.195 4 117 SeniorBlyat | BRH
2:36.406 4 989 kylian PREVOST


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.538 357 Lynds
5.252 222 Rhys Cooper
6.038 700 Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH
7.938 156 Thomas Lavillauroy
15.814 117 SeniorBlyat | BRH
15.923 989 kylian PREVOST

Play by Play

Lynds takes the holeshot followed by Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH, SeniorBlyat | BRH, Thomas Lavillauroy , kylian PREVOST and Rhys Cooper

0:10.312 - 0:11.421: kylian PREVOST passed Thomas Lavillauroy for 4th
0:11.960 - 0:13.695: Rhys Cooper passed Thomas Lavillauroy for 5th
0:24.265 - 0:25.921: Rhys Cooper passed kylian PREVOST for 4th
0:26.195 - 0:28.390: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH for 2nd
0:25.937 - 0:36.226: kylian PREVOST went off the track
0:36.226 - 0:38.382: kylian PREVOST passed Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH for 3rd
0:55.187 - 1:08.796: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH went off the track
1:11.734 - 1:14.210: Thomas Lavillauroy passed Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:45.515: SeniorBlyat | BRH finished lap 1 ( 1:45.515)
1:40.195 - 1:45.515: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed Lynds for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:45.593: Lynds finished lap 1 ( 1:45.593)
0:00.000 - 1:47.929: kylian PREVOST finished lap 1 ( 1:47.929)
0:00.000 - 1:52.898: Rhys Cooper finished lap 1 ( 1:52.898)
1:52.328 - 1:54.453: Lynds passed SeniorBlyat | BRH for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:07.679: Thomas Lavillauroy finished lap 1 ( 2:07.679)
2:14.406 - 2:16.687: kylian PREVOST passed Lynds for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:19.390: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH finished lap 1 ( 2:19.390)
2:08.492 - 2:25.726: SeniorBlyat | BRH went off the track
2:43.437 - 2:44.929: Lynds passed kylian PREVOST for the lead
3:00.289 - 3:02.882: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed Rhys Cooper for 3rd
1:45.593 - 3:40.539: Lynds finished lap 2 ( 1:54.945)
1:47.929 - 3:42.140: kylian PREVOST finished lap 2 ( 1:54.210)
1:45.515 - 3:46.765: SeniorBlyat | BRH finished lap 2 ( 2:01.250)
1:52.898 - 3:52.804: Rhys Cooper finished lap 2 ( 1:59.906)
4:01.257 - 4:04.734: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH went off the track
2:07.679 - 4:06.765: Thomas Lavillauroy finished lap 2 ( 1:59.085)
2:19.390 - 4:09.687: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH finished lap 2 ( 1:50.296)
4:08.851 - 4:12.664: kylian PREVOST passed Lynds for the lead
4:17.812 - 4:22.460: Rhys Cooper passed SeniorBlyat | BRH for 3rd
4:22.921 - 4:25.257: Lynds passed kylian PREVOST for the lead
4:28.054 - 4:30.335: Rhys Cooper passed kylian PREVOST for 2nd
3:40.539 - 5:34.093: Lynds finished lap 3 ( 1:53.554)
3:52.804 - 5:41.195: Rhys Cooper finished lap 3 ( 1:48.390)
3:42.140 - 5:43.820: kylian PREVOST finished lap 3 ( 2:01.679)
3:46.765 - 5:46.937: SeniorBlyat | BRH finished lap 3 ( 2:00.171)
5:46.937 - 5:50.937: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed kylian PREVOST for 3rd
4:06.765 - 6:04.546: Thomas Lavillauroy finished lap 3 ( 1:57.781)
4:09.687 - 6:12.875: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH finished lap 3 ( 2:03.187)
6:17.835 - 6:26.078: kylian PREVOST passed SeniorBlyat | BRH for 3rd
6:26.078 - 6:38.406: kylian PREVOST went off the track
6:43.046 - 6:45.023: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH passed Thomas Lavillauroy for 4th
6:46.750 - 6:48.507: Thomas Lavillauroy passed Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH for 5th
6:59.992 - 7:04.601: Thomas Lavillauroy went off the track
5:34.093 - 7:25.632: Lynds finished lap 4 ( 1:51.539)
7:23.992 - 7:26.820: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed kylian PREVOST for 3rd
5:41.195 - 7:30.343: Rhys Cooper finished lap 4 ( 1:49.148)
7:29.539 - 7:32.304: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH passed kylian PREVOST for 4th
7:37.867 - 7:40.570: Thomas Lavillauroy passed kylian PREVOST for 5th
7:48.304 - 7:51.890: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH passed SeniorBlyat | BRH for 3rd
6:12.875 - 8:03.898: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH finished lap 4 ( 1:51.023)
8:06.554 - 8:09.070: kylian PREVOST passed Thomas Lavillauroy and SeniorBlyat | BRH for 4th
5:43.820 - 8:20.226: kylian PREVOST finished lap 4 ( 2:36.406)
5:46.937 - 8:21.132: SeniorBlyat | BRH finished lap 4 ( 2:34.195)
6:04.546 - 8:22.382: Thomas Lavillauroy finished lap 4 ( 2:17.835)
8:50.781 - 8:54.757: SeniorBlyat | BRH passed kylian PREVOST for 4th
8:59.671 - 9:05.164: SeniorBlyat | BRH went off the track
7:25.632 - 9:13.828: Lynds finished lap 5 ( 1:48.195)
9:18.039 - 9:22.507: Thomas Lavillauroy went off the track
7:30.343 - 9:28.867: Rhys Cooper finished lap 5 ( 1:58.523)
9:49.757 - 9:56.992: kylian PREVOST went off the track
8:03.898 - 10:06.125: Andreas Bjoernholdt | BRH finished lap 5 ( 2:02.226)
8:21.132 - 10:14.664: SeniorBlyat | BRH finished lap 5 ( 1:53.531)
10:12.906 - 10:16.195: Thomas Lavillauroy passed kylian PREVOST for 5th
8:22.382 - 10:27.804: Thomas Lavillauroy finished lap 5 ( 2:05.421)
8:20.226 - 10:30.531: kylian PREVOST finished lap 5 ( 2:10.304)