MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 13 - Dallas
Format 6 laps
Date4/1/2011, 9:02:09 PM (5024 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
13VHR-Fabmx 1 kx250f(2009)6 6:54.7033 1:01.953526
2007max kx250f(2009)6 7:03.1485 1:01.59385
3317VHR-Sandbiter kx250f(2009)6 7:05.3515 0:56.1871116
4277Alec #277 kx250f(2009)4 4:39.7892 0:59.687656
517COQKILLER#17 kx250f(2009)4 5:56.2654 1:09.4922521
6451The Belgian LaFleche #451 rmz250(2009)4 6:57.6713 1:35.9531248
7965Lucas Cunha#965 rmz250(2009)3 4:21.3902 1:00.046610
817SLaBomBe[FR]#17 rmz250(2009)2 2:53.3042 1:06.1251224

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 3 3 3 277 3 3
P2 007 277 277 3 007 007
P3 277 007 007 007 317 317
P4 17S 17S 317 317
P5 317 317 965 17
P6 17 965 17 451
P7 965 17 451
P8 451 451

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:56.187 5 317 VHR-Sandbiter
0:57.914 6 317 VHR-Sandbiter
0:59.687 2 277 Alec #277
1:00.046 2 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:00.570 4 277 Alec #277
1:01.593 5 007 max
1:01.898 4 317 VHR-Sandbiter
1:01.953 3 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
1:02.195 3 007 max
1:04.445 5 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
1:05.359 6 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
1:06.125 2 17S LaBomBe[FR]#17
1:06.367 4 007 max
1:07.000 2 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
1:07.343 3 317 VHR-Sandbiter
1:07.710 6 007 max
1:09.195 2 007 max
1:09.492 4 17 COQKILLER#17
1:12.140 2 317 VHR-Sandbiter
1:12.445 2 17 COQKILLER#17
1:13.851 3 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:35.953 3 451 The Belgian LaFleche #451
1:51.851 4 451 The Belgian LaFleche #451

Individual Worst Laps

1:02.523 3 277 Alec #277
1:06.125 2 17S LaBomBe[FR]#17
1:07.093 4 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
1:09.195 2 007 max
1:12.140 2 317 VHR-Sandbiter
1:13.851 3 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:32.234 3 17 COQKILLER#17
1:51.851 4 451 The Belgian LaFleche #451


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.185 277 Alec #277
1.895 3 VHR-Fabmx 1
3.015 007 max
5.931 317 VHR-Sandbiter
6.902 965 Lucas Cunha#965
10.097 17 COQKILLER#17
17.673 451 The Belgian LaFleche #451
- 17S LaBomBe[FR]#17

Play by Play

VHR-Fabmx 1 takes the holeshot followed by max, LaBomBe[FR]#17, VHR-Sandbiter, Alec #277, The Belgian LaFleche #451, Lucas Cunha#965 and COQKILLER#17

0:08.140 - 0:10.585: Alec #277 passed VHR-Sandbiter for 4th
0:10.382 - 0:11.742: LaBomBe[FR]#17 passed max for 2nd
0:09.359 - 0:11.992: The Belgian LaFleche #451 passed VHR-Sandbiter for 5th
0:12.250 - 0:14.570: Alec #277 passed max for 3rd
0:13.273 - 0:16.195: The Belgian LaFleche #451 passed max for 4th
0:16.195 - 0:18.390: The Belgian LaFleche #451 passed Alec #277 for 3rd
0:20.195 - 0:23.078: max passed Alec #277 for 4th
0:23.078 - 0:25.859: max passed The Belgian LaFleche #451 for 3rd
0:27.882 - 0:34.656: Alec #277 went off the track
0:37.882 - 0:43.351: LaBomBe[FR]#17 went off the track
0:35.406 - 0:51.921: VHR-Sandbiter passed The Belgian LaFleche #451 for 5th
0:48.859 - 0:52.273: max passed LaBomBe[FR]#17 for 2nd
0:41.390 - 0:52.421: Lucas Cunha#965 passed The Belgian LaFleche #451 for 6th
0:52.664 - 0:55.359: Alec #277 passed LaBomBe[FR]#17 for 3rd
0:55.875 - 0:58.632: The Belgian LaFleche #451 passed Lucas Cunha#965 for 6th
1:00.460 - 1:03.273: COQKILLER#17 passed Lucas Cunha#965 for 7th
1:03.273 - 1:06.164: COQKILLER#17 passed The Belgian LaFleche #451 for 6th
1:12.125 - 1:14.898: Lucas Cunha#965 passed The Belgian LaFleche #451 for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:28.851: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 1 ( 1:28.851)
0:00.000 - 1:36.085: max finished lap 1 ( 1:36.085)
0:00.000 - 1:37.007: Alec #277 finished lap 1 ( 1:37.007)
0:00.000 - 1:47.179: LaBomBe[FR]#17 finished lap 1 ( 1:47.179)
0:00.000 - 1:49.867: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 1 ( 1:49.867)
1:45.625 - 1:53.210: COQKILLER#17 went off the track
1:57.585 - 2:01.492: Alec #277 passed max for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:02.093: COQKILLER#17 finished lap 1 ( 2:02.093)
0:00.000 - 2:07.492: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 1 ( 2:07.492)
0:00.000 - 2:19.242: The Belgian LaFleche #451 finished lap 1 ( 2:19.242)
2:18.156 - 2:19.984: Lucas Cunha#965 passed COQKILLER#17 for 6th
1:28.851 - 2:35.851: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 2 ( 1:07.000)
1:37.007 - 2:36.695: Alec #277 finished lap 2 ( 0:59.687)
2:41.859 - 2:44.156: Alec #277 passed VHR-Fabmx 1 for the lead
1:36.085 - 2:45.281: max finished lap 2 ( 1:09.195)
2:44.156 - 2:51.304: Alec #277 went off the track
1:47.179 - 2:53.304: LaBomBe[FR]#17 finished lap 2 ( 1:06.125)
1:49.867 - 3:02.007: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 2 ( 1:12.140)
2:07.492 - 3:07.539: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 2 ( 1:00.046)
3:04.539 - 3:08.492: The Belgian LaFleche #451 went off the track
2:02.093 - 3:14.539: COQKILLER#17 finished lap 2 ( 1:12.445)
3:15.429 - 3:17.000: Lucas Cunha#965 passed VHR-Sandbiter for 4th
3:24.484 - 3:27.070: VHR-Sandbiter passed Lucas Cunha#965 for 5th
2:19.242 - 3:28.273: The Belgian LaFleche #451 finished lap 2 ( 1:09.031)
3:14.539 - 3:29.078: COQKILLER#17 went off the track
2:35.851 - 3:37.804: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 3 ( 1:01.953)
2:36.695 - 3:39.218: Alec #277 finished lap 3 ( 1:02.523)
2:45.281 - 3:47.476: max finished lap 3 ( 1:02.195)
3:44.164 - 3:49.382: Alec #277 passed VHR-Fabmx 1 for the lead
3:56.804 - 4:03.429: VHR-Fabmx 1 went off the track
3:02.007 - 4:09.351: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 3 ( 1:07.343)
3:07.539 - 4:21.390: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 3 ( 1:13.851)
3:39.218 - 4:39.789: Alec #277 finished lap 4 ( 1:00.570)
3:37.804 - 4:44.898: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 4 ( 1:07.093)
3:14.539 - 4:46.773: COQKILLER#17 finished lap 3 ( 1:32.234)
3:47.476 - 4:53.843: max finished lap 4 ( 1:06.367)
3:28.273 - 5:04.226: The Belgian LaFleche #451 finished lap 3 ( 1:35.953)
4:09.351 - 5:11.250: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 4 ( 1:01.898)
4:44.898 - 5:49.343: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 5 ( 1:04.445)
4:53.843 - 5:55.437: max finished lap 5 ( 1:01.593)
4:46.773 - 5:56.265: COQKILLER#17 finished lap 4 ( 1:09.492)
5:11.250 - 6:07.437: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 5 ( 0:56.187)
5:49.343 - 6:54.703: VHR-Fabmx 1 finished lap 6 ( 1:05.359)
5:04.226 - 6:56.078: The Belgian LaFleche #451 finished lap 4 ( 1:51.851)
5:55.437 - 7:03.148: max finished lap 6 ( 1:07.710)
6:07.437 - 7:05.351: VHR-Sandbiter finished lap 6 ( 0:57.914)
7:06.937 - 7:20.398: COQKILLER#17 went off the track