MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 14 - St. Louis
Format 6 laps
Date4/9/2011, 7:45:50 AM (5024 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1129FSK_Stocksy129 yz250f(2009)6 5:41.8434 0:56.343194
2100196D-Zachkx100 yz250f(2009)6 5:57.4764 0:55.6713128
3666Frantic crf250(2009)5 6:16.1253 1:18.203944
440griffiths rm1254 7:31.6713 1:58.2423079
5E44DMK_Brayden#E44 yz250f(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0001880

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 129 129 129 129 129 129
P2 100 100 100 100 100 100
P3 666 666 666 666 666
P4 40 40 40 40

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:55.671 4 100 196D-Zachkx100
0:56.343 4 129 FSK_Stocksy129
0:56.523 5 100 196D-Zachkx100
0:57.328 3 100 196D-Zachkx100
0:57.617 5 129 FSK_Stocksy129
1:04.929 2 129 FSK_Stocksy129
1:08.125 2 100 196D-Zachkx100
1:18.203 3 666 Frantic
1:58.242 3 40 griffiths

Individual Worst Laps

1:04.929 2 129 FSK_Stocksy129
1:08.125 2 100 196D-Zachkx100
1:27.570 5 666 Frantic
1:58.242 3 40 griffiths


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.803 129 FSK_Stocksy129
5.288 100 196D-Zachkx100
6.588 666 Frantic
10.748 40 griffiths
- E44 DMK_Brayden#E44

Play by Play

196D-Zachkx100 takes the holeshot followed by griffiths, FSK_Stocksy129, Frantic and DMK_Brayden#E44

0:07.148 - 0:10.359: FSK_Stocksy129 passed griffiths and 196D-Zachkx100 for the lead
0:07.828 - 0:10.984: Frantic passed griffiths and 196D-Zachkx100 for 2nd
0:15.671 - 0:18.101: DMK_Brayden#E44 passed griffiths for 4th
0:00.000 - 0:41.890: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 1 ( 0:41.890)
0:44.992 - 0:46.453: 196D-Zachkx100 passed Frantic for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:50.843: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 1 ( 0:50.843)
0:00.000 - 1:01.578: Frantic finished lap 1 ( 1:01.578)
1:14.312 - 1:42.007: griffiths went off the track
0:41.890 - 1:46.820: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 2 ( 1:04.929)
1:44.031 - 1:52.804: Frantic went off the track
0:50.843 - 1:58.968: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 2 ( 1:08.125)
0:00.000 - 2:03.851: griffiths finished lap 1 ( 2:03.851)
1:01.578 - 2:10.515: Frantic finished lap 2 ( 1:08.937)
2:07.250 - 2:11.609: griffiths went off the track
2:18.796 - 2:30.921: FSK_Stocksy129 went off the track
1:46.820 - 2:50.195: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 3 ( 1:03.375)
1:58.968 - 2:56.296: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 3 ( 0:57.328)
2:51.492 - 2:57.132: griffiths went off the track
2:10.515 - 3:28.718: Frantic finished lap 3 ( 1:18.203)
2:03.851 - 3:37.304: griffiths finished lap 2 ( 1:33.453)
2:50.195 - 3:46.539: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 4 ( 0:56.343)
2:56.296 - 3:51.968: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 4 ( 0:55.671)
4:11.140 - 4:14.421: Frantic went off the track
4:27.359 - 4:31.765: Frantic went off the track
4:34.187 - 4:41.929: Frantic went off the track
3:46.539 - 4:44.156: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 5 ( 0:57.617)
3:28.718 - 4:47.140: Frantic finished lap 4 ( 1:18.421)
3:51.968 - 4:48.492: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 5 ( 0:56.523)
4:59.031 - 5:00.867: FSK_Stocksy129 went off the track
5:20.382 - 5:24.843: 196D-Zachkx100 went off the track
3:37.304 - 5:35.546: griffiths finished lap 3 ( 1:58.242)
4:44.156 - 5:39.867: FSK_Stocksy129 finished lap 6 ( 0:55.710)
4:48.492 - 5:54.726: 196D-Zachkx100 finished lap 6 ( 1:06.234)
5:49.960 - 5:55.914: Frantic went off the track
4:47.140 - 6:14.710: Frantic finished lap 5 ( 1:27.570)
6:26.281 - 6:32.062: griffiths went off the track
7:11.226 - 7:25.132: griffiths went off the track
5:35.546 - 7:29.070: griffiths finished lap 4 ( 1:53.523)