MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 12 - Toronto
Format 6 laps
Date3/22/2012, 11:20:25 AM (4675 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
158BradyS21 rm1256 6:14.1566 0:53.7963452
214Dylan14 rm1256 6:15.1793 0:53.5391882
3325Hopper325 crf250(2009)6 6:43.6253 0:55.1562085
4BTO_Benny crf250(2009)6 6:58.5313 0:56.3901136
553Derp rmz450(2011)6 7:02.3985 0:58.1952915
6181Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 rm1255 6:01.2575 1:01.2574100
7482salcovem cr250(2007)4 6:47.9292 1:25.8984442
8183Chris#183 crf250(2009)1 1:24.1170 0:00.0004691

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 58 58 14 58
P2 14 14 58 14
P3 14 14 58 58 325
P4 325 181 325 325 325 53
P5 53 325 181 53 53
P6 183 53 53 181 181
P7 181 482 482 482
P8 482

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:53.539 3 14 Dylan14
0:53.796 6 58 BradyS21
0:55.156 3 325 Hopper325
0:55.218 5 58 BradyS21
0:56.390 3 BTO_Benny
0:58.195 5 53 Derp
0:58.953 4 14 Dylan14
1:01.257 5 181 Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181
1:01.515 5 14 Dylan14
1:02.750 4 53 Derp
1:03.890 6 14 Dylan14
1:05.328 4 58 BradyS21
1:05.398 4 325 Hopper325
1:08.804 2 14 Dylan14
1:10.062 6 325 Hopper325
1:21.414 2 53 Derp
1:22.578 5 BTO_Benny
1:24.609 6 BTO_Benny
1:25.898 2 482 salcovem
1:41.062 3 482 salcovem
1:57.937 4 482 salcovem

Individual Worst Laps

1:08.804 2 14 Dylan14
1:12.742 2 325 Hopper325
1:16.125 3 58 BradyS21
1:20.578 3 181 Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181
1:21.414 2 53 Derp
1:24.609 6 BTO_Benny
1:57.937 4 482 salcovem


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.076 14 Dylan14
6.065 325 Hopper325
8.285 58 BradyS21
8.447 53 Derp
9.717 181 Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181
11.575 BTO_Benny
13.086 482 salcovem
- 183 Chris#183

Play by Play

Derp takes the holeshot followed by Chris#183, BradyS21, Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181, Hopper325, Dylan14, BTO_Benny and salcovem

0:12.296 - 0:14.992: Dylan14 passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 and Hopper325 for 4th
0:15.015 - 0:16.906: BTO_Benny passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 and Hopper325 for 5th
0:16.171 - 0:18.398: salcovem passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 and Hopper325 for 6th
0:15.710 - 0:19.195: Chris#183 passed Derp for the lead
0:11.625 - 0:19.593: Hopper325 passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 for 7th
0:21.304 - 0:22.500: Hopper325 passed salcovem for 6th
0:20.687 - 0:23.695: BradyS21 passed Derp for 2nd
0:26.203 - 0:27.562: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 passed salcovem for 7th
0:36.265 - 0:40.820: BradyS21 passed Chris#183 for the lead
0:41.953 - 0:44.570: BTO_Benny passed Derp, Chris#183 and Dylan14 for 2nd
0:41.070 - 0:45.414: Dylan14 passed Derp and Chris#183 for 3rd
0:47.554 - 0:49.851: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 passed Hopper325 for 6th
0:53.218 - 0:59.195: Derp went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:03.656: BradyS21 finished lap 1 ( 1:03.656)
1:04.609 - 1:06.523: Hopper325 passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:07.671: BTO_Benny finished lap 1 ( 1:07.671)
0:00.000 - 1:08.476: Dylan14 finished lap 1 ( 1:08.476)
1:09.429 - 1:11.117: Hopper325 passed Derp for 5th
1:07.671 - 1:13.406: BTO_Benny went off the track
1:11.117 - 1:14.492: Hopper325 passed Chris#183 for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:16.687: Hopper325 finished lap 1 ( 1:16.687)
1:13.406 - 1:20.312: BTO_Benny passed Dylan14 for 2nd
1:21.750 - 1:23.148: Hopper325 passed Dylan14 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:23.593: Derp finished lap 1 ( 1:23.593)
1:21.539 - 1:23.593: Derp passed Chris#183 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:24.117: Chris#183 finished lap 1 ( 1:24.117)
0:00.000 - 1:28.625: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 finished lap 1 ( 1:28.625)
1:17.734 - 1:29.382: BradyS21 went off the track
1:30.890 - 1:33.484: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 passed Chris#183 for 6th
1:33.484 - 1:34.835: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 passed Derp for 5th
1:39.312 - 1:42.328: Chris#183 passed Derp for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:43.031: salcovem finished lap 1 ( 1:43.031)
1:44.085 - 1:45.765: Derp passed Chris#183 for 6th
1:27.171 - 1:50.328: Hopper325 went off the track
1:52.968 - 1:57.710: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 went off the track
1:03.656 - 2:01.171: BradyS21 finished lap 2 ( 0:57.515)
2:01.171 - 2:06.179: BradyS21 went off the track
1:07.671 - 2:08.484: BTO_Benny finished lap 2 ( 1:00.812)
1:08.476 - 2:17.281: Dylan14 finished lap 2 ( 1:08.804)
2:08.953 - 2:24.117: BradyS21 went off the track
1:28.625 - 2:24.585: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 finished lap 2 ( 0:55.960)
1:16.687 - 2:29.429: Hopper325 finished lap 2 ( 1:12.742)
2:24.585 - 2:38.320: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 went off the track
1:23.593 - 2:45.007: Derp finished lap 2 ( 1:21.414)
2:42.648 - 2:45.007: Dylan14 passed BradyS21 for 2nd
2:54.929 - 3:00.156: Derp went off the track
2:08.484 - 3:04.875: BTO_Benny finished lap 3 ( 0:56.390)
3:00.156 - 3:05.421: Derp went off the track
1:43.031 - 3:08.929: salcovem finished lap 2 ( 1:25.898)
2:17.281 - 3:10.820: Dylan14 finished lap 3 ( 0:53.539)
2:01.171 - 3:17.296: BradyS21 finished lap 3 ( 1:16.125)
3:12.335 - 3:23.726: BTO_Benny went off the track
2:29.429 - 3:24.585: Hopper325 finished lap 3 ( 0:55.156)
3:27.218 - 3:29.617: Hopper325 passed BradyS21 for 3rd
3:36.164 - 3:40.117: BradyS21 passed Hopper325 for 3rd
3:39.164 - 3:41.562: BTO_Benny passed Dylan14 for the lead
2:24.585 - 3:45.164: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 finished lap 3 ( 1:20.578)
2:45.007 - 3:53.953: Derp finished lap 3 ( 1:08.945)
3:04.875 - 4:09.507: BTO_Benny finished lap 4 ( 1:04.632)
3:10.820 - 4:09.773: Dylan14 finished lap 4 ( 0:58.953)
4:04.820 - 4:21.742: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 went off the track
3:17.296 - 4:22.625: BradyS21 finished lap 4 ( 1:05.328)
3:24.585 - 4:29.984: Hopper325 finished lap 4 ( 1:05.398)
4:28.875 - 4:32.398: Dylan14 passed BTO_Benny for the lead
4:32.859 - 4:36.351: BradyS21 passed BTO_Benny for 2nd
4:29.984 - 4:37.664: Hopper325 went off the track
3:08.929 - 4:49.992: salcovem finished lap 3 ( 1:41.062)
3:53.953 - 4:56.703: Derp finished lap 4 ( 1:02.750)
3:45.164 - 4:58.570: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 finished lap 4 ( 1:13.406)
4:09.773 - 5:11.289: Dylan14 finished lap 5 ( 1:01.515)
4:22.625 - 5:17.843: BradyS21 finished lap 5 ( 0:55.218)
4:09.507 - 5:32.085: BTO_Benny finished lap 5 ( 1:22.578)
4:29.984 - 5:33.562: Hopper325 finished lap 5 ( 1:03.578)
5:36.078 - 5:38.289: Hopper325 passed BTO_Benny for 3rd
5:51.265 - 5:53.085: BradyS21 passed Dylan14 for the lead
4:56.703 - 5:54.898: Derp finished lap 5 ( 0:58.195)
4:58.570 - 5:59.828: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 finished lap 5 ( 1:01.257)
5:58.750 - 5:59.937: BTO_Benny passed Hopper325 for 3rd
6:00.015 - 6:02.750: Hopper325 passed BTO_Benny for 3rd
5:17.843 - 6:11.640: BradyS21 finished lap 6 ( 0:53.796)
5:11.289 - 6:15.179: Dylan14 finished lap 6 ( 1:03.890)
6:13.781 - 6:16.789: Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 passed Derp for 5th
6:16.804 - 6:18.570: Derp passed Rebound Kawasaki_Ant_181 for 5th
5:33.562 - 6:43.625: Hopper325 finished lap 6 ( 1:10.062)
4:49.992 - 6:47.929: salcovem finished lap 4 ( 1:57.937)
6:48.851 - 6:54.632: Derp went off the track
5:54.898 - 6:54.632: Derp finished lap 6 ( 0:59.734)
5:32.085 - 6:56.695: BTO_Benny finished lap 6 ( 1:24.609)