MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 14 - New Orleans
Format 6 laps
Date4/9/2012, 8:26:50 AM (4652 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1171Tristan Jones crf250(2009)6 6:56.7574 1:04.6953815
2382P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 rmz250(2009)6 7:10.6325 1:04.4924049
342Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 rmz250(2009)6 7:46.9846 1:05.9684017
4247BTO_gunar247 rmz250(2009)6 8:27.1484 1:16.7344043
5914 culpepper914- kx250f(2009)3 4:18.7572 1:10.6174362
6zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) crf250(2009)2 3:24.0930 0:00.0004056

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 171 171 171 171 171 171
P2 382 382 382 382 382 382
P3 42 42 42 42 42 42
P4 247 247 247 247 247
P5 247 914 914
P6 914

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:04.492 5 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
1:04.695 4 171 Tristan Jones
1:04.820 6 171 Tristan Jones
1:05.234 2 171 Tristan Jones
1:05.968 6 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
1:06.171 6 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
1:06.703 2 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
1:08.187 3 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
1:09.359 3 171 Tristan Jones
1:10.484 2 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
1:10.617 2 914 culpepper914-
1:11.679 4 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
1:16.734 4 247 BTO_gunar247
1:16.882 5 171 Tristan Jones
1:17.007 5 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
1:34.585 6 247 BTO_gunar247

Individual Worst Laps

1:11.460 3 914 culpepper914-
1:16.882 5 171 Tristan Jones
1:18.859 3 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
1:26.250 4 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
1:34.585 6 247 BTO_gunar247
1:39.328 2 zero9|struc#62(loking for a team)


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.422 914 culpepper914-
4.674 171 Tristan Jones
5.019 382 P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382
7.794 42 Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42
9.364 247 BTO_gunar247
- zero9|struc#62(loking for a team)

Play by Play

Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 takes the holeshot followed by Tristan Jones, culpepper914- , zero9|struc#62(loking for a team), P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 and BTO_gunar247

0:06.781 - 0:10.828: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 went off the track
0:09.562 - 0:11.656: culpepper914- passed Tristan Jones for 2nd
0:11.359 - 0:12.984: BTO_gunar247 passed zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) and P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 for 4th
0:12.984 - 0:15.117: BTO_gunar247 passed culpepper914- and Tristan Jones for 2nd
0:09.890 - 0:16.500: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 passed zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) for 5th
0:16.500 - 0:17.820: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 passed culpepper914- and Tristan Jones for 3rd
0:17.820 - 0:21.335: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 passed BTO_gunar247 for 2nd
0:11.859 - 0:24.984: Tristan Jones passed culpepper914- for 4th
0:22.367 - 0:25.062: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) passed culpepper914- for 5th
0:24.984 - 0:28.515: Tristan Jones passed BTO_gunar247 for 3rd
0:29.156 - 0:31.781: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 passed Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 for the lead
0:25.062 - 0:33.554: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) passed BTO_gunar247 for 4th
0:25.867 - 0:37.445: culpepper914- passed BTO_gunar247 for 5th
0:43.171 - 0:44.460: culpepper914- passed zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) for 4th
0:44.328 - 0:46.906: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
0:44.578 - 0:47.890: Tristan Jones passed Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 for 2nd
0:49.679 - 0:52.851: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
0:57.187 - 0:58.898: Tristan Jones passed P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 for the lead
0:59.117 - 1:00.757: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) passed culpepper914- for 5th
1:13.343 - 1:13.976: BTO_gunar247 passed Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:15.765: Tristan Jones finished lap 1 ( 1:15.765)
0:00.000 - 1:18.226: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 1 ( 1:18.226)
1:16.539 - 1:19.187: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 passed BTO_gunar247 for 3rd
1:21.187 - 1:22.515: culpepper914- passed BTO_gunar247 and zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) for 4th
1:32.632 - 1:34.070: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) passed BTO_gunar247 and culpepper914- for 4th
1:35.351 - 1:36.687: BTO_gunar247 passed culpepper914- for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:38.656: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 1 ( 1:38.656)
1:36.687 - 1:42.890: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:44.765: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) finished lap 1 ( 1:44.765)
0:00.000 - 1:47.312: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 1 ( 1:47.312)
1:44.765 - 1:50.421: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:55.578: culpepper914- finished lap 1 ( 1:55.578)
1:59.242 - 2:04.015: BTO_gunar247 passed zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) for 4th
2:09.976 - 2:14.148: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
2:14.148 - 2:17.609: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
1:15.765 - 2:21.000: Tristan Jones finished lap 2 ( 1:05.234)
1:18.226 - 2:28.710: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 2 ( 1:10.484)
2:33.101 - 2:34.210: culpepper914- passed zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) for 5th
1:38.656 - 2:45.359: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 2 ( 1:06.703)
2:42.125 - 2:47.992: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 went off the track
1:47.312 - 3:01.398: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 2 ( 1:14.085)
1:55.578 - 3:06.195: culpepper914- finished lap 2 ( 1:10.617)
1:44.765 - 3:24.093: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) finished lap 2 ( 1:39.328)
2:21.000 - 3:30.359: Tristan Jones finished lap 3 ( 1:09.359)
3:23.937 - 3:34.429: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
3:36.093 - 3:38.742: culpepper914- passed BTO_gunar247 for 4th
2:28.710 - 3:47.570: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 3 ( 1:18.859)
3:43.234 - 3:49.335: culpepper914- went off the track
2:45.359 - 3:53.546: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 3 ( 1:08.187)
3:58.382 - 3:59.867: BTO_gunar247 passed culpepper914- for 4th
3:49.875 - 4:01.015: zero9|struc#62(loking for a team) went off the track
4:01.531 - 4:03.140: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 passed P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 for 2nd
4:06.093 - 4:09.156: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 passed Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 for 2nd
3:01.398 - 4:15.000: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 3 ( 1:13.601)
3:06.195 - 4:17.656: culpepper914- finished lap 3 ( 1:11.460)
4:17.656 - 4:20.523: culpepper914- passed BTO_gunar247 for 4th
3:30.359 - 4:35.054: Tristan Jones finished lap 4 ( 1:04.695)
3:47.570 - 4:59.250: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 4 ( 1:11.679)
5:06.734 - 5:14.804: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 went off the track
3:53.546 - 5:19.796: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 4 ( 1:26.250)
4:15.000 - 5:31.734: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 4 ( 1:16.734)
4:35.054 - 5:51.937: Tristan Jones finished lap 5 ( 1:16.882)
5:55.687 - 6:01.078: BTO_gunar247 went off the track
4:59.250 - 6:03.742: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 5 ( 1:04.492)
5:19.796 - 6:36.804: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 5 ( 1:17.007)
5:31.734 - 6:38.289: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 5 ( 1:06.554)
5:51.937 - 6:56.757: Tristan Jones finished lap 6 ( 1:04.820)
6:03.742 - 7:09.914: P&M Suzuki_Racing\DD_Albin#382 finished lap 6 ( 1:06.171)
6:36.804 - 7:42.773: Team:AmtonRacing|Marco Amadio #42 finished lap 6 ( 1:05.968)
6:38.289 - 8:12.875: BTO_gunar247 finished lap 6 ( 1:34.585)