MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 5 - Anaheim 3
Format 8 laps
Date1/28/2013, 6:17:48 PM (4363 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1567LilFelk567 | | JG96 kx250f(2013)8 10:00.4847 1:06.2261045
218Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS yz250f(2009)8 10:09.8205 1:00.0392472
384cedric alcee |* eMc* west 250sxf(2013)8 10:22.1952 1:06.2894929
4185Ludvig Botten | NoTeam yz250f(2009)8 10:24.9683 1:05.7962478
5120Founfou #120 450sxf(2013)6 10:00.8984 1:14.4765337
6Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing kx250f(2013)6 10:03.3124 1:27.0317618
7919Morris kx250f(2013)6 10:33.9455 1:43.1718228
8PROVImage_ Photomorti yz250f(2009)5 7:16.6404 1:06.5543432
971*MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 350sxf(2011)2 3:46.8122 1:50.9766348

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 84 84 84 84 84 18 18 567
P2 185 185 185 18 18 185 185 18
P3 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 84
P4 18 18 18 185 185 84 84 185
P5 919 PRO PRO PRO 120
P6 PRO PRO 120
P7 120 919 919 120 919
P8 71 71 120 919 919
P9 120

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:00.039 5 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:05.085 3 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:05.796 3 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:06.226 7 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:06.289 2 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
1:06.554 4 PRO VImage_ Photomorti
1:07.164 7 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
1:07.671 6 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:08.859 8 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:09.117 6 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:09.609 3 PRO VImage_ Photomorti
1:11.343 5 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:11.968 4 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:12.156 8 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
1:13.828 3 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
1:14.015 2 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:14.476 4 120 Founfou #120
1:16.429 7 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:23.273 7 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:24.421 4 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
1:24.531 4 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:27.031 4 Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing
1:29.906 4 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:32.109 3 Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing
1:34.796 3 120 Founfou #120
1:35.726 8 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:37.875 8 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:40.585 2 PRO VImage_ Photomorti
1:40.968 6 120 Founfou #120
1:43.171 5 919 Morris
1:43.265 4 919 Morris
1:50.976 2 71 *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71
1:57.437 3 919 Morris
2:01.468 6 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west

Individual Worst Laps

1:24.531 4 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
1:35.726 8 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
1:37.875 8 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
1:40.585 2 PRO VImage_ Photomorti
1:50.976 2 71 *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71
1:57.437 3 919 Morris
2:01.468 6 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
2:05.968 2 120 Founfou #120
2:15.851 5 Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.866 567 LilFelk567 | | JG96
7.522 919 Morris
10.433 185 Ludvig Botten | NoTeam
11.879 18 Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS
14.009 PRO VImage_ Photomorti
16.618 120 Founfou #120
18.595 84 cedric alcee |* eMc* west
19.665 Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing
- 71 *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71

Play by Play

cedric alcee |* eMc* west takes the holeshot followed by Founfou #120, LilFelk567 | | JG96, *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71, Morris, VImage_ Photomorti, Ludvig Botten | NoTeam, Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing and Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS

0:09.656 - 0:12.023: LilFelk567 | | JG96 passed Founfou #120 for 2nd
0:12.710 - 0:15.375: Morris passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 4th
0:15.375 - 0:17.539: Morris passed Founfou #120 for 3rd
0:14.328 - 0:17.585: VImage_ Photomorti passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 5th
0:16.882 - 0:18.945: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71, Ludvig Botten | NoTeam and Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
0:16.789 - 0:19.093: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 and Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 7th
0:15.500 - 0:20.312: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 8th
0:18.945 - 0:20.515: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed VImage_ Photomorti and Founfou #120 for 4th
0:17.585 - 0:20.906: VImage_ Photomorti passed Founfou #120 for 5th
0:19.093 - 0:21.054: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Founfou #120 for 6th
0:20.312 - 0:23.515: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Founfou #120 for 7th
0:23.515 - 0:25.359: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed VImage_ Photomorti, Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS and Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 4th
0:25.195 - 0:27.859: Founfou #120 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 7th
0:26.320 - 0:28.664: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 8th
0:34.726 - 0:37.460: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Morris for 3rd
0:36.500 - 0:38.679: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 8th
0:40.093 - 0:42.531: Morris passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 3rd
0:40.421 - 0:44.835: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 4th
0:38.679 - 0:45.875: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing went off the track
0:47.750 - 0:50.257: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS for 4th
0:51.710 - 0:53.078: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Morris for 3rd
0:51.828 - 0:53.523: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed Morris for 4th
0:52.562 - 0:54.773: VImage_ Photomorti passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
0:53.828 - 0:57.914: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Founfou #120 and Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 7th
0:57.500 - 0:59.890: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 3rd
0:52.898 - 1:00.312: Founfou #120 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 8th
1:03.140 - 1:05.765: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS for 3rd
1:02.445 - 1:08.148: Founfou #120 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:08.757: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 1 ( 1:08.757)
1:14.593 - 1:17.781: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed VImage_ Photomorti for 6th
1:18.226 - 1:21.265: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed VImage_ Photomorti and Founfou #120 for 7th
1:18.687 - 1:21.773: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed LilFelk567 | | JG96 for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:23.359: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 1 ( 1:23.359)
0:00.000 - 1:24.062: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 1 ( 1:24.062)
1:23.593 - 1:27.320: Founfou #120 passed VImage_ Photomorti, *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 and Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
1:23.156 - 1:27.539: VImage_ Photomorti passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 and Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:33.609: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 1 ( 1:33.609)
0:00.000 - 1:40.195: Morris finished lap 1 ( 1:40.195)
1:40.320 - 1:42.859: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 8th
1:42.726 - 1:44.296: VImage_ Photomorti passed Founfou #120 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:48.593: VImage_ Photomorti finished lap 1 ( 1:48.593)
1:43.976 - 1:49.484: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:51.492: Founfou #120 finished lap 1 ( 1:51.492)
0:00.000 - 1:55.835: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 finished lap 1 ( 1:55.835)
0:00.000 - 1:58.695: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:58.695)
2:06.156 - 2:07.882: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Founfou #120 and *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 7th
1:08.757 - 2:15.046: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 2 ( 1:06.289)
2:14.539 - 2:16.914: VImage_ Photomorti passed Morris for 5th
2:19.210 - 2:24.609: Founfou #120 passed Morris for 6th
2:24.328 - 2:27.976: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Morris for 7th
2:18.867 - 2:28.757: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam went off the track
2:17.710 - 2:29.281: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing went off the track
2:24.218 - 2:30.937: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS went off the track
2:28.414 - 2:31.109: Morris passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 8th
2:32.296 - 2:33.773: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Founfou #120 for 6th
1:23.359 - 2:35.898: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 2 ( 1:12.539)
2:34.179 - 2:36.210: Morris passed Founfou #120 for 7th
1:24.062 - 2:38.078: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 2 ( 1:14.015)
2:36.210 - 2:38.804: Morris passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
1:33.609 - 2:43.906: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 2 ( 1:10.296)
2:49.679 - 2:54.406: LilFelk567 | | JG96 went off the track
2:57.968 - 3:00.914: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed VImage_ Photomorti for 5th
2:55.742 - 3:02.429: Morris went off the track
3:09.851 - 3:12.406: VImage_ Photomorti passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
1:58.695 - 3:24.898: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:26.203)
3:22.539 - 3:24.898: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed VImage_ Photomorti and Morris for 5th
2:15.046 - 3:28.875: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 3 ( 1:13.828)
1:48.593 - 3:29.179: VImage_ Photomorti finished lap 2 ( 1:40.585)
3:20.726 - 3:29.179: VImage_ Photomorti passed Morris for 6th
1:40.195 - 3:31.031: Morris finished lap 2 ( 1:50.835)
3:29.093 - 3:36.023: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Founfou #120 for 8th
2:35.898 - 3:41.695: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 3 ( 1:05.796)
2:38.078 - 3:44.851: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 3 ( 1:06.773)
1:55.835 - 3:46.812: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 finished lap 2 ( 1:50.976)
2:43.906 - 3:48.992: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 3 ( 1:05.085)
3:42.671 - 3:56.125: Founfou #120 went off the track
1:51.492 - 3:57.460: Founfou #120 finished lap 2 ( 2:05.968)
3:56.960 - 3:59.296: VImage_ Photomorti passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 5th
4:01.468 - 4:03.242: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed cedric alcee |* eMc* west for the lead
4:03.562 - 4:05.609: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed LilFelk567 | | JG96 for 3rd
4:09.203 - 4:10.734: Founfou #120 passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 7th
4:25.375 - 4:28.414: *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 passed Founfou #120 for 8th
4:26.117 - 4:28.929: cedric alcee |* eMc* west passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for the lead
4:28.468 - 4:31.335: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 2nd
4:31.273 - 4:38.359: LilFelk567 | | JG96 passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 3rd
3:29.179 - 4:38.789: VImage_ Photomorti finished lap 3 ( 1:09.609)
3:28.875 - 4:53.296: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 4 ( 1:24.421)
4:52.031 - 4:54.843: Founfou #120 passed *MK.Racing*_Kenny_[GER]#71 for 8th
3:24.898 - 4:57.007: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:32.109)
3:48.992 - 5:00.960: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 4 ( 1:11.968)
5:05.851 - 5:08.656: Founfou #120 passed Morris for 7th
3:44.851 - 5:09.382: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 4 ( 1:24.531)
3:41.695 - 5:11.601: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 4 ( 1:29.906)
5:15.640 - 5:18.890: Morris passed Founfou #120 for 7th
3:31.031 - 5:28.468: Morris finished lap 3 ( 1:57.437)
3:57.460 - 5:32.257: Founfou #120 finished lap 3 ( 1:34.796)
5:27.859 - 5:36.273: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam went off the track
5:34.320 - 5:40.960: cedric alcee |* eMc* west went off the track
4:38.789 - 5:45.343: VImage_ Photomorti finished lap 4 ( 1:06.554)
5:45.343 - 5:50.265: VImage_ Photomorti went off the track
5:51.156 - 5:53.437: Founfou #120 passed Morris for 7th
4:53.296 - 5:57.679: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 5 ( 1:04.382)
5:00.960 - 6:01.000: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 5 ( 1:00.039)
6:03.117 - 6:05.906: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed cedric alcee |* eMc* west for the lead
5:09.382 - 6:20.726: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 5 ( 1:11.343)
5:11.601 - 6:22.515: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 5 ( 1:10.914)
4:57.007 - 6:24.039: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:27.031)
6:22.953 - 6:25.773: LilFelk567 | | JG96 passed cedric alcee |* eMc* west for 2nd
6:24.812 - 6:26.570: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed cedric alcee |* eMc* west for 3rd
6:28.015 - 6:35.101: LilFelk567 | | JG96 went off the track
5:32.257 - 6:46.734: Founfou #120 finished lap 4 ( 1:14.476)
6:49.179 - 6:54.679: Founfou #120 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
6:51.414 - 6:54.750: cedric alcee |* eMc* west passed LilFelk567 | | JG96 for 3rd
6:57.257 - 7:00.804: LilFelk567 | | JG96 passed cedric alcee |* eMc* west for 3rd
6:01.000 - 7:08.671: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 6 ( 1:07.671)
5:28.468 - 7:11.734: Morris finished lap 4 ( 1:43.265)
5:45.343 - 7:14.328: VImage_ Photomorti finished lap 5 ( 1:28.984)
7:13.929 - 7:18.242: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Founfou #120 for 5th
6:22.515 - 7:31.632: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 6 ( 1:09.117)
6:20.726 - 7:43.375: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 6 ( 1:22.648)
7:47.781 - 7:52.171: Founfou #120 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 6th
5:57.679 - 7:59.148: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 6 ( 2:01.468)
8:12.195 - 8:17.781: Founfou #120 went off the track
6:46.734 - 8:19.601: Founfou #120 finished lap 5 ( 1:32.867)
7:57.914 - 8:20.453: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing went off the track
8:24.984 - 8:27.507: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Morris for 7th
7:08.671 - 8:31.945: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 7 ( 1:23.273)
6:24.039 - 8:39.890: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 5 ( 2:15.851)
7:31.632 - 8:48.062: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 7 ( 1:16.429)
7:43.375 - 8:49.601: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 7 ( 1:06.226)
7:11.734 - 8:54.906: Morris finished lap 5 ( 1:43.171)
7:59.148 - 9:06.312: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 7 ( 1:07.164)
8:57.945 - 9:09.515: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing went off the track
9:28.140 - 9:33.625: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam passed Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS for the lead
9:36.585 - 9:39.507: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing passed Founfou #120 for 5th
9:38.257 - 9:40.882: LilFelk567 | | JG96 passed Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS and Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for the lead
9:40.437 - 9:42.750: Founfou #120 passed Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing for 5th
9:34.031 - 9:43.757: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 2nd
9:37.234 - 9:44.632: Morris went off the track
8:49.601 - 9:58.460: LilFelk567 | | JG96 finished lap 8 ( 1:08.859)
8:19.601 - 10:00.570: Founfou #120 finished lap 6 ( 1:40.968)
8:39.890 - 10:03.312: Jason Thomason#105|Mt Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:23.421)
8:31.945 - 10:09.820: Dennis Fjeldberg | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 8 ( 1:37.875)
10:09.109 - 10:11.562: cedric alcee |* eMc* west passed Ludvig Botten | NoTeam for 3rd
9:06.312 - 10:18.468: cedric alcee |* eMc* west finished lap 8 ( 1:12.156)
8:48.062 - 10:23.789: Ludvig Botten | NoTeam finished lap 8 ( 1:35.726)
8:54.906 - 10:30.265: Morris finished lap 6 ( 1:35.359)