MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 7 - Arlington
Format 8 laps
Date2/11/2013, 7:31:12 PM (4350 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
18Baloo BEAR yz250f(2013)8 7:59.3285 0:54.1569002
2636dimmo crf250(2013)8 8:14.3438 0:54.132477
3247timmie olsson (swe) rmz250(2009)8 8:19.3282 0:54.5312125
4Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel kx450f(2011)7 8:35.2737 0:54.2342577
5100O&O Racing | Sheppard kx250f(2013)7 8:46.8827 1:02.4761063
632Lucas crf450(2011)7 8:53.8985 1:03.9061674
7216Alex Welsh yz250f(2009)6 6:30.3122 0:59.7651548
8234Max lesire /Propane 350sxf(2011)6 7:41.3674 1:02.0156553
9296Johan Larsson crf250(2009)6 9:01.9926 1:20.9687746
10csibi(HUN) kx250f(2013)5 6:07.2344 1:04.6795253
11100satanas 450sxf(2013)4 10:01.0153 1:42.7265234
12356Christoffer Ullberg yz450f(2013)3 3:26.2182 0:59.8045435
1377philmor 350sxf(2013)2 2:26.6950 0:00.0002699
14939Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 rmz250(2009)1 1:25.4290 0:00.0002430
15123Logan Heagney | Privateer 350sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006521
1683N-Fab TiLube Yamaha yz450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008798

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 216 247 216 216 8 8 8 8
P2 247 216 636 636 636 636 247 636
P3 8 8 247 247 636 247
P4 636 636 247 247 216 216
P5 8 8 32 32 32
P6 356 356 100 234 100
P7 356 77 32
P8 32 32 100 100 100
P9 234 32 234 234 296
P10 100 100 234 296 296
P11 939 234 296 100
P12 77 296 100
P13 296 100
P14 100

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:54.132 8 636 dimmo
0:54.156 5 8 Baloo BEAR
0:54.234 7 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
0:54.531 2 247 timmie olsson (swe)
0:54.710 3 8 Baloo BEAR
0:55.046 7 247 timmie olsson (swe)
0:55.140 5 247 timmie olsson (swe)
0:55.492 4 636 dimmo
0:56.140 3 636 dimmo
0:56.351 6 636 dimmo
0:56.781 6 8 Baloo BEAR
0:57.523 2 8 Baloo BEAR
0:58.015 7 8 Baloo BEAR
0:58.281 4 247 timmie olsson (swe)
0:59.765 2 216 Alex Welsh
0:59.804 2 356 Christoffer Ullberg
1:02.015 4 234 Max lesire /Propane
1:02.234 2 636 dimmo
1:02.476 7 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
1:03.906 5 32 Lucas
1:04.039 5 636 dimmo
1:04.679 4 csibi(HUN)
1:05.132 3 234 Max lesire /Propane
1:06.929 8 8 Baloo BEAR
1:07.031 2 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
1:07.398 4 216 Alex Welsh
1:07.843 5 234 Max lesire /Propane
1:14.937 3 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
1:16.140 8 247 timmie olsson (swe)
1:18.851 3 32 Lucas
1:20.296 7 32 Lucas
1:20.968 6 296 Johan Larsson
1:21.523 2 csibi(HUN)
1:22.460 3 247 timmie olsson (swe)
1:23.421 6 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
1:24.515 5 216 Alex Welsh
1:29.046 4 296 Johan Larsson
1:31.617 2 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
1:32.968 5 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
1:33.828 6 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
1:38.085 2 296 Johan Larsson
1:42.726 3 100 satanas
1:46.929 2 100 satanas

Individual Worst Laps

0:58.820 2 77 philmor
1:04.343 3 356 Christoffer Ullberg
1:06.929 8 8 Baloo BEAR
1:19.085 7 636 dimmo
1:20.296 7 32 Lucas
1:22.460 3 247 timmie olsson (swe)
1:24.515 5 216 Alex Welsh
1:24.867 5 csibi(HUN)
1:32.968 5 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
1:38.085 2 296 Johan Larsson
1:49.000 2 234 Max lesire /Propane
1:52.414 4 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
2:56.421 4 100 satanas


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.270 356 Christoffer Ullberg
3.943 8 Baloo BEAR
6.494 32 Lucas
6.588 296 Johan Larsson
8.111 636 dimmo
9.776 216 Alex Welsh
10.480 247 timmie olsson (swe)
11.014 csibi(HUN)
15.611 100 O&O Racing | Sheppard
17.143 234 Max lesire /Propane
20.871 Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel
33.793 100 satanas
- 123 Logan Heagney | Privateer
- 939 Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939
- 77 philmor
- 83 N-Fab TiLube Yamaha

Play by Play

Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel takes the holeshot followed by dimmo, Baloo BEAR, Alex Welsh, satanas, Johan Larsson, timmie olsson (swe), Max lesire /Propane, Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939, Lucas, N-Fab TiLube Yamaha, csibi(HUN), O&O Racing | Sheppard, philmor and Christoffer Ullberg

0:10.953 - 0:12.109: Alex Welsh passed Baloo BEAR for 3rd
0:13.796 - 0:14.890: Max lesire /Propane passed timmie olsson (swe) for 7th
0:15.296 - 0:16.664: csibi(HUN) passed N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 11th
0:15.015 - 0:17.226: timmie olsson (swe) passed Max lesire /Propane for 7th
0:16.976 - 0:19.398: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed csibi(HUN) for 11th
0:17.664 - 0:19.859: satanas passed Baloo BEAR for 3rd
0:19.015 - 0:20.687: timmie olsson (swe) passed Baloo BEAR for 4th
0:18.335 - 0:22.000: Alex Welsh passed dimmo for the lead
0:19.742 - 0:22.734: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed Max lesire /Propane and Baloo BEAR for 5th
0:21.187 - 0:22.796: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed Max lesire /Propane, Lucas and Baloo BEAR for 6th
0:21.570 - 0:23.406: Christoffer Ullberg passed philmor for 14th
0:19.890 - 0:25.843: Lucas passed Max lesire /Propane and Baloo BEAR for 7th
0:23.531 - 0:26.929: philmor passed Christoffer Ullberg for 13th
0:16.898 - 0:27.125: Johan Larsson went off the track
0:14.781 - 0:27.781: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel went off the track
0:20.687 - 0:28.851: timmie olsson (swe) passed dimmo and satanas for 3rd
0:26.000 - 0:29.203: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed csibi(HUN) and Max lesire /Propane for 10th
0:23.796 - 0:29.320: csibi(HUN) passed Max lesire /Propane for 11th
0:26.929 - 0:32.101: philmor passed Max lesire /Propane for 12th
0:23.539 - 0:32.398: Alex Welsh went off the track
0:28.507 - 0:32.484: Baloo BEAR passed Johan Larsson, dimmo, Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939, satanas, Lucas and N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 4th
0:29.320 - 0:32.578: csibi(HUN) passed O&O Racing | Sheppard, Johan Larsson, dimmo, Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939, satanas, Lucas and N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 5th
0:22.734 - 0:33.375: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed dimmo and satanas for 6th
0:29.203 - 0:33.492: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Johan Larsson, dimmo, satanas, Lucas and N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 7th
0:25.843 - 0:34.679: Lucas passed dimmo, satanas and N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 8th
0:22.796 - 0:35.007: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed dimmo and satanas for 9th
0:32.101 - 0:35.875: philmor passed Johan Larsson and satanas for 11th
0:32.523 - 0:36.445: Max lesire /Propane passed Johan Larsson and satanas for 12th
0:35.007 - 0:36.531: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed Lucas for 8th
0:35.257 - 0:37.710: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 5th
0:38.757 - 0:41.679: satanas passed philmor and Max lesire /Propane for 11th
0:40.500 - 0:41.921: Christoffer Ullberg passed Johan Larsson, philmor and Max lesire /Propane for 12th
0:36.445 - 0:42.546: Max lesire /Propane passed philmor for 13th
0:40.734 - 0:43.781: timmie olsson (swe) passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 2nd
0:41.921 - 0:44.781: Christoffer Ullberg passed satanas for 10th
0:43.765 - 0:45.031: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed O&O Racing | Sheppard and Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 6th
0:43.992 - 0:45.234: Lucas passed O&O Racing | Sheppard and Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 7th
0:43.570 - 0:45.265: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 8th
0:45.031 - 0:46.476: N-Fab TiLube Yamaha passed csibi(HUN) for 4th
0:45.445 - 0:46.937: dimmo passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 9th
0:46.937 - 0:48.617: dimmo passed Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939, csibi(HUN) and Lucas for 5th
0:46.296 - 0:49.632: Max lesire /Propane passed satanas for 12th
0:49.632 - 0:50.953: Max lesire /Propane passed Christoffer Ullberg for 11th
0:48.617 - 0:51.632: dimmo passed N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 4th
0:50.953 - 0:52.234: Max lesire /Propane passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 10th
0:48.945 - 0:52.367: csibi(HUN) passed N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:52.773: Alex Welsh finished lap 1 ( 0:52.773)
0:52.234 - 0:53.953: Max lesire /Propane passed Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 and Lucas for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:54.906: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 1 ( 0:54.906)
0:51.460 - 0:55.031: Johan Larsson passed philmor for 14th
0:00.000 - 0:55.601: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 1 ( 0:55.601)
0:55.031 - 0:56.671: Johan Larsson passed satanas for 13th
0:42.953 - 0:57.671: Baloo BEAR went off the track
0:56.671 - 0:58.156: Johan Larsson passed Christoffer Ullberg for 12th
0:57.164 - 0:58.851: satanas passed Christoffer Ullberg for 13th
0:58.156 - 1:00.757: Johan Larsson passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 10th
0:58.851 - 1:01.671: satanas passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 11th
1:00.828 - 1:02.445: Lucas passed Max lesire /Propane, N-Fab TiLube Yamaha and Baloo BEAR for 6th
1:00.679 - 1:02.460: Baloo BEAR passed Max lesire /Propane and N-Fab TiLube Yamaha for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:02.929: dimmo finished lap 1 ( 1:02.929)
1:02.460 - 1:08.054: Baloo BEAR passed csibi(HUN) and Lucas for 5th
1:02.148 - 1:08.906: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Johan Larsson, Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 and satanas for 10th
1:03.195 - 1:09.609: Christoffer Ullberg went off the track
1:01.671 - 1:10.117: satanas passed Johan Larsson and Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:10.406: Baloo BEAR finished lap 1 ( 1:10.406)
0:00.000 - 1:12.585: csibi(HUN) finished lap 1 ( 1:12.585)
1:09.593 - 1:12.625: philmor passed Johan Larsson and Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 12th
1:11.257 - 1:15.218: Christoffer Ullberg passed Max lesire /Propane and Lucas for 7th
1:10.335 - 1:15.781: Max lesire /Propane passed Lucas for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:17.953: Christoffer Ullberg finished lap 1 ( 1:17.953)
0:00.000 - 1:18.601: Lucas finished lap 1 ( 1:18.601)
1:16.843 - 1:18.601: Lucas passed Max lesire /Propane for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:18.890: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 1 ( 1:18.890)
0:00.000 - 1:20.609: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 1 ( 1:20.609)
1:17.062 - 1:22.179: philmor passed satanas for 11th
1:18.164 - 1:22.382: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed satanas for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:24.742: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 finished lap 1 ( 1:24.742)
1:22.382 - 1:24.742: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed philmor for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:25.140: philmor finished lap 1 ( 1:25.140)
1:25.140 - 1:28.187: philmor passed O&O Racing | Sheppard, Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 and Max lesire /Propane for 9th
1:25.359 - 1:30.289: Johan Larsson passed satanas for 13th
1:27.296 - 1:30.671: timmie olsson (swe) passed Alex Welsh for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:32.507: Johan Larsson finished lap 1 ( 1:32.507)
1:37.257 - 1:38.554: Johan Larsson passed Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 12th
1:37.703 - 1:39.343: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Max lesire /Propane for 10th
1:39.921 - 1:41.820: Johan Larsson passed Max lesire /Propane for 11th
1:40.585 - 1:42.468: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 passed Max lesire /Propane for 12th
0:54.906 - 1:49.437: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 2 ( 0:54.531)
0:52.773 - 1:52.539: Alex Welsh finished lap 2 ( 0:59.765)
1:49.398 - 1:56.601: philmor went off the track
1:52.539 - 1:56.968: Alex Welsh went off the track
1:44.773 - 2:01.015: Lucas went off the track
0:55.601 - 2:02.632: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 2 ( 1:07.031)
2:01.429 - 2:02.695: Christoffer Ullberg passed csibi(HUN) for 6th
2:01.015 - 2:03.765: Lucas passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 9th
2:03.343 - 2:04.992: Johan Larsson passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 10th
1:02.929 - 2:05.164: dimmo finished lap 2 ( 1:02.234)
1:10.406 - 2:07.929: Baloo BEAR finished lap 2 ( 0:57.523)
2:12.523 - 2:15.773: philmor passed csibi(HUN) for 7th
2:08.710 - 2:15.882: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 went off the track
1:17.953 - 2:17.757: Christoffer Ullberg finished lap 2 ( 0:59.804)
2:17.648 - 2:19.343: Alex Welsh passed timmie olsson (swe) for the lead
1:25.140 - 2:23.960: philmor finished lap 2 ( 0:58.820)
2:21.453 - 2:24.859: Lucas passed csibi(HUN) for 8th
2:16.187 - 2:25.203: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Johan Larsson for 10th
2:24.640 - 2:28.234: Max lesire /Propane passed Johan Larsson for 11th
2:15.882 - 2:32.632: Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 went off the track
1:18.601 - 2:32.789: Lucas finished lap 2 ( 1:14.187)
1:12.585 - 2:34.109: csibi(HUN) finished lap 2 ( 1:21.523)
2:34.289 - 2:35.843: dimmo passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 3rd
2:36.687 - 2:38.187: Baloo BEAR passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 4th
2:31.375 - 2:45.523: Max lesire /Propane went off the track
2:45.234 - 2:46.640: Christoffer Ullberg passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 5th
1:52.539 - 2:48.679: Alex Welsh finished lap 3 ( 0:56.140)
2:38.171 - 2:49.320: Johan Larsson passed Josh Peterson [775] JSPFILMS.COM/Privateer #939 for 12th
1:20.609 - 2:52.226: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 2 ( 1:31.617)
2:45.765 - 2:54.953: csibi(HUN) went off the track
2:54.828 - 2:59.421: dimmo passed timmie olsson (swe) for 2nd
2:55.843 - 3:00.250: Baloo BEAR passed timmie olsson (swe) for 3rd
2:05.164 - 3:01.304: dimmo finished lap 3 ( 0:56.140)
2:57.984 - 3:01.421: O&O Racing | Sheppard went off the track
2:46.640 - 3:02.367: Christoffer Ullberg went off the track
2:07.929 - 3:02.640: Baloo BEAR finished lap 3 ( 0:54.710)
1:18.890 - 3:07.890: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 2 ( 1:49.000)
3:06.953 - 3:09.890: Baloo BEAR went off the track
1:32.507 - 3:10.593: Johan Larsson finished lap 2 ( 1:38.085)
1:49.437 - 3:11.898: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 3 ( 1:22.460)
2:02.632 - 3:17.570: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 3 ( 1:14.937)
2:17.757 - 3:22.101: Christoffer Ullberg finished lap 3 ( 1:04.343)
0:00.000 - 3:32.601: satanas finished lap 1 ( 3:32.601)
2:34.109 - 3:32.835: csibi(HUN) finished lap 3 ( 0:58.726)
3:31.117 - 3:36.273: Christoffer Ullberg passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 5th
3:33.835 - 3:37.453: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Lucas for 8th
2:52.226 - 3:48.757: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 3 ( 0:56.531)
3:34.234 - 3:49.125: Johan Larsson went off the track
2:32.789 - 3:51.640: Lucas finished lap 3 ( 1:18.851)
3:51.117 - 3:54.992: csibi(HUN) passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 6th
3:48.757 - 3:55.617: O&O Racing | Sheppard went off the track
2:48.679 - 3:56.078: Alex Welsh finished lap 4 ( 1:07.398)
3:01.304 - 3:56.796: dimmo finished lap 4 ( 0:55.492)
3:02.640 - 4:02.109: Baloo BEAR finished lap 4 ( 0:59.468)
3:57.085 - 4:02.437: O&O Racing | Sheppard went off the track
4:02.109 - 4:05.000: Baloo BEAR passed dimmo and Alex Welsh for the lead
3:11.898 - 4:10.179: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 4 ( 0:58.281)
4:10.453 - 4:11.750: dimmo passed Alex Welsh for 2nd
3:07.890 - 4:13.023: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 3 ( 1:05.132)
4:15.687 - 4:17.281: csibi(HUN) passed Christoffer Ullberg for 5th
4:03.601 - 4:22.757: Johan Larsson went off the track
4:20.015 - 4:26.343: timmie olsson (swe) passed Alex Welsh for 3rd
4:24.570 - 4:29.703: Lucas went off the track
4:24.484 - 4:31.648: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel went off the track
3:10.593 - 4:34.570: Johan Larsson finished lap 3 ( 1:23.976)
3:32.835 - 4:37.515: csibi(HUN) finished lap 4 ( 1:04.679)
4:35.273 - 4:38.335: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 6th
3:48.757 - 4:46.468: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 4 ( 0:57.710)
4:47.789 - 4:50.554: Lucas passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 7th
4:02.109 - 4:56.265: Baloo BEAR finished lap 5 ( 0:54.156)
3:51.640 - 4:58.164: Lucas finished lap 4 ( 1:06.523)
3:56.796 - 5:00.835: dimmo finished lap 5 ( 1:04.039)
4:10.179 - 5:05.320: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 5 ( 0:55.140)
5:01.226 - 5:08.625: csibi(HUN) went off the track
3:17.570 - 5:09.984: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 4 ( 1:52.414)
5:08.500 - 5:13.804: timmie olsson (swe) went off the track
4:13.023 - 5:15.039: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 4 ( 1:02.015)
3:32.601 - 5:19.531: satanas finished lap 2 ( 1:46.929)
3:56.078 - 5:20.593: Alex Welsh finished lap 5 ( 1:24.515)
5:25.156 - 5:28.656: Alex Welsh went off the track
5:19.085 - 5:29.718: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel went off the track
5:37.109 - 5:39.406: Lucas passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 6th
5:40.804 - 5:43.226: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 7th
4:56.265 - 5:53.046: Baloo BEAR finished lap 6 ( 0:56.781)
5:54.593 - 5:56.015: Max lesire /Propane passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 8th
5:00.835 - 5:57.187: dimmo finished lap 6 ( 0:56.351)
5:54.406 - 5:59.804: Lucas passed csibi(HUN) for 5th
4:58.164 - 6:02.070: Lucas finished lap 5 ( 1:03.906)
4:37.515 - 6:02.382: csibi(HUN) finished lap 5 ( 1:24.867)
4:34.570 - 6:03.617: Johan Larsson finished lap 4 ( 1:29.046)
5:09.984 - 6:05.609: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 5 ( 0:55.625)
6:03.929 - 6:05.843: O&O Racing | Sheppard passed Max lesire /Propane for 8th
5:05.320 - 6:08.140: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 6 ( 1:02.820)
4:46.468 - 6:19.437: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 5 ( 1:32.968)
5:15.039 - 6:22.882: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 5 ( 1:07.843)
6:24.195 - 6:25.359: Lucas went off the track
6:22.882 - 6:26.289: Max lesire /Propane passed O&O Racing | Sheppard for 8th
5:20.593 - 6:26.648: Alex Welsh finished lap 6 ( 1:06.054)
6:18.453 - 6:29.359: dimmo went off the track
6:30.976 - 6:32.507: csibi(HUN) passed Lucas for 5th
6:31.132 - 6:34.765: Alex Welsh went off the track
6:36.031 - 6:37.562: timmie olsson (swe) passed dimmo for 2nd
6:45.789 - 6:48.343: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel passed Lucas for 6th
5:53.046 - 6:51.062: Baloo BEAR finished lap 7 ( 0:58.015)
6:57.281 - 7:00.515: Johan Larsson went off the track
6:55.289 - 7:01.710: dimmo went off the track
5:19.531 - 7:02.257: satanas finished lap 3 ( 1:42.726)
6:08.140 - 7:03.187: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 7 ( 0:55.046)
6:59.796 - 7:05.578: Lucas passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 5th
7:01.710 - 7:07.757: dimmo went off the track
7:10.273 - 7:16.210: Max lesire /Propane went off the track
5:57.187 - 7:16.273: dimmo finished lap 7 ( 1:19.085)
7:16.210 - 7:19.796: Max lesire /Propane passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 6th
6:02.070 - 7:21.734: Lucas finished lap 6 ( 1:19.664)
7:21.750 - 7:23.421: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel passed Max lesire /Propane for 6th
7:29.828 - 7:34.648: Max lesire /Propane passed Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel for 6th
6:22.882 - 7:39.328: Max lesire /Propane finished lap 6 ( 1:16.445)
6:03.617 - 7:39.429: Johan Larsson finished lap 5 ( 1:35.812)
6:05.609 - 7:39.437: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 6 ( 1:33.828)
7:39.992 - 7:42.101: dimmo passed timmie olsson (swe) for 2nd
6:19.437 - 7:42.859: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 6 ( 1:23.421)
7:39.328 - 7:52.945: Max lesire /Propane went off the track
6:51.062 - 7:57.992: Baloo BEAR finished lap 8 ( 1:06.929)
7:16.273 - 8:10.406: dimmo finished lap 8 ( 0:54.132)
8:17.570 - 8:19.195: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel passed Lucas for 4th
7:03.187 - 8:19.328: timmie olsson (swe) finished lap 8 ( 1:16.140)
7:39.437 - 8:33.671: Joker.[WhOW]Dylan Cepel finished lap 7 ( 0:54.234)
7:21.734 - 8:42.031: Lucas finished lap 7 ( 1:20.296)
7:42.859 - 8:45.335: O&O Racing | Sheppard finished lap 7 ( 1:02.476)
7:39.429 - 9:00.398: Johan Larsson finished lap 6 ( 1:20.968)
8:00.695 - 9:30.390: satanas went off the track
9:30.390 - 9:36.031: satanas went off the track
7:02.257 - 9:58.679: satanas finished lap 4 ( 2:56.421)