MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 1 - Anaheim 1
Format 8 laps
Date1/5/2014, 3:46:58 PM (4021 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1376Jarett Gasque | rmz450(2013)8 9:32.5937 1:04.5006464
2944Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing yz250f(2009)8 10:03.1647 1:15.1174673
3951Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing yz250f(2009)8 10:08.5934 1:09.1793698
4105Chris Schmieder | MotoStar 350sxf(2013)8 10:37.9684 1:07.218321
5251Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports kx450f(2013)8 10:53.3516 1:14.3289562
667jrm47 rm1257 9:44.6714 1:14.1482623
7999Joe Motorcross rmz450(2011)7 10:01.7183 1:09.7344286
8754Lynn Perryman # 754/ Need a Team for 2014 yz450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008241
9212Florian Verhaeghe kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004115
1083Jonas Karlsson 250sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007553

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 376 376 376 376 951 376 376 376
P2 944 944 944 944 944 944 944 944
P3 951 951 951 951 376 951 951 951
P4 67 251 999 105 105 105 105 105
P5 251 67 67 67 67 67 251 251
P6 999 999 105 999 251 251 67
P7 105 105 251 251 999 999 999

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:04.500 7 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:07.218 4 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:09.085 2 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:09.179 4 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:09.734 3 999 Joe Motorcross
1:12.039 3 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:12.570 3 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:12.765 4 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:12.937 5 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:14.023 6 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:14.148 4 67 jrm47
1:14.273 3 67 jrm47
1:14.328 6 251 Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports
1:14.812 8 251 Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports
1:15.117 7 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:16.515 3 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:16.992 5 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:17.648 8 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:17.703 3 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:18.296 2 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:18.835 5 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:22.375 8 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:22.539 2 999 Joe Motorcross
1:22.757 5 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:23.148 4 251 Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports
1:26.367 5 67 jrm47
1:28.117 6 67 jrm47
1:28.554 4 999 Joe Motorcross
1:31.679 8 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:32.937 7 67 jrm47
1:33.156 6 999 Joe Motorcross
1:38.007 5 999 Joe Motorcross

Individual Worst Laps

1:22.375 8 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:22.757 5 376 Jarett Gasque |
1:31.179 7 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:31.195 3 251 Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports
1:31.679 8 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
1:32.937 7 67 jrm47
1:38.007 5 999 Joe Motorcross


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.742 944 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
5.401 251 Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports
5.432 376 Jarett Gasque |
6.648 951 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
7.003 67 jrm47
8.114 105 Chris Schmieder | MotoStar
9.052 999 Joe Motorcross
- 754 Lynn Perryman # 754/ Need a Team for 2014
- 212 Florian Verhaeghe
- 83 Jonas Karlsson

Play by Play

Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing takes the holeshot followed by Jarett Gasque |, Joe Motorcross, Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing, Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports, jrm47, Florian Verhaeghe and Chris Schmieder | MotoStar

0:14.335 - 0:21.828: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
0:19.523 - 0:22.640: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Joe Motorcross for 2nd
0:20.320 - 0:23.351: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports passed Joe Motorcross for 3rd
0:22.148 - 0:24.359: Florian Verhaeghe passed Joe Motorcross and jrm47 for 4th
0:21.101 - 0:24.562: jrm47 passed Joe Motorcross for 5th
0:30.523 - 0:34.171: jrm47 passed Florian Verhaeghe for 5th
0:40.671 - 0:43.539: Joe Motorcross passed Florian Verhaeghe for 6th
0:42.507 - 0:46.148: jrm47 passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 4th
0:48.968 - 0:52.187: Joe Motorcross passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 5th
0:55.937 - 0:58.546: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports passed Joe Motorcross for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:11.875: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 1 ( 1:11.875)
0:00.000 - 1:12.164: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:12.164)
0:00.000 - 1:15.062: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:15.062)
1:12.164 - 1:17.031: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:23.585: jrm47 finished lap 1 ( 1:23.585)
1:23.343 - 1:24.679: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jarett Gasque | for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:26.171: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:26.171)
0:00.000 - 1:27.023: Joe Motorcross finished lap 1 ( 1:27.023)
0:00.000 - 1:37.546: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 1 ( 1:37.546)
1:39.367 - 1:47.375: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:05.437 - 2:08.109: Jarett Gasque | passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
2:02.062 - 2:16.953: jrm47 went off the track
1:11.875 - 2:20.960: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 2 ( 1:09.085)
1:12.164 - 2:24.320: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:12.156)
1:15.062 - 2:27.007: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:11.945)
2:34.500 - 2:35.835: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jarett Gasque | for the lead
2:40.351 - 2:45.851: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports went off the track
1:26.171 - 2:45.851: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:19.679)
1:23.585 - 2:48.828: jrm47 finished lap 2 ( 1:25.242)
1:27.023 - 2:49.562: Joe Motorcross finished lap 2 ( 1:22.539)
1:37.546 - 2:55.843: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 2 ( 1:18.296)
3:09.265 - 3:11.906: jrm47 passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 4th
3:10.140 - 3:12.562: Joe Motorcross passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 5th
3:14.273 - 3:16.835: Jarett Gasque | passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
3:18.898 - 3:21.398: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
3:22.109 - 3:24.921: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
3:24.109 - 3:27.289: Joe Motorcross passed jrm47 for 4th
3:24.929 - 3:27.656: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
3:26.507 - 3:30.046: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 6th
2:20.960 - 3:33.000: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 3 ( 1:12.039)
2:24.320 - 3:42.023: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:17.703)
3:39.250 - 3:42.023: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
2:27.007 - 3:43.523: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:16.515)
2:49.562 - 3:59.296: Joe Motorcross finished lap 3 ( 1:09.734)
3:56.210 - 4:00.992: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:48.828 - 4:03.101: jrm47 finished lap 3 ( 1:14.273)
3:55.523 - 4:03.289: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports went off the track
2:55.843 - 4:08.414: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 3 ( 1:12.570)
4:10.210 - 4:13.945: jrm47 passed Joe Motorcross for 4th
2:45.851 - 4:17.046: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:31.195)
4:15.851 - 4:20.242: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar passed Joe Motorcross for 5th
3:33.000 - 4:45.765: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 4 ( 1:12.765)
3:42.023 - 4:48.656: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:06.632)
3:43.523 - 4:52.703: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:09.179)
4:59.578 - 5:00.195: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jarett Gasque | for the lead
5:02.656 - 5:05.062: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar passed jrm47 for 4th
4:08.414 - 5:15.632: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 4 ( 1:07.218)
4:03.101 - 5:17.250: jrm47 finished lap 4 ( 1:14.148)
5:16.000 - 5:18.742: Jarett Gasque | passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
5:22.062 - 5:24.906: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
3:59.296 - 5:27.851: Joe Motorcross finished lap 4 ( 1:28.554)
5:28.351 - 5:30.382: jrm47 passed Chris Schmieder | MotoStar for 4th
5:32.710 - 5:35.562: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jarett Gasque | for the lead
5:34.710 - 5:37.335: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jarett Gasque | for 2nd
4:17.046 - 5:40.195: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:23.148)
5:53.218 - 5:56.312: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports passed Joe Motorcross for 6th
6:00.585 - 6:02.539: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
4:52.703 - 6:05.640: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:12.937)
6:02.710 - 6:05.640: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
4:48.656 - 6:05.648: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:16.992)
4:45.765 - 6:08.523: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 5 ( 1:22.757)
6:08.523 - 6:11.085: Jarett Gasque | passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for the lead
6:05.648 - 6:13.640: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
6:21.906 - 6:24.179: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar passed jrm47 for 4th
5:15.632 - 6:34.468: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 5 ( 1:18.835)
6:38.578 - 6:42.250: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports went off the track
5:17.250 - 6:43.617: jrm47 finished lap 5 ( 1:26.367)
6:43.492 - 6:49.062: Jarett Gasque | went off the track
5:40.195 - 6:58.656: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:18.460)
5:27.851 - 7:05.859: Joe Motorcross finished lap 5 ( 1:38.007)
6:08.523 - 7:15.195: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 6 ( 1:06.671)
6:05.648 - 7:16.796: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:11.148)
6:05.640 - 7:19.664: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:14.023)
7:17.257 - 7:24.867: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar went off the track
7:30.218 - 7:31.750: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
6:34.468 - 7:57.367: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 6 ( 1:22.898)
8:01.007 - 8:03.273: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports passed jrm47 for 5th
7:55.851 - 8:03.929: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
8:03.375 - 8:06.734: jrm47 passed Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports for 5th
6:43.617 - 8:11.734: jrm47 finished lap 6 ( 1:28.117)
6:58.656 - 8:12.984: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:14.328)
8:08.914 - 8:17.218: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar went off the track
8:16.460 - 8:19.171: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
7:15.195 - 8:19.695: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 7 ( 1:04.500)
7:16.796 - 8:31.914: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:15.117)
7:05.859 - 8:39.015: Joe Motorcross finished lap 6 ( 1:33.156)
7:19.664 - 8:50.843: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:31.179)
8:46.171 - 8:52.843: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports went off the track
8:56.820 - 9:03.531: Joe Motorcross went off the track
7:57.367 - 9:04.867: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 7 ( 1:07.500)
9:14.781 - 9:24.375: Jarett Gasque | went off the track
8:12.984 - 9:30.226: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:17.242)
8:19.695 - 9:30.992: Jarett Gasque | finished lap 8 ( 1:11.296)
8:11.734 - 9:44.671: jrm47 finished lap 7 ( 1:32.937)
8:31.914 - 9:54.289: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:22.375)
8:39.015 - 10:01.328: Joe Motorcross finished lap 7 ( 1:22.312)
8:50.843 - 10:08.492: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:17.648)
9:04.867 - 10:36.546: Chris Schmieder | MotoStar finished lap 8 ( 1:31.679)
9:30.226 - 10:45.039: Pavlos#251 [GR]|DGK Yoshimura Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:14.812)