MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 2 - Phoenix
Format 8 laps
Date1/12/2014, 12:44:19 AM (4015 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1180Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer yz250f(2009)8 10:03.9763 1:02.000931
233James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix rmz450(2013)8 10:04.6795 1:00.7344591
3700Jayden Rowe | BWD rmz450(2013)8 10:43.3042 1:08.0239556
4xTim yz250f(2009)8 11:35.7818 1:11.7731310
575Lucas Van Hecke crf450(2011)7 10:09.7817 1:14.8284088
6718Adam Sweeney rmz450(2013)7 10:10.5622 1:12.796323
7131Garrett Smith | rmz450(2013)7 10:23.7503 1:13.0543713
834xxxTOCOxxx 450sxf(2013)7 10:39.7104 1:24.3281932
9126Otto Bijl | The Crew yz250f(2009)7 10:48.1404 1:25.0398550
10100Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods yz250f(2009)7 11:39.6956 1:14.6959567
11301James Connor rmz250(2013)6 9:41.3825 1:33.1484715
12999Joe Motorcross rmz450(2011)4 5:35.2182 1:13.9374286
1375Murilo Pereira kx450f(2011)1 1:51.4530 0:00.0006757
14202Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team crf250(2009)1 2:58.7030 0:00.00010957
15524nel wulz | sthrt.cawm yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005199
16376jeret geskuw / strt.cewm 250sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006464
17442Brandon Brooks| Privateer kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011259
18719Williams 719 | privateer cr250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007938
19862Felix Seiholm | looking for team R.I.P #215 rmz250(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006510
2036Justin Caughell yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004393

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
P2 x x 33 33 33 33 33 33
P3 131 999 999 131 700 700 700 700
P4 100 700 x 700 x x x x
P5 999 100 131 x 131 718 75
P6 718 718 700 999 718 131 718
P7 700 131 718 718 75 75 131
P8 126 126 75 75 34 34 34
P9 301 33 34 34 126 126 126
P10 75 75 126 126 301 301 100
P11 34 34 301 301 100 100
P12 75 301 100 100
P13 33
P14 202

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:00.734 5 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:01.460 3 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:02.000 3 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:03.875 2 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:07.359 4 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:07.484 4 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:08.023 2 700 Jayden Rowe | BWD
1:08.546 5 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:09.976 7 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:11.773 8 x Tim
1:12.617 6 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:12.796 2 718 Adam Sweeney
1:13.054 3 131 Garrett Smith |
1:13.414 6 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:13.937 2 999 Joe Motorcross
1:14.695 6 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods
1:14.828 7 75 Lucas Van Hecke
1:16.601 4 131 Garrett Smith |
1:19.289 4 718 Adam Sweeney
1:21.062 2 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods
1:21.492 6 x Tim
1:22.007 6 700 Jayden Rowe | BWD
1:22.203 3 75 Lucas Van Hecke
1:23.773 3 999 Joe Motorcross
1:24.328 4 34 xxxTOCOxxx
1:25.039 4 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
1:27.039 4 999 Joe Motorcross
1:27.625 6 718 Adam Sweeney
1:28.171 7 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:28.703 3 x Tim
1:29.437 5 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
1:29.554 3 718 Adam Sweeney
1:30.117 7 34 xxxTOCOxxx
1:30.531 5 718 Adam Sweeney
1:30.742 7 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
1:31.234 8 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:31.562 8 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:33.000 6 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
1:33.148 5 301 James Connor
1:35.507 3 301 James Connor
1:35.632 4 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods
1:36.062 5 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods
1:36.617 2 131 Garrett Smith |
1:37.390 7 131 Garrett Smith |
1:39.093 7 718 Adam Sweeney
1:42.007 6 301 James Connor
1:43.304 6 131 Garrett Smith |
2:34.101 3 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods

Individual Worst Laps

1:27.039 4 999 Joe Motorcross
1:27.375 3 700 Jayden Rowe | BWD
1:30.570 5 34 xxxTOCOxxx
1:31.234 8 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
1:31.562 8 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
1:39.093 7 718 Adam Sweeney
1:40.015 6 75 Lucas Van Hecke
1:41.171 3 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
1:42.335 7 x Tim
1:43.304 6 131 Garrett Smith |
1:45.562 2 301 James Connor
2:34.101 3 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.671 34 xxxTOCOxxx
5.568 999 Joe Motorcross
6.507 126 Otto Bijl | The Crew
7.491 700 Jayden Rowe | BWD
8.418 718 Adam Sweeney
8.650 75 Lucas Van Hecke
8.678 301 James Connor
8.708 x Tim
9.814 33 James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix
11.108 131 Garrett Smith |
11.306 180 Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer
26.161 100 Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods
- 524 nel wulz | sthrt.cawm
- 376 jeret geskuw / strt.cewm
- 442 Brandon Brooks| Privateer
- 719 Williams 719 | privateer
- 862 Felix Seiholm | looking for team R.I.P #215
- 202 Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team
- 75 Murilo Pereira
- 36 Justin Caughell

Play by Play

Garrett Smith | takes the holeshot followed by Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer, Tim, Lucas Van Hecke, Joe Motorcross, Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods, Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team, xxxTOCOxxx, Adam Sweeney, James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix, James Connor, Otto Bijl | The Crew, Jayden Rowe | BWD, Brandon Brooks| Privateer, nel wulz | sthrt.cawm and Murilo Pereira

0:10.875 - 0:12.710: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer passed Garrett Smith | for the lead
0:12.250 - 0:15.468: Lucas Van Hecke passed Tim for 3rd
0:12.890 - 0:15.585: Garrett Smith | passed Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer for the lead
0:12.804 - 0:15.695: Joe Motorcross passed Tim for 4th
0:13.429 - 0:15.789: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Tim for 5th
0:18.757 - 0:22.820: Garrett Smith | went off the track
0:16.625 - 0:23.070: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team passed Tim for 6th
0:20.523 - 0:23.148: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Tim, Adam Sweeney and xxxTOCOxxx for 7th
0:20.250 - 0:23.984: Adam Sweeney passed xxxTOCOxxx for 9th
0:20.937 - 0:24.500: James Connor passed xxxTOCOxxx for 10th
0:15.789 - 0:25.007: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Joe Motorcross for 4th
0:23.000 - 0:26.125: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed xxxTOCOxxx for 11th
0:23.453 - 0:26.351: Tim passed Joe Motorcross, James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 5th
0:23.984 - 0:27.203: Adam Sweeney passed Joe Motorcross, James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 6th
0:24.500 - 0:28.242: James Connor passed Joe Motorcross, James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 7th
0:27.203 - 0:29.632: Adam Sweeney passed Tim for 5th
0:29.953 - 0:30.687: Tim passed Adam Sweeney for 5th
0:27.734 - 0:31.218: Brandon Brooks| Privateer passed xxxTOCOxxx and Jayden Rowe | BWD for 12th
0:26.125 - 0:32.562: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed Joe Motorcross, James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 8th
0:23.070 - 0:33.148: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team passed Joe Motorcross for 9th
0:31.492 - 0:33.742: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Lucas Van Hecke for 3rd
0:30.968 - 0:34.031: Adam Sweeney passed Tim for 4th
0:31.218 - 0:34.210: Brandon Brooks| Privateer passed Joe Motorcross and James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix for 10th
0:30.812 - 0:34.484: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer passed Garrett Smith | for the lead
0:23.148 - 0:35.023: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Joe Motorcross for 11th
0:32.773 - 0:36.179: xxxTOCOxxx passed Joe Motorcross for 12th
0:34.203 - 0:36.585: Tim passed Lucas Van Hecke and Adam Sweeney for 4th
0:37.937 - 0:38.937: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Otto Bijl | The Crew and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 8th
0:38.679 - 0:39.304: xxxTOCOxxx passed Otto Bijl | The Crew and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 9th
0:41.250 - 0:42.039: Joe Motorcross passed Otto Bijl | The Crew and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 10th
0:42.414 - 0:43.210: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Otto Bijl | The Crew and Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team for 11th
0:42.476 - 0:44.570: xxxTOCOxxx passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix, James Connor and Adam Sweeney for 6th
0:35.382 - 0:45.320: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team passed Otto Bijl | The Crew for 12th
0:45.343 - 0:47.859: Joe Motorcross passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix, James Connor and Adam Sweeney for 7th
0:45.867 - 0:48.859: Tim passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 3rd
0:37.593 - 0:48.875: James Connor passed Adam Sweeney for 8th
0:44.570 - 0:49.140: xxxTOCOxxx passed Lucas Van Hecke for 5th
0:46.500 - 0:49.578: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix and Adam Sweeney for 9th
0:46.671 - 0:52.695: Otto Bijl | The Crew went off the track
0:48.875 - 0:53.281: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix for 12th
0:49.578 - 0:53.695: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed James Connor and Lucas Van Hecke for 6th
0:47.859 - 0:53.976: Joe Motorcross went off the track
0:50.171 - 0:54.851: Adam Sweeney passed James Connor and Lucas Van Hecke for 7th
0:48.875 - 0:56.593: James Connor passed Lucas Van Hecke for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:03.164: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:03.164)
0:59.429 - 1:06.695: xxxTOCOxxx went off the track
0:58.492 - 1:07.898: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team went off the track
1:03.515 - 1:08.460: Otto Bijl | The Crew went off the track
1:05.570 - 1:09.289: Tim passed Garrett Smith | for 2nd
1:07.109 - 1:09.515: Joe Motorcross passed xxxTOCOxxx for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:12.523: Tim finished lap 1 ( 1:12.523)
1:10.718 - 1:13.585: Adam Sweeney passed xxxTOCOxxx and Jayden Rowe | BWD for 6th
1:07.554 - 1:16.328: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed xxxTOCOxxx for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:16.359: Garrett Smith | finished lap 1 ( 1:16.359)
1:14.015 - 1:17.023: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed James Connor and Lucas Van Hecke for 9th
1:16.539 - 1:17.453: xxxTOCOxxx passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 7th
1:16.585 - 1:20.226: Murilo Pereira passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix for 12th
1:17.898 - 1:20.765: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:21.414: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 1 ( 1:21.414)
1:21.671 - 1:23.875: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Otto Bijl | The Crew and xxxTOCOxxx for 7th
1:09.515 - 1:24.570: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer went off the track
1:20.765 - 1:24.648: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed xxxTOCOxxx for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:26.195: Joe Motorcross finished lap 1 ( 1:26.195)
1:24.117 - 1:26.601: James Connor passed xxxTOCOxxx for 9th
1:19.414 - 1:28.515: Tim went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:31.671: Adam Sweeney finished lap 1 ( 1:31.671)
0:00.000 - 1:33.343: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 1 ( 1:33.343)
1:27.687 - 1:34.570: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team went off the track
1:31.890 - 1:34.890: Lucas Van Hecke passed xxxTOCOxxx for 10th
1:35.656 - 1:37.437: Garrett Smith | passed Tim for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:38.742: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 1 ( 1:38.742)
1:37.960 - 1:41.148: Tim passed Garrett Smith | and Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:43.328: James Connor finished lap 1 ( 1:43.328)
0:00.000 - 1:44.601: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 1 ( 1:44.601)
1:44.320 - 1:47.554: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Garrett Smith | for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:48.031: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 1 ( 1:48.031)
1:46.140 - 1:48.476: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer passed Tim for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:51.453: Murilo Pereira finished lap 1 ( 1:51.453)
1:51.703 - 1:53.976: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Tim for 2nd
1:46.757 - 1:54.421: Otto Bijl | The Crew went off the track
1:52.484 - 1:54.640: Garrett Smith | passed Tim for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:57.093: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 1 ( 1:57.093)
1:56.601 - 1:59.875: Garrett Smith | passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 2nd
2:00.007 - 2:01.656: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Garrett Smith | for 2nd
1:55.125 - 2:02.429: xxxTOCOxxx went off the track
2:00.898 - 2:05.351: Murilo Pereira passed James Connor and Lucas Van Hecke for 10th
2:03.734 - 2:05.726: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Adam Sweeney for 6th
2:05.351 - 2:08.757: Murilo Pereira passed xxxTOCOxxx for 9th
2:05.617 - 2:09.601: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Lucas Van Hecke for 12th
2:10.992 - 2:13.210: Tim passed Garrett Smith | and Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 2nd
2:09.601 - 2:14.125: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed James Connor and xxxTOCOxxx for 10th
2:10.750 - 2:15.062: Lucas Van Hecke passed James Connor and xxxTOCOxxx for 11th
2:14.515 - 2:17.570: Joe Motorcross passed Garrett Smith | and Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 3rd
2:07.937 - 2:18.867: Garrett Smith | passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 4th
2:17.218 - 2:18.890: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 5th
2:17.710 - 2:20.710: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Murilo Pereira for 9th
2:18.890 - 2:21.476: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Garrett Smith | for 4th
2:19.054 - 2:21.984: Lucas Van Hecke passed Murilo Pereira for 10th
2:22.390 - 2:24.390: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Garrett Smith | and Jayden Rowe | BWD for 4th
2:21.867 - 2:25.210: xxxTOCOxxx passed Murilo Pereira for 11th
2:20.804 - 2:27.304: Tim went off the track
2:25.234 - 2:28.523: Adam Sweeney passed Garrett Smith | for 6th
1:03.164 - 2:33.125: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:29.960)
2:33.328 - 2:35.554: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 4th
1:12.523 - 2:37.023: Tim finished lap 2 ( 1:24.500)
1:26.195 - 2:40.132: Joe Motorcross finished lap 2 ( 1:13.937)
1:33.343 - 2:41.367: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 2 ( 1:08.023)
1:21.414 - 2:42.476: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 2 ( 1:21.062)
2:41.804 - 2:43.968: Joe Motorcross passed Tim for 2nd
1:31.671 - 2:44.468: Adam Sweeney finished lap 2 ( 1:12.796)
2:43.031 - 2:45.492: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Tim for 3rd
2:44.273 - 2:46.796: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Tim for 4th
2:41.085 - 2:47.125: Lucas Van Hecke went off the track
2:47.781 - 2:52.046: Adam Sweeney passed Tim and Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 4th
1:16.359 - 2:52.976: Garrett Smith | finished lap 2 ( 1:36.617)
2:47.335 - 2:54.531: Tim passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 5th
1:34.570 - 2:54.992: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:58.703: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 2:58.703)
1:38.742 - 2:59.007: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 2 ( 1:20.265)
1:57.093 - 3:00.968: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 2 ( 1:03.875)
2:59.625 - 3:01.757: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Joe Motorcross for 2nd
3:01.796 - 3:06.000: Joe Motorcross passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 2nd
3:04.742 - 3:07.375: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Otto Bijl | The Crew for 8th
1:44.601 - 3:08.757: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 2 ( 1:24.156)
3:06.835 - 3:09.320: Tim passed Adam Sweeney for 4th
3:03.265 - 3:09.445: James Connor went off the track
3:09.812 - 3:13.593: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Garrett Smith | for 7th
3:09.382 - 3:14.835: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods passed Adam Sweeney for 5th
1:48.031 - 3:17.921: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 2 ( 1:29.890)
3:22.710 - 3:24.960: Adam Sweeney passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 5th
3:21.875 - 3:26.046: Tim passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 3rd
3:25.773 - 3:28.000: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 6th
1:43.328 - 3:28.890: James Connor finished lap 2 ( 1:45.562)
3:27.460 - 3:29.648: Garrett Smith | passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 7th
3:29.851 - 3:33.648: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Adam Sweeney for 5th
3:31.546 - 3:35.015: Garrett Smith | passed Adam Sweeney for 6th
2:33.125 - 3:35.125: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:02.000)
3:37.757 - 3:40.500: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 4th
3:38.671 - 3:40.898: Tim passed Joe Motorcross for 2nd
3:39.617 - 3:42.406: Garrett Smith | passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 5th
3:48.703 - 3:54.640: Jayden Rowe | BWD went off the track
3:51.234 - 3:54.671: Lucas Van Hecke passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 8th
3:36.914 - 3:58.851: Otto Bijl | The Crew went off the track
3:56.664 - 3:59.539: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Joe Motorcross and Tim for 2nd
3:55.117 - 4:00.414: Joe Motorcross passed Tim for 3rd
3:56.976 - 4:00.585: xxxTOCOxxx passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 10th
3:00.968 - 4:02.429: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 3 ( 1:01.460)
2:40.132 - 4:03.906: Joe Motorcross finished lap 3 ( 1:23.773)
2:37.023 - 4:05.726: Tim finished lap 3 ( 1:28.703)
2:52.976 - 4:06.031: Garrett Smith | finished lap 3 ( 1:13.054)
2:41.367 - 4:08.742: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 3 ( 1:27.375)
4:06.093 - 4:09.023: xxxTOCOxxx passed Otto Bijl | The Crew for 9th
4:07.679 - 4:09.296: Garrett Smith | passed Tim for 4th
4:09.070 - 4:11.007: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed xxxTOCOxxx for 9th
4:09.617 - 4:12.437: Tim passed Garrett Smith | for 4th
2:44.468 - 4:14.023: Adam Sweeney finished lap 3 ( 1:29.554)
4:16.226 - 4:19.476: xxxTOCOxxx passed Otto Bijl | The Crew for 8th
4:16.750 - 4:20.195: James Connor passed Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods for 11th
4:16.507 - 4:20.390: Garrett Smith | passed Tim for 4th
4:17.859 - 4:21.484: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Tim for 5th
3:08.757 - 4:30.960: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 3 ( 1:22.203)
4:28.273 - 4:33.046: Garrett Smith | passed Joe Motorcross for 3rd
4:29.406 - 4:33.187: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Joe Motorcross for 4th
4:33.515 - 4:35.742: Adam Sweeney passed Tim for 6th
4:31.812 - 4:38.679: xxxTOCOxxx went off the track
3:17.921 - 4:38.679: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 3 ( 1:20.757)
2:59.007 - 4:40.179: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 3 ( 1:41.171)
3:35.125 - 4:42.609: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:07.484)
4:41.921 - 4:44.085: Joe Motorcross passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 4th
4:45.171 - 4:47.421: Adam Sweeney passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 5th
4:43.546 - 4:47.882: Otto Bijl | The Crew passed xxxTOCOxxx for 9th
4:50.000 - 4:53.812: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Adam Sweeney for 5th
4:47.625 - 4:57.460: Tim went off the track
4:58.843 - 5:02.828: xxxTOCOxxx passed Otto Bijl | The Crew for 9th
4:58.679 - 5:03.593: Jayden Rowe | BWD went off the track
3:28.890 - 5:04.398: James Connor finished lap 3 ( 1:35.507)
4:02.429 - 5:09.789: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 4 ( 1:07.359)
5:08.781 - 5:11.062: Joe Motorcross passed Garrett Smith | for 3rd
5:13.218 - 5:16.250: Garrett Smith | passed Joe Motorcross for 3rd
2:42.476 - 5:16.578: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 3 ( 2:34.101)
5:16.507 - 5:18.703: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Joe Motorcross for 4th
5:20.281 - 5:22.578: Tim passed Joe Motorcross for 5th
4:06.031 - 5:22.632: Garrett Smith | finished lap 4 ( 1:16.601)
4:08.742 - 5:24.414: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 4 ( 1:15.671)
4:05.726 - 5:28.562: Tim finished lap 4 ( 1:22.835)
4:03.906 - 5:30.945: Joe Motorcross finished lap 4 ( 1:27.039)
5:27.093 - 5:32.273: Lucas Van Hecke went off the track
4:14.023 - 5:33.312: Adam Sweeney finished lap 4 ( 1:19.289)
5:30.031 - 5:36.304: Garrett Smith | went off the track
5:31.375 - 5:40.257: Jayden Rowe | BWD went off the track
5:36.609 - 5:43.906: James Connor went off the track
5:37.554 - 5:44.281: Tim went off the track
5:40.187 - 5:46.875: Lucas Van Hecke went off the track
4:42.609 - 5:51.156: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:08.546)
4:30.960 - 5:57.812: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 4 ( 1:26.851)
4:38.679 - 6:03.007: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 4 ( 1:24.328)
4:40.179 - 6:05.218: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 4 ( 1:25.039)
5:09.789 - 6:10.523: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 5 ( 1:00.734)
6:10.835 - 6:18.406: xxxTOCOxxx went off the track
6:03.945 - 6:19.054: Garrett Smith | went off the track
5:04.398 - 6:24.812: James Connor finished lap 4 ( 1:20.414)
6:18.859 - 6:31.062: Tim went off the track
6:35.359 - 6:40.515: Lucas Van Hecke went off the track
5:24.414 - 6:45.148: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 5 ( 1:20.734)
5:28.562 - 6:48.453: Tim finished lap 5 ( 1:19.890)
5:22.632 - 6:51.679: Garrett Smith | finished lap 5 ( 1:29.046)
5:16.578 - 6:52.210: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 4 ( 1:35.632)
5:33.312 - 7:03.843: Adam Sweeney finished lap 5 ( 1:30.531)
5:51.156 - 7:04.570: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:13.414)
5:57.812 - 7:11.937: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 5 ( 1:14.125)
7:20.101 - 7:22.093: Tim passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 3rd
6:10.523 - 7:23.140: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 6 ( 1:12.617)
7:20.835 - 7:25.546: Lucas Van Hecke passed Adam Sweeney for 6th
6:03.007 - 7:33.578: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 5 ( 1:30.570)
7:32.000 - 7:34.335: Adam Sweeney passed Lucas Van Hecke for 6th
6:05.218 - 7:34.656: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 5 ( 1:29.437)
7:34.523 - 7:35.875: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Tim for 3rd
7:38.601 - 7:43.226: Tim passed Jayden Rowe | BWD for 3rd
7:49.296 - 7:55.132: Lucas Van Hecke went off the track
6:24.812 - 7:57.960: James Connor finished lap 5 ( 1:33.148)
7:58.781 - 8:00.929: Jayden Rowe | BWD passed Tim for 3rd
6:45.148 - 8:07.156: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 6 ( 1:22.007)
6:48.453 - 8:09.945: Tim finished lap 6 ( 1:21.492)
8:10.546 - 8:16.585: xxxTOCOxxx went off the track
8:11.625 - 8:17.453: Tim went off the track
8:21.742 - 8:24.617: Adam Sweeney passed Garrett Smith | for 5th
8:20.351 - 8:24.984: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer for the lead
6:52.210 - 8:28.273: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 5 ( 1:36.062)
7:03.843 - 8:31.468: Adam Sweeney finished lap 6 ( 1:27.625)
7:04.570 - 8:32.742: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:28.171)
8:29.812 - 8:32.742: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix for the lead
7:23.140 - 8:33.117: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 7 ( 1:09.976)
6:51.679 - 8:34.984: Garrett Smith | finished lap 6 ( 1:43.304)
8:33.398 - 8:38.039: Jayden Rowe | BWD went off the track
8:42.273 - 8:45.054: Garrett Smith | passed Adam Sweeney for 5th
7:11.937 - 8:51.953: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 6 ( 1:40.015)
7:33.578 - 8:58.515: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 6 ( 1:24.937)
7:34.656 - 9:07.656: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 6 ( 1:33.000)
9:08.789 - 9:17.062: Ludwig Seiholm#202|Looking for a team went off the track
9:14.273 - 9:17.296: Lucas Van Hecke passed Adam Sweeney for 6th
8:07.156 - 9:26.570: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 7 ( 1:19.414)
9:25.406 - 9:28.828: Lucas Van Hecke passed Garrett Smith | for 5th
7:57.960 - 9:39.968: James Connor finished lap 6 ( 1:42.007)
9:33.578 - 9:40.414: Jayden Rowe | BWD went off the track
8:28.273 - 9:42.968: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 6 ( 1:14.695)
8:09.945 - 9:52.281: Tim finished lap 7 ( 1:42.335)
9:55.015 - 9:57.898: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix passed Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer for the lead
9:56.132 - 9:58.898: Adam Sweeney passed Garrett Smith | for 6th
8:32.742 - 10:03.976: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:31.234)
9:58.398 - 10:03.976: Dade Honeywell | Pro Privateer passed James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix for the lead
8:33.117 - 10:04.679: James Armstrong | Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 8 ( 1:31.562)
8:51.953 - 10:06.781: Lucas Van Hecke finished lap 7 ( 1:14.828)
8:31.468 - 10:10.562: Adam Sweeney finished lap 7 ( 1:39.093)
8:34.984 - 10:12.375: Garrett Smith | finished lap 7 ( 1:37.390)
10:10.234 - 10:18.953: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods went off the track
8:58.515 - 10:28.632: xxxTOCOxxx finished lap 7 ( 1:30.117)
9:26.570 - 10:30.992: Jayden Rowe | BWD finished lap 8 ( 1:04.421)
10:26.289 - 10:31.875: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods went off the track
9:07.656 - 10:38.398: Otto Bijl | The Crew finished lap 7 ( 1:30.742)
9:52.281 - 11:04.054: Tim finished lap 8 ( 1:11.773)
10:56.171 - 11:09.562: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods went off the track
9:42.968 - 11:36.531: Sascha Jung | Eleven 10 Mods finished lap 7 ( 1:53.562)