MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 8 - Atlanta
Format 8 laps
Date2/22/2014, 9:23:17 PM (3973 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1153Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries crf450(2013)8 8:59.6643 1:03.0318141
2204Linus Carlsson | yz250f(2009)8 9:11.3754 1:06.6489251
346Local yz250f(2009)8 9:31.6483 1:05.80410271
4341Nicolas THOMAS [FR] rmz450(2013)8 9:40.0622 1:06.58512417
5381Holden Cote | Optic Industries rmz450(2011)8 9:41.7653 1:07.6565629
6131Garrett Smith crf450(2013)8 10:45.6252 1:09.2733713
7725FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle rm1257 9:24.0156 1:06.3123216
8732Charper yz450f(2013)6 9:58.3902 1:41.47611333
97kris rmz450(2013)5 7:13.0395 1:16.5706316
10226Rodrigo Zp| yz250f(2009)5 9:19.4210 0:00.00010106
11mexjonny moreira ||mexico-team yz250f(2009)5 9:22.8823 1:56.61710950
12412Jack Haley | Privateer rmz450(2013)3 3:05.2102 1:05.3591486
13Ashley feytons 125sx3 3:27.3903 1:11.2344512
14NiCO_KTM-FRANCE 250sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004289
15315Morgan [FR] #315 rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0003215
16180Dade Honeywell 180 #RowinThatBoat rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.000931

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 381 341 153 381 153 153 153 153
P2 153 381 381 153 381 381 381 204
P3 341 153 412 204 204 204 204 46
P4 412 341 341 341 46 341 341
P5 131 131 46 46 46 341 46 381
P6 412 46 131 131 131 131 131 131
P7 46 204 204 725 725 725 725
P8 7 7 7 732
P9 732 725 725 732 732
P10 204 226 226 mex 226
P11 725 732 mex 226 mex
P12 mex mex 7
P13 226 7 732

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:03.031 3 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:05.359 2 412 Jack Haley | Privateer
1:05.804 3 46 Local
1:05.914 7 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:06.312 6 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:06.585 2 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:06.648 4 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:07.164 2 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:07.656 3 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:07.796 3 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:08.117 8 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:08.195 7 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:08.929 4 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:09.273 2 131 Garrett Smith
1:09.617 5 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:09.656 6 131 Garrett Smith
1:10.828 2 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:11.234 3 Ashley feytons
1:11.945 5 46 Local
1:12.078 5 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:12.773 7 46 Local
1:12.851 8 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:13.445 6 46 Local
1:14.460 2 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:15.703 5 131 Garrett Smith
1:15.929 6 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:16.398 2 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:16.570 5 7 kris
1:16.585 5 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:16.882 7 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:18.265 8 46 Local
1:18.328 5 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:18.835 4 7 kris
1:19.281 6 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:21.382 6 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:22.632 8 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:23.859 4 46 Local
1:25.109 3 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:27.109 7 131 Garrett Smith
1:28.539 7 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:29.570 2 Ashley feytons
1:35.757 3 7 kris
1:36.210 4 131 Garrett Smith
1:41.476 2 732 Charper
1:50.757 8 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:56.617 3 mex jonny moreira ||mexico-team
2:02.742 8 131 Garrett Smith

Individual Worst Laps

1:08.210 3 412 Jack Haley | Privateer
1:16.882 7 204 Linus Carlsson |
1:19.281 6 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
1:23.859 4 46 Local
1:25.109 3 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:29.570 2 Ashley feytons
1:50.757 8 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
1:59.226 3 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
2:02.742 8 131 Garrett Smith
2:04.898 3 732 Charper
2:09.578 2 7 kris
2:29.937 4 mex jonny moreira ||mexico-team
2:34.523 4 226 Rodrigo Zp|


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.426 412 Jack Haley | Privateer
3.959 204 Linus Carlsson |
5.183 46 Local
5.979 153 Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries
6.383 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
9.168 Ashley feytons
10.233 732 Charper
14.237 381 Holden Cote | Optic Industries
17.724 725 FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle
17.762 131 Garrett Smith
20.837 mex jonny moreira ||mexico-team
21.196 7 kris
24.317 226 Rodrigo Zp|
- 315 Morgan [FR] #315
- 180 Dade Honeywell 180 #RowinThatBoat

Play by Play

Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries takes the holeshot followed by Charper, Holden Cote | Optic Industries, kris, Garrett Smith, Nicolas THOMAS [FR], Jack Haley | Privateer, Linus Carlsson |, jonny moreira ||mexico-team, Local, Ashley feytons, Rodrigo Zp| and FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle

0:06.828 - 0:10.539: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries and Charper for the lead
0:07.140 - 0:10.757: kris passed Charper for 3rd
0:07.234 - 0:11.382: Garrett Smith passed Charper for 4th
0:07.453 - 0:11.429: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Charper for 5th
0:07.828 - 0:11.851: Linus Carlsson | passed Jack Haley | Privateer and Charper for 6th
0:10.726 - 0:12.445: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for the lead
0:07.625 - 0:12.507: Jack Haley | Privateer passed Charper for 7th
0:11.429 - 0:13.625: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed kris and Garrett Smith for 3rd
0:12.507 - 0:16.890: Jack Haley | Privateer passed kris, Linus Carlsson | and Garrett Smith for 4th
0:15.718 - 0:17.617: Charper passed kris, Linus Carlsson | and Garrett Smith for 5th
0:11.835 - 0:17.789: Ashley feytons passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team and Local for 9th
0:14.164 - 0:18.148: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Rodrigo Zp| and Local for 11th
0:17.789 - 0:20.109: Ashley feytons passed kris, Linus Carlsson | and Garrett Smith for 6th
0:11.851 - 0:20.937: Linus Carlsson | passed kris and Garrett Smith for 7th
0:18.148 - 0:21.656: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed kris, jonny moreira ||mexico-team and Garrett Smith for 8th
0:17.945 - 0:21.929: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed kris and Garrett Smith for 9th
0:11.382 - 0:22.000: Garrett Smith passed kris for 10th
0:20.109 - 0:23.804: Ashley feytons passed Charper for 5th
0:21.296 - 0:23.945: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries for the lead
0:21.656 - 0:26.210: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Linus Carlsson | and Charper for 6th
0:22.000 - 0:26.398: Garrett Smith passed Linus Carlsson | and Charper for 7th
0:20.937 - 0:26.507: Linus Carlsson | passed Charper for 8th
0:23.039 - 0:27.468: kris passed Charper for 9th
0:26.398 - 0:29.085: Garrett Smith passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 6th
0:26.398 - 0:29.875: Local passed Charper for 10th
0:26.882 - 0:30.046: Ashley feytons passed Jack Haley | Privateer for 4th
0:26.789 - 0:30.781: Rodrigo Zp| passed Charper for 11th
0:27.468 - 0:30.953: kris passed Linus Carlsson | for 8th
0:29.085 - 0:31.960: Garrett Smith passed Jack Haley | Privateer for 5th
0:29.625 - 0:32.640: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Jack Haley | Privateer for 6th
0:29.875 - 0:32.726: Local passed Linus Carlsson | for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:34.226: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 1 ( 0:34.226)
0:00.000 - 0:35.000: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 1 ( 0:35.000)
0:31.179 - 0:35.078: Charper passed Linus Carlsson | and Rodrigo Zp| for 10th
0:33.109 - 0:36.578: Jack Haley | Privateer passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 6th
0:34.117 - 0:37.726: kris passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 7th
0:35.390 - 0:38.171: Local passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:38.226: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 1 ( 0:38.226)
0:21.929 - 0:38.804: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
0:42.757 - 0:45.109: Local passed kris for 7th
0:38.257 - 0:45.656: Charper went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:46.585: Ashley feytons finished lap 1 ( 0:46.585)
0:00.000 - 0:47.015: Garrett Smith finished lap 1 ( 0:47.015)
0:00.000 - 0:47.796: Jack Haley | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:47.796)
0:41.859 - 0:49.070: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:49.687: Local finished lap 1 ( 0:49.687)
0:00.000 - 0:50.625: kris finished lap 1 ( 0:50.625)
0:52.664 - 0:54.070: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 10th
0:52.812 - 0:55.546: Garrett Smith passed Ashley feytons for 4th
0:52.203 - 0:55.625: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries for 2nd
0:54.375 - 0:55.679: Linus Carlsson | passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:56.546: Charper finished lap 1 ( 0:56.546)
0:55.500 - 0:56.945: Rodrigo Zp| passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 12th
0:56.195 - 0:59.023: Jack Haley | Privateer passed Ashley feytons for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:59.218: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 1 ( 0:59.218)
0:55.679 - 0:59.218: Linus Carlsson | passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:06.281: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 1 ( 1:06.281)
1:02.843 - 1:06.281: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team and Rodrigo Zp| for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:06.851: jonny moreira ||mexico-team finished lap 1 ( 1:06.851)
1:04.515 - 1:09.890: Local went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:10.515: Rodrigo Zp| finished lap 1 ( 1:10.515)
1:06.851 - 1:14.734: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
1:17.953 - 1:20.671: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 11th
1:19.367 - 1:22.078: Rodrigo Zp| passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 12th
1:22.445 - 1:23.765: Charper passed kris for 8th
1:23.218 - 1:24.765: Linus Carlsson | passed kris for 9th
1:22.078 - 1:28.109: Rodrigo Zp| passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 11th
1:24.765 - 1:28.625: Linus Carlsson | passed Charper for 8th
1:30.695 - 1:34.226: Jack Haley | Privateer passed Garrett Smith for 4th
1:33.242 - 1:35.882: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Rodrigo Zp| for 11th
1:33.523 - 1:35.937: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for the lead
1:33.593 - 1:36.476: Local passed Ashley feytons for 6th
1:34.625 - 1:37.359: Linus Carlsson | passed Ashley feytons for 7th
1:38.585 - 1:44.179: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
0:38.226 - 1:44.812: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 2 ( 1:06.585)
1:40.937 - 1:44.960: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 12th
0:34.226 - 1:45.054: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 2 ( 1:10.828)
1:44.179 - 1:47.992: Rodrigo Zp| passed kris for 10th
1:44.960 - 1:48.648: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed kris for 11th
0:35.000 - 1:49.460: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 2 ( 1:14.460)
1:48.648 - 1:51.164: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Rodrigo Zp| for 10th
1:50.101 - 1:52.750: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed kris for 12th
0:47.796 - 1:53.156: Jack Haley | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:05.359)
1:50.804 - 1:53.453: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for the lead
0:47.015 - 1:56.289: Garrett Smith finished lap 2 ( 1:09.273)
1:56.179 - 1:59.375: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Rodrigo Zp| for 11th
1:57.429 - 2:02.140: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Charper for 9th
0:49.687 - 2:04.492: Local finished lap 2 ( 1:14.804)
1:59.375 - 2:04.578: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Charper for 10th
0:59.218 - 2:06.382: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 2 ( 1:07.164)
2:05.273 - 2:08.007: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for the lead
2:03.656 - 2:08.578: Rodrigo Zp| passed Charper for 11th
2:07.640 - 2:10.257: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for 2nd
0:46.585 - 2:16.156: Ashley feytons finished lap 2 ( 1:29.570)
2:13.625 - 2:19.085: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for the lead
2:17.250 - 2:20.406: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 2nd
2:17.945 - 2:21.460: Jack Haley | Privateer passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 3rd
1:06.281 - 2:22.679: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 2 ( 1:16.398)
2:28.773 - 2:31.218: Garrett Smith passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 4th
1:10.515 - 2:36.726: Rodrigo Zp| finished lap 2 ( 1:26.210)
2:31.046 - 2:36.726: Rodrigo Zp| passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 10th
0:56.546 - 2:38.023: Charper finished lap 2 ( 1:41.476)
2:34.960 - 2:38.023: Charper passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 11th
1:06.851 - 2:38.453: jonny moreira ||mexico-team finished lap 2 ( 1:31.601)
2:35.945 - 2:43.046: Jack Haley | Privateer went off the track
2:40.898 - 2:44.945: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Garrett Smith for 3rd
2:41.585 - 2:45.859: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Charper for 11th
2:44.671 - 2:48.757: Local passed Garrett Smith for 4th
2:45.859 - 2:50.101: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Rodrigo Zp| for 10th
1:49.460 - 2:52.492: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 3 ( 1:03.031)
1:45.054 - 2:52.710: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 3 ( 1:07.656)
2:51.859 - 2:54.859: Local passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 4th
2:54.718 - 3:00.203: kris went off the track
0:50.625 - 3:00.203: kris finished lap 2 ( 2:09.578)
1:53.156 - 3:01.367: Jack Haley | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:08.210)
2:34.218 - 3:02.320: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle went off the track
3:00.023 - 3:04.562: Garrett Smith went off the track
1:44.812 - 3:09.921: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 3 ( 1:25.109)
3:06.570 - 3:09.921: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Local for 4th
2:04.492 - 3:10.296: Local finished lap 3 ( 1:05.804)
1:56.289 - 3:12.078: Garrett Smith finished lap 3 ( 1:15.789)
2:06.382 - 3:14.179: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 3 ( 1:07.796)
3:18.710 - 3:21.453: Local passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 4th
3:18.437 - 3:23.250: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries went off the track
3:18.242 - 3:24.757: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 9th
3:22.937 - 3:25.757: Garrett Smith passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 5th
2:16.156 - 3:27.390: Ashley feytons finished lap 3 ( 1:11.234)
3:24.781 - 3:28.453: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 9th
3:28.054 - 3:30.289: kris passed Charper for 12th
3:27.046 - 3:30.531: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Garrett Smith for 4th
3:29.046 - 3:31.593: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 9th
3:29.039 - 3:32.562: Linus Carlsson | passed Garrett Smith for 5th
3:25.273 - 3:41.031: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
3:38.398 - 3:41.078: kris passed FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle for 11th
3:38.445 - 3:42.156: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Local for 3rd
3:40.281 - 3:43.843: Linus Carlsson | passed Local for 4th
3:41.078 - 3:44.195: kris passed Rodrigo Zp| for 10th
3:43.312 - 3:46.710: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries for the lead
3:47.359 - 3:51.687: kris passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 8th
3:49.953 - 3:52.773: Linus Carlsson | passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 3rd
3:49.843 - 3:54.054: Rodrigo Zp| passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 9th
3:55.703 - 3:59.812: Holden Cote | Optic Industries went off the track
2:52.710 - 4:04.468: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 4 ( 1:11.757)
4:03.898 - 4:06.148: Rodrigo Zp| passed kris for 8th
4:03.265 - 4:07.007: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 11th
2:52.492 - 4:09.726: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 4 ( 1:17.234)
4:10.640 - 4:12.867: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed kris for 9th
4:16.078 - 4:20.195: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
3:14.179 - 4:20.828: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 4 ( 1:06.648)
2:22.679 - 4:21.906: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 3 ( 1:59.226)
4:18.640 - 4:21.906: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Rodrigo Zp| for 9th
4:08.640 - 4:22.875: Charper went off the track
3:09.921 - 4:27.492: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 4 ( 1:17.570)
4:27.562 - 4:28.851: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed kris for 11th
2:36.726 - 4:31.570: Rodrigo Zp| finished lap 3 ( 1:54.843)
3:10.296 - 4:34.156: Local finished lap 4 ( 1:23.859)
2:38.453 - 4:35.070: jonny moreira ||mexico-team finished lap 3 ( 1:56.617)
3:00.203 - 4:35.960: kris finished lap 3 ( 1:35.757)
4:35.960 - 4:39.453: kris passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 10th
2:38.023 - 4:42.921: Charper finished lap 3 ( 2:04.898)
4:42.921 - 4:46.242: Charper passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 11th
3:12.078 - 4:48.289: Garrett Smith finished lap 4 ( 1:36.210)
4:31.570 - 4:51.335: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
4:51.781 - 4:58.101: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries went off the track
4:58.195 - 5:04.734: Charper went off the track
5:07.609 - 5:11.460: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries went off the track
4:54.898 - 5:12.187: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
4:09.726 - 5:14.554: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 5 ( 1:04.828)
4:04.468 - 5:16.546: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 5 ( 1:12.078)
4:20.828 - 5:30.445: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 5 ( 1:09.617)
4:21.906 - 5:30.835: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 4 ( 1:08.929)
5:29.062 - 5:32.421: Holden Cote | Optic Industries passed Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries for the lead
4:27.492 - 5:44.078: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 5 ( 1:16.585)
4:34.156 - 5:46.101: Local finished lap 5 ( 1:11.945)
5:32.023 - 5:49.875: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
4:35.960 - 5:54.796: kris finished lap 4 ( 1:18.835)
4:48.289 - 6:03.992: Garrett Smith finished lap 5 ( 1:15.703)
6:08.164 - 6:10.835: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for the lead
4:42.921 - 6:17.437: Charper finished lap 4 ( 1:34.515)
6:12.765 - 6:18.617: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
5:14.554 - 6:33.835: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 6 ( 1:19.281)
5:16.546 - 6:37.929: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 6 ( 1:21.382)
6:41.492 - 6:45.132: Rodrigo Zp| passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 10th
5:30.445 - 6:46.375: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 6 ( 1:15.929)
5:30.835 - 6:49.164: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 5 ( 1:18.328)
6:48.187 - 6:50.281: Local passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 4th
6:48.617 - 6:56.062: Holden Cote | Optic Industries went off the track
5:46.101 - 6:59.546: Local finished lap 6 ( 1:13.445)
6:53.656 - 7:00.125: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
5:44.078 - 7:02.820: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 6 ( 1:18.742)
4:35.070 - 7:05.007: jonny moreira ||mexico-team finished lap 4 ( 2:29.937)
7:01.476 - 7:05.007: jonny moreira ||mexico-team passed Rodrigo Zp| for 10th
4:31.570 - 7:06.093: Rodrigo Zp| finished lap 4 ( 2:34.523)
6:50.531 - 7:06.445: Charper went off the track
5:54.796 - 7:11.367: kris finished lap 5 ( 1:16.570)
6:03.992 - 7:13.648: Garrett Smith finished lap 6 ( 1:09.656)
7:06.445 - 7:15.804: Charper went off the track
7:06.093 - 7:19.171: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
7:21.289 - 7:24.031: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Local for 4th
7:22.820 - 7:26.406: Rodrigo Zp| passed jonny moreira ||mexico-team for 10th
6:33.835 - 7:39.750: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 7 ( 1:05.914)
7:35.437 - 7:40.796: Holden Cote | Optic Industries went off the track
6:37.929 - 7:45.742: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 7 ( 1:07.812)
6:49.164 - 7:55.476: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 6 ( 1:06.312)
6:46.375 - 8:03.257: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 7 ( 1:16.882)
6:17.437 - 8:09.062: Charper finished lap 5 ( 1:51.625)
7:02.820 - 8:11.015: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 7 ( 1:08.195)
6:59.546 - 8:12.320: Local finished lap 7 ( 1:12.773)
8:01.093 - 8:14.546: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
8:15.148 - 8:32.625: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
8:37.015 - 8:39.531: Linus Carlsson | passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for 2nd
7:13.648 - 8:40.757: Garrett Smith finished lap 7 ( 1:27.109)
7:39.750 - 8:52.601: Ryeley Gallup | Optic industries finished lap 8 ( 1:12.851)
8:47.039 - 9:02.671: Charper went off the track
9:02.445 - 9:05.953: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
9:05.210 - 9:08.554: Rodrigo Zp| went off the track
7:06.093 - 9:08.554: Rodrigo Zp| finished lap 5 ( 2:02.460)
9:05.953 - 9:10.015: jonny moreira ||mexico-team went off the track
7:05.007 - 9:10.015: jonny moreira ||mexico-team finished lap 5 ( 2:05.007)
8:03.257 - 9:11.375: Linus Carlsson | finished lap 8 ( 1:08.117)
7:55.476 - 9:24.015: FR|Azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 7 ( 1:28.539)
9:23.617 - 9:25.929: Local passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] for 4th
9:25.929 - 9:27.304: Local passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for 3rd
9:26.390 - 9:27.906: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Holden Cote | Optic Industries for 4th
8:12.320 - 9:30.585: Local finished lap 8 ( 1:18.265)
8:11.015 - 9:33.648: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 8 ( 1:22.632)
7:45.742 - 9:36.500: Holden Cote | Optic Industries finished lap 8 ( 1:50.757)
8:09.062 - 9:58.062: Charper finished lap 6 ( 1:49.000)
8:40.757 - 10:43.500: Garrett Smith finished lap 8 ( 2:02.742)