MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 9 - Indianapolis
Format 8 laps
Date3/3/2014, 12:51:29 AM (3965 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1228228# phil yz250f(2009)8 8:45.0153 1:04.49213571
222Sagot#22 rmz450(2013)8 9:27.3597 1:01.67112957
3976Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports kx450f(2013)8 10:16.2736 1:09.57813360
490Dylan Brior crf450(2013)7 10:01.0314 1:06.14813337
5317Aaron Hoen | Privateer crf450(2013)6 8:56.0786 1:22.6713355
6137Sal Broccolo | Privateer yz250f(2009)6 10:19.5933 1:19.36712452
7741JoeWagner#741 rmz450(2011)5 8:45.9603 1:42.36713750
8157Nick Uzick crf250(2009)5 10:56.1403 2:03.76512424
9113Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING rmz450(2013)4 9:20.2894 1:39.26510146
1017Evan S. #17 350sxf(2013)3 4:24.6482 1:33.0859276
11266Josh Boaz yz250f(2009)2 2:22.8592 1:37.36712886
12328Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing yz250f(2009)1 1:46.9210 0:00.0008314
1356Jessie Calaway rmz450(2011)1 9:17.9450 0:00.00011545
14732Charper yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00011333
15458Kenny Berkman | PK Motorsports kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006702
16909tread-head rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004286
1782Tyson Clark rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.000494
18177Patrick Stewart | 6D Helmets yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010952
19598Thomas Wilcox kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004943
20Chase Desselle kx450f(2013)0 0:45.1640 0:00.0006994

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228
P2 266 976 22 22 22 22 22 22
P3 317 22 976 976 976 976 976 976
P4 976 266 90 90 90 90 90
P5 328 317 317 317 317 317
P6 17 17 137 137 137 137
P7 22 90 17 741 741
P8 137 137 157 157 157
P9 90 157 741 113
P10 113 741 113
P11 741 113
P12 157
P13 56

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:01.671 7 22 Sagot#22
1:04.000 2 22 Sagot#22
1:04.492 3 228 228# phil
1:06.148 4 90 Dylan Brior
1:06.281 8 228 228# phil
1:06.523 6 22 Sagot#22
1:07.101 3 90 Dylan Brior
1:07.250 2 228 228# phil
1:08.085 3 22 Sagot#22
1:08.328 4 228 228# phil
1:09.578 6 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:10.679 5 228 228# phil
1:10.914 2 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:12.218 8 22 Sagot#22
1:12.867 4 22 Sagot#22
1:13.882 6 228 228# phil
1:14.984 7 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:15.406 7 228 228# phil
1:19.000 3 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:19.367 3 137 Sal Broccolo | Privateer
1:19.828 4 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:21.640 2 90 Dylan Brior
1:22.671 6 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
1:23.460 5 90 Dylan Brior
1:31.679 3 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
1:33.085 2 17 Evan S. #17
1:34.054 4 137 Sal Broccolo | Privateer
1:35.796 2 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
1:36.625 8 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:37.367 2 266 Josh Boaz
1:39.265 4 113 Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING
1:41.742 7 90 Dylan Brior
1:42.367 3 741 JoeWagner#741
1:44.203 4 741 JoeWagner#741
1:44.687 5 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
1:50.453 3 17 Evan S. #17
1:54.007 4 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
1:57.343 3 113 Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING
2:03.765 3 157 Nick Uzick
2:09.906 6 137 Sal Broccolo | Privateer
2:27.890 2 741 JoeWagner#741
4:20.257 2 113 Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING

Individual Worst Laps

1:15.406 7 228 228# phil
1:32.375 5 22 Sagot#22
1:36.625 8 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
1:37.367 2 266 Josh Boaz
1:41.742 7 90 Dylan Brior
1:50.453 3 17 Evan S. #17
1:54.007 4 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
2:12.281 5 137 Sal Broccolo | Privateer
2:27.890 2 741 JoeWagner#741
2:53.687 5 157 Nick Uzick
4:20.257 2 113 Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.729 228 228# phil
8.684 17 Evan S. #17
8.858 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
9.459 22 Sagot#22
10.775 317 Aaron Hoen | Privateer
12.142 90 Dylan Brior
20.399 137 Sal Broccolo | Privateer
23.343 741 JoeWagner#741
24.492 157 Nick Uzick
72.011 113 Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING
- 328 Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing
- 732 Charper
- 458 Kenny Berkman | PK Motorsports
- 909 tread-head
- 266 Josh Boaz
- 82 Tyson Clark
- 177 Patrick Stewart | 6D Helmets
- 56 Jessie Calaway
- Chase Desselle
- 598 Thomas Wilcox

Play by Play

Dylan Brior takes the holeshot followed by Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, 228# phil, Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Chase Desselle, Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports, Josh Boaz, JoeWagner#741, Evan S. #17, Sagot#22, Aaron Hoen | Privateer, Nick Uzick, Charper, Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING and Jessie Calaway

0:06.906 - 0:09.554: Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing passed Dylan Brior for the lead
0:07.234 - 0:09.890: 228# phil passed Dylan Brior for 2nd
0:08.390 - 0:10.843: Evan S. #17 passed Josh Boaz, JoeWagner#741, Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Chase Desselle, Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 3rd
0:08.015 - 0:11.117: JoeWagner#741 passed Josh Boaz, Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Chase Desselle, Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 4th
0:09.476 - 0:12.148: Nick Uzick passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer, Josh Boaz, Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Chase Desselle, Sagot#22, Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 5th
0:07.789 - 0:14.273: Chase Desselle passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Dylan Brior for 6th
0:07.945 - 0:15.179: Josh Boaz passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 7th
0:12.148 - 0:15.968: Nick Uzick passed JoeWagner#741 and Evan S. #17 for 3rd
0:09.109 - 0:16.164: Sagot#22 passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer, Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 8th
0:14.539 - 0:16.625: 228# phil passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing for the lead
0:10.625 - 0:18.875: Charper passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer, Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 10th
0:09.437 - 0:18.992: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 11th
0:14.273 - 0:19.000: Chase Desselle passed JoeWagner#741 and Evan S. #17 for 4th
0:15.179 - 0:19.656: Josh Boaz passed JoeWagner#741 and Evan S. #17 for 5th
0:19.000 - 0:21.328: Chase Desselle passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing and Nick Uzick for 2nd
0:19.382 - 0:22.000: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 13th
0:19.656 - 0:22.093: Josh Boaz passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing and Nick Uzick for 3rd
0:18.992 - 0:23.554: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Charper, JoeWagner#741, Sagot#22 and Dylan Brior for 7th
0:18.875 - 0:24.531: Charper passed JoeWagner#741, Sagot#22 and Dylan Brior for 8th
0:19.929 - 0:25.421: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Sagot#22 and Dylan Brior for 10th
0:23.554 - 0:26.125: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Nick Uzick for 4th
0:22.000 - 0:26.179: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Sagot#22 and Dylan Brior for 11th
0:24.531 - 0:27.265: Charper passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Nick Uzick for 5th
0:16.656 - 0:28.070: Dylan Brior passed Sagot#22 for 12th
0:25.140 - 0:28.085: JoeWagner#741 passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Nick Uzick for 6th
0:22.765 - 0:28.375: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Sagot#22 for 13th
0:25.421 - 0:28.476: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Nick Uzick for 7th
0:26.179 - 0:28.828: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Nick Uzick for 8th
0:15.968 - 0:29.226: Nick Uzick passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing for 9th
0:28.375 - 0:30.984: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing, Evan S. #17 and Dylan Brior for 10th
0:30.984 - 0:33.984: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING, Charper, JoeWagner#741, Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Nick Uzick for 5th
0:23.187 - 0:34.171: Evan S. #17 passed Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing for 11th
0:31.078 - 0:37.843: Sagot#22 passed Dylan Brior for 13th
0:34.171 - 0:38.468: Evan S. #17 passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING, JoeWagner#741, Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Nick Uzick for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:38.695: 228# phil finished lap 1 ( 0:38.695)
0:34.750 - 0:39.320: Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING, JoeWagner#741, Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Nick Uzick for 8th
0:39.320 - 0:40.984: Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing passed Charper and Evan S. #17 for 6th
0:38.468 - 0:42.156: Evan S. #17 passed Charper for 7th
0:28.828 - 0:43.718: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 10th
0:29.226 - 0:44.367: Nick Uzick passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 11th
0:41.703 - 0:45.085: JoeWagner#741 passed Charper for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:45.492: Josh Boaz finished lap 1 ( 0:45.492)
0:44.367 - 0:45.789: Nick Uzick passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING and Charper for 9th
0:42.257 - 0:46.054: Dylan Brior passed Sagot#22 for 13th
0:43.718 - 0:46.476: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Charper for 10th
0:45.125 - 0:46.500: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Charper for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:47.234: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:47.234)
0:45.789 - 0:48.281: Nick Uzick passed JoeWagner#741 for 8th
0:46.500 - 0:48.843: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING and JoeWagner#741 for 9th
0:48.843 - 0:51.179: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Nick Uzick for 8th
0:49.773 - 0:52.445: Sagot#22 passed Dylan Brior for 13th
0:51.312 - 0:53.546: Charper passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING and JoeWagner#741 for 10th
0:52.445 - 0:54.046: Sagot#22 passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING and JoeWagner#741 for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:56.515: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:56.515)
0:55.109 - 0:58.695: Charper passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer and Nick Uzick for 8th
0:52.429 - 0:59.851: Nick Uzick passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 9th
0:55.726 - 1:00.289: Sagot#22 passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:00.875: Jacob Wilkinson|All Out Clothing finished lap 1 ( 1:00.875)
0:00.000 - 1:01.109: Evan S. #17 finished lap 1 ( 1:01.109)
0:57.679 - 1:01.250: JoeWagner#741 passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 11th
1:00.289 - 1:03.296: Sagot#22 passed Charper and Nick Uzick for 7th
1:03.062 - 1:06.109: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed JoeWagner#741 and Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:09.617: Sagot#22 finished lap 1 ( 1:09.617)
1:07.695 - 1:10.460: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Charper, JoeWagner#741 and Nick Uzick for 8th
1:09.687 - 1:11.531: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 3rd
1:08.507 - 1:12.320: Dylan Brior passed Charper, JoeWagner#741 and Nick Uzick for 9th
1:11.898 - 1:13.890: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:14.726: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:14.726)
0:00.000 - 1:15.843: Dylan Brior finished lap 1 ( 1:15.843)
1:14.015 - 1:16.773: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 3rd
1:06.109 - 1:19.429: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING went off the track
1:17.851 - 1:19.718: Sagot#22 passed Evan S. #17 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:23.421: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING finished lap 1 ( 1:23.421)
0:00.000 - 1:27.039: JoeWagner#741 finished lap 1 ( 1:27.039)
1:20.851 - 1:27.039: JoeWagner#741 passed Nick Uzick for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:28.039: Nick Uzick finished lap 1 ( 1:28.039)
1:22.937 - 1:29.218: Sal Broccolo | Privateer went off the track
1:28.039 - 1:30.710: Nick Uzick passed JoeWagner#741 for 11th
1:37.382 - 1:41.242: JoeWagner#741 passed Nick Uzick for 10th
0:38.695 - 1:45.945: 228# phil finished lap 2 ( 1:07.250)
1:45.656 - 1:49.304: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Josh Boaz for 2nd
1:46.210 - 1:49.492: Sagot#22 passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 4th
1:45.640 - 1:49.851: Nick Uzick went off the track
1:55.117 - 1:56.414: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 8th
1:56.718 - 1:59.195: Sagot#22 passed Josh Boaz for 3rd
0:56.515 - 2:07.429: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:10.914)
2:08.406 - 2:09.945: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING for 8th
1:09.617 - 2:13.617: Sagot#22 finished lap 2 ( 1:04.000)
0:45.492 - 2:22.859: Josh Boaz finished lap 2 ( 1:37.367)
0:47.234 - 2:23.031: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:35.796)
2:11.468 - 2:24.726: Nick Uzick passed JoeWagner#741 for 10th
2:23.031 - 2:25.843: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Josh Boaz for 4th
2:25.851 - 2:27.414: Josh Boaz passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 4th
2:29.828 - 2:30.500: Nick Uzick passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING for 9th
1:01.109 - 2:34.195: Evan S. #17 finished lap 2 ( 1:33.085)
1:15.843 - 2:37.484: Dylan Brior finished lap 2 ( 1:21.640)
2:37.484 - 2:40.367: Dylan Brior passed Evan S. #17 for 6th
2:42.468 - 2:45.351: Nick Uzick went off the track
1:45.945 - 2:50.437: 228# phil finished lap 3 ( 1:04.492)
2:45.867 - 2:50.679: Sagot#22 passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 2nd
2:56.789 - 2:58.296: Dylan Brior passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 4th
1:14.726 - 3:03.984: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:49.257)
3:15.648 - 3:17.593: JoeWagner#741 passed Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING for 10th
1:28.039 - 3:18.562: Nick Uzick finished lap 2 ( 1:50.523)
2:13.617 - 3:21.703: Sagot#22 finished lap 3 ( 1:08.085)
2:07.429 - 3:26.429: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:19.000)
3:29.234 - 3:30.812: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Sagot#22 for 2nd
2:37.484 - 3:44.585: Dylan Brior finished lap 3 ( 1:07.101)
3:45.976 - 3:48.460: Sagot#22 passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 2nd
2:23.031 - 3:54.710: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:31.679)
1:27.039 - 3:54.929: JoeWagner#741 finished lap 2 ( 2:27.890)
2:50.437 - 3:58.765: 228# phil finished lap 4 ( 1:08.328)
4:18.562 - 4:20.078: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Evan S. #17 for 6th
3:03.984 - 4:23.351: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:19.367)
2:34.195 - 4:24.648: Evan S. #17 finished lap 3 ( 1:50.453)
3:21.703 - 4:34.570: Sagot#22 finished lap 4 ( 1:12.867)
4:35.015 - 4:38.585: Evan S. #17 passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 6th
4:40.007 - 4:42.625: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Evan S. #17 for 6th
3:26.429 - 4:46.257: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:19.828)
3:44.585 - 4:50.734: Dylan Brior finished lap 4 ( 1:06.148)
3:58.765 - 5:09.445: 228# phil finished lap 5 ( 1:10.679)
5:09.914 - 5:14.976: Sal Broccolo | Privateer passed Aaron Hoen | Privateer for 5th
3:18.562 - 5:22.328: Nick Uzick finished lap 3 ( 2:03.765)
5:13.125 - 5:29.921: Sagot#22 went off the track
3:54.929 - 5:37.296: JoeWagner#741 finished lap 3 ( 1:42.367)
5:39.054 - 5:42.445: Sagot#22 passed Dylan Brior and Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 2nd
5:39.804 - 5:42.914: Aaron Hoen | Privateer passed Sal Broccolo | Privateer for 5th
1:23.421 - 5:43.679: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING finished lap 2 ( 4:20.257)
3:54.710 - 5:48.718: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:54.007)
5:36.828 - 5:50.000: Dylan Brior passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 3rd
4:23.351 - 5:57.406: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:34.054)
5:56.015 - 5:57.570: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Dylan Brior for 3rd
4:34.570 - 6:06.945: Sagot#22 finished lap 5 ( 1:32.375)
6:06.460 - 6:09.156: JoeWagner#741 passed Nick Uzick for 8th
6:06.984 - 6:13.734: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
4:46.257 - 6:13.734: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:27.476)
4:50.734 - 6:14.195: Dylan Brior finished lap 5 ( 1:23.460)
6:00.289 - 6:14.835: Sal Broccolo | Privateer went off the track
5:09.445 - 6:23.328: 228# phil finished lap 6 ( 1:13.882)
6:17.039 - 6:23.843: Dylan Brior went off the track
6:52.351 - 7:06.742: Nick Uzick went off the track
7:02.273 - 7:07.539: Dylan Brior went off the track
6:06.945 - 7:13.468: Sagot#22 finished lap 6 ( 1:06.523)
5:37.296 - 7:21.500: JoeWagner#741 finished lap 4 ( 1:44.203)
6:13.734 - 7:23.312: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:09.578)
6:14.195 - 7:27.375: Dylan Brior finished lap 6 ( 1:13.179)
5:48.718 - 7:33.406: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:44.687)
6:23.328 - 7:38.734: 228# phil finished lap 7 ( 1:15.406)
5:43.679 - 7:41.023: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING finished lap 3 ( 1:57.343)
5:22.328 - 7:53.828: Nick Uzick finished lap 4 ( 2:31.500)
5:57.406 - 8:09.687: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 2:12.281)
7:58.734 - 8:09.929: JoeWagner#741 went off the track
7:13.468 - 8:15.140: Sagot#22 finished lap 7 ( 1:01.671)
7:23.312 - 8:38.296: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:14.984)
7:38.734 - 8:45.015: 228# phil finished lap 8 ( 1:06.281)
7:21.500 - 8:45.960: JoeWagner#741 finished lap 5 ( 1:24.460)
8:03.015 - 8:46.093: Nick Uzick went off the track
7:33.406 - 8:56.078: Aaron Hoen | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:22.671)
7:27.375 - 9:09.117: Dylan Brior finished lap 7 ( 1:41.742)
0:00.000 - 9:17.945: Jessie Calaway finished lap 1 ( 9:17.945)
7:41.023 - 9:20.289: Marius Fjeldbu | MF-RACING finished lap 4 ( 1:39.265)
8:15.140 - 9:27.359: Sagot#22 finished lap 8 ( 1:12.218)
8:38.296 - 10:14.921: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:36.625)
8:09.687 - 10:19.593: Sal Broccolo | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 2:09.906)
7:53.828 - 10:47.515: Nick Uzick finished lap 5 ( 2:53.687)