MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 10 - Daytona
Format 8 laps
Date3/6/2014, 11:22:18 PM (3961 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1150Jeremy Cohenour yz250f(2009)8 13:53.8438 1:26.1256963
2642Joseph Nazarak yz250f(2009)8 14:20.4848 1:28.1172157
3777MotoRockstar777 kx450f(2013)7 14:11.5627 1:43.4371667
41Kenny Kaplan rmz450(2013)7 15:12.9687 1:43.43711466
5976Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports kx450f(2013)6 14:48.3283 2:02.48413360
6151Aaron Campise crf250(2009)6 15:14.3756 2:01.03112283
7301James Connor crf250(2009)6 20:15.4062 1:50.5394715
8152Zack Lerma rmz450(2013)5 10:39.4923 1:55.0854456
999Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg yz250f(2009)5 14:48.6015 2:37.50711492
10224Dylan Brior crf450(2013)4 10:41.8753 2:17.49213337
11892Ashley feytons yz250f(2013)3 6:38.8513 2:03.1794512
1291Jared Morton yz450f(2013)3 8:31.5930 0:00.0007289
13427Ryan Wilson|Privateer yz250f(2013)2 4:59.3040 0:00.0002857
14428Thomas Silleck | 350sxf(2013)2 6:49.5232 4:00.15612860
15551Justin Baker | rmz450(2011)2 8:03.3042 4:00.4846529
16105Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports yz250f(2009)1 2:39.0070 0:00.0007618
1727Gunar Fugler yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007800
18717fabrice avice Team MXL yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007285

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 777 150 642 150 150 150 150 150
P2 152 642 150 642 642 642 642 642
P3 150 152 152 152 777 777 777
P4 642 301 301 301 301 1 1
P5 301 892 892 777 152 976
P6 892 777 777 1 1 151
P7 91 427 1 976 976 301
P8 1 91 976 224 151
P9 427 224 224 151 99
P10 224 1 151 99
P11 105 976 91
P12 976 151 99
P13 151 428
P14 428 99
P15 551 551
P16 99

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:26.125 8 150 Jeremy Cohenour
1:28.117 8 642 Joseph Nazarak
1:28.296 5 150 Jeremy Cohenour
1:29.789 6 150 Jeremy Cohenour
1:35.890 5 642 Joseph Nazarak
1:43.437 7 1 Kenny Kaplan
1:43.437 7 777 MotoRockstar777
1:46.062 2 150 Jeremy Cohenour
1:48.554 2 642 Joseph Nazarak
1:49.859 7 642 Joseph Nazarak
1:50.539 2 301 James Connor
1:54.585 4 777 MotoRockstar777
1:55.085 3 152 Zack Lerma
1:57.179 6 777 MotoRockstar777
1:57.367 3 150 Jeremy Cohenour
2:01.031 6 151 Aaron Campise
2:02.484 3 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
2:03.039 6 642 Joseph Nazarak
2:03.179 3 892 Ashley feytons
2:04.140 2 152 Zack Lerma
2:04.367 5 1 Kenny Kaplan
2:07.890 6 1 Kenny Kaplan
2:08.554 3 1 Kenny Kaplan
2:09.500 5 301 James Connor
2:15.312 4 152 Zack Lerma
2:17.492 3 224 Dylan Brior
2:26.187 2 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
2:33.070 5 152 Zack Lerma
2:34.992 4 151 Aaron Campise
2:37.507 5 99 Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg
2:43.195 3 151 Aaron Campise
3:01.125 2 99 Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg
4:00.156 2 428 Thomas Silleck |
4:00.484 2 551 Justin Baker |
9:53.210 6 301 James Connor

Individual Worst Laps

2:03.039 6 642 Joseph Nazarak
2:03.179 3 892 Ashley feytons
2:11.078 7 150 Jeremy Cohenour
2:13.890 2 427 Ryan Wilson|Privateer
2:26.062 2 1 Kenny Kaplan
2:33.070 5 152 Zack Lerma
2:33.859 2 777 MotoRockstar777
2:43.195 3 151 Aaron Campise
2:50.187 6 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
3:01.125 2 99 Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg
3:21.734 4 224 Dylan Brior
3:32.093 3 91 Jared Morton
4:00.156 2 428 Thomas Silleck |
4:00.484 2 551 Justin Baker |
9:53.210 6 301 James Connor


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.559 892 Ashley feytons
10.491 642 Joseph Nazarak
12.463 1 Kenny Kaplan
14.166 152 Zack Lerma
15.369 151 Aaron Campise
15.780 777 MotoRockstar777
16.577 150 Jeremy Cohenour
21.956 99 Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg
23.221 976 Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports
30.764 224 Dylan Brior
30.805 91 Jared Morton
188.569 301 James Connor
- 428 Thomas Silleck |
- 27 Gunar Fugler
- 105 Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports
- 717 fabrice avice Team MXL
- 427 Ryan Wilson|Privateer
- 551 Justin Baker |

Play by Play

Jeremy Cohenour takes the holeshot followed by Joseph Nazarak, Dylan Brior, MotoRockstar777, Aaron Campise, Jared Morton , Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg, Ashley feytons, Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports, Zack Lerma, Kenny Kaplan, Thomas Silleck |, Ryan Wilson|Privateer, James Connor and Justin Baker |

0:07.000 - 0:09.765: Joseph Nazarak passed Jeremy Cohenour for the lead
0:07.375 - 0:10.265: MotoRockstar777 passed Dylan Brior and Jeremy Cohenour for 2nd
0:07.046 - 0:10.296: Dylan Brior passed Jeremy Cohenour for 3rd
0:07.898 - 0:10.507: Jared Morton passed Aaron Campise and Jeremy Cohenour for 4th
0:07.765 - 0:11.046: Aaron Campise passed Jeremy Cohenour for 5th
0:08.453 - 0:11.546: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Jeremy Cohenour for 6th
0:08.812 - 0:11.570: Ashley feytons passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jeremy Cohenour for 7th
0:08.578 - 0:11.906: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Jeremy Cohenour for 8th
0:09.218 - 0:12.359: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Jeremy Cohenour for 9th
0:10.265 - 0:13.593: MotoRockstar777 passed Joseph Nazarak for the lead
0:11.250 - 0:13.687: Kenny Kaplan passed Zack Lerma and Jeremy Cohenour for 10th
0:10.296 - 0:13.835: Dylan Brior passed Joseph Nazarak for 2nd
0:11.046 - 0:14.343: Aaron Campise passed Joseph Nazarak and Jared Morton for 3rd
0:11.546 - 0:14.921: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Joseph Nazarak and Jared Morton for 4th
0:11.570 - 0:15.023: Ashley feytons passed Joseph Nazarak and Jared Morton for 5th
0:12.359 - 0:15.703: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Joseph Nazarak, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jared Morton for 6th
0:14.921 - 0:17.812: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Dylan Brior and Aaron Campise for 2nd
0:14.343 - 0:17.937: Aaron Campise passed Dylan Brior for 3rd
0:15.023 - 0:19.375: Ashley feytons passed Dylan Brior for 4th
0:15.703 - 0:19.703: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Dylan Brior for 5th
0:16.406 - 0:19.968: Joseph Nazarak passed Dylan Brior for 6th
0:14.695 - 0:20.859: Zack Lerma passed Kenny Kaplan, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jeremy Cohenour for 9th
0:13.687 - 0:21.929: Kenny Kaplan passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 10th
0:19.375 - 0:21.937: Ashley feytons passed Aaron Campise for 3rd
0:18.765 - 0:22.242: Jared Morton passed Dylan Brior for 7th
0:20.859 - 0:23.484: Zack Lerma passed Dylan Brior for 8th
0:18.679 - 0:23.773: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Thomas Silleck |, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jeremy Cohenour for 11th
0:17.656 - 0:24.015: Thomas Silleck | passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jeremy Cohenour for 12th
0:19.773 - 0:24.515: James Connor passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jeremy Cohenour for 13th
0:21.929 - 0:24.867: Kenny Kaplan passed Dylan Brior for 9th
0:22.242 - 0:25.640: Jared Morton passed Joseph Nazarak and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 5th
0:23.328 - 0:26.015: Aaron Campise passed Ashley feytons for 3rd
0:23.484 - 0:26.453: Zack Lerma passed Joseph Nazarak and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 6th
0:14.234 - 0:27.312: Jeremy Cohenour passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 14th
0:24.867 - 0:27.546: Kenny Kaplan passed Joseph Nazarak and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 7th
0:24.515 - 0:28.718: James Connor passed Thomas Silleck | for 11th
0:23.773 - 0:30.906: Ryan Wilson|Privateer went off the track
0:27.484 - 0:31.242: Dylan Brior passed Joseph Nazarak for 10th
0:27.312 - 0:31.289: Jeremy Cohenour passed Thomas Silleck | for 12th
0:30.906 - 0:33.421: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Kenny Kaplan and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 7th
0:31.578 - 0:34.429: Joseph Nazarak passed Kenny Kaplan, Dylan Brior and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 8th
0:28.085 - 0:34.453: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 9th
0:33.937 - 0:36.421: Jeremy Cohenour passed Kenny Kaplan and Dylan Brior for 10th
0:30.109 - 0:36.585: Zack Lerma passed Ashley feytons for 4th
0:28.718 - 0:39.132: James Connor went off the track
0:37.312 - 0:40.914: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Ashley feytons, Joseph Nazarak and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 5th
0:40.617 - 0:42.789: Thomas Silleck | passed Dylan Brior for 12th
0:27.585 - 0:43.617: Jared Morton went off the track
0:38.437 - 0:44.500: Jeremy Cohenour passed Joseph Nazarak and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 8th
0:40.835 - 0:44.843: Kenny Kaplan passed Joseph Nazarak for 10th
0:43.554 - 0:45.960: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Dylan Brior for 13th
0:42.789 - 0:46.632: Thomas Silleck | passed James Connor and Joseph Nazarak for 11th
0:45.867 - 0:48.570: Ashley feytons passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 5th
0:43.929 - 0:48.835: Aaron Campise passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 2nd
0:46.164 - 0:49.250: Jeremy Cohenour passed Jared Morton for 7th
0:47.453 - 0:49.539: Justin Baker | passed Dylan Brior for 14th
0:45.960 - 0:49.671: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed James Connor for 13th
0:46.476 - 0:49.742: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jared Morton for 8th
0:48.593 - 0:50.320: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Ashley feytons for 5th
0:48.304 - 0:51.203: Zack Lerma passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 3rd
0:49.867 - 0:52.632: Jared Morton passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 8th
0:53.468 - 0:55.359: Kenny Kaplan passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer and Jared Morton for 8th
0:54.937 - 0:56.765: Joseph Nazarak passed Thomas Silleck |, Ryan Wilson|Privateer and Jared Morton for 9th
0:56.085 - 0:59.093: Jeremy Cohenour passed Ashley feytons and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 5th
0:56.375 - 0:59.570: Zack Lerma passed Aaron Campise for 2nd
0:52.750 - 1:00.054: Ashley feytons passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 6th
0:58.867 - 1:00.937: James Connor passed Thomas Silleck |, Ryan Wilson|Privateer, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jared Morton for 10th
0:54.554 - 1:01.375: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
0:58.812 - 1:01.640: Joseph Nazarak passed Kenny Kaplan for 8th
0:59.656 - 1:02.859: Aaron Campise passed Zack Lerma for the lead
1:01.640 - 1:04.656: Joseph Nazarak passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 7th
1:03.359 - 1:06.617: James Connor passed Kenny Kaplan for 9th
1:05.343 - 1:06.914: Zack Lerma passed Aaron Campise for 2nd
1:05.515 - 1:07.187: Dylan Brior passed Thomas Silleck |, Ryan Wilson|Privateer, Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg and Jared Morton for 11th
0:54.906 - 1:08.421: Justin Baker | went off the track
0:53.632 - 1:09.390: Thomas Silleck | passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 13th
1:08.421 - 1:10.218: Justin Baker | passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer and Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 14th
1:06.914 - 1:10.539: Zack Lerma passed MotoRockstar777 for the lead
1:07.476 - 1:10.703: Jeremy Cohenour passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 3rd
1:08.234 - 1:11.585: Aaron Campise passed MotoRockstar777 for 2nd
1:13.828 - 1:16.390: Ashley feytons passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 5th
1:14.539 - 1:16.945: Joseph Nazarak passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 6th
1:14.890 - 1:18.148: Thomas Silleck | passed Dylan Brior and Jared Morton for 11th
1:16.945 - 1:18.539: Joseph Nazarak passed Ashley feytons for 5th
1:14.156 - 1:18.609: Jared Morton passed Dylan Brior for 12th
1:18.023 - 1:19.914: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Ashley feytons for 6th
1:17.882 - 1:20.710: MotoRockstar777 passed Aaron Campise for 2nd
1:18.914 - 1:21.406: Jeremy Cohenour passed Aaron Campise for 3rd
1:13.664 - 1:22.851: Ryan Wilson|Privateer went off the track
1:20.742 - 1:25.265: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Ashley feytons for 7th
1:22.820 - 1:25.382: Joseph Nazarak passed Aaron Campise for 4th
1:23.828 - 1:26.531: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Aaron Campise for 5th
1:26.804 - 1:31.312: James Connor passed Ashley feytons for 8th
1:29.226 - 1:32.429: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jared Morton for 10th
1:26.906 - 1:33.304: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
1:30.742 - 1:33.468: Joseph Nazarak passed Jeremy Cohenour for 2nd
1:31.312 - 1:35.171: James Connor passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports and Aaron Campise for 6th
1:25.265 - 1:37.406: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Aaron Campise for 7th
1:35.171 - 1:38.132: James Connor passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 5th
1:24.156 - 1:38.390: Thomas Silleck | went off the track
1:34.281 - 1:39.945: Ashley feytons went off the track
1:40.765 - 1:43.960: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Ashley feytons for 6th
1:38.375 - 1:46.140: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
1:44.953 - 1:47.812: Aaron Campise passed Ashley feytons for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:51.031: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 1 ( 1:51.031)
1:48.812 - 1:51.031: MotoRockstar777 passed Zack Lerma for the lead
1:48.062 - 1:51.859: Ashley feytons passed Aaron Campise for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:51.882: Zack Lerma finished lap 1 ( 1:51.882)
1:51.148 - 1:54.187: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Kenny Kaplan and Aaron Campise for 8th
1:54.171 - 1:55.812: Zack Lerma passed MotoRockstar777 for the lead
1:53.593 - 1:56.609: Jared Morton passed Kenny Kaplan and Aaron Campise for 9th
1:54.914 - 1:56.804: Ashley feytons passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 6th
1:53.937 - 1:57.078: Jeremy Cohenour passed Joseph Nazarak for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:59.406: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 1 ( 1:59.406)
1:56.609 - 1:59.679: Jared Morton passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 8th
1:57.953 - 2:00.875: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Justin Baker | for 15th
1:47.000 - 2:00.968: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:02.179: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 1 ( 2:02.179)
2:01.773 - 2:06.031: Jared Morton passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 7th
2:03.218 - 2:06.140: Kenny Kaplan passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer and Aaron Campise for 9th
2:03.281 - 2:07.671: Dylan Brior passed Thomas Silleck | for 12th
2:05.445 - 2:08.929: Justin Baker | passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:10.492: James Connor finished lap 1 ( 2:10.492)
2:07.671 - 2:10.921: Dylan Brior passed Aaron Campise for 11th
2:09.296 - 2:11.414: MotoRockstar777 passed Zack Lerma for the lead
2:08.328 - 2:11.570: Kenny Kaplan passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 8th
2:10.195 - 2:13.570: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 10th
2:13.140 - 2:16.296: Dylan Brior passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 11th
2:15.421 - 2:17.351: Jeremy Cohenour passed Zack Lerma for 2nd
0:00.000 - 2:18.656: Ashley feytons finished lap 1 ( 2:18.656)
2:16.296 - 2:20.148: Dylan Brior passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 9th
2:16.929 - 2:20.625: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:22.070: Jared Morton finished lap 1 ( 2:22.070)
2:20.000 - 2:23.562: Thomas Silleck | passed Aaron Campise for 13th
2:13.570 - 2:25.804: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:29.375: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 1 ( 2:29.375)
2:27.000 - 2:30.562: Aaron Campise passed Thomas Silleck | for 13th
2:25.804 - 2:30.875: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports and Dylan Brior for 9th
2:16.679 - 2:31.828: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
2:28.375 - 2:32.109: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports and Dylan Brior for 10th
2:32.976 - 2:36.398: Dylan Brior passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:37.476: Ryan Wilson|Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:37.476)
0:00.000 - 2:38.773: Dylan Brior finished lap 1 ( 2:38.773)
0:00.000 - 2:39.007: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:39.007)
2:38.257 - 2:40.140: Joseph Nazarak passed Zack Lerma for 3rd
2:33.421 - 2:40.507: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:40.507: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:40.507)
0:00.000 - 2:41.921: Aaron Campise finished lap 1 ( 2:41.921)
2:40.171 - 2:42.320: Zack Lerma passed Joseph Nazarak for 3rd
2:42.492 - 2:45.359: Kenny Kaplan passed Jared Morton for 7th
2:46.562 - 2:49.054: Aaron Campise passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 12th
0:00.000 - 2:49.367: Thomas Silleck | finished lap 1 ( 2:49.367)
2:47.148 - 2:51.734: James Connor passed Zack Lerma and Joseph Nazarak for 3rd
2:46.773 - 2:53.632: Ashley feytons went off the track
2:52.398 - 2:55.203: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Aaron Campise for 12th
2:36.890 - 2:55.757: Justin Baker | went off the track
2:55.367 - 2:58.875: Aaron Campise passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 12th
2:55.601 - 3:00.523: Joseph Nazarak passed Zack Lerma for 4th
3:02.796 - 3:05.984: James Connor passed MotoRockstar777 for 2nd
3:06.843 - 3:10.750: Joseph Nazarak passed MotoRockstar777 for 3rd
3:10.867 - 3:13.117: MotoRockstar777 passed Joseph Nazarak for 3rd
3:10.226 - 3:13.492: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 9th
2:57.125 - 3:13.984: Dylan Brior went off the track
3:13.296 - 3:14.945: Joseph Nazarak passed MotoRockstar777 for 3rd
3:08.351 - 3:15.820: Jared Morton went off the track
3:04.406 - 3:21.007: Justin Baker | went off the track
3:18.703 - 3:21.281: Dylan Brior passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer and Aaron Campise for 10th
3:23.062 - 3:25.664: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Aaron Campise for 12th
3:19.898 - 3:27.859: Ashley feytons went off the track
3:23.468 - 3:28.843: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 8th
3:25.570 - 3:32.585: Dylan Brior went off the track
3:29.468 - 3:32.656: Joseph Nazarak passed James Connor for 2nd
3:27.859 - 3:33.992: Ashley feytons went off the track
3:34.929 - 3:38.023: Zack Lerma passed James Connor and MotoRockstar777 for 3rd
3:37.148 - 3:40.578: Kenny Kaplan passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 7th
3:39.828 - 3:43.164: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Dylan Brior and Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 8th
1:59.406 - 3:45.468: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 2 ( 1:46.062)
3:39.023 - 3:48.289: Dylan Brior passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 9th
3:45.335 - 3:48.625: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 10th
2:02.179 - 3:50.734: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 2 ( 1:48.554)
3:48.289 - 3:51.179: Dylan Brior passed Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 8th
3:50.125 - 3:53.640: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 9th
3:46.546 - 3:55.148: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
1:51.882 - 3:56.023: Zack Lerma finished lap 2 ( 2:04.140)
3:55.968 - 3:59.218: Ashley feytons passed MotoRockstar777 for 5th
2:10.492 - 4:01.031: James Connor finished lap 2 ( 1:50.539)
0:00.000 - 4:02.820: Justin Baker | finished lap 1 ( 4:02.820)
2:18.656 - 4:14.718: Ashley feytons finished lap 2 ( 1:56.062)
4:12.195 - 4:15.328: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports for 10th
4:01.617 - 4:16.179: Jared Morton went off the track
4:10.843 - 4:16.726: Dylan Brior went off the track
4:20.195 - 4:23.632: Kenny Kaplan passed Dylan Brior for 8th
4:22.351 - 4:24.578: Joseph Nazarak passed Jeremy Cohenour for the lead
1:51.031 - 4:24.890: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 2 ( 2:33.859)
4:23.867 - 4:26.156: Jason Thomason | D&H Motorsports passed Dylan Brior and Ryan Wilson|Privateer for 9th
4:26.070 - 4:31.867: Zack Lerma passed Jeremy Cohenour for 2nd
4:34.632 - 4:43.023: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg went off the track
4:42.742 - 4:45.937: Jeremy Cohenour passed Zack Lerma for 2nd
0:00.000 - 4:45.968: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg finished lap 1 ( 4:45.968)
4:41.976 - 4:48.070: Joseph Nazarak went off the track
4:37.531 - 4:48.718: Ryan Wilson|Privateer went off the track
4:37.062 - 4:49.843: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
2:37.476 - 4:51.367: Ryan Wilson|Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:13.890)
4:48.718 - 4:51.367: Ryan Wilson|Privateer passed Jared Morton for 7th
4:39.601 - 4:51.757: Dylan Brior passed Kenny Kaplan for 9th
2:22.070 - 4:52.554: Jared Morton finished lap 2 ( 2:30.484)
2:38.773 - 4:54.273: Dylan Brior finished lap 2 ( 2:15.500)
2:29.375 - 4:55.437: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 2 ( 2:26.062)
4:54.945 - 4:56.812: Ashley feytons passed James Connor for 4th
5:02.484 - 5:05.140: Kenny Kaplan passed Dylan Brior for 9th
2:40.507 - 5:06.695: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 2:26.187)
5:05.140 - 5:07.992: Kenny Kaplan passed Jared Morton for 8th
5:06.304 - 5:09.921: Dylan Brior passed Jared Morton for 9th
5:09.921 - 5:13.562: Dylan Brior passed Kenny Kaplan for 7th
5:17.398 - 5:20.203: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Jared Morton for 10th
5:16.570 - 5:22.500: Aaron Campise went off the track
2:41.921 - 5:22.500: Aaron Campise finished lap 2 ( 2:40.578)
3:50.734 - 5:28.906: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 3 ( 1:38.171)
5:33.156 - 5:36.250: James Connor passed Ashley feytons for 4th
3:45.468 - 5:42.835: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 3 ( 1:57.367)
5:40.242 - 5:44.164: Kenny Kaplan passed Dylan Brior for 8th
3:56.023 - 5:51.109: Zack Lerma finished lap 3 ( 1:55.085)
5:48.109 - 5:51.210: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Dylan Brior for 9th
5:52.148 - 5:54.906: Dylan Brior passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 9th
5:57.484 - 6:01.820: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Justin Baker | for 13th
5:58.710 - 6:02.664: Dylan Brior passed Kenny Kaplan for 8th
6:00.992 - 6:08.062: James Connor went off the track
4:01.031 - 6:08.062: James Connor finished lap 3 ( 2:07.031)
6:09.687 - 6:13.945: Justin Baker | passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 15th
5:44.117 - 6:14.773: Jared Morton went off the track
4:14.718 - 6:17.898: Ashley feytons finished lap 3 ( 2:03.179)
4:24.890 - 6:19.117: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 3 ( 1:54.226)
6:13.937 - 6:20.000: Joseph Nazarak went off the track
6:18.304 - 6:22.265: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 8th
6:22.109 - 6:25.625: Jared Morton passed Aaron Campise for 11th
6:27.406 - 6:33.117: Jeremy Cohenour went off the track
6:39.476 - 6:43.656: Aaron Campise passed Jared Morton for 11th
6:42.648 - 6:46.070: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Justin Baker | for 13th
2:49.367 - 6:49.523: Thomas Silleck | finished lap 2 ( 4:00.156)
6:47.007 - 6:50.828: Kenny Kaplan passed Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports for 8th
6:54.500 - 6:58.054: Kenny Kaplan passed Dylan Brior for 7th
6:55.304 - 7:02.132: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Dylan Brior for 8th
7:00.906 - 7:03.812: Jeremy Cohenour passed Joseph Nazarak for the lead
4:55.437 - 7:03.992: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 3 ( 2:08.554)
5:42.835 - 7:09.085: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 4 ( 1:26.250)
5:06.695 - 7:09.179: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 2:02.484)
4:54.273 - 7:11.765: Dylan Brior finished lap 3 ( 2:17.492)
5:28.906 - 7:11.804: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 4 ( 1:42.898)
7:04.492 - 7:14.625: Justin Baker | passed Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg for 15th
7:15.226 - 7:19.054: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg passed Justin Baker | for 15th
7:21.203 - 7:24.265: James Connor passed Zack Lerma for 3rd
7:09.179 - 7:25.367: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
7:25.367 - 7:28.132: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed Dylan Brior for 8th
4:45.968 - 7:47.093: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg finished lap 2 ( 3:01.125)
4:02.820 - 8:03.304: Justin Baker | finished lap 2 ( 4:00.484)
5:22.500 - 8:05.695: Aaron Campise finished lap 3 ( 2:43.195)
5:51.109 - 8:06.421: Zack Lerma finished lap 4 ( 2:15.312)
7:49.335 - 8:09.281: James Connor went off the track
6:08.062 - 8:09.281: James Connor finished lap 4 ( 2:01.218)
6:19.117 - 8:13.703: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 4 ( 1:54.585)
8:20.257 - 8:23.140: James Connor passed Zack Lerma for 3rd
4:52.554 - 8:24.648: Jared Morton finished lap 3 ( 3:32.093)
8:23.812 - 8:27.046: MotoRockstar777 passed Zack Lerma for 4th
8:28.257 - 8:36.476: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg went off the track
7:09.085 - 8:37.382: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 5 ( 1:28.296)
8:31.656 - 8:39.304: Jared Morton went off the track
8:23.429 - 8:40.226: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
8:42.148 - 8:45.265: MotoRockstar777 passed James Connor for 3rd
8:43.210 - 8:46.164: Zack Lerma passed James Connor for 4th
7:11.804 - 8:47.695: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 5 ( 1:35.890)
8:43.203 - 8:51.359: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
8:50.812 - 8:52.843: Zack Lerma passed MotoRockstar777 for 3rd
8:55.476 - 8:57.734: James Connor passed MotoRockstar777 for 4th
9:03.359 - 9:07.593: Aaron Campise passed Dylan Brior for 6th
9:05.937 - 9:08.203: MotoRockstar777 passed James Connor for 4th
7:03.992 - 9:13.078: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 4 ( 2:09.085)
9:11.585 - 9:16.414: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
9:16.414 - 9:27.187: MotoRockstar777 went off the track
9:35.789 - 9:38.195: MotoRockstar777 passed Zack Lerma for 3rd
7:47.093 - 9:55.140: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg finished lap 3 ( 2:08.046)
7:09.179 - 9:57.851: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 2:48.671)
8:37.382 - 10:07.171: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 6 ( 1:29.789)
8:13.703 - 10:11.937: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 5 ( 1:58.234)
10:08.226 - 10:12.453: Dylan Brior passed Aaron Campise for 8th
10:04.218 - 10:12.507: James Connor passed Zack Lerma for 4th
8:09.281 - 10:18.781: James Connor finished lap 5 ( 2:09.500)
10:12.453 - 10:30.515: Dylan Brior went off the track
7:11.765 - 10:33.500: Dylan Brior finished lap 4 ( 3:21.734)
8:06.421 - 10:39.492: Zack Lerma finished lap 5 ( 2:33.070)
8:05.695 - 10:40.687: Aaron Campise finished lap 4 ( 2:34.992)
10:37.726 - 10:45.570: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
10:40.828 - 10:49.000: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg went off the track
8:47.695 - 10:50.734: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 6 ( 2:03.039)
9:13.078 - 11:17.445: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 5 ( 2:04.367)
11:35.132 - 11:40.484: Kenny Kaplan passed James Connor for 4th
9:57.851 - 11:51.289: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:53.437)
9:55.140 - 12:04.523: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg finished lap 4 ( 2:09.382)
10:11.937 - 12:09.117: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 6 ( 1:57.179)
11:25.031 - 12:12.179: Jeremy Cohenour went off the track
12:05.429 - 12:15.914: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports passed James Connor for 5th
10:07.171 - 12:18.250: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 7 ( 2:11.078)
10:50.734 - 12:40.593: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 7 ( 1:49.859)
12:31.585 - 12:41.601: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
12:08.320 - 12:47.117: Aaron Campise went off the track
12:54.062 - 13:01.953: Aaron Campise went off the track
10:40.687 - 13:04.414: Aaron Campise finished lap 5 ( 2:23.726)
12:53.906 - 13:06.007: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports went off the track
11:17.445 - 13:25.335: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 6 ( 2:07.890)
13:32.132 - 13:35.304: Aaron Campise passed James Connor for 6th
12:18.250 - 13:44.375: Jeremy Cohenour finished lap 8 ( 1:26.125)
12:09.117 - 13:52.554: MotoRockstar777 finished lap 7 ( 1:43.437)
12:40.593 - 14:08.710: Joseph Nazarak finished lap 8 ( 1:28.117)
11:51.289 - 14:41.476: Jonas Rothman|R&B Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 2:50.187)
12:04.523 - 14:42.031: Kyle Martin #99 | #horses #sweg finished lap 5 ( 2:37.507)
13:04.414 - 15:05.445: Aaron Campise finished lap 6 ( 2:01.031)
13:25.335 - 15:08.773: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 7 ( 1:43.437)
10:18.781 - 20:11.992: James Connor finished lap 6 ( 9:53.210)