MX Simulator
Track2014 Motosport rF National Rd09: Washougal
Format 4 laps
Date7/27/2014, 6:41:32 AM (3813 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1153Ryeley Gallup kx450f(2013)4 8:45.1403 2:08.5318141
233James Armstrong rmz450(2013)4 8:45.8353 2:07.5704591
3144Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN yz250f(2009)4 9:09.4842 2:35.34312049
4242Aaron Winter | Winter Designs kx450f(2011)4 10:01.5462 2:22.82814757
5Goon Boy kx250f(2013)4 10:53.3433 2:36.1714589
6718Kyle Hoover yz250f(2009)4 11:45.1172 2:35.44512949
7228Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports yz250f(2009)3 9:23.4453 2:54.9845971
863Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts rmz450(2013)2 4:01.3352 2:18.9454816
9234Ethan Howell | Privateer rmz250(2013)2 4:04.0702 2:16.01515268
10777Anthony Hill | J&K racing kx250f(2013)1 2:01.9760 0:00.00011303
117flatman7 yz450f(2013)1 2:28.9920 0:00.0005268
12937Da_Hoopdy X Capital City Wonder Boy rm250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010579

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4
P1 63 33 33 33
P2 33 63 153 153
P3 153 153 144 144
P4 234 234 242 242
P5 144 242 718
P6 777 144 718
P7 242 718 228
P8 718
P9 228 228
P10 7

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:07.570 3 33 James Armstrong
2:08.531 3 153 Ryeley Gallup
2:11.234 2 33 James Armstrong
2:16.015 2 234 Ethan Howell | Privateer
2:16.421 2 153 Ryeley Gallup
2:18.945 2 63 Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts
2:22.828 2 242 Aaron Winter | Winter Designs
2:33.585 4 153 Ryeley Gallup
2:35.343 2 144 Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN
2:35.445 2 718 Kyle Hoover
2:36.171 3 Goon Boy
2:36.679 3 242 Aaron Winter | Winter Designs
2:39.328 2 Goon Boy
2:43.914 4 Goon Boy
2:54.984 3 228 Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports
3:17.500 4 718 Kyle Hoover

Individual Worst Laps

2:16.015 2 234 Ethan Howell | Privateer
2:18.945 2 63 Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts
2:33.585 4 153 Ryeley Gallup
2:35.343 2 144 Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN
2:39.921 4 33 James Armstrong
2:43.914 4 Goon Boy
2:53.460 4 242 Aaron Winter | Winter Designs
3:17.500 4 718 Kyle Hoover
4:03.609 2 228 Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.179 Goon Boy
7.929 144 Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN
10.459 153 Ryeley Gallup
12.525 242 Aaron Winter | Winter Designs
14.465 33 James Armstrong
17.260 718 Kyle Hoover
34.313 228 Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports
- 234 Ethan Howell | Privateer
- 777 Anthony Hill | J&K racing
- 7 flatman7
- 937 Da_Hoopdy X Capital City Wonder Boy
- 63 Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts

Play by Play

James Armstrong takes the holeshot followed by Ryeley Gallup, Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN, Aaron Winter | Winter Designs, Anthony Hill | J&K racing, Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts, Goon Boy, Ethan Howell | Privateer, Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports, flatman7, Kyle Hoover and Da_Hoopdy X Capital City Wonder Boy

0:07.054 - 0:09.656: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN, Anthony Hill | J&K racing and Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 3rd
0:07.390 - 0:10.195: Goon Boy passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN, Anthony Hill | J&K racing and Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 4th
0:07.976 - 0:10.429: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN, Anthony Hill | J&K racing and Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 5th
0:06.851 - 0:11.007: Anthony Hill | J&K racing passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN and Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 6th
0:11.007 - 0:13.507: Anthony Hill | J&K racing passed Ethan Howell | Privateer and Goon Boy for 4th
0:10.429 - 0:16.484: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Goon Boy for 5th
0:17.421 - 0:20.062: Kyle Hoover passed Aaron Winter | Winter Designs, Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports and flatman7 for 8th
0:18.656 - 0:20.960: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN passed Goon Boy for 6th
0:22.648 - 0:25.750: Kyle Hoover passed Goon Boy for 7th
0:30.664 - 0:32.968: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed Ryeley Gallup for 2nd
0:34.937 - 0:38.578: flatman7 passed Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports for 10th
0:37.625 - 0:38.851: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Kyle Hoover and Goon Boy for 7th
0:37.218 - 0:39.601: Goon Boy passed Kyle Hoover for 8th
0:48.632 - 0:49.976: flatman7 passed Kyle Hoover for 9th
0:49.570 - 0:52.554: Anthony Hill | J&K racing passed Ryeley Gallup for 3rd
0:50.750 - 0:52.976: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Ryeley Gallup for 4th
0:52.414 - 0:55.296: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN passed Ryeley Gallup for 5th
0:53.093 - 0:56.960: Kyle Hoover passed flatman7 for 9th
0:59.171 - 1:01.601: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed James Armstrong for the lead
0:59.703 - 1:02.609: Goon Boy passed Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 7th
1:01.632 - 1:03.859: Ryeley Gallup passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN for 5th
1:04.835 - 1:13.976: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs went off the track
1:14.085 - 1:16.382: Kyle Hoover passed Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 8th
1:14.929 - 1:17.257: Ryeley Gallup passed Ethan Howell | Privateer for 4th
1:17.257 - 1:21.382: Ryeley Gallup passed Anthony Hill | J&K racing for 3rd
1:17.523 - 1:21.937: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Anthony Hill | J&K racing for 4th
1:16.421 - 1:22.515: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Kyle Hoover for 8th
1:24.492 - 1:27.648: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports passed flatman7 for 10th
1:30.492 - 1:31.734: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Goon Boy for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:42.390: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts finished lap 1 ( 1:42.390)
0:00.000 - 1:44.960: James Armstrong finished lap 1 ( 1:44.960)
0:00.000 - 1:46.601: Ryeley Gallup finished lap 1 ( 1:46.601)
1:46.617 - 1:47.578: James Armstrong passed Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:48.054: Ethan Howell | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:48.054)
1:44.125 - 1:48.671: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports passed Kyle Hoover and Goon Boy for 8th
1:48.429 - 1:49.640: Ryeley Gallup passed Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts for 2nd
1:36.289 - 1:49.757: Kyle Hoover passed Goon Boy for 9th
1:49.906 - 1:51.109: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts for 3rd
1:40.570 - 1:51.210: Anthony Hill | J&K racing went off the track
1:53.078 - 1:54.812: Ethan Howell | Privateer passed Ryeley Gallup and James Armstrong for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:54.898: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN finished lap 1 ( 1:54.898)
1:51.500 - 1:57.250: Ryeley Gallup passed James Armstrong for 2nd
1:57.312 - 1:58.976: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed James Armstrong for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:01.976: Anthony Hill | J&K racing finished lap 1 ( 2:01.976)
0:00.000 - 2:07.164: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:07.164)
2:00.421 - 2:11.656: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:18.382: Kyle Hoover finished lap 1 ( 2:18.382)
2:18.671 - 2:21.703: James Armstrong passed Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:22.781: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports finished lap 1 ( 2:22.781)
2:22.851 - 2:24.632: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Anthony Hill | J&K racing for 6th
2:10.804 - 2:25.679: Goon Boy went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:28.992: flatman7 finished lap 1 ( 2:28.992)
2:46.945 - 2:48.875: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports went off the track
2:46.757 - 2:49.835: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:53.929: Goon Boy finished lap 1 ( 2:53.929)
2:53.039 - 2:56.453: Ryeley Gallup passed Ethan Howell | Privateer for the lead
2:55.000 - 2:57.531: James Armstrong passed Ethan Howell | Privateer for 2nd
2:58.507 - 3:01.015: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed Ethan Howell | Privateer for 3rd
3:11.710 - 3:13.898: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN passed Aaron Winter | Winter Designs for 5th
3:15.765 - 3:16.929: James Armstrong passed Ryeley Gallup for the lead
3:20.148 - 3:23.578: Kyle Hoover passed Anthony Hill | J&K racing for 7th
3:39.140 - 3:42.406: Goon Boy passed Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports for 9th
3:48.093 - 3:50.914: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts passed Ryeley Gallup for 2nd
1:44.960 - 3:56.195: James Armstrong finished lap 2 ( 2:11.234)
3:52.242 - 3:56.234: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs passed Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN for 5th
1:42.390 - 4:01.335: Blake Farley | Four10 Racing/MotoXaddicts finished lap 2 ( 2:18.945)
1:46.601 - 4:03.023: Ryeley Gallup finished lap 2 ( 2:16.421)
1:48.054 - 4:04.070: Ethan Howell | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:16.015)
2:07.164 - 4:29.992: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs finished lap 2 ( 2:22.828)
1:54.898 - 4:30.242: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN finished lap 2 ( 2:35.343)
2:18.382 - 4:53.828: Kyle Hoover finished lap 2 ( 2:35.445)
5:05.515 - 5:10.781: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN went off the track
2:53.929 - 5:33.257: Goon Boy finished lap 2 ( 2:39.328)
3:56.195 - 6:03.765: James Armstrong finished lap 3 ( 2:07.570)
4:03.023 - 6:11.554: Ryeley Gallup finished lap 3 ( 2:08.531)
2:22.781 - 6:26.390: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports finished lap 2 ( 4:03.609)
6:32.992 - 6:34.882: Ryeley Gallup passed James Armstrong for the lead
4:30.242 - 6:53.312: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN finished lap 3 ( 2:23.070)
6:44.820 - 7:03.109: Kyle Hoover went off the track
4:29.992 - 7:06.671: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:36.679)
4:53.828 - 7:54.070: Kyle Hoover finished lap 3 ( 3:00.242)
5:33.257 - 8:09.429: Goon Boy finished lap 3 ( 2:36.171)
8:07.218 - 8:10.585: James Armstrong went off the track
8:16.914 - 8:20.046: James Armstrong passed Ryeley Gallup for the lead
8:20.132 - 8:23.617: Ryeley Gallup passed James Armstrong for the lead
8:23.625 - 8:26.179: James Armstrong passed Ryeley Gallup for the lead
6:03.765 - 8:43.687: James Armstrong finished lap 4 ( 2:39.921)
6:11.554 - 8:45.140: Ryeley Gallup finished lap 4 ( 2:33.585)
8:52.960 - 9:05.046: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN went off the track
6:53.312 - 9:09.484: Finn Collins | Crisp Graphics | #PHTEVEN finished lap 4 ( 2:16.171)
9:08.445 - 9:10.914: Goon Boy passed Kyle Hoover for 5th
6:26.390 - 9:21.375: Bailey Saliaris | Octane Powersports finished lap 3 ( 2:54.984)
9:31.929 - 9:34.414: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs went off the track
7:06.671 - 10:00.132: Aaron Winter | Winter Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:53.460)
8:09.429 - 10:53.343: Goon Boy finished lap 4 ( 2:43.914)
7:54.070 - 11:11.570: Kyle Hoover finished lap 4 ( 3:17.500)