MX Simulator
Track2015 Supercross Rd 2 - Phoenix
Format 6 laps
Date1/8/2015, 4:46:00 AM (3654 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1414Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes 250sxf(2009)6 7:21.3983 1:04.75012982
2197Triston Wyatt | Xenuh yz250f(2009)6 8:26.0625 1:07.89012434
3328Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports yz250f(2009)6 8:41.2895 1:05.8598314
4103Bob Joe yz250f(2009)6 8:41.9535 1:07.7344791
547YourFactory|Brett Pierce kx250(2006)5 6:22.3045 1:04.914698
6696Delb Lifestyle rmz450(2013)5 7:42.0542 1:23.0464131
7507Nick Fiorito | Privateer yz250(2012)5 7:49.5392 1:19.0236557
8323Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX rmz450(2011)5 7:50.9533 1:13.45314016
9151Tyler Louis I Privateer 250sxf(2009)5 7:51.4605 1:07.67110034
1029Jesse Hinde rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002543

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 47 47 414 414 414 414
P2 696 696 323 47 47 197
P3 103 414 47 323 197 103
P4 414 323 696 197 328 328
P5 323 507 103 328 103
P6 197 197 328 696 696
P7 507 328 197 103 151
P8 328 103 507 507 507
P9 151 151 151 151 323

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:04.750 3 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:04.914 5 47 YourFactory|Brett Pierce
1:05.539 6 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:05.859 5 328 Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports
1:07.671 5 151 Tyler Louis I Privateer
1:07.734 5 103 Bob Joe
1:07.890 5 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:10.656 5 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:10.671 4 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:13.289 4 47 YourFactory|Brett Pierce
1:13.453 3 323 Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX
1:14.750 4 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:19.023 2 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
1:21.492 2 323 Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX
1:22.054 4 151 Tyler Louis I Privateer
1:22.750 2 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:23.046 2 696 Delb Lifestyle
1:24.960 3 47 YourFactory|Brett Pierce
1:25.664 6 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:28.750 3 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:30.250 5 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
1:31.773 6 328 Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports
1:33.007 2 328 Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports
1:33.585 4 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
1:33.953 2 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:38.125 4 103 Bob Joe
1:49.492 3 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
1:53.578 2 103 Bob Joe
2:28.171 5 323 Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX

Individual Worst Laps

1:22.750 2 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
1:24.960 3 47 YourFactory|Brett Pierce
1:33.007 2 328 Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports
1:33.953 2 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
1:44.742 3 696 Delb Lifestyle
1:49.492 3 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
1:51.632 3 151 Tyler Louis I Privateer
1:53.578 2 103 Bob Joe
2:28.171 5 323 Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.614 414 Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes
7.974 47 YourFactory|Brett Pierce
9.577 696 Delb Lifestyle
9.894 328 Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports
10.270 197 Triston Wyatt | Xenuh
10.900 507 Nick Fiorito | Privateer
15.879 151 Tyler Louis I Privateer
16.749 103 Bob Joe
30.207 323 Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX
- 29 Jesse Hinde

Play by Play

YourFactory|Brett Pierce takes the holeshot followed by Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes, Triston Wyatt | Xenuh, Bob Joe, Delb Lifestyle, Tyler Louis I Privateer, Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports, Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX and Nick Fiorito | Privateer

0:05.234 - 0:07.742: Bob Joe passed YourFactory|Brett Pierce, Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for the lead
0:05.484 - 0:09.312: Delb Lifestyle passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 3rd
0:06.726 - 0:10.195: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 4th
0:09.492 - 0:11.210: YourFactory|Brett Pierce passed Bob Joe for the lead
0:08.140 - 0:11.515: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 5th
0:08.382 - 0:11.945: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 6th
0:09.664 - 0:13.148: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh and Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 7th
0:14.367 - 0:17.281: Delb Lifestyle passed Bob Joe for 2nd
0:14.921 - 0:17.773: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 5th
0:15.070 - 0:17.929: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Bob Joe for 3rd
0:18.718 - 0:20.046: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 8th
0:20.148 - 0:22.710: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 8th
0:22.390 - 0:25.531: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Bob Joe for 4th
0:25.617 - 0:28.921: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 5th
0:31.078 - 0:32.867: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Bob Joe for 6th
0:28.046 - 0:36.343: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Delb Lifestyle for 2nd
0:36.054 - 0:37.257: Bob Joe passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer, Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX, Delb Lifestyle and Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 3rd
0:28.937 - 0:37.859: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Delb Lifestyle for 4th
0:36.937 - 0:39.257: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer and Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 6th
0:37.257 - 0:40.109: Bob Joe passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 2nd
0:37.859 - 0:40.132: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 3rd
0:38.585 - 0:41.656: Delb Lifestyle passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 4th
0:41.078 - 0:43.656: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer and Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 7th
0:39.257 - 0:44.046: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 5th
0:43.656 - 0:45.773: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 6th
0:43.890 - 0:46.382: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 7th
0:43.929 - 0:46.609: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 8th
0:46.382 - 0:48.531: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 6th
0:48.710 - 0:50.742: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 6th
0:54.195 - 0:55.773: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer and Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 7th
0:56.015 - 0:58.625: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh went off the track
0:57.421 - 0:59.546: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Bob Joe for 2nd
0:54.476 - 1:02.023: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
1:00.570 - 1:03.515: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 4th
1:05.507 - 1:08.007: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 5th
1:07.085 - 1:09.773: Delb Lifestyle passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX and Bob Joe for 2nd
1:02.507 - 1:12.000: Bob Joe passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 3rd
1:10.929 - 1:14.281: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 6th
1:12.585 - 1:14.359: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 7th
1:13.265 - 1:15.546: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:16.460: YourFactory|Brett Pierce finished lap 1 ( 1:16.460)
1:14.359 - 1:16.492: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 6th
1:14.828 - 1:17.304: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:19.273: Delb Lifestyle finished lap 1 ( 1:19.273)
0:00.000 - 1:21.484: Bob Joe finished lap 1 ( 1:21.484)
0:00.000 - 1:22.953: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 1 ( 1:22.953)
0:00.000 - 1:25.468: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX finished lap 1 ( 1:25.468)
1:27.695 - 1:29.460: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 6th
1:32.429 - 1:34.429: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:35.882: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 1 ( 1:35.882)
1:32.507 - 1:35.984: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:37.187: Nick Fiorito | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:37.187)
1:37.164 - 1:38.820: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed Bob Joe for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:38.820: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:38.820)
1:37.429 - 1:39.078: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Bob Joe for 4th
1:41.523 - 1:43.898: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 6th
1:42.359 - 1:47.109: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 7th
1:41.554 - 1:49.539: YourFactory|Brett Pierce went off the track
1:49.734 - 1:55.492: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:55.734: Tyler Louis I Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:55.734)
1:56.328 - 1:58.523: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 7th
2:06.156 - 2:08.500: YourFactory|Brett Pierce passed Delb Lifestyle for the lead
2:05.867 - 2:08.648: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Bob Joe for 5th
2:09.242 - 2:11.835: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Bob Joe for 6th
2:08.875 - 2:14.109: Tyler Louis I Privateer went off the track
2:16.140 - 2:18.859: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 7th
2:18.859 - 2:20.882: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 6th
2:16.406 - 2:30.726: Tyler Louis I Privateer went off the track
2:30.726 - 2:32.812: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Bob Joe for 8th
1:16.460 - 2:39.140: YourFactory|Brett Pierce finished lap 2 ( 1:22.679)
1:19.273 - 2:42.320: Delb Lifestyle finished lap 2 ( 1:23.046)
1:22.953 - 2:45.703: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 2 ( 1:22.750)
1:25.468 - 2:46.960: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX finished lap 2 ( 1:21.492)
2:43.820 - 2:47.726: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
2:49.437 - 2:52.156: Bob Joe passed Tyler Louis I Privateer for 8th
1:37.187 - 2:56.210: Nick Fiorito | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:19.023)
2:53.617 - 2:56.265: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 6th
1:35.882 - 3:09.835: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 2 ( 1:33.953)
1:38.820 - 3:11.828: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:33.007)
1:21.484 - 3:15.062: Bob Joe finished lap 2 ( 1:53.578)
3:13.234 - 3:15.148: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes passed YourFactory|Brett Pierce for the lead
3:14.648 - 3:16.625: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed YourFactory|Brett Pierce for 2nd
3:17.078 - 3:19.132: YourFactory|Brett Pierce passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 2nd
3:06.617 - 3:20.671: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
3:19.148 - 3:21.648: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX passed YourFactory|Brett Pierce for 2nd
1:55.734 - 3:25.117: Tyler Louis I Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:29.382)
3:25.132 - 3:27.250: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 6th
3:45.507 - 3:47.406: Bob Joe passed Triston Wyatt | Xenuh for 7th
2:45.703 - 3:50.453: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 3 ( 1:04.750)
3:49.382 - 3:51.289: Bob Joe passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 6th
3:51.710 - 3:55.781: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Delb Lifestyle for 4th
3:54.492 - 3:56.320: Bob Joe passed Delb Lifestyle for 5th
3:56.320 - 4:00.304: Bob Joe passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer for 4th
2:46.960 - 4:00.414: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX finished lap 3 ( 1:13.453)
3:56.109 - 4:01.648: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports went off the track
3:56.476 - 4:02.375: Delb Lifestyle passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer for 6th
2:39.140 - 4:04.101: YourFactory|Brett Pierce finished lap 3 ( 1:24.960)
4:01.648 - 4:04.460: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 4th
4:02.375 - 4:05.460: Delb Lifestyle passed Bob Joe for 5th
4:06.117 - 4:12.765: Bob Joe went off the track
4:07.140 - 4:12.945: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
3:56.046 - 4:17.789: Tyler Louis I Privateer went off the track
4:13.046 - 4:23.695: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer for 6th
2:42.320 - 4:27.062: Delb Lifestyle finished lap 3 ( 1:44.742)
3:15.062 - 4:31.000: Bob Joe finished lap 3 ( 1:15.937)
3:11.828 - 4:33.281: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:21.453)
4:28.625 - 4:33.429: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
3:09.835 - 4:38.585: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 3 ( 1:28.750)
4:38.578 - 4:40.406: YourFactory|Brett Pierce passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 2nd
2:56.210 - 4:45.703: Nick Fiorito | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:49.492)
4:44.812 - 4:46.429: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 5th
4:46.429 - 4:48.523: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Delb Lifestyle for 4th
4:46.546 - 4:49.585: Bob Joe passed Delb Lifestyle for 5th
4:45.828 - 4:51.687: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX went off the track
4:54.921 - 4:57.742: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Delb Lifestyle for 6th
4:56.851 - 5:03.718: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports went off the track
3:50.453 - 5:05.203: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 4 ( 1:14.750)
5:01.851 - 5:14.421: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
3:25.117 - 5:16.750: Tyler Louis I Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:51.632)
4:04.101 - 5:17.390: YourFactory|Brett Pierce finished lap 4 ( 1:13.289)
5:15.554 - 5:17.585: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 5th
5:20.296 - 5:21.773: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
4:00.414 - 5:21.953: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX finished lap 4 ( 1:21.539)
5:25.460 - 5:28.335: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Bob Joe for 4th
5:32.000 - 5:34.960: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 5th
5:38.335 - 5:42.132: Delb Lifestyle passed Bob Joe for 6th
4:38.585 - 5:49.257: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 4 ( 1:10.671)
4:33.281 - 6:00.789: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:27.507)
4:27.062 - 6:04.453: Delb Lifestyle finished lap 4 ( 1:37.390)
6:04.453 - 6:08.015: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
6:05.406 - 6:08.273: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 3rd
4:31.000 - 6:09.125: Bob Joe finished lap 4 ( 1:38.125)
5:05.203 - 6:15.859: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 5 ( 1:10.656)
6:15.945 - 6:18.765: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 4th
4:45.703 - 6:19.289: Nick Fiorito | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:33.585)
5:17.390 - 6:22.304: YourFactory|Brett Pierce finished lap 5 ( 1:04.914)
6:19.289 - 6:24.851: Delb Lifestyle went off the track
6:24.687 - 6:27.640: Bob Joe passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 6th
5:16.750 - 6:38.804: Tyler Louis I Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:22.054)
6:35.968 - 6:46.609: Nick Fiorito | Privateer passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 7th
6:53.601 - 6:56.312: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX for 8th
5:49.257 - 6:57.148: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 5 ( 1:07.890)
6:55.046 - 6:57.968: Bob Joe passed Delb Lifestyle for 5th
6:00.789 - 7:06.648: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:05.859)
6:09.125 - 7:16.859: Bob Joe finished lap 5 ( 1:07.734)
6:15.859 - 7:21.398: Ryan Wynn | Premium MotoSpodes finished lap 6 ( 1:05.539)
6:04.453 - 7:26.687: Delb Lifestyle finished lap 5 ( 1:22.234)
7:39.679 - 7:41.421: Tyler Louis I Privateer passed Nick Fiorito | Privateer for 7th
7:39.132 - 7:42.515: Bob Joe passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 4th
6:38.804 - 7:46.476: Tyler Louis I Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:07.671)
7:44.906 - 7:46.640: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports passed Bob Joe for 3rd
6:19.289 - 7:49.539: Nick Fiorito | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:30.250)
5:21.953 - 7:50.125: Logan Mcsweeney | HazardousMX finished lap 5 ( 2:28.171)
8:05.828 - 8:07.601: Bob Joe went off the track
8:07.601 - 8:14.476: Bob Joe passed Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports for 3rd
6:57.148 - 8:22.812: Triston Wyatt | Xenuh finished lap 6 ( 1:25.664)
7:16.859 - 8:34.945: Bob Joe finished lap 6 ( 1:18.085)
7:06.648 - 8:38.421: Jacob Wilkinson|Holeshot Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:31.773)