MX Simulator
Track2015 Supercross Rd 4 - Oakland
Format 6 laps
Date1/20/2015, 5:43:56 PM (3636 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1517Mike Stralo I / Race Tech rmz450(2013)6 6:12.9685 1:00.3758743
2626Tye Reeves rmz450(2013)6 7:30.8045 1:04.1714006
34Rush rmz450(2013)6 7:37.5462 1:03.65614794
4111Aurelien Durup - privateer 250sxf(2013)5 6:37.1875 1:05.6563542
5316azerty|Quentin Revelle kx250f(2013)5 7:00.1953 1:16.6563216
6194GG| Team Noren yz250f(2009)5 7:03.4065 1:18.4607827
7985Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept rmz450(2013)4 6:00.8432 1:20.96812020
872Thiiiimmy rmz450(2013)4 6:29.0464 1:26.72617130
9822ObamaHasMyVCR rmz450(2013)4 7:26.8122 1:34.71011972
10474Rafael Lampadinha rmz450(2013)3 4:15.4842 1:18.2107229
11150Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory 250sxf(2009)2 3:15.5460 0:00.0003577
12974Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion kx450f(2013)1 2:42.5780 0:00.0007634
1340kkye orchard rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00015762

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 517 517 517 517 517 517
P2 316 316 316 4 4 626
P3 111 626 626 626 626 4
P4 626 474 4 316 111
P5 72 4 111 111 316
P6 474 985 474 194 194
P7 985 111 194 985
P8 4 194 985 72
P9 194 72 72 822
P10 822 150 822
P11 150 822
P12 974

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:00.375 5 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:00.875 6 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:01.343 2 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:03.656 2 4 Rush
1:04.171 5 626 Tye Reeves
1:04.343 4 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:05.656 5 111 Aurelien Durup - privateer
1:09.273 3 111 Aurelien Durup - privateer
1:13.125 3 626 Tye Reeves
1:13.343 3 4 Rush
1:13.507 3 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:16.656 3 316 azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:18.210 2 474 Rafael Lampadinha
1:18.328 4 626 Tye Reeves
1:18.460 5 194 GG| Team Noren
1:20.968 2 985 Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept
1:22.070 3 194 GG| Team Noren
1:24.710 4 194 GG| Team Noren
1:25.296 2 194 GG| Team Noren
1:26.726 4 72 Thiiiimmy
1:34.710 2 822 ObamaHasMyVCR
1:39.960 5 316 azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:52.273 3 822 ObamaHasMyVCR
1:53.335 2 72 Thiiiimmy
1:57.515 3 72 Thiiiimmy
2:15.703 4 822 ObamaHasMyVCR

Individual Worst Laps

1:13.507 3 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
1:20.617 2 150 Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory
1:22.835 6 626 Tye Reeves
1:25.296 2 194 GG| Team Noren
1:29.671 6 4 Rush
1:41.343 2 111 Aurelien Durup - privateer
1:42.156 3 474 Rafael Lampadinha
1:46.875 3 985 Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept
1:47.296 4 316 azerty|Quentin Revelle
1:57.515 3 72 Thiiiimmy
2:15.703 4 822 ObamaHasMyVCR


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.699 194 GG| Team Noren
4.908 517 Mike Stralo I / Race Tech
6.527 626 Tye Reeves
9.271 4 Rush
10.885 985 Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept
11.973 474 Rafael Lampadinha
13.636 72 Thiiiimmy
14.406 111 Aurelien Durup - privateer
16.493 316 azerty|Quentin Revelle
16.792 822 ObamaHasMyVCR
- 40k kye orchard
- 150 Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory
- 974 Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion

Play by Play

Tye Reeves takes the holeshot followed by Mike Stralo I / Race Tech , Rafael Lampadinha, GG| Team Noren, Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept, azerty|Quentin Revelle, Thiiiimmy, Rush, ObamaHasMyVCR, Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion, Aurelien Durup - privateer and Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory

0:05.835 - 0:07.460: GG| Team Noren passed Rafael Lampadinha for 3rd
0:08.171 - 0:09.742: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed GG| Team Noren, Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept and Rafael Lampadinha for 3rd
0:09.070 - 0:10.937: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech passed Tye Reeves for the lead
0:09.742 - 0:12.164: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Tye Reeves for 2nd
0:07.921 - 0:13.664: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept passed GG| Team Noren and Rafael Lampadinha for 4th
0:07.648 - 0:13.789: Rafael Lampadinha passed GG| Team Noren for 5th
0:13.789 - 0:15.500: Rafael Lampadinha passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 4th
0:14.257 - 0:15.835: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed ObamaHasMyVCR, Thiiiimmy, Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion and Rush for 7th
0:15.835 - 0:18.070: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed GG| Team Noren for 6th
0:06.710 - 0:20.304: ObamaHasMyVCR passed Rush for 9th
0:22.101 - 0:23.453: Thiiiimmy passed GG| Team Noren for 7th
0:24.390 - 0:26.976: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Rafael Lampadinha for 4th
0:27.148 - 0:29.773: Rush passed GG| Team Noren, ObamaHasMyVCR and Thiiiimmy for 7th
0:26.976 - 0:31.742: Aurelien Durup - privateer went off the track
0:33.507 - 0:35.148: Thiiiimmy passed Rafael Lampadinha and Rush for 4th
0:23.921 - 0:37.195: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept went off the track
0:37.304 - 0:38.937: Rafael Lampadinha passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 6th
0:39.609 - 0:41.140: GG| Team Noren passed Rush for 7th
0:42.421 - 0:44.718: GG| Team Noren passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 7th
0:46.312 - 0:47.875: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion for 11th
0:47.242 - 0:48.296: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 2nd
0:48.960 - 0:50.890: Tye Reeves passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:52.523: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 1 ( 0:52.523)
0:52.554 - 0:56.468: Rafael Lampadinha went off the track
0:56.984 - 0:58.906: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Tye Reeves for 3rd
1:05.101 - 1:06.523: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept passed GG| Team Noren for 7th
1:05.648 - 1:07.804: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed ObamaHasMyVCR for 10th
1:07.335 - 1:08.703: Rush passed GG| Team Noren for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:08.804: azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 1 ( 1:08.804)
0:00.000 - 1:09.070: Aurelien Durup - privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:09.070)
0:00.000 - 1:09.734: Tye Reeves finished lap 1 ( 1:09.734)
0:00.000 - 1:11.468: Thiiiimmy finished lap 1 ( 1:11.468)
0:00.000 - 1:12.609: Rafael Lampadinha finished lap 1 ( 1:12.609)
1:13.484 - 1:16.296: Tye Reeves passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 3rd
1:17.570 - 1:18.750: ObamaHasMyVCR passed Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory for 10th
1:16.039 - 1:19.406: Thiiiimmy passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 4th
1:18.804 - 1:19.796: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed ObamaHasMyVCR for 10th
1:15.312 - 1:19.906: azerty|Quentin Revelle went off the track
1:16.554 - 1:20.765: Rafael Lampadinha passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 5th
1:19.906 - 1:22.062: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Tye Reeves for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:22.945: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept finished lap 1 ( 1:22.945)
1:21.632 - 1:26.078: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:28.179: Rush finished lap 1 ( 1:28.179)
1:31.531 - 1:32.710: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed ObamaHasMyVCR for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:32.867: GG| Team Noren finished lap 1 ( 1:32.867)
1:37.062 - 1:38.250: ObamaHasMyVCR passed Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory for 10th
1:38.414 - 1:41.007: Rafael Lampadinha passed Tye Reeves and Thiiiimmy for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:44.125: ObamaHasMyVCR finished lap 1 ( 1:44.125)
1:43.203 - 1:44.125: Rush passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 7th
1:43.023 - 1:45.640: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Tye Reeves and Thiiiimmy for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:49.343: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory finished lap 1 ( 1:49.343)
0:52.523 - 1:53.867: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 2 ( 1:01.343)
1:51.484 - 1:53.867: Rush passed Thiiiimmy for 6th
1:53.023 - 1:54.445: Tye Reeves passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 4th
1:53.710 - 1:57.343: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed ObamaHasMyVCR for 10th
1:55.968 - 1:57.562: Rush passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 5th
1:58.507 - 2:00.406: Thiiiimmy passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 6th
2:02.843 - 2:05.554: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Thiiiimmy for 6th
2:04.484 - 2:07.320: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory went off the track
2:06.781 - 2:08.554: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept passed Thiiiimmy for 7th
2:07.460 - 2:10.460: Tye Reeves went off the track
1:08.804 - 2:15.726: azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 2 ( 1:06.921)
2:05.554 - 2:18.820: Aurelien Durup - privateer went off the track
2:19.867 - 2:20.539: Tye Reeves passed Rafael Lampadinha for 3rd
2:21.929 - 2:23.953: Rafael Lampadinha passed Tye Reeves for 3rd
2:21.546 - 2:27.492: GG| Team Noren passed Thiiiimmy for 8th
1:09.734 - 2:29.390: Tye Reeves finished lap 2 ( 1:19.656)
1:12.609 - 2:30.820: Rafael Lampadinha finished lap 2 ( 1:18.210)
1:28.179 - 2:31.835: Rush finished lap 2 ( 1:03.656)
2:31.171 - 2:34.382: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed Thiiiimmy for 9th
2:35.882 - 2:38.656: Rush passed Rafael Lampadinha for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:42.578: Sebastien AUTALE ile de la reunion finished lap 1 ( 2:42.578)
2:42.593 - 2:43.359: Thiiiimmy passed Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory for 8th
1:22.945 - 2:43.914: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept finished lap 2 ( 1:20.968)
2:42.570 - 2:44.796: Rush passed Tye Reeves for 3rd
1:09.070 - 2:50.414: Aurelien Durup - privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:41.343)
2:54.562 - 2:58.054: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 6th
1:32.867 - 2:58.164: GG| Team Noren finished lap 2 ( 1:25.296)
2:59.828 - 3:01.117: Tye Reeves passed Rush for 3rd
1:11.468 - 3:04.804: Thiiiimmy finished lap 2 ( 1:53.335)
3:02.132 - 3:05.992: GG| Team Noren passed Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept for 7th
3:04.617 - 3:06.867: Rush passed Tye Reeves for 3rd
1:53.867 - 3:07.375: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 3 ( 1:13.507)
1:49.343 - 3:09.960: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory finished lap 2 ( 1:20.617)
1:44.125 - 3:18.835: ObamaHasMyVCR finished lap 2 ( 1:34.710)
3:17.945 - 3:20.210: Tye Reeves passed Rush for 3rd
3:27.507 - 3:30.210: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed Thiiiimmy for 9th
2:15.726 - 3:32.382: azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 3 ( 1:16.656)
3:36.554 - 3:38.875: Thiiiimmy passed Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory for 9th
2:29.390 - 3:42.515: Tye Reeves finished lap 3 ( 1:13.125)
2:31.835 - 3:45.179: Rush finished lap 3 ( 1:13.343)
3:43.882 - 3:45.804: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed Rafael Lampadinha for 5th
3:45.031 - 3:50.156: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept went off the track
3:48.726 - 3:50.203: Dorian GEORGE | MTFactory passed Thiiiimmy for 9th
3:49.242 - 3:56.968: azerty|Quentin Revelle went off the track
2:50.414 - 3:59.687: Aurelien Durup - privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:09.273)
3:50.429 - 4:03.375: Rafael Lampadinha went off the track
4:06.054 - 4:07.398: Rush passed azerty|Quentin Revelle and Tye Reeves for 2nd
4:03.367 - 4:08.968: Tye Reeves passed azerty|Quentin Revelle for 3rd
4:08.695 - 4:10.437: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept passed GG| Team Noren for 7th
3:07.375 - 4:11.718: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 4 ( 1:04.343)
2:30.820 - 4:12.976: Rafael Lampadinha finished lap 3 ( 1:42.156)
2:58.164 - 4:20.234: GG| Team Noren finished lap 3 ( 1:22.070)
4:10.437 - 4:22.062: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept went off the track
4:13.156 - 4:29.296: Rush went off the track
2:43.914 - 4:30.789: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept finished lap 3 ( 1:46.875)
4:30.796 - 4:32.968: Rush passed azerty|Quentin Revelle for 3rd
4:31.468 - 4:36.117: Aurelien Durup - privateer went off the track
4:35.484 - 4:38.085: Rush passed Tye Reeves for 2nd
4:40.210 - 4:44.218: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed azerty|Quentin Revelle for 4th
4:44.242 - 4:46.312: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 4th
4:47.992 - 4:49.359: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed azerty|Quentin Revelle for 4th
3:45.179 - 4:58.828: Rush finished lap 4 ( 1:13.648)
3:42.515 - 5:00.843: Tye Reeves finished lap 4 ( 1:18.328)
3:04.804 - 5:02.320: Thiiiimmy finished lap 3 ( 1:57.515)
5:08.984 - 5:09.765: azerty|Quentin Revelle passed Aurelien Durup - privateer for 4th
3:18.835 - 5:11.109: ObamaHasMyVCR finished lap 3 ( 1:52.273)
4:11.718 - 5:12.093: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 5 ( 1:00.375)
3:32.382 - 5:19.679: azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 4 ( 1:47.296)
5:16.664 - 5:22.664: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept went off the track
3:59.687 - 5:27.265: Aurelien Durup - privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:27.578)
5:34.109 - 5:40.281: Rush went off the track
5:39.640 - 5:41.601: Aurelien Durup - privateer passed azerty|Quentin Revelle for 4th
4:20.234 - 5:44.945: GG| Team Noren finished lap 4 ( 1:24.710)
4:30.789 - 5:59.250: Scot DelMastro | Pro-Concept finished lap 4 ( 1:28.460)
4:58.828 - 6:03.828: Rush finished lap 5 ( 1:05.000)
5:00.843 - 6:05.015: Tye Reeves finished lap 5 ( 1:04.171)
6:08.664 - 6:11.539: Tye Reeves passed Rush for 2nd
5:12.093 - 6:12.968: Mike Stralo I / Race Tech finished lap 6 ( 1:00.875)
6:11.539 - 6:15.671: Tye Reeves went off the track
5:02.320 - 6:29.046: Thiiiimmy finished lap 4 ( 1:26.726)
5:27.265 - 6:32.921: Aurelien Durup - privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:05.656)
5:19.679 - 6:59.640: azerty|Quentin Revelle finished lap 5 ( 1:39.960)
6:43.515 - 7:01.054: Rush went off the track
5:44.945 - 7:03.406: GG| Team Noren finished lap 5 ( 1:18.460)
7:04.359 - 7:09.296: Rush went off the track
5:11.109 - 7:26.812: ObamaHasMyVCR finished lap 4 ( 2:15.703)
6:05.015 - 7:27.851: Tye Reeves finished lap 6 ( 1:22.835)
7:25.367 - 7:31.023: Rush went off the track
6:03.828 - 7:33.500: Rush finished lap 6 ( 1:29.671)