MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 16 - Salt Lake City
Format 8 laps
Date12/15/2013, 2:37:23 AM (4043 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
11Roy Mitchell | System Decal yz250f(2009)8 6:49.5857 0:41.3044681
24Jeremy Smith | rmz450(2013)8 6:59.0395 0:41.2652528
319Robert Nash | BrotoOption 250sxf(2013)8 7:04.5078 0:44.2651423
496Brett Rossi |Privateer crf250(2013)7 6:51.3757 0:46.0316504
5219Carcaramo Imaging #219 yz1257 6:52.8596 0:45.6013007
6224Evan Crader crf250(2009)7 6:59.5467 0:48.9686985
720Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner rmz450(2013)7 7:13.8047 0:49.3359437
840ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports rmz250(2013)7 7:44.5074 0:57.06212685
9912Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing yz450f(2013)7 8:03.0782 1:05.7736521
10493miller493 crf250(2009)6 7:19.8592 1:14.6402116
11522Eric#522|Monsterarmy rmz450(2013)5 6:45.2655 1:07.0628694
1251Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager 350sxf(2013)4 4:55.1174 1:11.1874652
13110Doug Oakley yz250f(2009)4 6:29.8750 0:00.0005723
14nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing kx450f(2013)4 7:06.6323 1:04.9538150
1510Brandon Hedge kx250f(2009)3 2:47.1872 0:53.95310326
16205Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer 125sx1 1:14.6400 0:00.0004240
17999Joe Motocross crf250(2013)1 1:23.9290 0:00.00010714
1837Greyson Bennett #37 | WAITING FOR TEAM OFFER kx250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007339

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 4 1 1 1 4 4 1 1
P2 1 4 4 4 1 1 4 4
P3 10 10 10 19 19 19 19 19
P4 493 19 19 224 96 96 96
P5 224 224 224 96 224 219 219
P6 19 96 96 40 219 224 224
P7 912 40 40 20 912 20 20
P8 522 912 493 219 20 40 40
P9 205 493 522 912 40 912 912
P10 40 219 20 51 493 493
P11 20 522 219 493 522
P12 219 20 912 522
P13 96 51 51 110
P14 110 110 110
P15 999
P16 51

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:41.265 5 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:41.304 7 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
0:41.335 6 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:44.265 8 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:45.218 6 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:45.320 6 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
0:45.601 6 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
0:46.031 7 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
0:47.406 4 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
0:48.000 2 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:48.968 7 224 Evan Crader
0:49.148 4 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
0:49.335 7 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
0:49.484 7 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
0:49.578 2 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
0:50.859 8 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
0:51.328 3 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:52.250 4 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:52.648 5 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
0:53.953 2 10 Brandon Hedge
0:54.203 6 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
0:54.859 6 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
0:54.859 4 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:55.656 8 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:56.703 5 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
0:56.765 3 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:57.046 5 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
0:57.062 4 40 ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports
0:57.890 2 224 Evan Crader
0:58.218 3 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
0:58.523 3 10 Brandon Hedge
0:59.343 3 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
1:01.093 2 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
1:02.164 5 224 Evan Crader
1:02.296 7 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
1:03.242 6 224 Evan Crader
1:04.953 3 nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing
1:05.093 3 224 Evan Crader
1:05.773 2 912 Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing
1:07.062 5 522 Eric#522|Monsterarmy
1:07.570 6 40 ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports
1:10.796 5 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
1:11.187 4 51 Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager
1:11.343 2 nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing
1:13.570 5 40 ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports
1:14.640 2 493 miller493
1:14.687 3 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
1:15.171 2 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
1:16.562 2 522 Eric#522|Monsterarmy
1:17.304 3 912 Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing
1:22.250 5 493 miller493
1:26.609 4 493 miller493
2:06.515 4 522 Eric#522|Monsterarmy

Individual Worst Laps

0:57.648 2 4 Jeremy Smith |
0:58.523 3 10 Brandon Hedge
0:58.585 4 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
1:02.296 7 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
1:03.054 5 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
1:05.093 3 224 Evan Crader
1:11.187 4 51 Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager
1:11.343 2 nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing
1:13.570 5 40 ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports
1:14.687 3 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
1:15.171 2 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
1:17.304 3 912 Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing
1:26.609 4 493 miller493
1:50.390 3 110 Doug Oakley
2:06.515 4 522 Eric#522|Monsterarmy


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.285 10 Brandon Hedge
3.799 nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing
4.708 96 Brett Rossi |Privateer
5.331 224 Evan Crader
5.602 19 Robert Nash | BrotoOption
6.208 1 Roy Mitchell | System Decal
6.430 51 Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager
6.442 110 Doug Oakley
6.670 4 Jeremy Smith |
6.746 40 ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports
7.698 912 Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing
9.999 219 Carcaramo Imaging #219
10.383 20 Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner
10.599 493 miller493
25.775 522 Eric#522|Monsterarmy
- 205 Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer
- 37 Greyson Bennett #37 | WAITING FOR TEAM OFFER
- 999 Joe Motocross

Play by Play

Jeremy Smith | takes the holeshot followed by Doug Oakley, miller493, Brett Rossi |Privateer , Roy Mitchell | System Decal, Brandon Hedge , Eric#522|Monsterarmy , Evan Crader, ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports, Joe Motocross, Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Robert Nash | BrotoOption, Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer, Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager, nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing and Greyson Bennett #37 | WAITING FOR TEAM OFFER

0:07.640 - 0:12.226: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
0:11.632 - 0:15.312: Roy Mitchell | System Decal passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and miller493 for 3rd
0:11.906 - 0:16.320: Brandon Hedge passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and miller493 for 4th
0:13.054 - 0:16.828: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and miller493 for 5th
0:14.507 - 0:17.929: Evan Crader passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and miller493 for 6th
0:16.828 - 0:19.843: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Brandon Hedge for 4th
0:16.265 - 0:22.039: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Brett Rossi |Privateer for 8th
0:19.945 - 0:22.320: Brandon Hedge passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 4th
0:23.367 - 0:24.773: Evan Crader passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 5th
0:22.039 - 0:27.359: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports went off the track
0:24.203 - 0:27.414: Joe Motocross passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 8th
0:24.687 - 0:27.929: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 9th
0:25.593 - 0:28.695: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Brett Rossi |Privateer and Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 10th
0:23.750 - 0:28.742: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 11th
0:27.484 - 0:30.312: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 13th
0:28.664 - 0:32.843: miller493 went off the track
0:32.593 - 0:34.242: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Robert Nash | BrotoOption for 10th
0:33.289 - 0:34.601: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Robert Nash | BrotoOption for 11th
0:31.335 - 0:34.968: Evan Crader passed Brandon Hedge for 3rd
0:34.242 - 0:35.476: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 and Joe Motocross for 9th
0:34.601 - 0:36.000: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 and Joe Motocross for 10th
0:34.460 - 0:36.085: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Robert Nash | BrotoOption for 12th
0:33.703 - 0:36.882: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer went off the track
0:36.085 - 0:37.257: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 and Joe Motocross for 12th
0:22.960 - 0:38.164: Doug Oakley went off the track
0:36.921 - 0:38.523: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 and Joe Motocross for 13th
0:36.656 - 0:38.781: Brandon Hedge passed Evan Crader for 3rd
0:38.164 - 0:39.593: Doug Oakley passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 6th
0:37.257 - 0:39.734: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer for 9th
0:33.054 - 0:41.226: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Joe Motocross for 14th
0:36.000 - 0:41.242: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:42.960: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 1 ( 0:42.960)
0:40.796 - 0:43.882: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer for 12th
0:38.703 - 0:44.820: miller493 went off the track
0:42.929 - 0:49.468: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Doug Oakley and ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:50.015: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 1 ( 0:50.015)
0:39.773 - 0:50.578: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Doug Oakley for 8th
0:45.179 - 0:51.953: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Brett Rossi |Privateer and Doug Oakley for 9th
0:46.046 - 0:52.398: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Brett Rossi |Privateer and Doug Oakley for 10th
0:50.468 - 0:53.726: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Brett Rossi |Privateer and Doug Oakley for 11th
0:43.992 - 0:54.664: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Doug Oakley for 12th
0:00.000 - 0:54.710: Brandon Hedge finished lap 1 ( 0:54.710)
0:54.179 - 0:55.523: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 7th
0:55.570 - 0:59.296: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 7th
0:56.945 - 1:00.109: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Evan Crader for 4th
0:58.664 - 1:00.250: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Doug Oakley for 13th
0:58.039 - 1:01.289: miller493 passed Evan Crader for 5th
0:58.468 - 1:02.007: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:03.367: miller493 finished lap 1 ( 1:03.367)
1:01.289 - 1:03.367: miller493 passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:05.070: Evan Crader finished lap 1 ( 1:05.070)
1:03.101 - 1:05.070: Evan Crader passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 5th
1:02.109 - 1:05.445: Doug Oakley passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner, Brett Rossi |Privateer and Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 11th
1:04.085 - 1:06.820: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing and ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:08.500: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 1 ( 1:08.500)
1:06.820 - 1:08.500: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 6th
1:01.828 - 1:08.976: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Brett Rossi |Privateer and Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 12th
1:04.656 - 1:10.578: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:11.062: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:11.062)
1:09.078 - 1:11.062: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:12.335: Eric#522|Monsterarmy finished lap 1 ( 1:12.335)
0:00.000 - 1:12.437: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:12.437)
1:09.718 - 1:12.859: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:13.796: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:13.796)
1:12.437 - 1:14.335: Jim Bailey#205 | Privateer passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 8th
1:11.679 - 1:14.617: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Doug Oakley for 11th
1:13.796 - 1:15.906: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 9th
1:13.250 - 1:16.062: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Doug Oakley for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:16.570: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 1 ( 1:16.570)
1:15.906 - 1:17.648: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:17.882: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 1 ( 1:17.882)
1:16.757 - 1:18.453: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 8th
1:15.609 - 1:18.828: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Doug Oakley for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:20.750: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:20.750)
0:00.000 - 1:21.328: Doug Oakley finished lap 1 ( 1:21.328)
1:20.210 - 1:22.242: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:23.929: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 1:23.929)
1:19.843 - 1:24.109: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports went off the track
1:23.023 - 1:24.750: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 11th
1:13.757 - 1:26.757: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager went off the track
1:26.109 - 1:28.203: Joe Motocross passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 12th
1:26.867 - 1:29.820: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 8th
1:29.062 - 1:32.406: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 9th
1:32.015 - 1:34.015: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Joe Motocross for 12th
1:32.695 - 1:34.031: Evan Crader passed miller493 for 4th
1:34.625 - 1:37.648: Roy Mitchell | System Decal passed Jeremy Smith | for the lead
1:34.000 - 1:38.914: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 8th
1:37.218 - 1:38.945: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed miller493 for 5th
1:37.335 - 1:39.210: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 9th
1:37.765 - 1:39.453: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 10th
0:50.015 - 1:39.593: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 2 ( 0:49.578)
1:29.539 - 1:40.078: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager went off the track
0:42.960 - 1:40.609: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 2 ( 0:57.648)
1:23.460 - 1:41.726: Doug Oakley went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:41.937: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager finished lap 1 ( 1:41.937)
1:41.828 - 1:43.390: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 9th
1:41.937 - 1:44.976: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager went off the track
1:45.812 - 1:47.882: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed miller493 for 5th
0:54.710 - 1:48.664: Brandon Hedge finished lap 2 ( 0:53.953)
1:43.390 - 1:48.890: Brett Rossi |Privateer went off the track
1:50.960 - 1:52.187: Robert Nash | BrotoOption passed Evan Crader for 4th
1:47.562 - 1:56.156: Jeremy Smith | passed Roy Mitchell | System Decal for the lead
1:08.500 - 1:56.500: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 2 ( 0:48.000)
1:54.757 - 1:57.148: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 10th
1:57.328 - 1:58.960: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 8th
2:00.609 - 2:02.132: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 11th
1:56.703 - 2:02.156: Roy Mitchell | System Decal went off the track
2:01.007 - 2:02.898: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 9th
1:05.070 - 2:02.960: Evan Crader finished lap 2 ( 0:57.890)
1:59.750 - 2:03.164: Brandon Hedge passed Jeremy Smith | for the lead
2:02.132 - 2:03.687: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 10th
2:03.687 - 2:07.398: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 9th
2:05.421 - 2:08.335: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed miller493 for 7th
1:20.750 - 2:10.203: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 2 ( 0:49.453)
2:08.335 - 2:10.203: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 6th
2:06.593 - 2:11.453: Roy Mitchell | System Decal went off the track
1:13.796 - 2:12.882: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 0:59.085)
2:10.109 - 2:13.039: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed miller493 for 8th
2:12.109 - 2:14.953: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed miller493 for 9th
1:11.062 - 2:16.835: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:05.773)
2:14.953 - 2:16.835: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 8th
1:03.367 - 2:18.007: miller493 finished lap 2 ( 1:14.640)
2:15.968 - 2:18.007: miller493 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 9th
1:17.882 - 2:18.976: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 2 ( 1:01.093)
2:17.015 - 2:18.976: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 10th
2:25.601 - 2:27.531: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager passed Doug Oakley for 12th
1:12.335 - 2:28.898: Eric#522|Monsterarmy finished lap 2 ( 1:16.562)
2:26.843 - 2:28.898: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 11th
1:39.593 - 2:30.093: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 3 ( 0:50.500)
2:27.101 - 2:30.367: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed miller493 for 9th
1:16.570 - 2:31.742: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 2 ( 1:15.171)
2:31.929 - 2:33.203: Jeremy Smith | passed Brandon Hedge for 2nd
1:40.609 - 2:37.375: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 3 ( 0:56.765)
1:41.937 - 2:40.625: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager finished lap 2 ( 0:58.687)
2:34.039 - 2:43.351: miller493 went off the track
2:40.132 - 2:46.492: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 6th
2:43.687 - 2:46.601: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 9th
1:48.664 - 2:47.187: Brandon Hedge finished lap 3 ( 0:58.523)
1:56.500 - 2:47.828: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 3 ( 0:51.328)
2:46.648 - 2:49.156: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 7th
2:43.109 - 2:52.929: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager went off the track
2:50.632 - 2:54.875: miller493 passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 9th
1:21.328 - 2:56.156: Doug Oakley finished lap 2 ( 1:34.828)
2:54.640 - 2:58.007: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 10th
2:59.796 - 3:01.812: miller493 passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 8th
3:02.312 - 3:04.296: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 9th
2:59.757 - 3:07.039: Eric#522|Monsterarmy went off the track
2:02.960 - 3:08.054: Evan Crader finished lap 3 ( 1:05.093)
2:10.203 - 3:08.421: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 3 ( 0:58.218)
3:07.492 - 3:13.351: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed miller493 for 8th
3:12.921 - 3:18.140: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager went off the track
3:02.906 - 3:18.218: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports went off the track
2:30.093 - 3:19.242: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 4 ( 0:49.148)
2:12.882 - 3:20.195: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:07.312)
3:22.562 - 3:26.937: Doug Oakley went off the track
2:18.007 - 3:27.492: miller493 finished lap 3 ( 1:09.484)
3:25.218 - 3:27.492: miller493 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 8th
3:24.703 - 3:28.093: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 10th
2:28.898 - 3:30.257: Eric#522|Monsterarmy finished lap 3 ( 1:01.359)
3:28.093 - 3:30.257: Eric#522|Monsterarmy passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 9th
2:31.742 - 3:31.085: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 3 ( 0:59.343)
2:37.375 - 3:32.234: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 4 ( 0:54.859)
2:18.976 - 3:33.664: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 3 ( 1:14.687)
3:31.804 - 3:33.664: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 11th
2:16.835 - 3:34.140: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:17.304)
3:31.085 - 3:36.015: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner went off the track
3:31.109 - 3:36.601: Brett Rossi |Privateer went off the track
2:40.625 - 3:37.265: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager finished lap 3 ( 0:56.640)
2:47.828 - 3:40.078: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 4 ( 0:52.250)
3:38.515 - 3:43.226: Roy Mitchell | System Decal went off the track
3:42.960 - 3:45.945: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed miller493 and Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 8th
3:44.789 - 3:48.015: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 10th
0:00.000 - 3:48.046: nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing finished lap 1 ( 3:48.046)
3:48.015 - 3:49.914: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed miller493 for 9th
3:47.851 - 3:51.882: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy and Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 11th
3:54.609 - 3:56.242: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager passed miller493 for 10th
4:00.304 - 4:02.250: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Eric#522|Monsterarmy for 12th
3:53.601 - 4:03.289: Evan Crader went off the track
4:02.250 - 4:03.664: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed miller493 for 11th
3:08.054 - 4:05.171: Evan Crader finished lap 4 ( 0:57.117)
3:08.421 - 4:07.007: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 4 ( 0:58.585)
4:04.929 - 4:09.906: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
4:09.125 - 4:11.593: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Evan Crader for 4th
3:32.234 - 4:13.500: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 5 ( 0:41.265)
4:11.554 - 4:13.500: Jeremy Smith | passed Roy Mitchell | System Decal for the lead
3:20.195 - 4:17.257: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 0:57.062)
3:31.085 - 4:18.656: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 4 ( 0:47.570)
3:33.664 - 4:21.070: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 4 ( 0:47.406)
3:19.242 - 4:22.296: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:03.054)
4:19.007 - 4:23.656: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager for 9th
3:34.140 - 4:31.632: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 4 ( 0:57.492)
3:40.078 - 4:32.726: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 5 ( 0:52.648)
4:31.609 - 4:35.320: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 7th
4:35.320 - 4:38.453: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 6th
4:35.515 - 4:38.562: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 7th
4:37.093 - 4:38.679: miller493 passed Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager for 10th
4:38.562 - 4:40.945: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Carcaramo Imaging #219 for 6th
4:35.671 - 4:44.523: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
4:43.187 - 4:46.468: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager passed miller493 for 10th
2:56.156 - 4:46.546: Doug Oakley finished lap 3 ( 1:50.390)
3:37.265 - 4:48.453: Fro | Vurbmoto #JeremySmith'sNewManager finished lap 4 ( 1:11.187)
4:49.742 - 4:52.500: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 5th
3:27.492 - 4:54.101: miller493 finished lap 4 ( 1:26.609)
4:13.500 - 4:54.835: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 6 ( 0:41.335)
4:54.835 - 4:58.125: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
3:48.046 - 4:59.390: nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing finished lap 2 ( 1:11.343)
4:57.828 - 5:00.984: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 8th
4:07.007 - 5:04.054: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 5 ( 0:57.046)
4:05.171 - 5:07.335: Evan Crader finished lap 5 ( 1:02.164)
4:22.296 - 5:07.617: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 6 ( 0:45.320)
5:04.835 - 5:09.109: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 7th
4:55.648 - 5:09.812: Doug Oakley went off the track
5:10.250 - 5:12.218: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner for 8th
5:10.507 - 5:14.593: Evan Crader passed Brett Rossi |Privateer for 4th
5:13.054 - 5:17.500: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
4:21.070 - 5:17.773: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 5 ( 0:56.703)
4:32.726 - 5:17.945: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 6 ( 0:45.218)
5:24.742 - 5:27.835: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 8th
4:31.632 - 5:29.039: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:57.406)
4:18.656 - 5:29.453: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 5 ( 1:10.796)
4:17.257 - 5:30.828: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:13.570)
5:31.296 - 5:32.562: Brett Rossi |Privateer passed Evan Crader for 4th
5:31.765 - 5:33.234: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 7th
5:33.875 - 5:35.781: Roy Mitchell | System Decal passed Jeremy Smith | for the lead
3:30.257 - 5:36.773: Eric#522|Monsterarmy finished lap 4 ( 2:06.515)
5:33.140 - 5:37.437: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports passed Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing for 8th
5:07.617 - 5:48.921: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 7 ( 0:41.304)
4:54.835 - 5:49.445: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 7 ( 0:54.609)
5:44.984 - 5:53.265: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
5:52.984 - 5:54.859: Jeremy Smith | passed Roy Mitchell | System Decal for the lead
5:04.054 - 5:58.914: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 6 ( 0:54.859)
5:58.679 - 6:01.562: Carcaramo Imaging #219 passed Evan Crader for 5th
5:17.773 - 6:03.375: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 6 ( 0:45.601)
4:59.390 - 6:04.343: nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing finished lap 3 ( 1:04.953)
6:07.625 - 6:08.843: Roy Mitchell | System Decal passed Jeremy Smith | for the lead
5:07.335 - 6:10.578: Evan Crader finished lap 6 ( 1:03.242)
4:54.101 - 6:16.351: miller493 finished lap 5 ( 1:22.250)
6:15.226 - 6:19.945: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
5:17.945 - 6:20.242: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 7 ( 1:02.296)
6:10.718 - 6:22.937: nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing went off the track
5:29.453 - 6:23.656: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 6 ( 0:54.203)
4:46.546 - 6:26.898: Doug Oakley finished lap 4 ( 1:40.351)
6:28.867 - 6:34.734: miller493 went off the track
5:30.828 - 6:38.398: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:07.570)
5:29.039 - 6:38.757: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:09.718)
5:48.921 - 6:39.781: Roy Mitchell | System Decal finished lap 8 ( 0:50.859)
6:40.546 - 6:42.398: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports went off the track
5:36.773 - 6:43.835: Eric#522|Monsterarmy finished lap 5 ( 1:07.062)
5:58.914 - 6:44.945: Brett Rossi |Privateer finished lap 7 ( 0:46.031)
5:49.445 - 6:45.101: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 8 ( 0:55.656)
6:39.804 - 6:46.250: miller493 went off the track
6:45.492 - 6:47.085: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing passed ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports for 8th
6:03.375 - 6:52.859: Carcaramo Imaging #219 finished lap 7 ( 0:49.484)
6:10.578 - 6:59.546: Evan Crader finished lap 7 ( 0:48.968)
6:20.242 - 7:04.507: Robert Nash | BrotoOption finished lap 8 ( 0:44.265)
6:04.343 - 7:06.632: nick von stieglitz#191|JR Motosports racing finished lap 4 ( 1:02.289)
7:06.273 - 7:12.140: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports went off the track
6:16.351 - 7:12.632: miller493 finished lap 6 ( 0:56.281)
6:23.656 - 7:12.992: Atom Holm | Two O Motorsports Owner finished lap 7 ( 0:49.335)
6:57.687 - 7:14.132: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
6:38.398 - 7:32.945: ColbyEgeland|Two O Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 0:54.546)
7:17.968 - 7:33.945: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing went off the track
6:38.757 - 7:53.375: Logan Heagney | ThisIsDef Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:14.617)