MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 16 - Salt Lake City
Format 8 laps
Date1/13/2014, 1:45:14 AM (4014 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1100BallZach<3 450sxf(2013)8 7:09.9146 0:42.2103128
2729Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing yz250f(2009)8 7:44.3355 0:45.40610039
3103Samuel Bergeron rmz250(2013)8 7:52.1488 0:48.3356315
4427Bg Kong27 250sxf(2013)8 7:52.7898 0:48.74212557
5997Acc. [ger] rmz250(2009)8 7:53.8754 0:48.5858171
6939Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 crf450(2013)7 7:14.4292 0:53.1872430
714Hubert Cliche | Privateer yz250f(2009)7 7:18.0005 0:49.8825947
890McLovin kx1257 7:21.5466 0:58.96013337
947Austin Conant | Privateer crf450(2013)7 7:30.2736 0:57.22612752
10365A.CROBE crf250(2009)7 8:25.6644 1:12.8356145
11976Jonas Rothman kx450f(2013)6 7:20.4603 0:58.71813360
1299Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing yz250f(2009)6 7:44.7340 0:00.0002559
1313Tommy Dallaire kx250f(2013)6 8:04.0625 0:57.82012608
14CATKenny Kaplan kx450f(2013)6 8:05.9842 1:07.34311466
15523Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 yz250f(2009)4 4:37.9374 0:49.6178422
16chase bell yz250f(2009)2 1:51.5312 0:46.54612076
1737Chris Little | XFR Motorsports kx450f(2013)2 2:53.2180 0:00.0006491
1812Harold kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002314

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
P2 729 103 729 729 729 729
P3 976 939 103 997 103 103 997 427
P4 103 103 939 729 90 997 427 103
P5 47 729 976 939 427 939 103 997
P6 729 976 997 976 997 427 939
P7 939 427 90 90 939 90 14
P8 365 997 47 427 14 14 90
P9 427 14 14 14 976 47 47
P10 90 47 427 47 47 365 365
P11 997 523 365 523 13 976
P12 523 90 523 13 365 99
P13 14 365 13 365 99 13
P15 13 37 99 99
P16 37 CAT
P17 CAT 99

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:42.210 6 100 BallZach<3
0:45.406 5 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
0:46.289 3 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
0:46.546 2 chase bell
0:48.335 8 103 Samuel Bergeron
0:48.585 4 997 Acc. [ger]
0:48.742 8 427 Bg Kong27
0:49.304 7 997 Acc. [ger]
0:49.617 4 523 Team Volcom | James Schuler 523
0:49.882 5 14 Hubert Cliche | Privateer
0:51.429 7 427 Bg Kong27
0:52.367 4 14 Hubert Cliche | Privateer
0:53.187 2 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
0:53.835 2 14 Hubert Cliche | Privateer
0:54.984 3 103 Samuel Bergeron
0:55.765 2 103 Samuel Bergeron
0:56.382 8 997 Acc. [ger]
0:56.898 2 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
0:57.226 6 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
0:57.820 5 13 Tommy Dallaire
0:58.718 3 976 Jonas Rothman
0:58.960 6 90 McLovin
0:59.273 2 997 Acc. [ger]
0:59.765 7 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:00.070 4 13 Tommy Dallaire
1:00.757 5 976 Jonas Rothman
1:00.921 5 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:01.281 2 427 Bg Kong27
1:01.320 8 100 BallZach<3
1:01.320 4 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:01.960 3 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
1:02.023 3 997 Acc. [ger]
1:02.195 2 523 Team Volcom | James Schuler 523
1:02.250 2 100 BallZach<3
1:03.914 4 103 Samuel Bergeron
1:04.039 7 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
1:04.382 3 100 BallZach<3
1:04.718 5 103 Samuel Bergeron
1:05.046 2 976 Jonas Rothman
1:05.265 4 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
1:05.632 7 90 McLovin
1:05.820 2 13 Tommy Dallaire
1:06.148 5 997 Acc. [ger]
1:07.343 2 CAT Kenny Kaplan
1:08.929 3 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:08.953 3 CAT Kenny Kaplan
1:10.992 4 CAT Kenny Kaplan
1:11.976 2 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:12.015 2 90 McLovin
1:12.835 4 365 A.CROBE
1:13.679 4 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:20.203 3 427 Bg Kong27
1:25.179 3 523 Team Volcom | James Schuler 523
1:26.859 7 365 A.CROBE
2:02.953 6 976 Jonas Rothman
2:13.773 6 13 Tommy Dallaire

Individual Worst Laps

0:46.546 2 chase bell
1:04.382 3 100 BallZach<3
1:04.718 5 103 Samuel Bergeron
1:05.265 4 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
1:06.148 5 997 Acc. [ger]
1:06.914 2 37 Chris Little | XFR Motorsports
1:11.976 2 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
1:12.015 2 90 McLovin
1:13.648 3 14 Hubert Cliche | Privateer
1:13.679 4 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:20.203 3 427 Bg Kong27
1:25.179 3 523 Team Volcom | James Schuler 523
1:26.859 7 365 A.CROBE
1:31.531 6 CAT Kenny Kaplan
1:35.765 3 99 Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing
2:02.953 6 976 Jonas Rothman
2:13.773 6 13 Tommy Dallaire


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.258 47 Austin Conant | Privateer
5.673 939 Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939
6.216 103 Samuel Bergeron
6.273 997 Acc. [ger]
6.585 90 McLovin
7.734 14 Hubert Cliche | Privateer
8.700 100 BallZach<3
8.880 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
9.009 CAT Kenny Kaplan
10.627 427 Bg Kong27
13.922 365 A.CROBE
14.724 523 Team Volcom | James Schuler 523
16.546 99 Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing
24.302 976 Jonas Rothman
28.765 13 Tommy Dallaire
- 37 Chris Little | XFR Motorsports
- chase bell
- 12 Harold

Play by Play

BallZach<3 takes the holeshot followed by Kenny Kaplan, A.CROBE, chase bell, Hubert Cliche | Privateer, Tommy Dallaire, Austin Conant | Privateer , Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Acc. [ger], Bg Kong27, McLovin, Samuel Bergeron, Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing, Jonas Rothman, Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 and Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing

0:13.296 - 0:17.007: Tommy Dallaire passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer, chase bell and Kenny Kaplan for 2nd
0:11.757 - 0:17.125: chase bell passed Kenny Kaplan for 3rd
0:14.382 - 0:18.046: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer and Kenny Kaplan for 4th
0:09.906 - 0:18.101: A.CROBE went off the track
0:14.640 - 0:18.812: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer and Kenny Kaplan for 6th
0:14.164 - 0:19.914: Acc. [ger] went off the track
0:17.390 - 0:22.000: Samuel Bergeron passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer, McLovin, Kenny Kaplan and Bg Kong27 for 8th
0:18.101 - 0:22.164: A.CROBE passed Tommy Dallaire, Austin Conant | Privateer and chase bell for 2nd
0:18.046 - 0:22.531: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Tommy Dallaire and chase bell for 3rd
0:19.539 - 0:22.734: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer, Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing, Jonas Rothman, McLovin, Kenny Kaplan and Bg Kong27 for 9th
0:12.875 - 0:23.445: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Kenny Kaplan for 10th
0:19.171 - 0:24.468: Jonas Rothman passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing, McLovin, Kenny Kaplan and Bg Kong27 for 11th
0:18.710 - 0:24.750: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed McLovin, Kenny Kaplan and Bg Kong27 for 12th
0:20.882 - 0:25.179: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed McLovin, Kenny Kaplan and Bg Kong27 for 13th
0:19.914 - 0:26.132: Acc. [ger] passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Tommy Dallaire and chase bell for 4th
0:22.000 - 0:27.515: Samuel Bergeron passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Tommy Dallaire and chase bell for 5th
0:16.515 - 0:27.625: Bg Kong27 passed Kenny Kaplan for 14th
0:23.445 - 0:27.750: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Tommy Dallaire and chase bell for 6th
0:16.992 - 0:27.796: McLovin passed Kenny Kaplan for 15th
0:24.468 - 0:28.843: Jonas Rothman passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Tommy Dallaire and chase bell for 7th
0:17.125 - 0:29.398: chase bell passed Tommy Dallaire for 8th
0:27.750 - 0:29.531: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Samuel Bergeron for 5th
0:25.179 - 0:30.171: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Tommy Dallaire and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 9th
0:28.843 - 0:31.031: Jonas Rothman passed Samuel Bergeron for 6th
0:27.625 - 0:32.101: Bg Kong27 passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, Chris Little | XFR Motorsports and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 11th
0:29.398 - 0:32.117: chase bell passed Samuel Bergeron for 7th
0:24.750 - 0:32.320: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 12th
0:27.796 - 0:32.375: McLovin passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 13th
0:28.250 - 0:32.578: Kenny Kaplan passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 14th
0:30.171 - 0:32.984: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Samuel Bergeron for 8th
0:32.117 - 0:33.867: chase bell passed Jonas Rothman for 6th
0:29.296 - 0:34.617: A.CROBE went off the track
0:31.804 - 0:34.734: Tommy Dallaire passed Samuel Bergeron for 9th
0:32.101 - 0:34.984: Bg Kong27 passed Samuel Bergeron for 10th
0:32.320 - 0:35.000: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Samuel Bergeron for 11th
0:22.734 - 0:35.281: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 15th
0:33.867 - 0:35.328: chase bell passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 5th
0:35.000 - 0:36.382: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939, Tommy Dallaire and Bg Kong27 for 8th
0:34.734 - 0:36.429: Tommy Dallaire passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 9th
0:35.492 - 0:37.453: Jonas Rothman passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 6th
0:36.429 - 0:38.125: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 7th
0:35.281 - 0:38.375: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed McLovin and Kenny Kaplan for 13th
0:36.382 - 0:38.375: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 8th
0:37.101 - 0:39.640: Bg Kong27 passed Tommy Dallaire and Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 9th
0:36.429 - 0:40.078: Tommy Dallaire passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 10th
0:39.125 - 0:40.851: Samuel Bergeron passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 11th
0:40.851 - 0:42.046: Samuel Bergeron passed Tommy Dallaire for 10th
0:36.437 - 0:42.390: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Kenny Kaplan for 15th
0:42.296 - 0:43.843: McLovin passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Tommy Dallaire and Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 11th
0:42.484 - 0:45.492: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:46.195: BallZach<3 finished lap 1 ( 0:46.195)
0:43.765 - 0:46.351: chase bell passed Acc. [ger] for 4th
0:45.031 - 0:47.007: Austin Conant | Privateer passed A.CROBE for 2nd
0:45.898 - 0:47.109: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports, Tommy Dallaire and Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 12th
0:46.007 - 0:47.523: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed Kenny Kaplan for 16th
0:41.859 - 0:48.218: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Tommy Dallaire for 13th
0:47.695 - 0:49.203: Kenny Kaplan passed Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing for 16th
0:49.203 - 0:50.296: Kenny Kaplan passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports and Tommy Dallaire for 14th
0:50.007 - 0:51.437: chase bell passed A.CROBE for 3rd
0:50.843 - 0:52.843: Bg Kong27 passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 8th
0:52.476 - 0:54.859: Jonas Rothman passed Acc. [ger] for 5th
0:53.367 - 0:55.117: Samuel Bergeron passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 and Bg Kong27 for 8th
0:54.359 - 0:56.781: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Acc. [ger] for 6th
0:55.445 - 0:57.570: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Acc. [ger] and Bg Kong27 for 7th
0:55.210 - 0:57.703: Bg Kong27 passed Acc. [ger] for 8th
0:56.195 - 0:59.664: Tommy Dallaire passed Kenny Kaplan for 13th
0:58.031 - 0:59.843: McLovin passed Acc. [ger] for 9th
0:57.945 - 1:01.054: chase bell passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 2nd
0:55.117 - 1:01.257: Samuel Bergeron went off the track
0:59.210 - 1:02.453: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed Kenny Kaplan for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:02.835: chase bell finished lap 1 ( 1:02.835)
0:56.906 - 1:03.117: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports went off the track
1:01.578 - 1:03.429: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Acc. [ger] for 10th
1:01.773 - 1:04.710: Jonas Rothman passed Austin Conant | Privateer and A.CROBE for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:06.625: Jonas Rothman finished lap 1 ( 1:06.625)
1:04.203 - 1:06.953: Samuel Bergeron passed Austin Conant | Privateer , Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing and A.CROBE for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:08.742: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 1 ( 1:08.742)
1:02.882 - 1:08.945: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed A.CROBE for 6th
1:05.531 - 1:08.960: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed A.CROBE for 7th
1:06.023 - 1:09.453: Bg Kong27 passed A.CROBE for 8th
1:05.867 - 1:09.671: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:10.132: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:10.132)
0:00.000 - 1:10.875: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 1 ( 1:10.875)
0:00.000 - 1:10.921: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 1 ( 1:10.921)
1:04.429 - 1:11.421: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Tommy Dallaire for 15th
1:10.109 - 1:11.468: Acc. [ger] passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:11.468: A.CROBE finished lap 1 ( 1:11.468)
1:09.500 - 1:11.468: A.CROBE passed Bg Kong27 for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:12.570: Bg Kong27 finished lap 1 ( 1:12.570)
0:00.000 - 1:12.609: McLovin finished lap 1 ( 1:12.609)
1:12.484 - 1:14.171: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Samuel Bergeron for 4th
1:09.718 - 1:14.421: Kenny Kaplan passed Tommy Dallaire for 16th
1:13.007 - 1:14.601: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Samuel Bergeron for 5th
1:13.265 - 1:15.171: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Samuel Bergeron for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:16.343: Acc. [ger] finished lap 1 ( 1:16.343)
1:14.601 - 1:16.460: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 4th
1:14.875 - 1:16.968: McLovin passed Samuel Bergeron, A.CROBE and Bg Kong27 for 7th
1:14.773 - 1:17.757: Bg Kong27 passed Samuel Bergeron and A.CROBE for 8th
1:16.523 - 1:18.289: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 4th
1:13.648 - 1:18.453: A.CROBE passed Samuel Bergeron for 9th
1:14.421 - 1:18.632: Kenny Kaplan passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:20.945: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 finished lap 1 ( 1:20.945)
1:18.890 - 1:21.414: Samuel Bergeron passed A.CROBE for 9th
1:19.265 - 1:22.554: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Austin Conant | Privateer and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:24.539: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:24.539)
1:21.992 - 1:25.531: Bg Kong27 passed Austin Conant | Privateer , Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing and McLovin for 5th
1:23.570 - 1:26.625: Samuel Bergeron passed Austin Conant | Privateer , Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing and McLovin for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:27.632: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:27.632)
1:18.460 - 1:30.664: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 7th
1:30.015 - 1:32.000: Samuel Bergeron passed Bg Kong27 for 5th
1:34.078 - 1:37.203: Tommy Dallaire passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports and Kenny Kaplan for 15th
1:29.468 - 1:37.976: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Acc. [ger] and A.CROBE for 10th
1:36.601 - 1:38.851: Bg Kong27 passed Samuel Bergeron for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:39.140: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 1 ( 1:39.140)
1:26.882 - 1:39.375: Acc. [ger] passed A.CROBE for 11th
1:36.265 - 1:39.687: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer and A.CROBE for 12th
1:33.093 - 1:39.906: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed A.CROBE for 13th
1:31.414 - 1:40.468: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 16th
1:39.320 - 1:42.054: Samuel Bergeron passed Bg Kong27 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:42.390: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:42.390)
1:39.906 - 1:43.476: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:44.625: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 1 ( 1:44.625)
1:44.742 - 1:46.117: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Austin Conant | Privateer and McLovin for 8th
1:44.296 - 1:46.414: McLovin passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 9th
1:45.804 - 1:47.078: Acc. [ger] passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 10th
1:47.078 - 1:48.242: Acc. [ger] passed McLovin for 9th
0:46.195 - 1:48.445: BallZach<3 finished lap 2 ( 1:02.250)
1:46.570 - 1:48.640: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 11th
1:02.835 - 1:49.382: chase bell finished lap 2 ( 0:46.546)
1:48.179 - 1:49.898: A.CROBE passed Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing for 13th
1:48.656 - 1:50.429: Bg Kong27 passed Samuel Bergeron for 5th
1:48.242 - 1:50.585: Acc. [ger] passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 8th
1:49.953 - 1:51.406: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed A.CROBE for 13th
1:50.210 - 1:52.718: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and McLovin for 9th
1:50.750 - 1:52.960: Samuel Bergeron passed Bg Kong27 for 5th
1:51.851 - 1:53.687: A.CROBE passed Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing for 13th
1:51.523 - 1:55.539: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Jonas Rothman for 3rd
1:53.187 - 1:56.031: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and McLovin for 10th
1:52.960 - 1:56.523: Samuel Bergeron passed Jonas Rothman for 4th
1:54.898 - 1:56.640: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Bg Kong27 for 6th
1:51.515 - 1:57.367: chase bell went off the track
1:56.640 - 2:00.000: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Jonas Rothman for 5th
1:59.226 - 2:00.953: Tommy Dallaire passed Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing for 14th
1:55.367 - 2:03.687: A.CROBE went off the track
1:10.921 - 2:04.109: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 2 ( 0:53.187)
1:08.742 - 2:04.507: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 2 ( 0:55.765)
2:04.257 - 2:05.914: Kenny Kaplan passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 16th
1:10.875 - 2:07.773: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 2 ( 0:56.898)
2:06.898 - 2:08.156: Samuel Bergeron passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 2nd
1:06.625 - 2:11.671: Jonas Rothman finished lap 2 ( 1:05.046)
1:12.570 - 2:13.851: Bg Kong27 finished lap 2 ( 1:01.281)
1:16.343 - 2:15.617: Acc. [ger] finished lap 2 ( 0:59.273)
2:13.023 - 2:16.781: A.CROBE passed McLovin for 12th
2:15.898 - 2:17.015: BallZach<3 passed chase bell for the lead
1:24.539 - 2:18.375: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 0:53.835)
1:10.132 - 2:22.109: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:11.976)
2:17.500 - 2:22.195: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports went off the track
2:20.085 - 2:22.828: McLovin passed A.CROBE for 12th
1:20.945 - 2:23.140: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 finished lap 2 ( 1:02.195)
2:22.195 - 2:24.335: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 16th
1:12.609 - 2:24.625: McLovin finished lap 2 ( 1:12.015)
1:11.468 - 2:25.429: A.CROBE finished lap 2 ( 1:13.960)
2:24.976 - 2:26.562: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Samuel Bergeron for 3rd
2:24.632 - 2:26.679: Kenny Kaplan passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 16th
2:20.039 - 2:27.640: chase bell went off the track
2:27.015 - 2:28.187: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Samuel Bergeron for 4th
2:26.968 - 2:30.406: McLovin went off the track
2:18.421 - 2:31.460: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
2:27.023 - 2:31.640: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 11th
2:29.789 - 2:32.039: A.CROBE passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 12th
2:31.773 - 2:32.945: Jonas Rothman passed Samuel Bergeron for 5th
2:30.687 - 2:33.562: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 2nd
2:27.437 - 2:35.289: Acc. [ger] passed Bg Kong27 for 7th
2:33.625 - 2:36.695: A.CROBE passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 11th
2:35.476 - 2:39.000: McLovin passed Bg Kong27 for 8th
2:36.695 - 2:40.382: A.CROBE passed Bg Kong27 for 9th
2:37.062 - 2:40.640: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Bg Kong27 for 10th
2:31.359 - 2:41.257: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports passed Kenny Kaplan for 15th
2:37.812 - 2:42.898: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Bg Kong27 for 11th
2:41.015 - 2:43.382: Samuel Bergeron passed Jonas Rothman for 4th
1:39.140 - 2:44.960: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 2 ( 1:05.820)
2:42.898 - 2:46.093: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523, A.CROBE and McLovin for 8th
1:42.390 - 2:49.304: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:06.914)
2:40.382 - 2:49.757: A.CROBE passed McLovin for 9th
2:29.406 - 2:50.335: Hubert Cliche | Privateer went off the track
2:47.781 - 2:50.500: Bg Kong27 passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and McLovin for 10th
1:44.625 - 2:51.968: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 2 ( 1:07.343)
2:50.601 - 2:52.453: McLovin passed Bg Kong27 for 11th
1:48.445 - 2:52.828: BallZach<3 finished lap 3 ( 1:04.382)
2:07.773 - 2:54.062: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 3 ( 0:46.289)
2:52.320 - 2:54.257: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Bg Kong27 for 12th
1:27.632 - 2:54.367: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:26.734)
2:49.304 - 2:54.898: Chris Little | XFR Motorsports went off the track
2:54.656 - 2:57.578: Samuel Bergeron passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 3rd
2:55.914 - 2:58.351: McLovin passed A.CROBE for 9th
2:57.015 - 2:59.070: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed A.CROBE for 10th
2:04.507 - 2:59.492: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 3 ( 0:54.984)
2:58.351 - 3:01.234: McLovin passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 8th
2:55.078 - 3:01.859: BallZach<3 went off the track
2:59.070 - 3:02.906: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 9th
2:59.125 - 3:03.671: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports and Kenny Kaplan for 15th
3:01.679 - 3:04.546: A.CROBE passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 10th
2:04.109 - 3:06.070: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 3 ( 1:01.960)
2:56.179 - 3:06.070: Kenny Kaplan passed Chris Little | XFR Motorsports for 16th
3:03.671 - 3:08.398: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
2:11.671 - 3:10.390: Jonas Rothman finished lap 3 ( 0:58.718)
3:06.515 - 3:12.289: Tommy Dallaire went off the track
3:10.468 - 3:13.609: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and A.CROBE for 9th
3:13.179 - 3:15.523: Bg Kong27 passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and A.CROBE for 10th
3:14.007 - 3:16.289: Tommy Dallaire passed A.CROBE for 12th
2:15.617 - 3:17.640: Acc. [ger] finished lap 3 ( 1:02.023)
3:17.187 - 3:18.773: McLovin passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 7th
3:12.828 - 3:21.960: Samuel Bergeron passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 2nd
3:16.578 - 3:23.039: A.CROBE passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 and Tommy Dallaire for 11th
3:21.179 - 3:23.296: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 3rd
2:24.625 - 3:24.062: McLovin finished lap 3 ( 0:59.437)
3:13.796 - 3:27.546: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
3:26.679 - 3:27.976: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Samuel Bergeron for 2nd
3:16.289 - 3:28.718: Tommy Dallaire passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 12th
3:23.039 - 3:29.757: A.CROBE went off the track
3:27.984 - 3:30.335: Samuel Bergeron passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 2nd
3:28.984 - 3:30.953: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Tommy Dallaire for 11th
2:22.109 - 3:31.039: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:08.929)
2:18.375 - 3:32.023: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:13.648)
3:31.109 - 3:32.992: Tommy Dallaire passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 12th
2:13.851 - 3:34.054: Bg Kong27 finished lap 3 ( 1:20.203)
3:33.070 - 3:37.570: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Tommy Dallaire for 12th
3:35.601 - 3:40.773: McLovin went off the track
3:37.367 - 3:43.054: Jonas Rothman went off the track
3:39.851 - 3:43.250: Acc. [ger] passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 4th
2:52.828 - 3:44.968: BallZach<3 finished lap 4 ( 0:52.140)
3:40.296 - 3:45.140: Bg Kong27 went off the track
3:36.539 - 3:45.781: A.CROBE went off the track
2:25.429 - 3:47.796: A.CROBE finished lap 3 ( 1:22.367)
2:23.140 - 3:48.320: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 finished lap 3 ( 1:25.179)
2:44.960 - 3:50.328: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 3 ( 1:05.367)
3:43.828 - 3:52.250: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
3:50.265 - 3:52.375: Bg Kong27 passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 8th
3:51.289 - 3:52.789: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 9th
3:52.343 - 3:53.695: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Acc. [ger] for 5th
3:51.554 - 3:55.492: Samuel Bergeron passed Jonas Rothman for 2nd
3:54.218 - 3:58.218: Acc. [ger] passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939, Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing and Jonas Rothman for 3rd
3:53.695 - 4:00.132: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 and Jonas Rothman for 4th
2:51.968 - 4:00.921: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 3 ( 1:08.953)
3:52.687 - 4:02.687: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Jonas Rothman for 5th
2:59.492 - 4:03.406: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 4 ( 1:03.914)
3:17.640 - 4:06.226: Acc. [ger] finished lap 4 ( 0:48.585)
4:05.062 - 4:06.546: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed A.CROBE for 11th
2:54.062 - 4:07.742: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 4 ( 1:13.679)
4:03.796 - 4:09.148: BallZach<3 went off the track
3:06.070 - 4:11.335: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 4 ( 1:05.265)
3:10.390 - 4:16.054: Jonas Rothman finished lap 4 ( 1:05.664)
3:24.062 - 4:18.585: McLovin finished lap 4 ( 0:54.523)
3:34.054 - 4:23.343: Bg Kong27 finished lap 4 ( 0:49.289)
4:21.109 - 4:23.406: Acc. [ger] passed Samuel Bergeron for 2nd
3:54.000 - 4:23.500: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
4:21.718 - 4:24.000: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Samuel Bergeron for 3rd
3:32.023 - 4:24.390: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 0:52.367)
4:24.000 - 4:25.343: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Acc. [ger] for 2nd
4:22.304 - 4:27.484: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 went off the track
2:54.367 - 4:30.132: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:35.765)
4:28.179 - 4:30.226: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Bg Kong27 for 8th
4:29.398 - 4:30.953: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Acc. [ger] for 3rd
3:31.039 - 4:32.359: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:01.320)
4:31.335 - 4:33.351: Tommy Dallaire passed A.CROBE for 12th
4:33.820 - 4:35.390: A.CROBE passed Tommy Dallaire for 12th
4:30.625 - 4:35.593: Bg Kong27 went off the track
4:34.476 - 4:36.734: Samuel Bergeron passed Acc. [ger] for 3rd
3:48.320 - 4:37.937: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 finished lap 4 ( 0:49.617)
4:33.882 - 4:39.179: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
3:44.968 - 4:39.328: BallZach<3 finished lap 5 ( 0:54.359)
4:36.734 - 4:40.296: Samuel Bergeron passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 3rd
4:36.929 - 4:40.656: Acc. [ger] passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 4th
4:38.007 - 4:41.859: Tommy Dallaire passed A.CROBE for 12th
4:45.679 - 4:47.648: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Bg Kong27 for 7th
3:50.328 - 4:50.398: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 4 ( 1:00.070)
4:48.085 - 4:50.851: Bg Kong27 passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 8th
4:48.289 - 4:51.000: McLovin passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 and Jonas Rothman for 5th
4:46.281 - 4:52.164: Jonas Rothman passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 6th
4:07.742 - 4:53.148: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 5 ( 0:45.406)
4:52.382 - 4:54.562: Bg Kong27 passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 7th
4:53.148 - 4:56.406: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
4:55.742 - 4:57.140: Jonas Rothman passed McLovin for 5th
3:47.796 - 5:00.632: A.CROBE finished lap 4 ( 1:12.835)
4:57.703 - 5:01.687: McLovin passed Jonas Rothman for 5th
5:00.804 - 5:04.476: Bg Kong27 passed Jonas Rothman for 6th
5:01.343 - 5:05.390: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 passed Jonas Rothman for 7th
5:01.968 - 5:05.875: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Jonas Rothman for 8th
5:04.312 - 5:07.031: Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 passed Austin Conant | Privateer for 10th
5:02.937 - 5:07.125: A.CROBE went off the track
4:03.406 - 5:08.125: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 5 ( 1:04.718)
5:03.187 - 5:09.343: McLovin went off the track
4:18.585 - 5:11.210: McLovin finished lap 5 ( 0:52.625)
4:00.921 - 5:11.914: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 4 ( 1:10.992)
5:08.125 - 5:12.078: Samuel Bergeron went off the track
4:23.343 - 5:12.281: Bg Kong27 finished lap 5 ( 0:48.937)
5:10.312 - 5:12.281: Bg Kong27 passed Acc. [ger] for 5th
4:06.226 - 5:12.375: Acc. [ger] finished lap 5 ( 1:06.148)
4:11.335 - 5:13.500: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 5 ( 1:02.164)
4:24.390 - 5:14.273: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 0:49.882)
4:16.054 - 5:16.812: Jonas Rothman finished lap 5 ( 1:00.757)
5:16.601 - 5:19.156: Acc. [ger] passed McLovin and Bg Kong27 for 4th
5:16.296 - 5:19.281: Bg Kong27 passed McLovin for 5th
5:15.632 - 5:20.453: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 went off the track
5:18.351 - 5:20.554: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Team Volcom | James Schuler 523 for 10th
5:16.375 - 5:21.523: Hubert Cliche | Privateer went off the track
4:39.328 - 5:21.539: BallZach<3 finished lap 6 ( 0:42.210)
5:18.164 - 5:22.960: A.CROBE went off the track
5:21.421 - 5:23.687: Jonas Rothman passed McLovin for 8th
5:23.687 - 5:25.320: Jonas Rothman passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 7th
5:22.960 - 5:29.359: A.CROBE went off the track
5:27.875 - 5:29.398: McLovin passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 8th
4:30.132 - 5:30.164: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:00.031)
4:32.359 - 5:33.281: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:00.921)
5:31.625 - 5:36.171: Acc. [ger] went off the track
5:31.617 - 5:36.625: Bg Kong27 went off the track
5:32.421 - 5:36.781: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
5:39.851 - 5:44.570: BallZach<3 went off the track
5:41.007 - 5:44.609: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 went off the track
5:42.750 - 5:45.242: McLovin passed Jonas Rothman for 7th
5:32.953 - 5:45.375: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
5:44.250 - 5:46.687: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed Jonas Rothman for 8th
4:50.398 - 5:48.218: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 5 ( 0:57.820)
4:53.148 - 5:48.296: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 6 ( 0:55.148)
5:00.632 - 5:51.195: A.CROBE finished lap 5 ( 0:50.562)
5:51.195 - 5:53.648: A.CROBE passed Tommy Dallaire for 9th
5:08.125 - 5:57.367: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 6 ( 0:49.242)
5:50.343 - 5:57.820: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
5:21.539 - 6:02.976: BallZach<3 finished lap 7 ( 0:41.437)
5:57.820 - 6:02.984: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
5:12.375 - 6:03.312: Acc. [ger] finished lap 6 ( 0:50.937)
5:13.500 - 6:03.710: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 6 ( 0:50.210)
5:12.281 - 6:05.367: Bg Kong27 finished lap 6 ( 0:53.085)
5:54.414 - 6:06.984: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
6:05.453 - 6:09.984: Austin Conant | Privateer passed Jonas Rothman for 9th
5:11.210 - 6:10.171: McLovin finished lap 6 ( 0:58.960)
5:14.273 - 6:11.054: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 0:56.781)
6:09.406 - 6:12.906: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
6:13.796 - 6:17.031: Bg Kong27 passed Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 for 5th
6:13.210 - 6:17.648: Hubert Cliche | Privateer went off the track
6:12.906 - 6:18.351: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
6:17.648 - 6:19.351: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed McLovin for 6th
5:30.164 - 6:21.039: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:50.875)
6:21.039 - 6:23.632: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing passed Tommy Dallaire for 10th
6:18.164 - 6:26.023: A.CROBE went off the track
6:19.867 - 6:27.218: McLovin passed Hubert Cliche | Privateer for 7th
5:33.281 - 6:30.507: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 0:57.226)
5:11.914 - 6:31.820: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 5 ( 1:19.906)
6:31.820 - 6:35.390: Kenny Kaplan went off the track
5:48.296 - 6:38.007: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 7 ( 0:49.710)
6:37.054 - 6:40.085: Hubert Cliche | Privateer passed McLovin for 6th
5:51.195 - 6:43.179: A.CROBE finished lap 6 ( 0:51.984)
6:41.726 - 6:49.687: Tommy Dallaire passed Kenny Kaplan for 13th
6:47.054 - 6:52.117: Hubert Cliche | Privateer went off the track
6:03.312 - 6:52.617: Acc. [ger] finished lap 7 ( 0:49.304)
6:05.367 - 6:56.796: Bg Kong27 finished lap 7 ( 0:51.429)
6:39.843 - 6:57.226: Samuel Bergeron went off the track
5:57.367 - 6:59.085: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 7 ( 1:01.718)
6:02.976 - 7:04.296: BallZach<3 finished lap 8 ( 1:01.320)
6:56.320 - 7:06.914: Kenny Kaplan passed Tommy Dallaire for 13th
6:03.710 - 7:07.750: Josh Peterson | Looking for Ride | 939 finished lap 7 ( 1:04.039)
6:11.054 - 7:08.492: Hubert Cliche | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 0:57.437)
7:04.929 - 7:09.835: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
6:10.171 - 7:15.804: McLovin finished lap 7 ( 1:05.632)
5:16.812 - 7:19.765: Jonas Rothman finished lap 6 ( 2:02.953)
7:14.718 - 7:23.445: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing went off the track
6:38.007 - 7:30.132: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 8 ( 0:52.125)
6:30.507 - 7:30.273: Austin Conant | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 0:59.765)
6:21.039 - 7:36.843: Vinny Villa | Leatt Tech Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:15.804)
7:33.882 - 7:37.664: Bg Kong27 passed Acc. [ger] for 3rd
7:35.617 - 7:39.882: Samuel Bergeron passed Acc. [ger] for 4th
6:56.796 - 7:45.539: Bg Kong27 finished lap 8 ( 0:48.742)
6:59.085 - 7:47.421: Samuel Bergeron finished lap 8 ( 0:48.335)
6:52.617 - 7:49.000: Acc. [ger] finished lap 8 ( 0:56.382)
7:56.179 - 8:00.046: Tommy Dallaire passed Kenny Kaplan for 13th
5:48.218 - 8:01.992: Tommy Dallaire finished lap 6 ( 2:13.773)
6:31.820 - 8:03.351: Kenny Kaplan finished lap 6 ( 1:31.531)
6:43.179 - 8:10.039: A.CROBE finished lap 7 ( 1:26.859)