MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 9 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date2/9/2014, 8:33:34 PM (3986 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
181Bryan Dodge kx250f(2013)8 8:40.2897 1:00.3824886
2245timmie rmz250(2009)8 9:08.6017 0:59.67113404
318C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST rmz450(2013)8 9:23.1096 1:03.5396415
47James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki rmz450(2011)7 8:52.8437 1:07.0393602
5Kalani | Aloha Cycles rm1257 9:03.5235 1:03.37511270
6185Bubba yz250f(2013)7 9:06.1566 1:16.8988258
799Ryan#99 | FastCo kx250f(2013)7 9:07.1713 1:04.8989336
8336M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer yz250(2012)7 9:13.8596 1:03.3209123
911Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS yz250f(2009)7 9:37.7892 1:09.87511540
10729Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing rmz450(2013)6 9:07.5232 1:00.21810039
1155joey55 kx250(2006)6 9:11.1175 1:21.1179044
12771Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) rmz450(2013)6 9:31.7652 1:12.2659877
13517Kenny Felgar #517 250sxf(2013)6 9:46.7100 0:00.000670
14138Ripper138 rmz450(2013)5 8:56.0154 1:11.79613457
15297Dallas Heater yz250f(2009)5 9:11.7575 1:58.05413437
16475Brady Frazee kx450f(2013)5 9:55.7262 1:27.1793940
17954Nick Citrola crf450(2013)5 10:03.2960 0:00.00012013
18KXTanner Inman 55 | Autism MX kx250f(2009)1 1:28.0930 0:00.00013229
19220Andrea Di Pietro rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010421

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81
P2 185 185 185 245 245 245 245 245
P3 18 18 18 18 18 18
P4 18 18 245 185 185 185 7
P5 KX 245 7 7 185
P6 7 336 7 99 7 99
P7 245 11 99 99 99
P8 517 7 336 336 336 336 336
P9 336 99 11 11 11 11 11
P10 11 771 771 55 55 55
P11 99 517 517 517 517 729
P12 771 55 55 771 771 771
P13 297 475 297 729 729 517
P14 55 297 475 297 138
P15 475 954 729 138 297
P16 954 138 954 475 475
P17 138 729 138 954 954
P18 729

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:59.671 7 245 timmie
1:00.218 2 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:00.382 7 81 Bryan Dodge
1:01.070 3 81 Bryan Dodge
1:01.101 6 245 timmie
1:01.367 6 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:02.031 2 81 Bryan Dodge
1:03.320 4 245 timmie
1:03.320 6 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:03.375 5 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:03.382 5 245 timmie
1:03.539 6 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
1:04.367 3 245 timmie
1:04.476 3 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:04.648 8 81 Bryan Dodge
1:04.898 3 99 Ryan#99 | FastCo
1:06.125 6 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:06.289 6 81 Bryan Dodge
1:06.867 3 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
1:07.039 7 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
1:07.468 2 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:07.671 2 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:09.335 4 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
1:09.875 2 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:10.132 2 245 timmie
1:11.796 4 138 Ripper138
1:12.093 3 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
1:12.203 8 245 timmie
1:12.265 2 771 Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy)
1:12.906 7 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:13.531 2 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
1:15.398 6 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
1:16.085 2 99 Ryan#99 | FastCo
1:16.898 6 185 Bubba
1:18.234 4 81 Bryan Dodge
1:19.234 3 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:21.117 5 55 joey55
1:21.281 5 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:21.648 3 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:21.968 2 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
1:22.429 4 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:24.453 4 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:24.585 6 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:25.179 5 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:26.210 4 55 joey55
1:27.179 2 475 Brady Frazee
1:27.804 7 185 Bubba
1:28.476 4 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:38.398 4 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:52.132 2 138 Ripper138
1:58.054 5 297 Dallas Heater
2:00.726 4 475 Brady Frazee
2:19.859 5 475 Brady Frazee

Individual Worst Laps

1:12.203 8 245 timmie
1:13.531 2 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
1:18.203 7 99 Ryan#99 | FastCo
1:18.234 4 81 Bryan Dodge
1:21.968 2 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
1:24.585 6 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
1:25.179 5 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
1:27.804 7 185 Bubba
1:28.476 4 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
1:36.546 6 55 joey55
1:38.398 4 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
1:46.187 4 771 Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy)
1:55.132 3 138 Ripper138
2:00.984 4 297 Dallas Heater
2:02.679 6 517 Kenny Felgar #517
2:11.460 5 954 Nick Citrola
2:19.859 5 475 Brady Frazee


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.269 245 timmie
4.369 18 C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST
4.678 7 James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki
5.033 99 Ryan#99 | FastCo
5.838 81 Bryan Dodge
5.957 11 Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS
6.342 185 Bubba
6.621 55 joey55
8.426 336 M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer
10.901 729 Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing
11.996 771 Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy)
12.093 Kalani | Aloha Cycles
13.535 517 Kenny Felgar #517
13.630 954 Nick Citrola
13.664 297 Dallas Heater
17.270 138 Ripper138
19.257 475 Brady Frazee
- 220 Andrea Di Pietro
- KX Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX

Play by Play

M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer takes the holeshot followed by Bryan Dodge, Ripper138, Dallas Heater, Ryan#99 | FastCo, Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX, Bubba, timmie, Andrea Di Pietro, Brady Frazee, Kalani | Aloha Cycles, C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST, Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS, Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy), Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing and joey55

0:10.132 - 0:12.390: Bryan Dodge passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for the lead
0:10.531 - 0:12.882: Ripper138 passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 2nd
0:11.656 - 0:14.070: Dallas Heater passed Nick Citrola, M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 3rd
0:14.781 - 0:16.695: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, Nick Citrola, M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 4th
0:15.609 - 0:17.789: Bubba passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, Nick Citrola, M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
0:09.890 - 0:18.812: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 6th
0:17.171 - 0:20.312: Dallas Heater passed Ripper138 for 2nd
0:19.257 - 0:20.484: Bubba passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 4th
0:19.125 - 0:21.625: Andrea Di Pietro passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, timmie and Nick Citrola for 8th
0:18.234 - 0:22.054: timmie passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Nick Citrola for 9th
0:21.039 - 0:23.390: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, Brady Frazee and Nick Citrola for 10th
0:21.695 - 0:23.640: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, Brady Frazee and Nick Citrola for 11th
0:19.476 - 0:24.125: Brady Frazee passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Nick Citrola for 12th
0:22.664 - 0:24.578: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Nick Citrola for 13th
0:23.390 - 0:24.867: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Andrea Di Pietro and timmie for 8th
0:23.546 - 0:24.929: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 17th
0:23.640 - 0:25.085: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Andrea Di Pietro and timmie for 9th
0:22.148 - 0:25.351: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX and Ripper138 for 3rd
0:23.953 - 0:26.257: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX and Ripper138 for 4th
0:24.578 - 0:26.289: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Andrea Di Pietro, Brady Frazee and timmie for 10th
0:24.640 - 0:26.601: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Nick Citrola for 14th
0:24.968 - 0:27.195: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Ryan#99 | FastCo, Nick Citrola and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 15th
0:24.929 - 0:27.343: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Nick Citrola for 16th
0:14.117 - 0:27.476: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Nick Citrola for 17th
0:20.804 - 0:28.601: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX passed Ripper138 for 5th
0:26.601 - 0:28.609: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Andrea Di Pietro, Brady Frazee and timmie for 11th
0:26.062 - 0:28.734: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Ripper138 for 6th
0:26.437 - 0:28.765: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Ripper138 for 7th
0:27.476 - 0:28.960: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Andrea Di Pietro, Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy), Brady Frazee, timmie and Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 12th
0:20.484 - 0:29.960: Bubba went off the track
0:28.960 - 0:30.132: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 11th
0:27.195 - 0:31.421: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Andrea Di Pietro, Brady Frazee and timmie for 13th
0:29.468 - 0:32.640: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Dallas Heater for 2nd
0:22.054 - 0:32.734: timmie passed Andrea Di Pietro for 14th
0:30.593 - 0:33.929: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Dallas Heater for 3rd
0:31.250 - 0:34.070: Bubba passed Dallas Heater for 4th
0:24.125 - 0:34.421: Brady Frazee passed Andrea Di Pietro for 15th
0:28.765 - 0:35.460: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
0:33.531 - 0:35.710: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 10th
0:34.070 - 0:35.921: Bubba passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 3rd
0:32.843 - 0:36.593: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX passed Dallas Heater for 5th
0:29.281 - 0:37.117: Ripper138 went off the track
0:35.304 - 0:37.632: timmie passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 11th
0:35.992 - 0:38.296: Brady Frazee passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 12th
0:35.921 - 0:38.562: Bubba passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 2nd
0:27.343 - 0:38.710: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Andrea Di Pietro for 16th
0:33.757 - 0:38.882: joey55 passed Andrea Di Pietro and Nick Citrola for 17th
0:36.390 - 0:38.906: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 3rd
0:27.789 - 0:39.382: Nick Citrola passed Andrea Di Pietro for 18th
0:40.054 - 0:42.476: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 13th
0:38.640 - 0:42.515: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles and Dallas Heater for 6th
0:38.000 - 0:43.539: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST went off the track
0:40.382 - 0:43.718: joey55 passed Ryan#99 | FastCo and Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 14th
0:40.085 - 0:44.484: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Ripper138 for 9th
0:41.734 - 0:44.484: timmie passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) and Ripper138 for 9th
0:42.757 - 0:45.781: Brady Frazee passed Ripper138 for 11th
0:38.304 - 0:46.101: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Dallas Heater for 8th
0:44.484 - 0:46.304: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Dallas Heater for 9th
0:40.281 - 0:46.804: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer went off the track
0:44.484 - 0:47.054: timmie passed Dallas Heater for 10th
0:45.781 - 0:47.671: Brady Frazee passed Dallas Heater for 11th
0:46.578 - 0:49.054: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Ripper138 for 12th
0:41.062 - 0:49.804: Nick Citrola went off the track
0:48.679 - 0:50.117: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 7th
0:43.718 - 0:50.960: joey55 went off the track
0:50.328 - 0:52.375: Dallas Heater passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy), Brady Frazee and timmie for 9th
0:45.453 - 0:52.421: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX went off the track
0:47.671 - 0:53.515: Brady Frazee passed timmie for 11th
0:49.804 - 0:53.945: Nick Citrola passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 16th
0:54.867 - 0:56.765: Brady Frazee passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 8th
0:55.492 - 0:58.781: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 3rd
0:52.921 - 0:58.820: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 17th
0:57.406 - 0:59.625: timmie passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:02.085: Bryan Dodge finished lap 1 ( 1:02.085)
0:59.343 - 1:02.093: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 4th
0:59.890 - 1:02.109: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 10th
0:58.820 - 1:02.281: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Nick Citrola for 15th
1:01.179 - 1:03.937: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
0:56.500 - 1:04.242: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 6th
0:59.625 - 1:04.742: timmie passed Brady Frazee and Dallas Heater for 9th
1:02.109 - 1:06.312: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Brady Frazee and Dallas Heater for 10th
0:57.312 - 1:06.617: joey55 passed Ripper138 for 14th
1:04.640 - 1:07.304: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Ripper138 for 15th
0:56.765 - 1:08.656: Brady Frazee passed Dallas Heater for 11th
1:04.546 - 1:10.179: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Dallas Heater for 12th
1:08.546 - 1:10.320: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Nick Citrola for 17th
0:00.000 - 1:10.828: Bubba finished lap 1 ( 1:10.828)
1:11.429 - 1:12.867: timmie passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 6th
0:54.265 - 1:14.117: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
1:15.625 - 1:17.234: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 9th
1:11.867 - 1:17.421: Brady Frazee went off the track
1:14.953 - 1:17.648: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed joey55 for 13th
1:17.382 - 1:19.062: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 10th
1:17.421 - 1:19.117: Brady Frazee passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 11th
1:17.234 - 1:19.781: Kenny Felgar #517 passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 7th
1:16.414 - 1:22.593: Dallas Heater went off the track
1:12.867 - 1:22.742: timmie went off the track
1:14.562 - 1:23.257: Ripper138 went off the track
1:21.796 - 1:23.445: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 12th
1:20.609 - 1:23.828: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed joey55 for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:23.843: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 1 ( 1:23.843)
1:17.335 - 1:23.843: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:23.867: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 1 ( 1:23.867)
1:20.046 - 1:23.867: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 4th
1:22.593 - 1:24.578: Dallas Heater passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:25.421: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX finished lap 1 ( 1:25.421)
1:23.445 - 1:26.101: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) and Brady Frazee for 9th
1:23.867 - 1:26.445: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 3rd
1:23.828 - 1:26.625: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Ripper138 for 13th
1:24.578 - 1:27.523: Dallas Heater passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) and Brady Frazee for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:27.648: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 1 ( 1:27.648)
1:19.117 - 1:29.625: Brady Frazee passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 11th
1:28.078 - 1:29.671: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 14th
1:28.601 - 1:29.992: Nick Citrola passed joey55 for 17th
1:27.648 - 1:30.406: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 3rd
1:29.304 - 1:30.992: Ripper138 passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 15th
1:29.625 - 1:31.320: Brady Frazee passed Dallas Heater for 10th
1:29.992 - 1:31.476: Nick Citrola passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 16th
1:29.992 - 1:31.812: joey55 passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 17th
0:00.000 - 1:32.031: timmie finished lap 1 ( 1:32.031)
1:30.468 - 1:32.578: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Dallas Heater for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:32.625: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 1 ( 1:32.625)
1:32.148 - 1:33.937: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Dallas Heater for 12th
1:32.273 - 1:34.796: Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles and C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:35.859: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:35.859)
1:33.937 - 1:35.914: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) and Brady Frazee for 11th
1:34.648 - 1:37.257: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles and C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 4th
1:31.812 - 1:37.554: joey55 passed Ripper138 and Nick Citrola for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:39.398: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 1 ( 1:39.398)
1:32.578 - 1:40.804: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Brady Frazee for 12th
1:38.500 - 1:40.929: timmie passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 6th
1:38.984 - 1:41.343: Kenny Felgar #517 passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 7th
1:39.351 - 1:42.570: Dallas Heater passed Brady Frazee for 13th
1:41.382 - 1:42.750: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 7th
1:43.195 - 1:44.843: Nick Citrola passed Ripper138 for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:45.507: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 1 ( 1:45.507)
1:42.695 - 1:46.406: Brady Frazee passed Dallas Heater for 13th
1:44.937 - 1:48.328: joey55 passed Dallas Heater for 14th
1:50.390 - 1:51.875: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:52.500: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 1 ( 1:52.500)
1:52.687 - 1:55.320: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 3rd
1:51.742 - 1:56.484: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 4th
1:51.914 - 1:57.921: Bubba went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:58.929: Dallas Heater finished lap 1 ( 1:58.929)
1:53.125 - 1:58.929: Dallas Heater passed joey55 and Brady Frazee for 13th
1:55.546 - 1:59.187: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX and timmie for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:59.601: joey55 finished lap 1 ( 1:59.601)
1:51.703 - 1:59.601: joey55 passed Brady Frazee for 14th
1:59.187 - 2:01.398: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:01.625: Brady Frazee finished lap 1 ( 2:01.625)
1:59.757 - 2:02.835: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX and timmie for 6th
1:58.929 - 2:03.937: Dallas Heater went off the track
1:02.085 - 2:04.117: Bryan Dodge finished lap 2 ( 1:02.031)
2:02.835 - 2:04.570: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:05.000: Nick Citrola finished lap 1 ( 2:05.000)
0:00.000 - 2:07.109: Ripper138 finished lap 1 ( 2:07.109)
2:05.257 - 2:09.390: Brady Frazee passed joey55 and Dallas Heater for 13th
2:03.937 - 2:11.328: Dallas Heater passed joey55 for 14th
2:08.617 - 2:11.523: Nick Citrola passed joey55 for 15th
2:11.523 - 2:14.382: Nick Citrola passed Dallas Heater for 14th
2:12.117 - 2:14.906: Ripper138 passed joey55 for 16th
2:05.695 - 2:15.671: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
2:18.140 - 2:20.906: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
2:21.007 - 2:22.445: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 5th
1:10.828 - 2:23.570: Bubba finished lap 2 ( 1:12.742)
2:23.265 - 2:24.867: Ripper138 passed Dallas Heater for 14th
2:24.007 - 2:25.492: joey55 passed Dallas Heater for 15th
2:25.492 - 2:26.898: joey55 passed Ripper138 for 14th
2:25.703 - 2:27.250: timmie passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 7th
2:25.671 - 2:30.367: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 10th
1:23.843 - 2:31.515: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 2 ( 1:07.671)
2:19.515 - 2:31.984: Nick Citrola went off the track
2:30.859 - 2:33.015: Dallas Heater passed Ripper138 for 16th
2:31.773 - 2:33.429: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 8th
1:23.867 - 2:37.398: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 2 ( 1:13.531)
2:38.414 - 2:39.820: Dallas Heater passed Nick Citrola for 15th
2:37.335 - 2:40.273: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
2:38.742 - 2:41.460: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 11th
1:32.031 - 2:42.164: timmie finished lap 2 ( 1:10.132)
2:39.960 - 2:42.164: timmie passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer and James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
1:35.859 - 2:43.328: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:07.468)
2:36.304 - 2:43.328: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 6th
2:45.937 - 2:48.484: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 9th
1:39.398 - 2:49.273: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 2 ( 1:09.875)
2:46.914 - 2:49.273: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 7th
1:27.648 - 2:49.617: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 2 ( 1:21.968)
2:43.601 - 2:50.273: joey55 went off the track
2:48.312 - 2:50.992: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 10th
2:49.273 - 2:51.828: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 6th
2:49.617 - 2:52.382: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 7th
2:53.257 - 2:55.718: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 11th
2:55.898 - 2:58.382: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 3rd
1:45.507 - 3:01.593: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 2 ( 1:16.085)
2:59.328 - 3:02.015: joey55 passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 12th
1:52.500 - 3:04.765: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 2 ( 1:12.265)
2:04.117 - 3:05.187: Bryan Dodge finished lap 3 ( 1:01.070)
3:05.515 - 3:06.617: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 6th
3:05.695 - 3:07.289: Dallas Heater passed Brady Frazee for 14th
1:32.625 - 3:08.437: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 2 ( 1:35.812)
3:07.289 - 3:10.046: Dallas Heater passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 13th
3:08.101 - 3:10.500: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 3rd
3:09.789 - 3:12.304: timmie passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 4th
3:12.335 - 3:15.328: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 10th
3:15.000 - 3:16.625: Brady Frazee passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 14th
3:16.625 - 3:18.664: Brady Frazee passed Dallas Heater for 13th
3:10.265 - 3:18.875: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer went off the track
1:59.601 - 3:18.945: joey55 finished lap 2 ( 1:19.343)
3:02.093 - 3:20.671: Andrea Di Pietro went off the track
3:24.648 - 3:26.375: Nick Citrola passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 15th
3:25.265 - 3:26.984: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 6th
3:21.773 - 3:27.726: Bubba went off the track
2:01.625 - 3:28.804: Brady Frazee finished lap 2 ( 1:27.179)
0:00.000 - 3:29.718: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 1 ( 3:29.718)
3:29.078 - 3:31.078: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed timmie for 4th
1:58.929 - 3:33.406: Dallas Heater finished lap 2 ( 1:34.476)
2:23.570 - 3:33.546: Bubba finished lap 3 ( 1:09.976)
3:33.546 - 3:36.164: Ripper138 passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 16th
2:05.000 - 3:40.742: Nick Citrola finished lap 2 ( 1:35.742)
2:37.398 - 3:44.265: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 3 ( 1:06.867)
3:41.781 - 3:44.265: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 3rd
3:43.843 - 3:45.945: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 6th
3:43.304 - 3:46.382: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
2:42.164 - 3:46.531: timmie finished lap 3 ( 1:04.367)
3:43.062 - 3:46.531: timmie passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 4th
3:43.125 - 3:47.609: joey55 went off the track
3:43.765 - 3:49.218: Nick Citrola went off the track
2:31.515 - 3:50.750: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 3 ( 1:19.234)
3:49.015 - 3:50.875: Kenny Felgar #517 passed joey55 for 11th
3:49.703 - 3:51.257: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 8th
3:51.257 - 3:53.562: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 7th
3:52.039 - 3:54.335: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 8th
3:47.898 - 3:55.000: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
3:55.304 - 3:57.390: joey55 passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
2:07.109 - 3:59.242: Ripper138 finished lap 2 ( 1:52.132)
3:53.500 - 3:59.992: Bubba went off the track
2:49.617 - 4:01.710: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 3 ( 1:12.093)
4:00.585 - 4:05.179: Nick Citrola passed Dallas Heater for 14th
4:04.398 - 4:06.375: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 5th
3:01.593 - 4:06.492: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 3 ( 1:04.898)
2:43.328 - 4:06.906: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:23.578)
4:05.179 - 4:07.320: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 13th
4:03.226 - 4:10.445: Bubba went off the track
2:49.273 - 4:10.921: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 3 ( 1:21.648)
4:09.046 - 4:11.093: timmie passed C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST for 3rd
4:10.554 - 4:12.453: Dallas Heater passed Brady Frazee and Nick Citrola for 13th
4:03.250 - 4:14.984: Ripper138 went off the track
4:12.929 - 4:17.406: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
4:16.687 - 4:18.023: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 7th
4:18.179 - 4:19.742: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Tanner Inman 55 | Autism MX for 17th
4:17.054 - 4:21.000: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 13th
4:19.554 - 4:21.289: Kenny Felgar #517 passed joey55 for 11th
3:05.187 - 4:23.421: Bryan Dodge finished lap 4 ( 1:18.234)
3:04.765 - 4:24.460: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 3 ( 1:19.695)
4:21.000 - 4:29.054: Brady Frazee went off the track
3:29.718 - 4:29.937: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 2 ( 1:00.218)
4:27.226 - 4:30.000: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 5th
4:22.070 - 4:31.406: Dallas Heater went off the track
4:28.023 - 4:32.593: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
3:08.437 - 4:32.593: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 3 ( 1:24.156)
4:12.265 - 4:33.031: Bubba went off the track
4:31.242 - 4:34.117: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 6th
4:31.414 - 4:35.546: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 7th
3:18.945 - 4:37.687: joey55 finished lap 3 ( 1:18.742)
4:26.578 - 4:40.523: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki went off the track
4:39.843 - 4:43.125: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 5th
3:46.531 - 4:49.851: timmie finished lap 4 ( 1:03.320)
4:48.867 - 4:50.375: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 10th
4:43.445 - 4:50.726: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki went off the track
4:36.671 - 4:53.296: Ripper138 went off the track
3:44.265 - 4:53.601: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 4 ( 1:09.335)
4:49.343 - 4:53.843: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 5th
4:47.929 - 4:54.625: Ryan#99 | FastCo went off the track
3:33.546 - 4:57.773: Bubba finished lap 4 ( 1:24.226)
4:57.007 - 4:59.500: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Ripper138 for 16th
4:44.687 - 4:59.687: Brady Frazee went off the track
3:33.406 - 5:03.781: Dallas Heater finished lap 3 ( 1:30.375)
4:51.039 - 5:06.437: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
5:07.218 - 5:09.390: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 6th
4:01.710 - 5:12.546: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 4 ( 1:10.835)
5:11.882 - 5:14.570: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer for 8th
5:13.335 - 5:16.250: joey55 passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) and Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
5:06.437 - 5:18.179: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 11th
5:13.460 - 5:18.710: Bryan Dodge went off the track
4:06.492 - 5:20.320: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 4 ( 1:13.828)
5:18.203 - 5:21.093: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 7th
5:20.640 - 5:23.468: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer passed Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS for 8th
4:23.421 - 5:24.382: Bryan Dodge finished lap 5 ( 1:00.960)
5:03.781 - 5:25.398: Dallas Heater went off the track
5:20.757 - 5:25.406: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST went off the track
5:25.304 - 5:29.125: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Nick Citrola for 15th
3:50.750 - 5:29.148: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 4 ( 1:38.398)
4:06.906 - 5:29.335: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:22.429)
5:23.992 - 5:30.046: Ryan#99 | FastCo went off the track
3:28.804 - 5:33.750: Brady Frazee finished lap 3 ( 2:04.945)
4:29.937 - 5:34.414: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 3 ( 1:04.476)
4:10.921 - 5:35.375: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 4 ( 1:24.453)
5:34.414 - 5:36.992: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Brady Frazee for 13th
3:40.742 - 5:37.046: Nick Citrola finished lap 3 ( 1:56.304)
5:32.601 - 5:38.828: Bubba went off the track
5:34.234 - 5:40.679: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
5:39.687 - 5:40.742: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 15th
4:49.851 - 5:53.234: timmie finished lap 5 ( 1:03.382)
3:59.242 - 5:54.375: Ripper138 finished lap 3 ( 1:55.132)
5:51.343 - 5:54.781: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Ryan#99 | FastCo for 6th
5:47.148 - 5:57.359: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 15th
4:53.601 - 5:58.203: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 5 ( 1:04.601)
5:55.375 - 5:58.320: Kenny Felgar #517 passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 11th
4:37.687 - 6:03.898: joey55 finished lap 4 ( 1:26.210)
4:32.593 - 6:07.687: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 4 ( 1:35.093)
5:56.976 - 6:10.257: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki went off the track
4:24.460 - 6:10.648: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 4 ( 1:46.187)
4:57.773 - 6:12.039: Bubba finished lap 5 ( 1:14.265)
6:11.835 - 6:13.171: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 15th
6:15.554 - 6:17.585: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Dallas Heater for 13th
6:19.531 - 6:23.156: Ripper138 passed Brady Frazee and Nick Citrola for 15th
6:21.992 - 6:23.257: Dallas Heater passed Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing for 13th
5:12.546 - 6:23.523: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 5 ( 1:10.976)
5:24.382 - 6:30.671: Bryan Dodge finished lap 6 ( 1:06.289)
6:23.281 - 6:30.859: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Dallas Heater for 13th
6:30.414 - 6:32.421: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 14th
5:29.148 - 6:32.523: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 5 ( 1:03.375)
5:20.320 - 6:35.828: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 5 ( 1:15.507)
6:36.039 - 6:37.820: Dallas Heater went off the track
6:35.593 - 6:40.273: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
6:44.515 - 6:46.515: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Dallas Heater for 13th
6:49.757 - 6:51.914: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
5:53.234 - 6:54.335: timmie finished lap 6 ( 1:01.101)
5:29.335 - 6:54.515: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:25.179)
6:54.453 - 6:56.117: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 5th
5:35.375 - 6:56.656: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 5 ( 1:21.281)
6:50.007 - 6:57.703: joey55 passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
5:58.203 - 7:01.742: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 6 ( 1:03.539)
5:34.414 - 7:02.890: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 4 ( 1:28.476)
5:03.781 - 7:04.765: Dallas Heater finished lap 4 ( 2:00.984)
6:59.507 - 7:05.023: Ryan#99 | FastCo went off the track
5:54.375 - 7:06.171: Ripper138 finished lap 4 ( 1:11.796)
7:10.023 - 7:12.890: Ripper138 passed Dallas Heater for 13th
7:10.351 - 7:14.039: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 16th
7:17.468 - 7:21.640: Ripper138 went off the track
7:20.054 - 7:23.140: Kenny Felgar #517 passed joey55 for 10th
6:03.898 - 7:25.015: joey55 finished lap 5 ( 1:21.117)
7:23.484 - 7:25.015: joey55 passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 10th
6:12.039 - 7:28.937: Bubba finished lap 6 ( 1:16.898)
6:30.671 - 7:31.054: Bryan Dodge finished lap 7 ( 1:00.382)
7:29.210 - 7:32.367: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki for 5th
5:33.750 - 7:34.476: Brady Frazee finished lap 4 ( 2:00.726)
7:16.671 - 7:34.648: Nick Citrola went off the track
7:28.578 - 7:35.320: Dallas Heater passed Ripper138 for 14th
6:07.687 - 7:35.382: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 5 ( 1:27.695)
7:30.718 - 7:38.078: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
6:32.523 - 7:38.648: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 6 ( 1:06.125)
6:23.523 - 7:38.921: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 6 ( 1:15.398)
6:35.828 - 7:42.164: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 6 ( 1:06.335)
5:37.046 - 7:43.117: Nick Citrola finished lap 4 ( 2:06.070)
7:39.695 - 7:44.218: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
6:10.648 - 7:44.218: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 5 ( 1:33.570)
7:42.562 - 7:45.257: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 5th
7:43.320 - 7:49.382: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST went off the track
7:47.039 - 7:50.921: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
7:50.921 - 7:53.406: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) passed Kenny Felgar #517 for 11th
7:51.500 - 7:53.875: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 16th
6:54.335 - 7:54.007: timmie finished lap 7 ( 0:59.671)
7:54.171 - 7:55.851: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 16th
6:54.515 - 7:57.835: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:03.320)
7:53.898 - 8:00.460: Ripper138 went off the track
7:58.960 - 8:02.898: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing went off the track
7:02.890 - 8:02.898: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 5 ( 1:00.007)
8:04.390 - 8:11.210: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
7:01.742 - 8:11.781: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 7 ( 1:10.039)
8:11.210 - 8:17.882: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
6:56.656 - 8:21.242: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 6 ( 1:24.585)
8:08.304 - 8:22.421: Kenny Felgar #517 went off the track
8:21.078 - 8:22.585: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki passed Bubba for 4th
8:24.218 - 8:26.164: Kalani | Aloha Cycles passed Bubba for 5th
8:08.945 - 8:27.085: Nick Citrola went off the track
8:22.117 - 8:29.171: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) went off the track
7:31.054 - 8:35.703: Bryan Dodge finished lap 8 ( 1:04.648)
8:36.382 - 8:41.046: Nick Citrola went off the track
8:37.070 - 8:41.117: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST went off the track
8:36.335 - 8:42.203: Ryan#99 | FastCo went off the track
7:38.921 - 8:45.960: James Stewart |Yoshimura Suzuki finished lap 7 ( 1:07.039)
8:39.898 - 8:47.390: Kalani | Aloha Cycles went off the track
7:06.171 - 8:51.242: Ripper138 finished lap 5 ( 1:45.070)
7:28.937 - 8:56.742: Bubba finished lap 7 ( 1:27.804)
8:50.445 - 8:56.742: Bubba passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 5th
8:53.617 - 8:57.687: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing passed Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) for 11th
7:42.164 - 9:00.367: Ryan#99 | FastCo finished lap 7 ( 1:18.203)
8:57.914 - 9:00.367: Ryan#99 | FastCo passed Kalani | Aloha Cycles for 6th
7:38.648 - 9:00.914: Kalani | Aloha Cycles finished lap 7 ( 1:22.265)
8:44.203 - 9:01.562: joey55 went off the track
7:25.015 - 9:01.562: joey55 finished lap 6 ( 1:36.546)
7:04.765 - 9:02.820: Dallas Heater finished lap 5 ( 1:58.054)
8:02.898 - 9:04.265: Zach Meyers#729 | All Out Clothing finished lap 6 ( 1:01.367)
7:54.007 - 9:06.210: timmie finished lap 8 ( 1:12.203)
7:57.835 - 9:10.742: M.Kaim #336 (Ger) | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:12.906)
8:11.781 - 9:11.101: C.Villadsen|FVmotor Racing|#18HITLER IST finished lap 8 ( 0:59.320)
9:09.257 - 9:11.179: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 15th
7:44.218 - 9:19.328: Filippo Bonazzi | Bw Racing Team (Italy) finished lap 6 ( 1:35.109)
9:15.585 - 9:23.757: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS went off the track
9:24.328 - 9:26.109: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 14th
8:21.242 - 9:32.718: Benjamin Dumont | BZH RIDERS finished lap 7 ( 1:11.476)
7:35.382 - 9:38.062: Kenny Felgar #517 finished lap 6 ( 2:02.679)
9:27.375 - 9:40.585: Nick Citrola passed Brady Frazee for 16th
9:41.046 - 9:42.320: Brady Frazee passed Nick Citrola for 16th
7:34.476 - 9:54.335: Brady Frazee finished lap 5 ( 2:19.859)
7:43.117 - 9:54.578: Nick Citrola finished lap 5 ( 2:11.460)