MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 14 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date3/18/2014, 1:45:57 AM (3950 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
127Bg Kong27 rmz450(2011)8 8:03.7578 0:59.52312557
281Bryan Dodge | Privateer yz250f(2009)8 8:34.1647 0:58.4064886
3224Dylan Brior rmz450(2013)8 8:43.6325 1:09.52313337
4959D.DeQuoy | Privateer rmz250(2013)7 8:12.5856 0:58.4141952
5221K.Dancey#221 crf450(2013)7 8:13.8284 0:59.484821
6551Justin Baker | rmz450(2013)7 8:45.6096 0:59.9606529
715deano15 kx250f(2013)7 8:54.0783 1:04.4534870
8323Austin Conant crf250(2013)6 7:25.8205 1:13.23412752
9117Rob Johnson #117 crf450(2013)5 8:27.6643 1:20.7509084
10414Riley|J&K Racing|#414 kx250f(2013)4 4:35.8513 0:59.71810309
11517Kenny Felgar 250sxf(2013)3 8:04.8753 1:02.882670
12442Brandon Brooks|Privateer yz250f(2009)1 1:11.8590 0:00.00011259
1315Bloomracing#15 kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.000847
14207keanu laaback yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012809

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 224 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
P2 27 224 224 224 224 81 81 81
P3 414 414 414 81 81 224 224 224
P4 81 81 81 221 221 959 959
P5 15 221 221 414 959 221 221
P6 221 959 551 323 323 551 551
P7 551 323 323 959 551 323 15
P8 442 551 15 551 15 15
P9 323 15 959 15 117
P10 959 117 117 117
P11 117 517 517
P12 517

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:58.406 7 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
0:58.414 6 959 D.DeQuoy | Privateer
0:58.578 6 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
0:58.820 3 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
0:59.484 4 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
0:59.484 4 221 K.Dancey#221
0:59.523 8 27 Bg Kong27
0:59.718 3 414 Riley|J&K Racing|#414
0:59.960 6 551 Justin Baker |
1:00.664 5 27 Bg Kong27
1:01.164 4 27 Bg Kong27
1:02.882 3 517 Kenny Felgar
1:04.453 3 15 deano15
1:04.921 6 27 Bg Kong27
1:05.882 5 959 D.DeQuoy | Privateer
1:07.140 3 221 K.Dancey#221
1:07.156 3 27 Bg Kong27
1:09.523 5 224 Dylan Brior
1:09.828 7 15 deano15
1:10.867 8 224 Dylan Brior
1:11.500 6 15 deano15
1:12.750 2 224 Dylan Brior
1:13.234 5 323 Austin Conant
1:13.562 7 959 D.DeQuoy | Privateer
1:13.585 6 224 Dylan Brior
1:13.687 4 323 Austin Conant
1:17.421 2 221 K.Dancey#221
1:18.210 4 551 Justin Baker |
1:18.375 5 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
1:18.656 5 221 K.Dancey#221
1:20.750 3 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:27.156 2 551 Justin Baker |
1:32.718 2 15 deano15
1:32.757 4 414 Riley|J&K Racing|#414
1:33.664 4 117 Rob Johnson #117
1:39.656 4 15 deano15
2:10.960 5 117 Rob Johnson #117

Individual Worst Laps

1:02.882 3 517 Kenny Felgar
1:07.156 3 27 Bg Kong27
1:13.585 6 224 Dylan Brior
1:13.648 3 959 D.DeQuoy | Privateer
1:17.039 6 323 Austin Conant
1:18.375 5 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
1:18.656 5 221 K.Dancey#221
1:29.867 7 551 Justin Baker |
1:32.757 4 414 Riley|J&K Racing|#414
1:39.656 4 15 deano15
2:10.960 5 117 Rob Johnson #117


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.027 517 Kenny Felgar
2.557 27 Bg Kong27
3.997 323 Austin Conant
4.999 224 Dylan Brior
5.283 959 D.DeQuoy | Privateer
6.648 221 K.Dancey#221
7.880 81 Bryan Dodge | Privateer
11.839 551 Justin Baker |
13.027 15 deano15
14.021 414 Riley|J&K Racing|#414
22.224 117 Rob Johnson #117
- 442 Brandon Brooks|Privateer
- 15 Bloomracing#15
- 207 keanu laaback

Play by Play

Bg Kong27 takes the holeshot followed by deano15, Justin Baker |, Rob Johnson #117, Dylan Brior, Austin Conant, Bryan Dodge | Privateer, Bloomracing#15, Brandon Brooks|Privateer, K.Dancey#221, Riley|J&K Racing|#414, D.DeQuoy | Privateer and Kenny Felgar

0:07.445 - 0:09.796: Dylan Brior passed Justin Baker |, Rob Johnson #117, Bg Kong27 and deano15 for the lead
0:07.359 - 0:09.929: Justin Baker | passed deano15 for 3rd
0:08.023 - 0:10.539: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Rob Johnson #117, deano15 and Austin Conant for 4th
0:07.906 - 0:11.406: Austin Conant passed Rob Johnson #117 and deano15 for 5th
0:10.320 - 0:12.335: Bloomracing#15 passed Rob Johnson #117 and deano15 for 6th
0:10.398 - 0:12.414: Brandon Brooks|Privateer passed Rob Johnson #117 and deano15 for 7th
0:11.406 - 0:15.851: Austin Conant passed Bryan Dodge | Privateer and Justin Baker | for 3rd
0:12.414 - 0:16.164: Brandon Brooks|Privateer passed Bryan Dodge | Privateer and Justin Baker | for 4th
0:15.148 - 0:16.554: K.Dancey#221 passed Rob Johnson #117 for 9th
0:10.539 - 0:17.656: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Justin Baker | for 5th
0:16.414 - 0:18.226: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed Rob Johnson #117 for 10th
0:12.960 - 0:18.812: deano15 passed Justin Baker | for 6th
0:16.554 - 0:19.820: K.Dancey#221 passed Justin Baker | for 7th
0:18.226 - 0:21.421: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed Justin Baker | for 8th
0:18.929 - 0:23.070: Rob Johnson #117 passed Justin Baker | for 9th
0:21.976 - 0:28.328: Brandon Brooks|Privateer went off the track
0:32.968 - 0:34.515: K.Dancey#221 passed deano15 for 6th
0:23.070 - 0:35.398: Rob Johnson #117 went off the track
0:34.539 - 0:36.335: deano15 passed K.Dancey#221 for 6th
0:35.601 - 0:36.898: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Brandon Brooks|Privateer for 4th
0:37.593 - 0:38.812: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed Brandon Brooks|Privateer, deano15 and K.Dancey#221 for 5th
0:38.812 - 0:40.148: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed Bryan Dodge | Privateer and Austin Conant for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:44.164: Dylan Brior finished lap 1 ( 0:44.164)
0:43.078 - 0:44.679: Justin Baker | passed Brandon Brooks|Privateer, deano15 and K.Dancey#221 for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:45.687: Bg Kong27 finished lap 1 ( 0:45.687)
0:36.468 - 0:46.531: K.Dancey#221 passed Brandon Brooks|Privateer and deano15 for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:51.257: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 finished lap 1 ( 0:51.257)
0:49.101 - 0:52.070: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Austin Conant for 4th
0:49.437 - 0:52.335: Justin Baker | passed Austin Conant for 5th
0:50.203 - 0:53.125: K.Dancey#221 passed Austin Conant for 6th
0:52.742 - 0:54.343: Bg Kong27 passed Dylan Brior for the lead
0:51.773 - 0:54.695: Brandon Brooks|Privateer passed Austin Conant for 7th
0:52.492 - 0:55.406: deano15 passed Austin Conant for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:58.023: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:58.023)
0:58.742 - 1:00.210: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed Dylan Brior for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:03.164: deano15 finished lap 1 ( 1:03.164)
0:58.585 - 1:03.164: deano15 passed Justin Baker | and K.Dancey#221 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:03.359: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 1 ( 1:03.359)
0:55.554 - 1:03.359: K.Dancey#221 passed Justin Baker | for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:04.296: Justin Baker | finished lap 1 ( 1:04.296)
1:02.648 - 1:06.046: Dylan Brior passed Riley|J&K Racing|#414 for 2nd
1:03.359 - 1:06.421: K.Dancey#221 passed deano15 for 5th
1:03.492 - 1:09.187: Bg Kong27 went off the track
0:56.085 - 1:10.250: Brandon Brooks|Privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:10.250: Brandon Brooks|Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:10.250)
1:09.460 - 1:11.375: Justin Baker | passed deano15 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:14.375: Austin Conant finished lap 1 ( 1:14.375)
0:00.000 - 1:16.101: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:16.101)
0:59.039 - 1:16.875: Rob Johnson #117 went off the track
1:22.593 - 1:25.578: Justin Baker | passed K.Dancey#221 for 5th
1:19.242 - 1:25.812: Brandon Brooks|Privateer went off the track
1:22.703 - 1:27.484: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 went off the track
1:23.335 - 1:27.867: Austin Conant went off the track
1:26.359 - 1:28.851: K.Dancey#221 passed Justin Baker | for 4th
1:43.078 - 1:43.992: Justin Baker | passed K.Dancey#221 for 5th
1:35.546 - 1:46.382: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed Austin Conant for 8th
0:45.687 - 1:46.390: Bg Kong27 finished lap 2 ( 1:00.703)
1:45.859 - 1:46.937: deano15 passed K.Dancey#221 for 6th
1:45.179 - 1:49.062: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 went off the track
1:46.812 - 1:50.914: Bryan Dodge | Privateer went off the track
1:48.046 - 1:51.257: deano15 passed Justin Baker | for 5th
1:48.789 - 1:52.179: K.Dancey#221 passed Justin Baker | for 6th
0:44.164 - 1:56.914: Dylan Brior finished lap 2 ( 1:12.750)
0:51.257 - 1:59.375: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 finished lap 2 ( 1:08.117)
0:58.023 - 2:02.101: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:04.078)
1:56.820 - 2:03.796: D.DeQuoy | Privateer went off the track
2:03.796 - 2:06.625: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed Justin Baker | for 7th
1:56.898 - 2:07.132: K.Dancey#221 passed deano15 for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:09.156: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 1 ( 2:09.156)
2:10.335 - 2:11.710: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed deano15 for 5th
2:11.484 - 2:13.273: Austin Conant passed Justin Baker | for 8th
2:16.429 - 2:18.859: Austin Conant passed deano15 for 7th
1:03.359 - 2:20.781: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 2 ( 1:17.421)
2:20.843 - 2:22.976: Justin Baker | passed deano15 for 8th
1:16.101 - 2:26.859: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:10.757)
1:14.375 - 2:27.664: Austin Conant finished lap 2 ( 1:13.289)
1:04.296 - 2:31.453: Justin Baker | finished lap 2 ( 1:27.156)
2:32.359 - 2:35.375: Austin Conant passed D.DeQuoy | Privateer for 6th
2:31.101 - 2:35.765: Dylan Brior went off the track
1:03.164 - 2:35.882: deano15 finished lap 2 ( 1:32.718)
2:34.609 - 2:40.914: Justin Baker | went off the track
2:37.085 - 2:42.718: Austin Conant went off the track
2:46.367 - 2:51.148: D.DeQuoy | Privateer went off the track
1:46.390 - 2:53.546: Bg Kong27 finished lap 3 ( 1:07.156)
2:47.742 - 2:53.632: Austin Conant went off the track
1:56.914 - 2:56.601: Dylan Brior finished lap 3 ( 0:59.687)
1:59.375 - 2:59.093: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 finished lap 3 ( 0:59.718)
2:02.101 - 3:00.921: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 0:58.820)
3:06.789 - 3:11.226: Austin Conant went off the track
3:14.984 - 3:16.726: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Riley|J&K Racing|#414 for 3rd
3:16.015 - 3:17.523: Dylan Brior went off the track
3:16.703 - 3:18.093: Austin Conant passed D.DeQuoy | Privateer for 6th
3:16.726 - 3:18.406: Justin Baker | passed D.DeQuoy | Privateer for 7th
3:07.593 - 3:22.289: Rob Johnson #117 went off the track
2:09.156 - 3:22.289: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 2 ( 1:13.132)
2:20.781 - 3:27.921: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 3 ( 1:07.140)
3:27.859 - 3:28.976: Justin Baker | passed Austin Conant for 6th
2:31.453 - 3:32.023: Justin Baker | finished lap 3 ( 1:00.570)
2:27.664 - 3:32.632: Austin Conant finished lap 3 ( 1:04.968)
2:35.882 - 3:40.335: deano15 finished lap 3 ( 1:04.453)
3:36.984 - 3:40.335: deano15 passed D.DeQuoy | Privateer for 8th
2:26.859 - 3:40.507: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:13.648)
3:40.507 - 3:44.664: D.DeQuoy | Privateer went off the track
3:45.281 - 3:48.468: deano15 passed D.DeQuoy | Privateer for 8th
2:53.546 - 3:54.710: Bg Kong27 finished lap 4 ( 1:01.164)
3:49.703 - 3:55.007: Austin Conant passed Justin Baker | for 6th
2:56.601 - 3:59.648: Dylan Brior finished lap 4 ( 1:03.046)
3:56.828 - 4:00.031: Justin Baker | passed Austin Conant for 6th
3:00.921 - 4:00.406: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 0:59.484)
4:00.351 - 4:01.101: Austin Conant passed Justin Baker | for 6th
3:56.132 - 4:01.656: D.DeQuoy | Privateer went off the track
4:01.078 - 4:02.929: K.Dancey#221 passed Riley|J&K Racing|#414 for 4th
4:07.593 - 4:08.281: deano15 passed Justin Baker | for 7th
4:05.398 - 4:10.187: D.DeQuoy | Privateer went off the track
4:18.406 - 4:20.429: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed Justin Baker | and deano15 for 7th
3:27.921 - 4:27.406: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 4 ( 0:59.484)
2:59.093 - 4:31.851: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 finished lap 4 ( 1:32.757)
4:35.023 - 4:36.671: Justin Baker | passed deano15 for 8th
4:36.382 - 4:39.679: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Dylan Brior for 2nd
3:22.289 - 4:43.039: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 3 ( 1:20.750)
4:41.328 - 4:45.250: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed K.Dancey#221 for 4th
3:32.632 - 4:46.320: Austin Conant finished lap 4 ( 1:13.687)
3:40.507 - 4:47.539: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:07.031)
4:47.906 - 4:49.789: K.Dancey#221 passed Riley|J&K Racing|#414 for 4th
3:32.023 - 4:50.234: Justin Baker | finished lap 4 ( 1:18.210)
3:54.710 - 4:55.375: Bg Kong27 finished lap 5 ( 1:00.664)
4:56.531 - 4:57.859: Dylan Brior passed Bryan Dodge | Privateer for 2nd
3:59.648 - 5:09.171: Dylan Brior finished lap 5 ( 1:09.523)
5:11.195 - 5:12.242: Riley|J&K Racing|#414 passed K.Dancey#221 for 4th
4:00.406 - 5:18.781: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:18.375)
3:40.335 - 5:19.992: deano15 finished lap 4 ( 1:39.656)
5:28.609 - 5:32.710: Justin Baker | went off the track
5:29.476 - 5:34.679: deano15 went off the track
5:36.289 - 5:41.570: deano15 went off the track
4:27.406 - 5:46.062: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 5 ( 1:18.656)
4:47.539 - 5:53.421: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:05.882)
5:48.367 - 5:53.421: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed Austin Conant for 5th
5:48.664 - 5:56.171: Justin Baker | went off the track
0:00.000 - 5:57.171: Kenny Felgar finished lap 1 ( 5:57.171)
4:46.320 - 5:59.554: Austin Conant finished lap 5 ( 1:13.234)
4:55.375 - 6:00.296: Bg Kong27 finished lap 6 ( 1:04.921)
4:50.234 - 6:11.140: Justin Baker | finished lap 5 ( 1:20.906)
6:08.273 - 6:11.304: Bryan Dodge | Privateer passed Dylan Brior for 2nd
4:43.039 - 6:16.703: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 4 ( 1:33.664)
6:12.703 - 6:16.945: K.Dancey#221 went off the track
5:18.781 - 6:17.359: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 0:58.578)
6:15.593 - 6:18.625: Bg Kong27 went off the track
6:17.468 - 6:19.750: Austin Conant went off the track
6:15.625 - 6:20.640: Kenny Felgar went off the track
5:09.171 - 6:22.757: Dylan Brior finished lap 6 ( 1:13.585)
5:19.992 - 6:31.617: deano15 finished lap 5 ( 1:11.625)
6:35.375 - 6:40.562: Justin Baker | passed Austin Conant for 6th
5:53.421 - 6:51.835: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 0:58.414)
6:48.484 - 6:51.835: D.DeQuoy | Privateer passed K.Dancey#221 for 4th
6:48.078 - 6:52.414: Dylan Brior went off the track
5:46.062 - 6:54.984: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 6 ( 1:08.921)
6:51.468 - 6:56.828: Bg Kong27 went off the track
5:57.171 - 7:00.000: Kenny Felgar finished lap 2 ( 1:02.828)
6:00.296 - 7:01.523: Bg Kong27 finished lap 7 ( 1:01.226)
6:11.140 - 7:11.101: Justin Baker | finished lap 6 ( 0:59.960)
7:09.468 - 7:11.507: K.Dancey#221 went off the track
6:17.359 - 7:15.765: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 0:58.406)
5:59.554 - 7:16.593: Austin Conant finished lap 6 ( 1:17.039)
6:22.757 - 7:26.500: Dylan Brior finished lap 7 ( 1:03.742)
7:19.085 - 7:26.570: Justin Baker | went off the track
7:25.507 - 7:29.804: Austin Conant went off the track
7:28.101 - 7:35.656: Justin Baker | went off the track
7:33.132 - 7:38.140: Bryan Dodge | Privateer went off the track
7:22.718 - 7:40.421: K.Dancey#221 went off the track
6:31.617 - 7:43.117: deano15 finished lap 6 ( 1:11.500)
7:35.656 - 7:46.273: Justin Baker | went off the track
7:59.132 - 8:00.718: Justin Baker | passed Austin Conant for 6th
7:01.523 - 8:01.046: Bg Kong27 finished lap 8 ( 0:59.523)
7:00.000 - 8:02.882: Kenny Felgar finished lap 3 ( 1:02.882)
6:51.835 - 8:05.398: D.DeQuoy | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:13.562)
6:54.984 - 8:09.664: K.Dancey#221 finished lap 7 ( 1:14.679)
8:05.031 - 8:09.843: Justin Baker | went off the track
6:16.703 - 8:27.664: Rob Johnson #117 finished lap 5 ( 2:10.960)
7:15.765 - 8:30.875: Bryan Dodge | Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:15.109)
7:26.500 - 8:37.367: Dylan Brior finished lap 8 ( 1:10.867)
8:24.640 - 8:40.968: Justin Baker | went off the track
7:11.101 - 8:40.968: Justin Baker | finished lap 7 ( 1:29.867)
7:43.117 - 8:52.945: deano15 finished lap 7 ( 1:09.828)